Thursday, March 24, 2016


Not planning is the problem.

100% of preventative problems are a result of not planning.

You know who you blame preventative problems on? Yourself.

Don't be a problem, prevent one.

"Accidental breeding! The lack of reputation any puppies from this farm would have and their littler worth to you as a sheep dog handler. It was highly insulting to me, and I don't even plan on breeding them. Which I stated several times. "


  1. As always, so enamored of her stupid obstinacy. Her skirmish with crashdown was predictably classic JW: hypersensitive, beyond reproach, barely able to tolerate suggestion let alone criticism. Always ready to claim victimhood and that others, reading her proud life proclamations (INTACT as title no less!) should mind their own beeswax. Public humiliation, omg! Then don't show off your pathetic laziness, Jenna. Or at least, when the shit hits the fan, don't whimper to your public.

    Just wish crashdown hadn't apologized. She did nothing wrong on jw's precious (how dare you touch me and my choices on my blog) page.

    She will apparently never learn a damn thing about anything consequential or requiring a minimum of planning.

  2. JW blocked me from Twitter for calling a spade a spade. Hahahaha I smiled when it happened because it confirmed she actually read it. I am having a very good day knowing I spoke my mind. Worth being blocked!

    1. What was your tweet?!

    2. I basically threw her own tweet about comic books back in her face:
      @coldantlerfarm #disneyknockoff #lame #justmakesomethingofyourown #hypocrite


  3. Wha??? Just went to her Twitter under conversations and found this in response to someone who who said they didn't like the part of her description calling herself a hunter and she wrote this (unless I don't know how to read tweets, which is very possible):

    @swaseygirl @ZwartblesIE Oh, yeah! Whitetail, small game, pheasants, etc. I hunt for as much of my diet as I can.

    I've been reading CAF since the dawn of time and this has got to be total BS. Although I guess if time spent out w/a rifle means one is a hunter, then who know about that - but as far as we've ever been informed on CAF she gets less food from hunting (like what, ever?) than from the good 'ol kailyard, which makes up the only home grown or hunted foodstuff I've ever heard her mention(not counting the chickens and pigs she feeds and has killed). Can't imagine she is killing and cooking small game, even occasionally, and not mentioning her triumphant kills. She is quit full of it, and I don't mean squirrel stew or pheasant pie.

    1. I think she may have gotten a rabbit once. Memory hazy. If that last line were true she wouldn't be needing to run 5 miles a day if ya know what I'm saying.


  4. The only thing she has successfully hunted are kinder hippo cookies (or whatever they're called)

  5. Perhaps the charming pig hearts with which she accessorized her massively cool girl '89 Ford F150 for the photo-op weren't from one of the apple-drunk pigs but a wild boar she shot with an arrow! in her woodlands.

    Or could be she protects her readers from the dead critters and tales of the game she puts on the table because she's not into bragging, humble or otherwise, lol.

    She does really love a bloody animal pic, though, so I take my sarcasm back. She's not a shielder, no way, as in hearts on truck. If she'd been killing animals, beyond that rabbit in days of yore, we'd have surely seen it, in all it's dead glory. The girl's a storyteller and into fantasy so if she wants to announce she's "a hunter" she can be one.

    1. One thing we do know for sure, she has never successfully hunted deer. Jenna writes her own fan fiction.

  6. If there ever was a rabbit I bet she found it dead, shot it, and claimed she killed it.
