Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I was just pondering why people support, engage, or tend to follow certain stories blogs people etc.

My Ayrshire Farm saga is sad. It deals with abused animals...but animals the general public is complacent in the abuse of on a daily basis. I'm quite confident (with very very few exceptions) in the fact that every pig raised commercially, mass transported, involved in high speed slaughter is abused. People pay other people to abuse pigs so that pork ends up on their plate.

Of course this will never go viral. I'm fighting a system people pay to be involved in.

I briefly reflect on CAF posts and the majority of comments posted.  They are all fear based.  Jenna Woginrich lives a fear filled terror fueled life.  The dark is scary, vehicles are scary, bills are scary, the weather is scary, silence is scary, noise is scary, technology is scary, no technology is scary, gardening is scary...  you name is and she's scared of it.  People think she's brave because everyone is running scared.

What are people really scared of?

I find people are scared of the problems they don't prevent.

Face each day.

Own each day.

It is YOUR day!

There are things in this world that are intimidating and scary...I had a house fire scare this week.

My hope for people is the ability to take things in stride.

While printing documents at staples the other day I overheard women a bit annoyed that they didn't have selzer water.  At staples? Let's shift our expectations. Reevaluate our priorities.

This is a very important time politically and will make or break the future if this nation.

What I'm scared of is scared people mindlessly accepting other scared people as their leaders.


  1. Yes....well said.

    All sorts of people are surprised that I'm not scared. I'm surprised that they think I should be.
    I'm a single woman living the middle of nowhere.
    I'm a business owner.

    I'm not scared....what does that solve? I just do stuff....and it either works out or it doesn't.

    1. I wonder if failure is one of the biggest fears?

      Ha...I've "failed" for almost 2 years and I'm still trucking!

      I totally admire you as a business owner! That's a dream of mine.

  2. I'll go ahead and admit I've battled with severe anxiety most of my 40+ years on this planet. Failure is and can be a crippling fear. Does the fear solve anything? No. Did I ask for this? No. Do I try my best to keep it from controlling my life? Yes.

    I've found that real courage is going ahead and doing it anyway, regardless of how you feel about it. JW doesn't do that, much as she might like to claim she does. She retreats into her fantasy world and begs for other people to fund her play life. I may not share your personal drive for your cause, Meredith, but I do admire your passion, courage, and tenacity. The world needs as many of those types of people as possible, for whatever their reason d'etre may be.

    1. Anxiety is real! I'm not sure what can be done for you but definitely try to get help. I have anxiety about certain situations but it's not debilitating.

      I'm sorry you suffer with that. My mother does as well.

  3. Love this post, Meredith - especially the point you make about inaction: "I find people are scared of the problems they don't prevent."

    This rings so true for me; my anxiety each day is of - and from - my paralysis and procrastination stemming from pointless fear - and a perfectionist personality that has served me very badly over the years.

    So thank you for the simple but profound reminder to: Face each day.

    Own each day.

    It is YOUR day!

    Keep up your intrepid spirit and staying so courageous and engaged in your efforts at dragon slaying.

    1. I hear you on the perfectionist angle. I have a hint of that as well and it really cramps my creative pursuits.

      I'm also a grade A procrastinator. I don't know why I dread things rather than doing things.

      Some stems from being overwhelmed...others from negative reinforcement from a childhood with an irritable father.

      I'm trying to embrace the fuck it mentality.

    2. I have struggled with procrastination, too, for most of my life. I get you on the perfectionist/procrastination link. "If it's not perfect, why try? Why do it?" Then the procrastination sets in. Like my best friend says, "Just do one dish." Just do one little thing toward the task. Remember, motivation FOLLOWS action, not the other way around.

    3. Meredith, I'm new to your blog. Found after after a Google search wondering how anyone else found the constant begging and just outright bizarre behavior of JW tolerable.
      I agree with the majority of the opinions expressed here but it wasn't until this post that I felt compelled to comment. I also deal with chronic procrastination. I also feel dread thinking of any simple thing that needs to be done in my day to day life. I also grew up with an overly critical father and walked on eggshells around him my entire life. I have NEVER put two and two together until I read your post. It explains SO much and now I realize that I need to look into how to help myself overcome my procrastination issues. Thank you for posting about it.

  4. SO TIMELY. I just finished doing my taxes and am scared of not being able to afford being self-employed much longer. I cried, and ranted, and felt frustrated, and to space out just now sat down to browse blogs I follow and read this. Coming out of the being scared now, and back into my own skin.

    1. You are so talented! I hope it works out for you to continue to be self employed.

  5. surely appears that someone has tweeted an obnoxious, pointed rebuke to her readers who likely haven't been as generous with the 2nd mortgage payment help she was awaiting. She has quite outdone herself in showing off her breathtaking, entitled jerkiness.

    I could be wrong - and of course she would deny the 'toon had a message for anything or anyone relating to her life, but that would be b.s. as far as I'm concerned.

    Way to go, farmer girl.

    1. Hmm. Can you post? I don't see it. Thanks.


    3. I realize it's the survivors who have their phones out, not would-be rescuers on shore, but at the time all I could see was a commentary on rubbernecking/filming, as entertainment, while the great
      ship goes down.

    4. Excuse my over-reaction, if indeed it was, along with the horrid spacing above. Not sure how that happened. Also not best spot to post my JW freak out.

    5. My first reaction was that she is jealous. Jealous because she probably had her phone service shut off. Remember the fable about sour grapes? A fox wanted grapes on a vine, but they were too high for him to reach. He gave up muttering that they were probably sour anyway.

      So if she can't have a smart phone, then she has to appear superior to those who do.

    6. I'm just wondering why something that she deliberately drove out of her life maintains such a presence in her life. Vlog, Guardian article, blog mentions and now this latest tweet. She's certainly thinking an awful lot about something she claims she's glad to be without.

  6. Ah, I see it now. The great Cold Antler sinking like the Titanic. Pay up now, Lil Antlers!

  7. Thoughtful post, enjoyed it. I once heard a farmer say we shouldn't make any decisions based in fear-- stuck with me.

  8. What is the outcome you are hoping for with Ayrshire Farm?
    What is the maximum penalty?

    1. Hoping for a criminal conviction.

      Maximum penalty is $250.

    2. Wow. $250 is less than pocket change for Ayrshire Farm/Sandy Lerner. Is there a point here I'm missing?

    3. The penalty for a major crime is a minor fee. I don't care if the penalty is only a conviction. She is a criminal and needs a criminal record.

      Laws for abusing and neglecting livestock in VA are pathetic. That's not going to stop me from pushing a conviction for someone that is guilty and has been guilty of severe neglect for almost (at least) a decade.

    4. Do you know how easy it is to have a misdemeanor expunged? If she's found guilty.

    5. Do nothing then, Redhorse?

    6. I don't care what she does afterwards if she's convicted.

      Do you suggest we simply not prosecute misdemeanors? make acts charged as misdemeanors legal?

      No animal cruelty charges in VA are felonies.

      It amazes me how people have trier to deter me or discourage me.

      Either I don't have a case (though they haven't reviewed evidence). It's just a misdemeanor so it's not worth it. It can be expunged so it's not worth it.

      It is worth it to me. Its worth it to the pigs. To farmers who do it right. To consumers who don't want to be fooled. To residents who should know what their tax money and votes are supporting.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. No, Meredith. You are overreacting. How can you change anything under the circumstances? And if you can't change anything, why are you fighting this fight? You have put your life on hold to fight a woman who will shrug you off. Isn't there another tactic you can try?

    9. Yes, there are other tactics, but Meredith won't consider anything else.

      Her own reply below suggests a great idea, "Perhaps people will think twice about the legitimacy of the "certified humane" label".

      I would sue over the legitimacy of the "certified humane" label, and use the Ayrshire violations as evidence, not the main course.

      But Meredith won't listen. I gave her many ideas, see

      She responded with snark: Don't have time to watch movies about your experiences in Chile. Thanks for sharing. Maybe another time.

      All this is not about pigs, its about Meredith in a war against other women, Sandy Lerner, Jenna, Farmer Peg, they are all wrong, and Meredith is always right.

      My thinking has matured on this case, it should be in federal court, with counsel, and aimed at the legitimacy of the "certified humane" label.

      A number of animal rights and consumer law issues may be at stake.

      Even if Sandy Lerner is convicted, that conviction will go away, be removed, expunged, etc, etc. Sandy Lerner will not go through life with the big red scarlet letter that Meredith wants.

    10. Agreed. I know some people who have been fighting a wealthy woman over animal abuse for seven years, and it's not over yet. I do think they'll win, but you have to have a lot of support to get through this kind of thing. You have to know what you want to change. If you can't change anything, you may as well take up a different fight.

    11. Don't you 2 realizes NOTHING can be done without a conviction? Not a single thing. I can't do anything with HFAC unless it is proven in court a violation of law has occurred.

      You can't jump to step 2 before completing step 1.

      I can't take this matter to federal court. On what grounds?

      Juniper I wrote that snarky rwmark as a response to your "I don't have time to read about private prosecution".

      You have time to make suggestions without even reading the short section your suggestion is based on? You are making incorrect assumptions and invalid suggestions because you haven't read what is LEGAL in VA.

      It blows my mind either of you think anything will change based on someone's allegations. I'd be an idiot to even attempt to take HFAC to court without a conviction against Ayrshire Farm. No lawyer would do it pro bono because my allegations need to be confirmed in court before proceeding forward about anything else.

      "I think criminal activity occured but it was dismissed in court and I dropped another case" v. "This organization certifies a farm whose owner was convicted of failing to provide adequate care to her livestock by a Loudoun County General District Court Judge on March 16, 2016."

      One is a building block, the other is bitching.

      How many lawyers have you consulted with about this issue before handing out legal advice about what I should or shouldn't be doing?

      Not meeting HFAC standards isn't a crime. Their records are wiped clean every 3 year's. In a year there won't be a HFAC record that Ayrshire Farm even failed inspections.

    12. Juniper will you give me the money to sue HFAC?

    13. RE: Meredith at 8:58 AM

      "Don't you 2 realizes NOTHING can be done without a conviction?" "You can't jump to step 2 before completing step 1."

      Not true. The VA law is unconstitutional, as I understand. But you are a slave to the VA law.

      "I can't take this matter to federal court. On what grounds?"

      Federal consumer issues; VA law unconstitutional; the list goes on.

      "I wrote that snarky remark as a response to your "I don't have time to read about private prosecution"."

      This is one of your barriers to success. Lashing out at people trying to help you. No, I don’t have time to read in detail a VA law that is unconstitutional on its face. This is your fight, not mine.

      "you haven't read what is LEGAL in VA."

      You don’t know what is legal in VA, you only repeat what they say is legal. The VA law is unconstitutional on its face, in my personal opinion, not legal advice.

      "It blows my mind either of you think anything will change based on someone's allegations. I'd be an idiot to even attempt to take HFAC to court without a conviction against Ayrshire Farm. No lawyer would do it pro bono because my allegations need to be confirmed in court before proceeding forward about anything else."

      Wrong on so many levels. You have virtually no understanding of law, yet you insist your position is correct.

      "How many lawyers have you consulted with about this issue before handing out legal advice about what I should or shouldn't be doing"

      Not giving you legal advice, but I have 30 years experience with law as a business owner and litigant, etc., etc. I’ve had 2 cases go to the US Supreme Court, for example. You are in over your head. Law is not a black and white subject. It is multidimensional chess with 100 boards going.

      You reject helpful suggestions because you do not know otherwise. From what I see, you are not teachable, and you are ungrateful, because, inter alia, you have lost your perspective.

      Even when I showed you your excellent observation, and a road to success, you just prattle on about nonsense.

      Wishing you well in court.

    14. Meredith at 9:03 AM

      "Juniper will you give me the money to sue HFAC?"

      Jenna, is that you?

    15. Who said anything about suing HFAC? There are other avenues to change their criteria. You don't even have to go after Ayrshire to make changes at Ayrshire. I agree with Juniper that you've lost perspective. You seem to think that suing and criminal cases will get you what you want. I personally know of a case where hundreds of people and the SPCA have spent over 1 million dollars and seven years on one abuse case, and it isn't over. Clearly, it won't be over for you even if you win this case. What if you don't?

    16. I'm not interested in paying money to sue anyone. You suggest I sue. Where is that money coming from?

      If Sandy Lerner is convicted I it's likely other organizations with greater resources will get involved.

      I'm the only one that can complete step one.

      Nothing else can be brought due to the statute of limitations on animal cruelty.

    17. Juniper said "I would sue over the legitimacy of the "certified humane" label, and use the Ayrshire violations as evidence, not the main course. "

    18. Violations are accusations without a conviction.

    19. If she's not convicted I'll cross that bridge on March 16.

      Redhorse, can you send a link to more information about the 7 year case?

  9. Tactic?

    I'm working within the current legal system set up to penalize and convict people guilty of animal neglect and cruelty.

    I don't need a tactic.

    What do you suggest I do?

    A criminal conviction is the worst case scenario for Ayrshire Farm, HFAC, Oregon Tilth, Loudoun County and the Commonwealth Attorneys Office.

    Without a conviction all I have are allegations.

    Allegations get me worse than no where.

    1. You don't think what I'm doing will bring about change. In many ways this will change people's perspective and hopefully influence their decision making. Perhaps people will be less likely to eat at Hunters Head Tavern knowing the owner had been convicted of animal cruelty. Perhaps people will think twice about the legitimacy of the "certified humane" label.

      Sandy can shrug this off all she wants. But do you know where she will be on March 16 at 8:30am? Sitting in Leesburg General District Court listening to expert testimony describing the condition of these pigs as the worst cases of neglect they have ever seen.

      Everything will be recorded.

      This is my journey.

      I have to do this.

      I am doing this.

      Instead of a do not disturb sign I need a do not discourage sign.

      The worst that can happen is nothing compared to not doing anything,

      I told Ayrshire Farm when I was terminated I would fight for these pigs regardless if I was on or off the farm.

      They had EVERY opportunity for it to not go this far. Unfortunately they have defended and stood by their animal husbandry practices all the while disseminating falsehoods and bullshit to the public.

      A year ago I was told by Sandys lawyer if I didn't stop posting information publically I'd be in for a long unpleasant expensive legal battle.

      Little did they know it was going to be expensive and unpleasant for them.

    2. There are absolutely state and federal laws being broken. The USDA, FSIS, VDACS, etc have all been involved and investigated.

      How do you suggest this case is heard federally?

    3. Hire counsel, or hit the law books yourself.

    4. Why do you even bother making suggestions I can't financially fund.

      I have a lawyer for this case. Without a conviction there is no foundation for other cases dealing with fraudulent nonprofits.

      My passion for the welfare of the pigs trumps consumer issues. Like I said, state and federal agencies have been formally alerted to Ayrshire Farms illegal a activities. Will I circle back and deal with their lax enforcement? Maybe maybe not. Consumers can Google information for themselves. I'll dedicate my time to animals without a voice but I'm less interested in dedicating time towards people with resources available to research information themselves.

      I'm an animal advocate, not a consumer advocate. I gave the authorities the information they need. Will they do anything with it? Doubtful.


      Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

      Rule 5.1. Constitutional Challenge to a Statute

      Fla. Civ. R. Pro. 1.071 Constitutional Challenge To State Statute or County or Municipal Charter, Ordinance, or Franchise; Notice by Party

      "A party that files a pleading, written motion, or other paper drawing into question the constitutionality of a state statute or a county or municipal charter, ordinance, or franchise must promptly"

      VA should have a state rule to constitutionally challenge a statue.

      Look it up Meredith!

  10. Juniper and Redhorse,

    I'm finishing what I started.

    You two can discuss what I should or shouldn't do or speculate my intentions all day long. It doesn't matter to me.

    I seriously doubt the heart of anyone who can look at the pictures of those pigs and think this is about anything but the animals.

    Not everyone is an advocate, I get that, but to discourage and make wrongful assumptions and give bad advice? I don't understand.

    Redhorse, you commented on how easy it is to have a misdemeanor expunged, do you know how hard it is to have a criminal conviction expunged in the state of VA?

    Juniper, you Wikipedia every thing but what is pertinent to this case considering it's in VA and give advice and suggestions without reading it is you are commenting on.

    This is not helpful.

    Coming up with potential alternatives 3 weeks before trial isn't useful.

    This is the course of action that is being taken. I'm not up for questioning constitutionally questioning the commonwealth of VA at this point. If I fail maybe I'll work on that so others have better alternatives but at this time it is what it is.

    1. By all means Meredith, fight for the pigs.

      "Juniper, you Wikipedia every thing but what is pertinent to this case considering it's in VA and give advice and suggestions without reading it is you are commenting on. This is not helpful."

      Meredith, I read the link you provided, and I responded, see

      "Coming up with potential alternatives 3 weeks before trial isn't useful."

      Here’s an idea. Do it your way on March 16th. If you win, you prove me and everyone else wrong. Congratulations and Mazel tov!

      However, if the judge dismisses your case, or finds for Lerner, have PLAN B ready beforehand to hand to the judge immediately, and to make a RECORD! Bring copies for the lawyers.

      Hand the judge a pleading, and put it on the record, that it was unconstitutional to deny a party counsel. You have three weeks to get PLAN B ready.

      If you email me with the case caption, case number, etc., I’ll do what I can for you in the next three weeks to get PLAN B ready. That way, if the case goes bust, you can hand the judge PLAN B, and walk out of the courtroom with your head held high, to fight another day.
