Friday, April 10, 2015


If you can't walk amongst your pigs without getting bit and your clothes ripped or shredded you're doing something seriously wrong. Either the pigs are hungry, starving for enrichment activity, or are scared of her.  Pigs don't just assault their handlers.

Thank God they are dead.

Feel bad for the single boar in the barn. The one with catijoes name on it...the woman who claims animals should not live in isolation.



  1. Interesting insights. We never really saw photos of the pigs so that we could get an idea of their health - just a couple of closeups, like the one in the post of April 6. From the little I could see, they didn't look particularly robust or healthy.

  2. what are you talking about in this post?

  3. I wondered about that when she posted about them biting her. Maybe it was the way she smelled. I also wondered about her not getting attached to them. My brother raises about 4 pigs a year and he says he does get attached to them, he watched the slaughter last year and said he got sick.

  4. I am one of those people who would probably get attached as well. And if the choice was to slaughter or be vegetarian, I would probably end up vegetarian. Fish and chickens I have no problems dispatching, but a mammal would be a different story. Luckily since I don't eat them very often than a few times a year, they would be easy to live without.

  5. I wonder how healthy they were, after living outside in a pile of straw during one of the coldest winters in New England's history? I know nothing about raising livestock, so I would be interested in your comments.

  6. The quality of the meat has more to do with proper feeding than animals being out I weather. However, if they are continuously stressed that can also affect the meat quality and taste.


  7. "There are folks without basic staples in their cabinets and without microwaves and can openers wouldn't know how to cook a spaghetti dinner"
    - This is a quote from her blog. So, I am RACKING my brain.. how does one cook a spaghetti dinner using EITHER of these??? Well, maybe the can opener for tomato sauce (and I am QUITE positive Jenna has NO canned tomatoes, because there was NO workshop having other people can them for her and she did not go on ad nauseum about how to can them. The microwave? I have made hundreds of spaghetti dinners and never once needed a microwave. NEVER. Jenna, stop, just stop insulting the rest of the world to make you look like you are better. It is getting extremely old. You, the Queen of Stewarts coffee and fire wood. PUHLEEZE.

  8. I love her latest Facebook post where she compares calling CPS on a mom with a few pizza boxes on her floor to someone slandering her with pics of her farm! No, Girlie. CPS gets called when people leave their kids outside with no real shelter, you know, like you did your pigs?

  9. Slandering her with pics of her farm? Is she mentally challenged? Oops, that was a rhetorical question. The following is the definition of slander, Jenna, my dear: slander. n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed.

    Let's dissect the aforementioned definition. First, slander is ORAL, not written.. Second, slander is TELLING UNTRUTHS. How do pictures lie? Um, they don't. If you are worried about the TRUTH (= PICTURES), then clean it up!!! Be proud of your, ahem, place.

  10. I have a theory. Remember Joshua Rockwood, the farmer who was charged with animal neglect/abuse? He has raised over $54,000 for his legal defense on GoFundMe.

    I'll bet JW is drooling over that amount. I wonder if she will wave a red flag and dare someone to report her? I know it sounds far fetched, but at this point, I wouldn't put it past her.

    1. ^^^^ You are so right. She already went thru her Kickstarter money and is probably praying someone starts a conflict so she can fire up her pity party train and laugh all the way to the bank!

    2. Ding Ding Ding...she's setting the stage. Well...the stage is set she's just trying to funnel tourists. Bet she can't wait to be called to task.

      Put up fing no trespassing signs Jenna. Will she? Nope. Trespassing is her next pay day. Insane.

    3. $54,000 to defend what likely constitutes animal abuse at that.

      Did you read the Jon Katz article that said unless the hoof is growing INTO the leg there's nothing wrong with it?

      These people are bat shit crazy and should not be guardians of any animals.

      THats like saying unless the dogs nails are growing into its pad what's the big deal...but more extreme due to the equine confirmation/hoof

  11. Ha, love how she makes a comment about teaching pigs to sit. I taught my pig to sit quicker than she taught her dog, I guarantee it.

    1. Here Here! I could train a pig to perform anything faster than she could train any dog of hers.

  12. I had to delete her blog off my reader & hide her on my Facebook. She's become something gross and completely inauthentic. Her current attitude is vastly different form where she started. I couldn't ignore the scamming of innocent readers, lack of gratitude for donations, no responsibility for her lack of finances, and pretending to be a leader in the homesteading/small farm movement.

    The Kickstarter shenanigan will be the next hoax, I'm sure of it. How she ran through $15k is beyond me, but she'll be begging for donations before too long - just wait and see.

    1. Same here... i was following her from very early on and used to enjoy her posts, but as you say, it's become very different than when she started.

      What baffles me is how she is constantly offering workshops and courses on how to do things that she is self-taught in and sort of making it up as she goes along. Now there's nothing wrong with being an autodidact per se, but call me wacky - if I'm paying money to learn from someone, I want it to be someone that actually has some expertise in what they're teaching, not someone who is effectively a few chapters further along in the same book i'm reading.

    2. Exactly! But, I do think many of the people who come to them are greenhorns so they have no clue she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. What I am really shocked about is that sometimes people go back for more. As someone here said, she was at the farm and saw the mess first-hand. Why in the world would you go back knowing it's all smoke and mirrors? I really just think they are clueless in many cases.

  13. Where does she get this crap. Honestly, just another look at me, feel sorry for me post.

    I am still wondering why her horse water bucket is only 10-gallons

    1. So dumb...for those who don't have a visual that 2 of the dime a dozen 5 gallon home depot buckets. At least it should be clean having to do water several times a day. Why she doesn't secure the water to prevent having to do the same work multiple times a day is very strange.

    2. I was thing about those Home Depot bucks when I wrote the above post, but that doesn't seem like enough water for a horse. We had a 35-gallon galvanized trough for 4 market lambs.

      Just seems like her place is set up to be more difficult than is necessary. As a single mom with a homestead we were all about efficiency and speed, especially for the morning routine. But, I had a job to get to and DD had school. We did not have the luxury of taking all effing day to get chores done.

  14. I don't understand that whole post of ranting and paranoia. Especially when in her comments she writes...

    Jenna Woginrich said...
    I don't think anyone was here but the way things are changing these days, caution is so needed. Thanks all for the kind words.

    April 12, 2015 at 8:42 AM

    So all that post was because a barn door was open... And she immediately jumps to the conclusion that someone was there to take pictures and accuse her of mistreatment? Huh? What did I miss? Is there someone exposing her or something? She is one whacky chick. Shesh...

    1. It was such a bizarre post. I had whiplash from the massive logical stretch of open barn door = someone snooping around and taking photos to put on the internet. My first thought was that given the state of disrepair of her farm in general, it was most likely that the door came open through the action of wind or even simple gravity. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't close properly in the first place.

      And what bothers me so much about her recent paranoid proclamations about what does and does not constitute animal abuse is that if you're so afraid that a perfect stranger would see your setup and their first thought would be "animal abuse"...then maybe you should make some changes instead of making excuses for your poor management. I can't imagine taking a chance on any animal running out of water while I was away from my farm--if her animals are constantly in this danger, then she needs bigger, more secure, and/or more numerous waterers. This is farming 101 here. Get water bottles for the rabbits that they can't tip over and foul up, get an actual watering tank for the horse and sheep or heck, maybe even do the unthinkable and invest in some infrastructure that would allow you to place automatic waterers out in the pasture. 100% peace of mind, and no way a sinister snooper will ever see your animals without water again! There are even such things as automatic, frost-free waterers that would keep her from slipping on the ice and breaking her ass again while inefficiently hauling bucket after bucket of water out to the animals in the dead of winter.

      But that would all be too easy, and cost her too much of her ill-gotten gains, wouldn't it. She likes to complain and fret and post paranoid rants, quite frankly, because they bring in the cash money, as well as fawning comments from people who've bought into her delusion.

    2. Very well said. After I read that post, I thought all the same things, and then I concluded that that post was so very much like a teenager writing about her bedroom and making excuses for the mess. Her vapid immaturity is becoming more and more obvious.

    3. A guilty conscience needs no accuser :)

  15. Heck we use food grade plastic barrels for water. You just cut them to whatever size animal you are watering and around here they are $5 to $10 bucks each. Maybe not super pretty, but they do in a pinch and provide a WHOLE lot more water than 10 gallons. For a horse? WTH.... she does everything so inefficiently. And people think she's a spokesperson for homesteading? ugh. Thank goodness MEN finally wized up.

  16. Guilty conscience, much? That was clearly a pre-emptive strike to explain the conditions of her barn before the potential viewer could share it. Lots of explanation for each count. It might have occurred to her that one of her many friends stopped by and were looking for her (maybe it did occur to her and that's why she wrote the defense). I know I've looked for friends in their barns when they weren't in the house. Maybe that concept is foreign to her, but I have a feeling that she usually feels free to creep up on her friends in their barns if they don't answer the door.
    BTW, what happened to the barn boar? And have the goats been suddenly evicted?
    I never expect to see a barn perfectly groomed. A barn is a barn, unless it's really out of the ordinary, but considering this is her full-time job that she publicizes and educates others about, why wouldn't it be in viewing condition? I know.... I'm going on, but the irony here is tremendous.
    What I wonder, is if the people who send her chicks have any idea of the mortality rate on her homesteady feedlot. I can't bring myself to say farm or homestead, for it's neither imo.
    For those who are reading here for the first time, know that what some of us object to most is the animal care that allows chicks to be predated in the house! And sheep ignored on the ground to die (there are more than one). And we could go on.
    That's before we get into her insults about working people.
    One more thing... farmers aren't dirty people. Dirty people are dirty people.

  17. Here in NY, we had high winds all day yesterday, with gusts over 30 mph. Wind probably blew the door open. Her paranoia is palpable.

  18. I would love to hear from anyone who lives in her area. What do the locals think of her??!!?? Her behaviour is so unseemly.

    1. I live about 5 minutes away from her. Cambridge is definitely a small town where everyone either knows everyone or knows OF everyone. I have never once heard anything bad being said about her. I'm not a JennaFan as you guys call it...I casually check her blog now and again just because we live close by. I have never seen her animals up close and personal, but I do know that she is quite close with the people who run some of the larger farms in town. They are well respected, well known and profitable. I honestly cannot see them having anything to do with her if she were abusing or mistreating her animals. If she were, we would hear about it...while getting our Stewart's coffee of course

    2. Honestly reputation means nothing. Ayrshire Farm has a stellar reputation and confirmed animal abuse occurs on that farm. I'm just taking the next step to charge them. The abuse has been established. Reputation is just that. Not necessarily based on facts and as we all know caf is drenched in fiction.

  19. Wow - Just read that post and she really is in the advanced stage of paranoia. She probably just forgot to shut the door, or the wind blew it open.

    I agree she would absolutely would love the notoriety of getting reported for neglect, let alone the amount of cash she could collect from crowdfunding.

  20. Don't forget, she thought she needed a gun and law enforcement to protect her from Meredith et al.

  21. I googled "automatic frost free waterers" and lots of companies came up. They are not cheap (seemed to be about $400 and up), but if you have animals, you have to take proper care of them. She's had good experience with crowd funding, so why not do that to get some of these? I agree that a 5 or 10 gallon bucket from Home Depot is not big enough to water a horse.

    1. Can we please get back to reality in regards to the water situation? I replied to this post, because I couldn't reply to both this one and others about the water situation.

      Auto waterers are expensive. MOST people cannot afford to have them, and definitely not JW. I couldn't afford them, nor would I choose to spend that much money on a waterer when I could better spend it elsewhere.

      Horses drink an average of 5-10 gallons a day, so 2 five gallon buckets of water filled twice a day are MORE THAN ENOUGH water for a horse. Seriously. What do you think people do when they stall their horses, put a trough in there? Hardly. They put a 5 gallon bucket or two in there, and check them twice a day.

      Yes, it's the proper thing to provide fresh, clean water to your animals at all times. Nobody is arguing that. I know that I strive to do that myself, but there are times when the water gets fouled up and I can't help that. I am not around 24/7 to monitor water, so sometimes it gets pooped in, or it leaks. Rabbit water bottles are notorious for leaking, so I provide water bowls instead. Sometimes they get pooped in, so there's a short while where the rabbits don't drink out of it. Or, sometimes the goats poop in their water buckets. They're animals, they don't know to not hang their ass over their bucket when they poop. Buckets are easier to keep clean than large troughs, and they don't waste as much water when they need dumping and cleaning out.

      There are plenty of other, more realistic things, to find fault with at CAF instead of worrying why she chooses to haul water buckets. Maybe she likes the extra work. Who knows. What I do know that picking on her for providing 2 five gallon buckets of water for her horse is stupid and not something worth worrying about.

  22. She is intentionally not providing water if she leaves her farm before making sure water is supplied in adequate amounts and in containers that continuously keep this fresh supply of water available.

    She can't blame frozen water on them not having access. It was warm enough her horse wanted to roll in mud.

    Having access to water occasionally isn't appropriate if the weather is warm enough where freezing water is not an issue.

    Yes, indeed she is neglecting to provide water. Leaving home for 2 hours is no excuse for animals not to have water.

    Its already been established the horse doesn't have a reliable source of water if he can knock it over. Rabbits don't go through bottles of water in hours and the sheep being low on water in indicative of not topping off water in the morning. If low water means too low to access that is a problem.

    Why the he'll take pride in not taking care of your animals? Buy a fucking hose and spend 10 minutes making sure the animals are watered in the morning. Its what people who own animals do. Don't leave to talk about raising and watering chickens while not watering your own.


  23. She is intentionally not providing water if she leaves her farm before making sure water is supplied in adequate amounts and in containers that continuously keep this fresh supply of water available.

    She can't blame frozen water on them not having access. It was warm enough her horse wanted to roll in mud.

    Having access to water occasionally isn't appropriate if the weather is warm enough where freezing water is not an issue.

    Yes, indeed she is neglecting to provide water. Leaving home for 2 hours is no excuse for animals not to have water.

    Its already been established the horse doesn't have a reliable source of water if he can knock it over. Rabbits don't go through bottles of water in hours and the sheep being low on water in indicative of not topping off water in the morning. If low water means too low to access that is a problem.

    Why the he'll take pride in not taking care of your animals? Buy a fucking hose and spend 10 minutes making sure the animals are watered in the morning. Its what people who own animals do. Don't leave to talk about raising and watering chickens while not watering your own.


  24. I've been to her place, I have seen it all. The waterers are dirty, she feeds the hay to the sheep in the same place for years (talk about infecting your sheep with worms constantly). The fences are a mess. The cages for the bunnies are disgusting. Everything is cob jobbed, and for someone with so few animals and no job, it is incomprehensible that the place looks like it does. I work full time, run my farm full time and I have NEVER had my place look like hers. I have a LOT more animals than she does too. The people Jenna favorably mention probably appreciate the publicity she gives them, and they would not want to damage that relationship, for fear of losing a possible income stream by being on her "good" side. The horse should have a water trough. It is not hard. Go to feed store, pick one out, bring it home, and place it in the pen with him. Who uses BUCKETS for WATER for horses on a permanent (outside all the time) basis? I have never met anyone who did this. Nothing she does makes any sense.

    1. She can't afford a trough because she spent all her money at Stewarts on coffee and firewood.

      Maybe she can post a picture of a trough on her Facebook page and say it's on her wish list. You know - the way she does when she wants someone to buy something for her.

  25. I think she's getting herself in some trouble trying to make an extra buck off those pigs. She's trying to sell "extra" shares of pigs as if a share was a box of meat in a certain poundage range, instead of the pre-sold live animals she advertised. People are calling her out in the comments. Will be interesting to see where this goes.

  26. On Facebook? Or on her blog?

  27. Facebook. Can I post pics here? I can grab a screen shot.

  28. And this is her response..... unfreakin' believable.

    Jenna Woginrich:: They are sold as what I expect a half and quarter to be, but if I just split this up as halves and quarters I would be selling the pigs for around 3 dollars a pound. That is less than factory farms make. and I spent around 15 dollars a day feeding them since January. So I offer my sizes at pounds, and everyone gets their share around 6.50 a pound which I feel is a steal. I am grateful that the pigs were so big but I would, literally, be out of a home if I handed out pigs at that price. Or you would be paying $750 a half instead.
    1 min · Like

    Jenna Woginrich:: I stand firm by my promise of weight for the money, everyone will get what they paid for and what was agreed by weight wise.

  29. Jenna Woginrich
    3 hrs · Edited ·
    Well! I thought I had a little extra pork to sell, right? Well I just heard back from the butcher and I found out what I had estimated is MORE than doubled! So if you are still looking for a share? Let me know! I have an extra 200 pounds of pork to move! and that's WITH keeping 100 for the farm!!! Nearly a half ton was raised this winter! And Greg said they were nice pigs and I did a good job! I blushed.
    Like · Comment · Share
    111 people like this.

    Nate Duncan So wish I lived closer and wasn't needing to move in a two months otherwise I'd be all over this.
    3 hrs · Like · 1

    Babette Seidel Oh, how I wish I could! Know that I would if I could.
    3 hrs · Like

    Matt Giese Wow! Great job!
    3 hrs · Like

    Wendy Cipperley Cesta Nigro Holy crap! How big WERE those pigs?!?!
    3 hrs · Like

    Sara Edmunds Amerman That's awesome!!! What did you feed? And what kind of pigs were they?
    3 hrs · Like

    Cassandra Burns Oh how I wish you were in OK! I'd buy some.
    3 hrs · Like

    Buddy Fraioli I thought they were sold as halves and quarters ???
    3 hrs · Like · 2

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Good job!
    3 hrs · Like

    Anne Art Wondered too.... are 'shares' halves and quarters or by the pound?
    3 hrs · Like

    Buddy Fraioli Halves and quarters.
    3 hrs · Like

    Anne Art So just bigger shares, more bang for the bucks already pigs gained extra limbs or anything
    2 hrs · Like

    Godoy A Jose Dear Jenna Woginrich... lets talk.
    2 hrs · Like · 1

    Nicole Rautbort That's what I was thinking? Wouldn't a quarter pig be a quarter pig no matter how many pounds? Just curious
    2 hrs · Like

    Robin Holland also curious.
    2 hrs · Like

    Heather Nadelman That's usually the way CSA type of things work--if the pigs are bigger, the half-shares and quarter-shares are bigger. That's part of the risk/reward model--if the pigs ended up smaller, the farmer wouldn't be expected to give a refund. Likewise, if the pigs are bigger, the extra meat should go to the original investors, not sold to new people.
    1 hr · Like · 1


  30. Jenna Woginrich They are sold as what I expect a half and quarter to be, but if I just split this up as halves and quarters I would be selling the pigs for around 3 dollars a pound. That is less than factory farms make. and I spent around 15 dollars a day feeding them since January. So I offer my sizes at pounds, and everyone gets their share around 6.50 a pound which I feel is a steal. I am grateful that the pigs were so big but I would, literally, be out of a home if I handed out pigs at that price. Or you would be paying $750 a half instead.
    46 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich I stand firm by my promise of weight for the money, everyone will get what they paid for and what was agreed by weight wise.
    46 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman If you and your buyers agreed on a weight range, that's totally fair. And I'm sure none of them want you to be out of your home! I only wish I lived close enough to buy some pork. I'm drooling at the thought!
    43 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman And congrats on raising such big, healthy pigs. It's a great feeling!
    42 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich Heather, yes. But your point is important. I will drop the words half and quarter, but not a single person went in on a pig without knowing exactly what the weight would be.
    42 mins · Like · 1

    Jenna Woginrich weight of meat they are getting, I mean. Not hanging weight, not live animal weight, but meat.
    41 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman Different people do it in different ways. When we sell freezer lambs, we offer a flat price for a half lamb and a whole lamb. Some of the lambs are bigger than others, so some people get more meat than others. We haven't had anyone complain--we're mostly selling to friends--but it's not precisely fair in the strictest market sense of the word. But it would just be too complicated to get into different prices per pound, and we're really only selling the freezer lambs as favors; in a lot of ways it's more hassle than it's worth.
    38 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich I want everyone to get the same weight at the same price, and I agree everyone does it differently. to each their own!
    38 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman Yup. We have people fill out a form saying exactly how they want each part of the lamb cut, so it wouldn't really work suddenly to take away part of their lamb if it ended up being bigger than we'd thought--they're expecting X number of lamb chops and a leg of lamb prepared in Y manner.
    36 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich I think as long as the seller is up front all is gravy. how was your lambing?
    34 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman Almost done, and great! Twenty healthy lambs out of 10 ewes, with two ewes to go. The only hiccup was a mother who would only take care of one of her three triplets. We gave the other two to a nearby shepherd who's much better set up than we are to t...See More
    32 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich wow, 20 lambs already! congrats!!!
    14 mins · Like

    Marty Bialas Jenna I don't think anyone wants you to not succeed but you did offer quarters and halves. Our conversation stated a quarter is a minimum of 25 lbs with no maximum. So it sounds likes people will not be getting all the cuts? How do you determine who gets what cuts at this point?
    12 mins · Like

    Jess Burns Jenna if you have freezer space to hold we'll "smuggle" some back if you can't move it all locally.
    Just now · Like

  31. From what I read above, the contract to which she and her buyers agreed is for a quarter or half of a pig with, as Marty Bialas says, a 25 pound minimum with no maximum. This is how Heather, above, sells her lambs. If Jenna did not specify a maximum weight, she is the loser.


  32. Kyle Lanter Ahhhhhhhh... shipping to Houston?
    9 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich Marty, i always explain that a quarter pig is 25-30 pounds. I will stop using the words quarter and half because it is confusing, that was the size of shares when I started raising pigs and butchering them sooner. If you would like a refund instead of pork - just message me.
    9 mins · Like · 2

    Jess Burns Depending on price point and logistics of bringing it home we might consider Marty's share if he's over it
    1 min · Like

  33. I feel bad for Marty, either she should have sold by the pound, or she sold by the quarter or half, Marty and others are right, a front quarter or a rear or a half has a certain number of cuts and type. How you would successfully share those between two or more buyers is beyond me.

    She has offered to buy him out, rather then selling him is booked amount in good faith.. for shame

  34. Jenna Woginrich

    Flying Pigs Farm--Premium Pork from the Battenkill River Valley
    Flying Pigs Farm in New York raises heritage breed...
    2 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich there is an example of local pig prices... mine is $6.50 a pound after the agreed-upon weight. I feel this is stupidly cheap but I get the benefit of money up front and the folks who buy shares wait a long time. I refunded one person who didn't want to wait and I will refund anyone who wants to give up their share, I just need to know soon
    Just now · Like

  35. She has advertised these pigs as buying a LIVE animal frequently and never, ever that I have found as there been any mention of a maximum in her ads or comment sections only the 25lb minimum for a 1/4 share. What would she do for someone who bought a WHOLE pig?

  36. What a con artist. She knew well enough she was offering half and quarters of the pigs. And now to be so freaking blanket that she's double selling it based on weight, that illegal in most states. You can't sell meat by the pound. You can sell live animals, processed by sides, quarters whatever. And her freaking attitude just sucks. How brazen and snotty she is. My gawd. And a terrible salesperson. If she gave those that bought into her scam goood and fair honest weight she would have customers for life. Now? I would run for the hills rather than deal with such a scam artist. And 6.50 a pound is cheap? She didn't raise them any more special than most farmers raising pigs. Some glorified feed lot she rigged up. Prices must be a lot higher in her little snooty village. She has such a skewed vision if a CSA and how decent people treat their neighbors and friends. 750 a quarter? Is she freaking insane? She makes me sick. If they had been less weight it would have been oh so sorry, that's the risk!

  37. I have wondered about the legality of selling pork shares from the get go.

    From the article in the link: "What is not exempt under these kinds of laws is, for example, selling parts of your pig for retail purchase, or killing and processing someone else’s pig on your property (even if it is for their personal use), unless you are properly licensed to do so in these instances."

  38. OMG! What a rip-off! Imagine if you buy a car, make the arrangements and obtain the money by hook or by crook, and then when you have your insurance and tags, you go to pick up the car and the seller tells you have to cough up almost double the amount you already paid. Imagine!! Or, if you have the NERVE to say "That's Wrong!" they tell you if you don't like it, you can have your money back, not accounting the fact that you already paid for it and were planning to drive it home.
    BTW, why does she always have to say that people tell her "what a good job," she did? Does she beg for praise that much? Or are her pigs just soooooooooo much better than all the other pigs the butcher sees? Childlike, it seems.
    And if she was such a grand farmer, why didn't she butcher the pigs closer to the expected weight, and save that $15 a day? Stupid, it seems.

    1. Right?! If you were selling a minimum of 25lbs a quarter (Which is quite small for a 1/4 of a pig) butcher at 100lbs plus 30lbs (roughly 70% of live weight is commercially sold as edible pork).

      The 25lbs is odd though. Most slaughter between 250-350lbs live weight unless specifically needing a smaller pig for whole roasting.

      Wham bam cold antler sham.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. What she is doing is ILLEGAL. She is claiming she raised pigs owned by other people. This is the ONLY reason she can bypass USDA slaughter and processing. Meat sold by the pound is required to be USDA slaughtered, inspected, and processed. She went from pig shares to by the pound...she is selling meat from pigs she claims not to own. Why those who purchased shares are allowing her to sell THEIR pork is beyond me.

    1. You are exactly right, and I have the NYS ag and markets on speed dial. Bazingo Jenna, greediness will always get you, eventually.

  40. It was her responsibility to butcher the pigs at the correct weight -- her customers bought "halves and quarters" and they are entitled to what they paid for. The fact that she continued growing them beyond slaughter weight at an expense of $15/day is her folly.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hold on a minute, let me see if I'm understanding this right. These are the pork shares she accepted money for in advance, right? I don't remember the exact number, but something like $150 for a quarter, with a quarter being a guaranteed minimum of 25 pounds? So there are people out there who paid her $150 for a "quarter" of a hog, and now that she's had them butchered and it turns out that she's got double the projected meat on hand, a "quarter" suddenly becomes JUST the 25 pounds that were promised as a MINIMUM??? Are you freaking kidding me? Talk about a bait and switch! If I'd paid for a "quarter" of a hog, I'd damn well wait one fourth of the entire freaking hanging weight. She is one shady lady.

  44. Also, wondering about the fate of the boar in the barn. Last anyone heard from him he had persistent diarrhea and Jenna was polling her FB friends for remedies.

    Free advice: If your animal is sick and you don't know what is wrong with it call a VETERINARIAN.

  45. Jenna Woginrich My traveling butcher doesn't scald them... no tank here.
    19 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman I just did some quick Googling, and it seems as though the average price per pound for a quarter pig (heritage breeds, organic raised) is around $4.50 a pound, with an average of 50 pounds of meat. If you buy a half pig or a whole pig, the average per pound seems to go down to about $3.50 a pound. (I'm not going to clutter up your comments with links--you can find those for yourself.) The average for people NOT committing to all that meat is higher, of course. So it seems to me that if you sell your pork at $6.50 a pound, it IS better not to sell quarter pigs or half pigs--just sell X number of pounds at that price.
    14 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman Ok, just a LITTLE comment clutter--here's a local pig share order form:

    Hill Hollow Farm | Pre-Order Pasture-Raised Pork
    Hill Hollow Farm is a small-scale CSA farm located...
    12 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich
    Jenna Woginrich's photo.
    10 mins · Like

    Heather Nadelman I wasn't commenting on the total prices, since it's a per-pound fee. Take a look--per pound price for a whole pig is $3.50 a pound, and it varies depending on how large the pig ends up being.
    9 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich got it. I do two sized shares 25-30lb and 50-60lb. I already explained that I will drop the old terms of half and quarter because those weights were the size of previous pigs I raised. These sizes are price points I know I can afford to refund if people want refunds (so far only one person in 4 years has asked for that and it was because of the wait, not the weight!) but i worry saying a half pig is $500 and a whole pig $800-1000 would be too hard for me to come up with as a refund. And if I said "no refunds, that's the risk" and the pigs died or something went wrong I would feel horrible not being able to refund that loss. So this is how I do it.
    5 mins · Like · 1

    Heather Nadelman But actually . . . maybe not. I'm looking at it more closely, and they're claiming 175 pounds for a hanging weight, which is what they figure as 3.50 a pound. But it seems as though you actually only get 120 pounds of meat, so it's a higher per-pound price than $3.50. I had always been taught that hanging weight was the weight of the meat you end up getting, but perhaps I've been taught wrong!
    4 mins · Like

    Jenna Woginrich no that i the half pig hanging! bones and all... it means gutted and headless and footless
    3 mins · Like

  46. Basically she is saying your quarter share is now an eighth of a share and the half is now a quarter etc.

    She can NOT legally sell per lb the way she chose to have them butchered. On farm kills can not be sold per pound.

    Either she is illegally selling meat or she is stealing from the people who own the "shares" of the pig. The reason she did the shares like raw milk shares is because you get away with people "owning" the animal. She is flip flopping from animal ownership so she could bypass the USDA to selling per lb but it's too late.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. If her butcher isn't USDA she can't legally sell an already slaughtered animal to anyone by cut or pound right? Only the so called 1/4 or 1/2 share "co-owners" of the animal can claim the meat. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I won't be offended.

    1. That is my understanding. Too bad so sad. Either she's stealing or illegally selling.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Haha... I think she's posting random stuff on her page just to get the "extra shares" story buried and out of sight.

  51. WTF, if I bought half a pig I wants ribs, butt, bacon, hams, chops and 1 testicle - half the dam pig. Now you saying I get 50 pounds of grisly sausage, 2 slices Oscar Mayer, a quarter of an ear and maybe some skin?! Why, cause the pig was a pig and got big? Now your gonna cash in an sell my babybacks to some hipster chick in Toledo, I want my babybacks JW, you has my money I want my ribs!

    1. Pity the customer that opens their box and finds out their share was the squeal!

    2. That was great Anon 11:08- from the "You can eat everything on the pig but the squeal" ;)

  52. You can't sell meat from a custom exempt (non-USDA inspected) butchered animal post slaughter. It is illegal. It goes to the person or people who owned or "co-owned" it prior to slaughter or it goes nowhere. That is federal law. Her greed is going to be her undoing. Not mother nature, not some boogie man in the night snooping around her farm... her greed.

    "Meat that was slaughtered and processed under custom exempt may only be consumed by the owner of the live animal, his/her family, or non-paying guests. When animals are slaughtered and processed under custom exempt conditions, no inspection of the carcass or parts occurs, thus the owner of the live animal assumes some degree of risk associated with consuming the meat. If an animal is going to be eaten by four different individuals (sold as quarters or half-of-a-half), then all four individuals must own the live animal prior to slaughter. The owner(s) of the live animal, who should have documentation of ownership, needs to pay the processing fees to the processor. Custom exempt slaughter and processing is under USDA-FSIS jurisdiction. Every package of meat produced under custom exempt conditions must clearly be marked NOT FOR SALE. This meat cannot be sold or donated to anyone."

    1. Wow, that quote really spells it all out in black and white--what she's proposing to do with the "extra" meat is straight up illegal.

    2. The funny thing is she's not even smart enough to keep her high jinks to herself-- she's gotta get on FB to let the faithfuls know she's GOT THE FATTEST PIGS IN THE LAND!!!!

  53. Anyone else catch this quote.....

    "And if I said "no refunds, that's the risk" and the pigs died or something went wrong I would feel horrible not being able to refund that loss. "

    She must feel horrible a lot.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. She knew for certain what she was doing, she talked over and over about halfs and quarters. Now that there is more, she is trying to scam more money. I don't know anyone, including myself, that takes a full pay up front for a live animal for slaughter. A deposit maybe, but her whole stupid thing about if a pig dies she can't refund the whole amount is just another Jenna scam tactic. Even the law says that the co owner of the live animal is to pay for their processing share at the approved processors. That's how we always have done it. X amount for the animal and you pay half or quarter of that animals processing. She is just such a con artist. I am ashamed of her.

  56. Heather Nadelman Sounds appetizing! With sheep, the hanging weight is about half of the animal's actual weight. But yeah, heads weigh something!
    1 hr · Like

    Heather Nadelman When I do the math, the Hill Hollow people come in pretty close to $6.50 a pound, which is what you're charging in the first place. This teaches me never to butt in on comments where math is concerned!
    1 hr · Like

    Jenna Woginrich No problem Heather, and I think that's a great price. They probably do this with a lot more than 7 pigs a year sold in shares to friends and neighbors too. I still buy feed in 50lb bags and no bulk contract prices at the butcher. I think it is fair compared to what Oscars, Flying Pig, and other pros sell it for. And it tastes great and the money up front is the real advantage to me. When people buy part of a pig like that it really makes things a little brighter.
    1 hr · Like

    Heather Nadelman Jenna, a sheep friend of mine happened to see our exchange and wrote to me--she's very knowledgable about selling meat and regulations. Basically, she says that you CAN'T sell your meat by the pound unless you're a USDA facility. When you slaughter meat on a farm, you're given an exemption from USDA regulations as long as the meat is consumed by the owner of the animal and his/her family. That's why people sell quarter pigs, half pigs, and whole pigs: those people who buy the shares become the owners, so the exemption can apply to them. I checked quickly on the Internet, and it does seem that she's right--the people who bought shares in your pigs OWN the pigs, whatever size they grew to be. I think you probably should be very careful about trying to sell per-pound pork yourself, because it seems to me that it's clearly against the USDA regulations, and you might get in trouble for it even if the people who technically own the pigs are ok with your doing it. So I think you'll need to keep the half pig etc. language next year if you're going to be safely legal. Maybe you should just raise your prices to cover your expenses?
    1 min · Like

    1. Thank god that she has one sensible follower who isn't afraid to call her out in a flawlessly polite way, which should make it a lot harder for her to ignore or mock.

  57. That person is right. We sell meat, pre-sell, and it is slaughtered on our farm. It is illegal for us to touch it after slaughter, and sell it by pieces. We would have to haul to a regulated facility to sell by the pound or piece. We pre-sell by weight a per pound rate,plus the per head kill cut fee which goes direct to the butcher. This would be a perfect way to bust JW, however, if she proceeds! CAn't believe how naive she is!

  58. This website is from Cornell University, and covers all the regulations concerning slaughtering farm animals in New York and US. It is thorough, but organized.

  59. Read the section "Slaughtering, Cutting, and Processing of Amenable Meats". It says: "In New York, it is assumed that a person owns an animal when they purchase it. Thus, a customer can purchase a lamb, goat, steer or hog from a farm or live animal market, take ownership of it, and either slaughter it themselves or arrange for slaughter and processing through a custom slaughterhouse."
    There is more, but the bottom line, if JW is now selling by the pound, she has violated the law.

  60. What she's doing is stealing, and I'd be pissed if I had paid for half a pig and then she sold out the meat from under me. Too bad for her, she should word it differently next time. She committed those shares already, and they've already been paid for. For shame.

    Also, she states something about $500 for a half pig and $800-$1,000 for a whole pig. Is she high? We can buy whole pigs all day long (BIG pigs too, not her rinky dink ones) for LESS than $500, cut, wrapped, and ready to go.

    1. Her ideas about value are so skewed, so it's not surprising her pig prices are so high. Everything she sells is way over priced, haven't you noticed? Even the crap she sells to fund stuff... she wants top dollar for everything and anything and seems to get it from these unsuspecting doofs who buy into the One WOman Farm crap.

      I am not surprised to see that whole post gone this morning. And what about the people who were promised shares from previous pigs and still haven't gotten their share? If she was honest, she would have just given them their's, got caught up and no one would have been the wiser. But Noooooo.... she has to go and try and steal extra meat from her clients and try and find MORE people to steal money from.

      I really hate to see anyone get in trouble, but that girl... she just needs a big old rude awakening. HOnestly.

      And to be honest, it even pisses me off how mean she is to her mother on her facebook page. She is like so condescending to the poor woman. That alone makes me want to slap her. Twice.

  61. Jenna Woginrich is a SCAM ARTIST!!!!!

    She finally took down that silly Facebook post about the pigs after her friend called her out on re-selling the meat. For the poor, dumb idiots who bought 'shares' of these pigs, I truly hope they're not stupid enough to do it again after they've seen how she operates. She had a golden opportunity to enhance this side of her 'business' by providing these buyers with a lot more meat than they expected, ensuring their return business and glowing reviews. Instead, in typical Jenna Woginrich fashion, she turns greedy and tries to re-sell it out from under them.
    Oh - and the commenter above who said Jenna's posting fluff on her Facebook page to move past the pig issue --- that was my exact thought as well.
    AND she's clearly violating her "9-9" social media rule, but are we surprised by that hypocrisy??!!

  62. The bottom line is the fact that she is violating federal law. The news I read indicates that the USDA does not properly inspect large slaughterhouses, but I suspect that an inspector would find her an easy target. She is also now aware that her decision to sell by the pound violates the law. How does she know that one of her disgruntled buyers won't report her to the USDA? In addition, although we know that large meat processing facilities are often unsanitary (o.k. - filthy!), the USDA rules are an effort to protect human health by preventing the contamination of meat by a small, unlicensed operation such as hers. How can anyone be sure that she or her butcher are capable of dividing the meat by the pound in a safe and sanitary way? I wouldn't want the meat under those conditions.

  63. Wonder how many people she had already taken money from for those non-existant "extra" shares? If her mobile butcher found out she was reselling those NOT FOR RESALE packages... she'd probably be blacklisted and then up a creek without a paddle. What is she going to do... lift 200lb hogs into the back of her expired inspection pick up truck and give them a sit-stay while she drives them one by one to the closest USDA facility? Actually I could totally see her thinking that would be a "see how tough and "scrappy" and awesome" I am story.

  64. This is the website to report violations to the USDA:

    I don't Facebook, so I cannot document (via screenshot) what the conversation was. If somebody has this info, this is the time to report her. Reporting is confidential.

  65. Good point, Anon at 8:38 AM. The mobile butcher should also be investigated to determine if they helped her cut the meat into smaller pieces.

  66. Yet another grand JW scheme that backfired because she didn't do her homework and figure out her costs and obligations in advance. I mean, how many times do you repeat the same mistakes without learning anything from them? At some point it goes from "learning curve" and crosses over to that old definition of insanity.

    I'd guess that sooner rather than later, her friend Heather will see the light just like we all did. She seems pretty sharp - a lot sharper than JW.

  67. She was told publicly of the illegality of her attempt to sell these "extra shares" of an already slaughtered animal. She may have since deleted those posts but I have the screen shots of the exchange. She needs to VERY PUBLICLY make this right with her pre-paid 1/4 and 1/2 share owners. They get the full 1/4 and 1/2 share of the animals at no additional cost and no restriction on poundage. End of story. They also can't in an effort "to help poor Jenna out" now choose to allow Jenna to sell some portion of their, poorly managed on her part, very large shares to anyone else. It's theirs or it's junk. That is the law. It's idiotic producers like her, who attempt to skirt the law that end up making the laws more and more restrictive for the other producers who follow the law to the letter, manage their animals well and provide consistent product for their customers. Woe unto her if she tries any illegal shenanigans.

  68. Well hopefully she wises up or eventually it will all be back to bite her at some point....karma and all. What I have seen though, is no matter what dumb, borderline or blatantly illegal crap she pulls, she somehow always comes out smelling like a rose. I really don't get that!

  69. I'm definitely reporting her--this is outrageous. She's cheating her customers, who own those pigs, and she's breaking the law. It's just because she's greedy; she can't stand the fact that her customers are going to be doing well on the deal. I've gone through a USDA inquiry before--they'll interview the owners of the pig shares, the mobile slaughterer, and the butcher, and they'll try to ascertain that the owners of the pig shares got all the meat that they were supposed to get. If they didn't, Jenna will be fined and probably dropped from both the mobile slaughterer and the butcher.

  70. ^^^^ Good. I hope she reads this and does the right thing. Stop being stingy Jenna and give your customers what they paid you for!!! She stated on the (now deleted) Facebook thread about the pigs, that the best part of raising pigs was getting the money up front. If they had all died or been super small would she be paying back the customer --- of course not!!
    As this group knows all too well --- it's all about the image, the money, and THE SCAM when it comes to Jenna!

    1. Are you serious? She actually said, in a public forum, the best thing is the money up front???! Not because it's the right thing to do or because she just loves pigs-highly intelligent animals- or because she wants to feed people the highest quality stuff. But because it is $$$$ up front. Unbelievable! I can't believe she finds people to buy her stuff! I feel sorry for them really, because they don't have a clue how real farmers do things.

      I have never paid up front for meat, nor would I. Too much risk for a large chunk of money. I have no problem making a deposit. But I would never pay in full up front. How in the world would you know how much meat you're going to get if you did? I have done vegetable CSA's and have no problem paying up front for them. But meat is a way different story.

  71. Can a narcissist blush? I find it hard to believe that any compliment could be over the top enough to make her blush.

    We sell beef by the whole, half, and quarter. Customers pay by the pound for whatever the hanging weight is. We don't say "you're buying 150 pounds of meat, any more than that, you have to give it back." They do pay an estimated amount up front, before we ship the beef, and they usually have to pay a little more when the weights come in. Sometimes we have to refund a little, I think that's only happened twice.

    Can she be telling the truth about feeding those pigs? It adds up to $450 a month. How could she afford that?

    1. ^^^This is the way I have bought meat. Only the farmer I used had us pay after the animal was butchered and we knew the exact weight. I wouldn't have any problem doing it this way though.

      I thought that same thing about $15 a day! Was she buying truffles? LOL!

      I think she has no plan when it comes to anything she does, just flies by the seat of her pants and comes up with stuff on the fly. When questioned she always comes up with crazy reasoning that is hard to believe.

    2. A 50lb bag of feed may be $15. Because she chose not to properly provide shelter for the pigs through a very harsh cold winter they were burning calories just to stay warm...not efficiency converting calories to weight gain. It is possible she was paying that much. Proper shelter and she could have saved a ton of money and gotten them to slaughter weight faster and on less feed.

      When I butchered 3 (2 were above 300lbs) the daily feed was getting to be more than I could afford. I missed the pigs but not the feed bill.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Denise, we used to sell that way and then we had problems with a couple people who would take 6 months or more to pay.

  72. Also vanished from her FB page: slaughtering day pics of her bloody boots, a hanging, butchered pig carcass and a post announcing the discovery that the pigs were much heavier than anticipated.

  73. I assume she is cleaning out her FB page to make it easier to steal the "excess" meat.

  74. Does she never do her homework before jumping into something? Now she will whine about how mean everyone is just because she made a mistake.

    The meanness is all on her end. How dare she change the "rules" once she entered into a contract with buyers. How selfish. If the pigs were underweight, would she have refunded money? No way. She would have called it "risk".

    Well Jenna, this time the risk is all yours. Hopefully you will have learned something. It's time that you pay for your own mistakes.

  75. Just when I think she can't ruin her reputation any more, she ruins her reputation even more.

  76. Aww heck, this is the spark that will start the fire people.
    CAF announces a Kickstarter for legal defense from the long arm of the USDA which is trying to shut down my lil old farm. I tried to sell some bacon and now I am being harassed and persecuted. Please consider buying a quarter share of my lawyers time. and know that anything extra will keep this farm a going a while longer!

  77. She can't pretend she doesn't know this is illegal, either. Others might have a better memory, but I'm pretty sure this has come up before. Not the re-pricing already purchased merchandise, but the legalities of sales. She knows this, otherwise she wouldn't have sold it in shares to begin with.
    A search of Cold Antler Farm ' s blog will probably show this. The fact that she's obscuring her Facebook account doesn't help either.

    Again, though, I have to mention.... Why does she demand praise from everyone she contacts? Are everyone else's pigs, ponies, goats, and turkeys inferior? Is she just the bestest girl (woman) in the world?
    And even if they just can't contain their admiration, why can't she be modest enough to keep it to herself without broadcasting it across the nation?

    1. This might shed some light:

    2. O yes, she does fit the definition. The latest selfie on her blog is so telling. She just can't seem to get enough closeups of her face. Especially on her vlogs as other people have mentioned. I wondered, is it possible to be in love with yourself?

      I googled that question and the first hit that came up was "narcissim".

  78. I really hope that the person here who had screen shots of her
    Facebook posts reports her to the USDA. Aside from all of the other concerns expressed here, she could sicken or kill her customers.

  79. Here is information on how to submit an online report to the USDA:

  80. I called the USDA and described the situation. The person on the phone was very nice. She said that Jenna is definitely breaking the law by finding new buyers for the pork after the pigs have been slaughtered. She confirmed that Jenna is no longer the owner of the pigs--the people who bought the shares in the pig are, and they're the only ones who are permitted to consume the meat. She also said that Jenna needs to have very clear records about which shareholders own which pigs, records of how the meat was cut up by the butcher, and certifications that the shareholders took possession of ALL of the meat that they were supposed to take. She said they'll look into it and let me know what comes of the investigation.

    1. *THANK YOU* for doing that. I'm no fan of Jenna (it's like a train wreck, you can't not look), but I'm also not a fan of internet vitriol without doing something to correct the situation. I don't live in the States and don't know what the rules are supposed to be for these things, but I'm very happy to see someone did something about it :)

    2. Good job. I have my hands full and honestly can't handle another issue concerning agricultural wrongdoing. It needed to be done. As an individual who did it right (borrowed a trailer, trailer trained the pigs, found someone willing to haul the trailer to the Animal Welfare Approved Slaughterer, paid the appropriate fees to sell commercially by pound etc) I thank you.

    3. Good job. I have my hands full and honestly can't handle another issue concerning agricultural wrongdoing. It needed to be done. As an individual who did it right (borrowed a trailer, trailer trained the pigs, found someone willing to haul the trailer to the Animal Welfare Approved Slaughterer, paid the appropriate fees to sell commercially by pound etc) I thank you.

  81. Looks like Jenna's gotta pony up the piggy if she's gonna stay on the right side of the law.

    Stay tuned for her next post: The USDA is picking on me! Send funds! CAF needs your support!

  82. Oh, I think the next post will be far far worse than that. I think the finger will be pointed here, not at USDA. She will threaten with her gun and her lawyer, again, we'll be the big bad hating jealous meanies and a couple of select Jennafans will be over here harassing every other commenter.

    1. Reminds me of that song, "Send lawyers, guns and money"

  83. The point though is that what she was trying to do is illegal and actually dangerous. And she was made aware if she didn't already know. My guess is she was banking on ignorance on the part of her fans. And then never deliver, either goods or refunds as is her pattern.

  84. She is now calling babies not cute and saying everyone doesn't think they are cute as puppies. It's like she wants people to hate her. She's so unhappy in life. It's so obvious that she tries to forget her misery by making fun of everyone else and what others value.

  85. That's sad. Nothing new to say at all. So she recycles the pot roast baby line. She said the same thing, minus puppies, back in January.

  86. From her twitter feed (for those of us who don't FB): "Human puppies are nowhere near as cute as canines. They look like pot roast. I don't care how much you post. To us? Not a real puppy."

    1. Who knows if she really believes any of this stuff? I think it's a matter of having to constantly come up with ever more bizarre statements and activities in order to keep herself in the spotlight.

    2. That tweet is extremely strange. I'm not into baby pictures OR puppy pictures, but I know a metric crapload of people who are, so I just keep my opinion to myself on social media and in person. It does seem like an odd stab at being "controversial" to get some attention.

    3. And she wonders why she is still single? She is getting more bizarre all the time. Who in the world would want to be a part of that?

    4. "To us? Not a real puppy."

      And who, exactly, is "us" anyway?

    5. I think she needs a new pot roast recipe.

  87. Your're right. Who the heck is "us"? And why would she throw insults at her followers? My guess is the majority of people think babies are cute. And the "pot roast" comment is sick.

    It's more of the "I'm superior to you" attitude. Why do people still follow her?

  88. Does anyone have an update on the pig shares? Are people getting their meat, or is she still trying to sell it by the pound?

  89. Yeah, I'm curious as well. I'm sure we won't hear about it, unless there is a kickstarter involved. If it was me and I had shelled out expensive shares before the time to fund her lifestyle, I would be ROYALLY pissed. How selfish of her.
