Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reader question #2

Is it you?!

Post a comment and I will post the question.


  1. Which is preferable for a flock of laying hens, free range or the use of a mobile tractor?

  2. I'm not planning on adding them to my personal menagerie anytime soon, but I'd really like to hear about how to properly raise hogs--how much space per pig, what kind of fencing, what kinds of diseases or pests are they susceptible to. I know hogs have a reputation for being garbage disposals, but are there "people" foods that they shouldn't be given? (Like avocados and such with chickens.) Is there such a thing as a handling facility especially for hogs and what does that look like? How the heck do you get them to load into a trailer since they're closer to the ground than the livestock you'd usually be loading up? My experience is with poultry and ruminants, so I'd be interested to hear how keeping them compares/constrasts with cows, sheep, and goats.
