Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Uncle Dane

Speaking on real threats (wolves) to our own and countless innocent others (at the door).

Keep my brother in your thoughts. He is an Apache pilot in the Army and currently deployed. He turned 25 last Friday and is engaged to be married in May. He is a gem. Let his presence be successful and his safe return swift.

Arise America: ISIL's Beheading of U.S. Hostage P…: http://youtu.be/clNuvKdXowo


  1. Thank your brother from me, he is a true Hero.

  2. He's a hero, and I'm sure he'll be successful and come home safe.

  3. Thinking of your brother, and wishing the best for him.

  4. The military is always in my thoughts and prayers. We can never do enough for them for what they have given To us.


  5. Prayers for the return of your brother to safer shores coming your way.

  6. Please thank him for his (and his family's) service and for giving us the freedoms we have.

  7. Both my husband and youngest brother are in the military, and both have done multiple tours in the Middle East. Both have repeatedly said it is not as bad as it seems through the lens of U.S. media.

    That doesn't mean I don't worry like hell when either one is deployed, but it's a little something to cling to in the back of my mind when I start feeling paranoid. Hang in there :)

  8. Praying for his safe return.

  9. Wishing your brother a safe deployment and speedy return!
