Tuesday, August 2, 2016


What does Merlin power?

Based on the blog he powers once a year as an exhibition when her buddy comes to town.


  1. The truth is in her words. She sees dirt, she has dirt and she lives surrounded by dirt. A farm has soil-organic matter with gases and liquids and millions of living organisms. Farmers grow food in soil, gardeners grow food in soil. We compost and we add that to our soil and grow our family's food in it. Crops are planted, grown and harvested from soil. Good pasture land is created through fertilizing your soil, and through better rotational grazing. I learned the difference between a person who has never farmed or grown anything and a person who is a farmer and/or gardener who grows food many many years ago. As a kid I used to take things from our garden to the fair. One time I took tomatoes and though they were fairly big, quite red and symmetrical (all things the judges look for) they had little taste to them. Our garden sat on a hill and it had a ton of erosion in it. When asked about our garden, I mistakenly said my tomatoes grew in the part of the garden where the dirt was eroding. The old man judging the 4-H projects said- "Now there's where you went wrong." "Tomatoes need to grow in soil, all farmers know that." When I got home I told my Dad, a farmer, what I'd been told. He said- "you play in dirt, there's dirt out in the road, there's eroded dirt on the river banks, but food now that's grown in soil." "If farms don't have good soil, they can't grow good crops." "If farms don't have good soil, pasture land erodes." We spent the rest of the summer repairing our garden by hauling in top soil and manure, and by composting. The following year I won a blue ribbon for my tomatoes.
    Nothing grows in dirt, except maybe weeds. This is why I have never ever considered CAF to be a farm nor it's tenant to be a farmer. She has no garden to speak of, except a kale bed. She has really no pasture land at all, yet she has grazing animals. She harvest nothing from her land because all she has and all she sees is dirt. No farmer even a faux farmer uses the word dirt on a farm. Heck even Eddie Albert in Green Acres (old tv show) called it soil. smh

  2. Oh my, hand tools and horse power, how amazing! Sure is a hunk of serious farm girl-power, requiring strength and perseverance to work that land, build stuff (a single gal! w/no power tools!): ya got your outbuildings needed; a new pole barn for the beloved horse; proper shelters for the pigs; an addition to the barn, perhaps; a chicken tractor- not - gotta barter that out!; rocky soil to till for crops or AT LEAST a serious kitchen garden for putting food up to keep the hungry wolves away for the winter; maintain the homestead in good repair; get those trees down to bring in the winter wood...for starters. Whew. Epic.

    But wow. She sure IS a darn tough, spunky, even courageous lady to "work" that whole amazing operation with mere hand tools and a horse. We are thoroughly impressed!



  3. See, whatever friends she still has in the area and her heathen clan use all the tools. Throughout her blog she has people coming to clean her barn, muck her goats, build her mews, chop and stack wood, butcher hogs and chickens (while she watches), fixes fence (It's either Tyler or another dude with a name that starts w/ a T that does this). Why on earth would she need power tools? When she needed mending on the small shed or barn Patty helped. When she needed things fixed up to get re-certified for insurance Miriam helped out. She doesn't even need a lawnmower because a)she probably still pays that kid to come mow it b) she lets the sheep and goats graze it down c) she just lets it grow (which is my pick- last time I drove by it was 12" high). That same day at 1pm or thereabouts her truck was at the brewery. It was still there at 4:30pm. Who has time to sit in a brewery on a nice day, mid-week? Oh ya, I know. Unemployed people living off assistance...

  4. Ha, yeah, she's having to cast her net wider and wider to get anyone to believe her crap. Pretty much everyone in North America is already on to her, so now she's peddling that BS abroad.
