Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Freaking dreams!

I'm about to enter another crazy night of dreaming.

Dreams about past boyfriends and childhood crushes and schoolmates, neighbors and previous houses, of Ayrshire and my dogs.

One of the highlights last night was of the 2 sheep (though in my dream I think I referred to them as goats) that kept turning up in my car parked at my parents house. Their mysterious owner would stall them in my car at some point during the night. No one ever saw them being put in there and no one knew who they belonged to but there they were.,.every night.

I found a long line of twine tied to a tree where they must have been tied during the day. There was only one line though. I tied the female up and the male stuck around. I was trying to figure out a long term solution to containing them when the anonymous owner replaced his tied sheep (in my dream I called them goats but they were sheep...doll sheep) with cali, who when at my parents spends time outside on a long Iine.

1 comment:

  1. I have the weirdest dreams when I eat ice cream before bed.....vivid.

    Hmmmmmmm what do you think they mean, if anything? Is your brain just telling a story, working out a problem....we'll never know.
