Sunday, May 17, 2015


This is in VA. I am in PA.

Getting it on wednesday after the animal abuse trial.

Can't wait!


  1. So how did the court case turn out? I believe justice was served and not in your favor? That is what happens when you are lying and crazy.

  2. Anon 4:21, did you, by any chance, go to a Cold Antler Farm Workshop on Grammar? You misused and abused a question mark just like Jenna would.......

  3. Meredith - Even though things did not work out as you hoped, at least your voice was heard. You called attention to a bad situation and I believe things are going to be very different at Ayreshire because of you. You truly made a difference for the better.

  4. Agreed, Anon 12:12. That place wouldn't dare risk getting turned in again. It wouldn't go well...

    Incidentally, when searching for this court case I found a website from 2013 with an article saying that the owner of Ayrshire Farm (Cisco co-founder Lerner) was trying to sell the place through word of mouth. I guess she's just tired of taking care of everything; the mansion and especially the animals.

  5. This isn't the end its the beginning, Ayrshire Farm and Crystal Ritenour have no idea what's about to come their way.

  6. This isn't the end its the beginning, Ayrshire Farm and Crystal Ritenour have no idea what's about to come their way.

  7. Hmmm, an appeal? Go, girl!
