Monday, December 29, 2014

No hay no feed I'll take another horse please


  1. "P.S. On Christmas Day I was able to sell Merlin's Meadowbrook Cart, an amazing blessing to this farm, even if it is a sad thing to give up. But it means the farm can catch up on one more late mortgage payment and keep the wolves from the door for a few more weeks!"

    So, what did happen to that money she raised for her book?

  2. Is it possible that she is truly behind on the mortgage AND also believes that she could support another horse? Or is her offer to take the horse evidence that she is misrepresenting her financial condition? I can't figure it out.

  3. Gosh she is a mess. I almost commented earlier, decided not to, but then this and your last post really put it all out there. I'm reading Joel Salatin's "You Can Farm" and one of his biggest slaps to the fake homesteader types is for the people who claim they are/want to be farm folk but who cannot cut their ties with the city/in-town life. He talks about what a waste of time and money it is to constantly be running into town and how if you can't live with yourself in your farm space, it's not the life for you. Seems like JW always has some need for running to town, be it necessity or just frivolous trips like milkshakes and coffee (or the much debated ham sandwich during her "staycation" haha). She might want to pick up a copy and give it a read. Ironically, she's name dropped Joel Salatin in the past as if they're best buds, but based on what I've read so far (from both of them), she is doing the opposite of so much of his advice for successful farming business. ~AM

  4. A mess is right. She is not happy unless she is buying something for herself, or is receiving donations. She is clinically ill.

  5. Did you see her Facebook post of that 32-cup coffee pot? How long before a loyal reader buys it for her and we see it on top of her stove?! I wish I could just post my wish list and have some okay-charlie buy it for me. Oh wait. No I don't.
