Monday, December 1, 2014

He always wanted to soar!

Sun, Speed & Smiles - Speed Riding The Three Sist…:


  1. The following is a weird comment from some JW follower: "I worried about Jenna over at funny how while you don't know a person in real life, yet you know a tad of a person in a 'cyber-space-sorta-life', how you can feel a bit connected. She has such gumption, a tenacity to lead the life she desires, not with handouts or beggings, but of hard work, frugalness and a sense of humor and realness....all in a world that I sometimes wonder about...does anyone live a real life anymore?
    Well of course they do! She does, I do and I know many of you do."

    1. That's very weird. She totally has missed the point, hasn't she? Does she know about Kickstarter? Did she read any of the dozens of begging posts? Now I know how Jenna keeps going, her fans are utterly clueless.

    2. I wanted to reply to her - at least send her to Jon Katz's post of 7/29/2013 - but I can't do it anonymously, and I just don't feel like being cyber attacked. From her profile, it says she was married 3 months after high school, and has spent her life being a homemaker on her in-laws property. I'm a 56 year old woman, and to me, she seems like she has had a very narrow life experience - not someone who has the perspective to know what it's like to support yourself, take care of your own bills and mortgage, and just survive in the world. This woman sounds like she went right from parents house to husbands house, being taken care of financially her whole life. (Of course, I'm just speculating - I don't know her and am making conclusions based on my life experiences and her blogger profile.) There are things she will be clueless about - references to "scraping together the mortgage" won't resonate with her, the way they do with us. You're right Redhorse, these are the type of people JW depends upon to live. Unfortunately, there seems to be an endless supply of these people in the world.

  2. Meredith - that is a cool video you posted. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all soar like that; really puts my mind in a nicer place. Thanks.

  3. That was a cool video. Kuddos to your parents for raising such interesting and adventurous kids who aren't afraid to follow their hearts. Have you ever done something like that?

    ~ V

  4. What is going on with JW's website? I think it has been hacked. I opened it up a few times in the past hour and immediately was taken to a non-functioning advertisement site. At first it was just going there from the new post which is something like "Don't Read This", then it is from the entire JW site. My advice is to stay away from there if you want to stay virus-free. Maybe she is doing this on purpose, hence the "Don't Read This.."?

  5. I didn't have a problem with it. I only watched half of the vlog, but I have to say, I didn't hate it. I don't agree with everything she says and I think she is trying to justify some of her behavior. I still wouldn't send her any money, and I'd like to see her take better care of her animals, but that seemed like an honest discussion for a change.

  6. I am afraid nothing she writes could *ever* be characterized as "honest" in my eyes. Too long a track record of lying. Maybe she is finally seeing that she is a leech, or maybe she is trying to appeal to a broader audience. You do realize those pigs still have no shelter in this stormy weather, right?

    1. Yes, I realize she still doesn't care for her animals, and that she lives off other people. But, she did seem to be honest about some of her fans who have gone off the deep end and say they live vicariously through her blog. She wasn't trying to tell a story about her wonderful picturesque life.

    2. Given the accuracy of your first sentence, the next two are irrelevant.

    3. Good point Anonymous

  7. I only watched half of it as well. But I read her previous blog post about how she checks her email daily for design work, donations or people buying workshops. It seems the pickings are slim. My question is, why doesn't she just go out and look for work instead of hoping it comes to her. I mean in terms of an off farm job. It doesn't have to be an office job. There is plenty of work for those who are willing to look for it. She could also benefit from some personal finance counseling. Plenty of free or inexpensive help there too.

    1. Exactly. It's clear from that post that her chores don't require all day to perform, so she could get at least part time work. And as you say, it need not be in an office. I noticed that the last few posts have alluded about concerns over paying the mortgage. Relying even in part on donations to keep a roof over your head is not a sustainable business model.

    2. That should have read "alluded to".

    3. I imagine what might have happened is the Kickstarter money went to what she was overdue on for her mortgage and other bills (and some perks, like the cart), and now she's back where she was, just scraping by to keep current. And if she has the moocher/unreliable rep in her community that others have mentioned she might have a hard time finding work, even part time.

    4. Your ideas about where the money went make sense. Although it is a small community, maybe some of her friends could give her references so that she could get a job. I suppose she could also drive to a nearby town or farm. Although she is trying to raise money by suggesting that people (voluntarily) pay to read the blog, I can't see why anyone would. The blog contains no useful information, such as recipes, animal husbandry advice, gardening techniques, etc. Are there ANY blogs that people pay to read? It seems pretty unrealistic.

    5. There must be thousands of farm blogs out there. You're right. Why would anyone pay to read it? If she wants to write about her life, fine. But why ask people to pay for it?

  8. Now she's taking down payments on kid goats. If there are no kids, she'll refund your money. Right. How many years will it take to get your refund. If ever. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but given her history...

    1. I saw that! I am floored. Selling goats yet to be conceived...just odd! Never heard of that before. I hope karma intervenes and she gets no kids this year. I don't understand why she's so desperate for money right now when she got all that kickstarter cash. Something doesn't add up!

  9. I agree. Something smells fishy in veryork. She must be very desperate, why else would she be presaging goats? It makes her look like an idiot. Other homesteaders and farmers must look at her and laugh. I know I do, son!

  10. I have to agree that I would not give anyone money for a goat that isn't even born, especially when there are probably live goats available in the area for purchase. And unfortunately, she does have a history of failing to deliver products for which she has been paid in advance.

  11. I wonder if she ever paid for something up front that was not yet produced?

    I also wonder if she has ever donated to any blogs she has read?

  12. Just read her "plaid friday' post. She's said she has a week to make another mortgage payment. For crying out loud, why doesn't she just go out and find work rather than trying to guilt people into buying stuff from her. I'm sure her readers have mortgage payments too. I will never understand this.

    Any clue as to why she will not go out and work? How do the other farmers in her area make a living?

  13. Right. She's good at marketing, which probably explains her success at getting donations to date. I almost sent her money last winter when she was talking about her inability to pay the mortgage. Then I realized that she is mentally and physically able to work but has chosen not to have a job and paycheck. She is not ill, injured or disabled. The bills associated with her lifestyle choice are her responsibility. I guess I can't understand why someone who is able to support themselves would WANT to ask others for donations. I would find it humiliating, even if I were sick or couldn't find work. And since I'm not, I would consider it dishonorable. Her expenses exceed her income. If self-employment can't solve that problem, she needs to get a job. Finally, I wouldn't be interested in advice on self-sufficiency and homesteading from someone who can't even support herself.

  14. Would any of you hire her? All you have to do is a simple google search and you will find coldantlersham, this blog, and of course her own blog, which is really damning enough in and of itself. As we have learned, she has gotten laid off from every single job that she has had.. EVERY SINGLE ONE- for not actually *doing* her job. She is L A Z Y. That is all. She is NOT short on money, she is just used to getting free money. She is *not* a homesteader in any sense, she is a FREE LOADER.

  15. She has talked about being free. She is not free in any sense. She is totally dependent on her readers, her neighbors and is indebted to her bank, her student loans, and possibly credit cards. There is a saying, "the borrower is servant to the lender".

    If she truly wants to be free and independent, she would get a job, reduce expenses and knock down her debt. Vicki Robbins, co-author of "Your Money or Your Life", said she bought her freedom with her frugality.

    JW lives above her means and is impulsive. The meadowbrook cart is a prime example. How long has she had it? A few months? And now she's trying to sell it, possibly at a loss.

    Jenna, I'm not trying to be mean, just realistic. I know you don't like realism, but you are living in a real world, not a fantasy one. Read anything by Dave Ramsey. He can help you. If you really want to be free, you may need to make some changes in your life that may seem unpleasant now, but will pay big dividends later.

  16. You all do know, don't you, that she doesn't want to get a job or be normal or live frugally, or any of those normal people responses to budget and lifestyle cost crunches. She doesn't have to. She just mentions it, whines about it, writes her fancy prose about being scared and SOMEONE out there sends in enough and she gets by.

    Normal people in those sorts of situations, they can only last so long before they have to do something drastic, like get a job, get a roommate, sell off stock, sell off stuff, (A lot more than the odds and ends she's tired with and sells) As I remember, and I've been a long time reader, she's been begging. She begged at the cabin, she begged to get this place, she's been there several years and is still begging like clockwork. She has a job. It's professional panhandling off her blog readers tender hearts and vicarious living.

    I think so many readers, including myself, would have so much more respect for her if she reported that she got a part time job helping at the bookstore, or helping Nelson Green (an elder) with his farm work a few days a week. Or heck, working at Stewarts. She's got the time, we all have been there and done that, you make the time. You do your time, you get caught up and you stop whining and begging. You promote your workshops and sell livestock and written word bits and art, etc. We know this. We live this.

    I have a small homestead farm. I have sheep, goats, chickens, hogs, ponies, bunnies, the whole nine yards. Work at home. Single mom, worked our butts off to get our place. Write, create, blog, etc. Lots of folks do it. I sure don't expect anyone else to front our gig or pay for our lifestyle. And we are no strangers to Craigslist and trade and barter and making things meet with a super tight budget.

    I just think she has this all worked out. She has a schedule and things she does to build up to the Big Ask, and then it keeps her afloat with the occasional workshops, books, etc, etc of real income that comes her way. Then she can wile away the day doing her movie character stuff and then preaching to others to do the same if they want, because it's out there, you can do it, stop dreaming, stop being responsible and paying bills and such, common, you poodle you...

    Just a few of my thoughts... I dunno. She's got a job. And seems to be doing okay at it as opposed to working for the man, which we have learned never seems to work out for her. If she hasn't lost that place after nearly four years of being behind and all, then it's not as bad as she lets on. I know this, I lost a home from being an idiot. It doesn't happen overnight, but it sure does happen fairly quickly once you step over the wrong line.

    :-) -s

    1. I would love to read your blog, Anon 8:28! (I'm being totally serious...I know it's hard to tell on the Internet, but if you have a blog, I'd love to read it, though I totally understand if you don't want to reveal yourself).

    2. I do, but I'm reluctant to share here and get the backlash from JWwannabes... As I have heard from others. I read this her and rarely respond because have this weird relationship with my reading of CAF and all. I'm like so many... Loved reading her "scrappy" blog back when but am just worried and upset by it now, the change and the begging and the weird persona.... I dunno. Just keep wishing for the old J and it just doesn't seem to be happening.

    3. Unfortunately, I have to agree with you, Anonymous at 8:28 PM. It took a while for me to figure out what was actually going on at CAF because she IS a very good writer. I think that a lot of readers (including me) identified with her financial struggles for a while because we have worked hard and struggled with bills and fear, too. However, a couple of months ago, I realized that what you wrote is true. Supporting myself and being financially responsible are part of my moral code, so I no longer enjoy her blog.

  17. I wonder if she's ever thought what would happen if all her wannabe farmer readers took her advice and left their 9 to 5 gig, bought a farm they couldn't afford and then had to beg on the internet for money.

    The internet would be full of beggers and no one to get money from because the rest of us are too smart to fall for the pleas.


  18. It's already full of them, them and their enablers.

  19. Have you seen the latest vlog about "responsible" chicken ownership? She must have said "responsible" about 17 times. Near the end, she is talking about being able to do what's necessary should the animal need to be culled for whatever reason: too old to produce eggs, injury, illness. How it is the only responsible thing to do to be able to end their life quickly, humanely. WHAT?! Oh, like that poor lamb that took two weeks to die under her "care?" Or Maude? Countless others I'm probably forgetting. Unbelievable.

    1. Well, there's that and also the fact that her poultry faces yearly culling from predators because she doesn't believe in putting her flock anyplace secure at night. Then she is astonished at the carnage....then she attempts to hunt or trap the predator which killed them all, and usually fails. Then she buys more chickens and the whole cycle starts all over again.


    2. Yeah, it's funny, tragic, and criminal that her idea of "responsible" chicken keeping is simply being able to cull a chicken. How about all the other parts leading up to that point, Jenna? Providing adequate shelter and protection from predators? Providing attentive preventative care and first aid so you can avoid the last resort of culling due to illness or injury? I've kept chickens for 17 years and dealt with all the situations she mentioned in the video (and MUCH MORE--I've processed more broilers than she ever will) and she's a joke. Her chicken book is also a joke--for people who really want to keep chickens, I highly recommend Gail Damerow's books, especially The Chicken Health Handbook. Gail's been around for forever, and her books were my first when I started keeping chickens in the late 90s. This recent video was just a way for Jenna to show her true colors again and rant about how she's so much better than all of those "sissy" poodle chicken keepers in the suburbs.

  20. A couple of google searches on "keeping chickens healthy" and "treating sick chickens" yielded many, many websites on both topics. Apparently, you can even vaccinate chickens against many illnesses, and I found a website that tells you when to administer each one. Not surprisingly, shelter, clean water and a clean, dry place to sleep in a coop are important for chicken health. A vlog on proper chicken care would be a lot more useful than one that emphasizes "culling". Even if you intend eventually to kill the chickens for food, don't you want them to have a good quality of life before that happens? And keeping them healthy would seem to be important for your OWN health when you finally decide to eat them. The vlog seems to romanticize being tough enough to take a life while ignoring animal stewardship.

    1. "Being tough enough to take a life while ignoring animal stewardship" is a perfect description of Jenna's entire three-ring circus of delusion.

    2. There are always great comments on this blog but this one summarizes the importance of anim husbandry so well. Short simple and sweet.

  21. Whenever she prattles on about her "Indie Day" visitors I just shake my head and hope that whoever the person is he or she has the sense to look at other resources and not rely on Jenna's "expertise!"

  22. I don't usually comment here, but her post today really struck a chord. She writes of hypothetical Indie Week Visitors: "maybe they'd learn after a few days [at CAF] how wonderful microwaves, thermostats, and warm toilet seats are after a few days here and happily set the farm fantasy aside!" ... ... ... I'd just like to point out that there is nothing antithetical about microwaves, thermostats or warmed toilet seats and farming. You can have a farm with all three of those things, and having modern conveniences and comforts doesn't make it any less of a farm. I get very annoyed by the haves/have-nots division she creates in her writing- especially when they seem so arbitrary. What does having or not having a mircowave have to do with farming? Absolutely nothing.

    Okay- I'm gonna leave this rant alone now, but thanks for letting me vent.

    1. I had a microwave, heat, warm toilet seats, food in the freezer, chickens and lambs to butcher, gardens growing, fruit trees producing, coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions at the door. Umm, real one's, not bill collectors.

      Oh yeah, and 750 acres of tree crops, 40 head of cattle, 50 sheep and 2 dozen chickens.

      She, JW, has no farm--word, flock, fantasy or otherwise. She produces NOTHING. Not even enough for her own survival.


  23. I do not understand why she can't keep her house warmer than 60 degrees. I grew up with a woodstove, and our house was SWELTERING for it. I have lived in places heated solely with wood, and it was always nice and toasty inside, once the fire was going and if it was maintained. I don't know if she has poor insulation, poor fire tending skills, or if it's just her "poor me" attitude, but all of those things could be fixed so that, in the very least, her toilet seats would be warm. Insulating my old house was one of the best and cheapest home improvements I ever made--it was only about $450 to have tons of insulation blown into the attic, and I have a huge attic.

    It concerns me how little care she has for her house, by the way. The roof is old--it needed replacing back when she bought the place, but she can't afford it, so she (again, with the martyrdom) has to rake the roof at all hours to keep it from collapsing. I know other people on this blog have brought up Dave Ramsey numerous times, but here we go again: If you can't afford to take care of the things that will inevitably go wrong with your home, YOU CAN'T AFFORD A HOME...least of all a farm. She can't even figure out how to have a warm toilet seat. No..I take that back..she knows how to do it. She just wants to be a martyr for...what, I do not know.

  24. That little bunwarmer oven is not really meant to heat a whole house. How can it? We heat with wood as well, and you need a good sized stove for a big old farm house. I'm sure it's cold as hell in there because she's living the whole martyr thing. I dunno, she drives me nuts, but I can't seem to stop watching. It's the best WHAT NOT TO DO homesteading blog around. Combined with this blog and commentary, I have learned a ton.

    1. I agree- I read her blog with a 'there but for the grace of God' attitude.

    2. Agree that the bunwarmer will only warm your buns, not the whole house! However, I have always noticed another big prob with that stove, and that is that it's right next to probably the biggest window in the house. The heat all goes out through the windows right next to it. I have a small woodstove, but it's efficient and it heats half the house. Keeps my utility bill down considerably. I also put plastic over the inside of the windows. It's made for windows, and acts like a storm window. Also helps tremendously.

    3. I also have a small woodstove, not much bigger than Jenna's. It heats my entire house-- I don't use electric, gas or oil heat and haven't for years. My house is 1000 sq ft. I agree that you can make a small woodstove work if you're smart about it. Being next to her patio door is probably a bad idea, but it's also possible that was the only place it could go, who knows. She probably didn't have the money to get the stove pipe installed up through the floors of her house to locate it in a more efficient spot.

  25. I don't think her house is that big. I think she mentioned once that it was around 1200 sq feet. She should be able to heat the downstairs. And if she talked to Dave Ramsey, he would tell her to sell the horse and other animals and get 2 jobs until she got out of the crisis. She knows more than everyone. Dreams are more important than reality. She is hardheaded and stubborn and only listens to amen Charlie's.

  26. I know everyone wants her to sell the horse and animals, and that probably won't happen because it's so much a part of her personna and fantasy. But I think she could easily keep them with a decent job for awhile. Or even a good part time one. She's obviously keeping afloat through the begging and odd things here and there, Kickstarter, workshops, stuff sales. Seems to me that a decent part time or nearly full time job for a year would really get her up and over the hump, so to speak. It doesn't take that much time to chore her handful of critters. She can still be a martyr, up at the crack of early to chore her animals before off to a job and then back to tend them afterwards. Would it be hard? Sure. Would it redeem her in the eyes of sooooooo many readers and people? Heck yah. Would it give her respect from all the other people doing the same thing to keep their dreams afloat, he'll yah. Will she do it? Probably not. Too much work and she's already got her system worked out like that person said before. Why bust up a good thing? With hard work and a shade of poodle in her realm? Haha, nope.

  27. Yeah, well if she had a job she could use the furnace in the house. Even if she kept it low, like 45 or 50 degrees, to help establish a base, then used the wood stove to bring it up comfortably, it would be a lot more efficient and nice in there. Since about 99% of the rest of rural New York does that, I'm not sure why she couldn't. (that is depends on fuel oil, propane or a bigger wood stove) I think she would be more happy living in a one room Scottish dugout cottage of dung and limestone or whatever. More romantic than a boring old farm house that requires somewhat modern attention.

  28. Hmm...Indie Days at Cold Antler? So people can show up to her place then she has to take them to OTHER places? Why is she even offering them if she can't host them? Do you think she gives Patty or Common Sense any money from their work?

    And good gosh, did y'all get a load of the gate in that picture? No wonder her animals escape.

    1. Oh my God...the gate. Is that an absolute rat's nest of baling twine acting as a latch??? That's not scrappy. That's just pathetic and unsafe. How much can a length of chain and a bolt snap cost? Maybe six bucks, total. How about an actual gate post to attach it to rather than a t-post?? About $10, if I recall correctly. I think I remember her writing once that she never opens the pasture gate because it's all tied together with baling twine. Because having an inoperable gate is totally a good idea when you have livestock.

  29. Oh, and remember how our Happy Homesteader asked the coldantlersham blog to be taken down because she was paying everyone back? Well... guess what?! She hasn't....

  30. From my home to yours.... Although it's off-topic, at this special time I want to wish those of you on this blog a very Merry Christmas. Your insight, heart and humor is a gift throughout the year, and I'd like you to know how much you're appreciated. Let's hope 2015 is especially bright!

  31. Oh my gosh, the latest post? About trading and bartering everything because she is so broke and such and but that she sold the cart... And then Another post begging for discounted classes and workshops, to keep the wolves from the door and all. You mean away keep the people with jobs who have to clean up after people who don't pay their bills and live in a fantasy world? I just don't get it.
