Saturday, July 27, 2013

Working goats

Got brush?
Got goat?
Got work!

Left: post goat
Mid: goats. Hog panels upside down to MAXIMIZE browsing. They stretch to graze, trailblazing a path parallel to the panel...clearing a foot trail used when 'flipping' panels. Fresh swatch!
Right: ungoated


Sheep tractor


  1. That sheep tractor is neat. How hard is it to move?

  2. With a tractor :)

    I think its a bit small but there's only 3 sheep and I think its moved daily. I thought it would be perfect for meat birds, but they built it for the sheep and that's what's in it!

    pallets are the cheapest fence (free) so they're trying to use whats available. the father lives on the farm but the animals are his son's who is trying to bring back the family farm...but lives a hour+ away. its a real family effort and fun to watch evolve.

  3. Ah yes, a tractor would definitely make things easy. I love pallets...that was what we used to build our barn pen. I just tore it out though so I can rebuild different pens out of hog panels.

    Good luck to them!
