Monday, July 29, 2013

Barn Raising

What's more fun than paying your mortgage, student loan, and truck payment?

Barn raising for your recently acquired equines! 

Priorities are a major reason we're in this fiscal mess.


  1. That and a lack of understanding about money - saving or spending.

    Mean ole money lenders!!! '

    Don't they know girls just wanna have fun.

  2. Can one keep pigs and just feed them scraps or do you need to actually buy proper feed for them? I grew up on a dairy farm and know nothing about pigs.

  3. It's best to feed a balanced hog ration. That way they get the right amount of nutrients and necessary minerals. Then you can supplement with scraps or give as treats.

    It's hard to feed just scraps because as pigs grow they will eat more and more, sometimes the equivilent of several 5-gallon buckets full.

    I've known people who have fed stuff from dumpster diving, but I follow the adage garbage in garbage out.
