Saturday, November 9, 2013


It clearly states one must get a federal permit.

Is she blind?


  1. I'm sure she's scrambling for another book idea/deal right now. If she gets an advance to write a book on gardening for self sufficiency, I'm going to do that thing I'm always threatening to do and finally shit my pants in blind rage.

    1. This made me laugh out loud. I desperately needed that today.

    2. Ditto!!!!!!! LOLOL!~!

  2. Once again going off half caulked into some juvenile fantasy.

    She is probably the shitting her pants. This is three day weekend in the publishing world. No one to talk to until Tuesday. Stewing in her own juices is my bet.

  3. First commenter, thank you for that laugh!!! Can you imagine the hubris of taking an advance for a how to book on something you have not done?

  4. Now pigs are for sale. It's going piece by piece.

    And the less she sells the more she should get the hint people don't want what she has.

    You only have so much to sell then what?

  5. Have you seen the mess going on her Facebook page? The go girls and amen Charlie's are really whipping her up... Crazy!

    1. Isn't that FB page a closed site? (Have to ask to be let in) I'm afraid... very afraid. LOL! She probably wouldn't let me in at all.

    2. She closed the page a few hours ago because she couldn't handle the comments. Get this....she actually had the audacity to post, "everyone needs to stop discussing my bank account and personal life." Holy crap! Is she for real? Her entire blog has turned into a cheap on-line tag sale. She incessantly whines about her finances, the truck and mortgage payments being behind....she puts it ALL out there on the world wide web, but hey.....don't talk about it unless you're dumb enough to pay for something you'll probably never see.

  6. She IS blind. From that NYgov falconry website:

    "After receiving a New York State Falconry License, applicants will also need to apply for and receive a federal falconry permit. ... When attempting to trap a wild raptor for falconry purposes an individual must have their New York State Falconry License and USFWS (Federal) Falconry Permit."

    "Falconry is a sport that demands dedication, time and money. (She has none of these!) A person thinking about becoming a falconer must understand that they are responsible for meeting the day-to-day needs of the raptor, including food, housing, exercise, equipment, and veterinary care." (Good luck on the veterinary care.)

  7. You know what I think? I think she DID know but was hoping to slink by that one. How can she not know if it is in print right on the NY paperwork? Either that or her mentor dumped her.

  8. I think I went into shock a little bit by how many folks defended her on the facebook page, don't even think about trying to have a normal debate on any subject related to anything Jenna does on there, they are almost rabid in their faith in her.. crazy, just crazy!

    As for not talking about, she can go on and go but when it comes to her "followers" its all about taking it with blind faith..

    As for the bird, I agree, the rules where there in black and white, it makes no sense at all that she would NOT have read the rules.. so many things she writes are just off kilter, this is not the first or the second..
