Friday, December 30, 2011


fos·ter (fôstr, fstr)

tr.v. fos·tered, fos·ter·ing, fos·ters

1. To bring up; nurture: bear and foster offspring.
2. To promote the growth and development of; cultivate: detect and foster artistic talent.
3. To nurse; cherish: foster a secret hope.

The word foster has many definitions.

I foster dogs.  I love adore appreciate and respect the species and it pains me to know the suffering which they are exposed to.  Many people turn a blind eye, some people don't care, some can't be bothered, others are too self rightious to look beyond themselves to see what good their time and energies would do in anothers life. 

Others have hearts that don't stop giving.  I luckily found a group of individuals with huge hearts and giving sensitive spirits and together we save dogs.  Most recently I fostered a border collie mix.  He went to a couple on a trial basis yesterday evening.  Oddly enough, i met the husband while creating a flyer for the collie at a local print shop.  Come to find out they live less than a mile down the gravel road from me.  They took him last night to be vetted by their personal vet prior to formally adopting him.  Hopefully this boy is one adoption fee and formal paperwork away from his FOREVER home!

A quick recap: 

Stray in WV in need of a foster home in a more populated adoptable area.

After the transport from WV to MD, hanging out before being loaded into my car for his ride to VA where he will be vetted, evaluated, and fostered in my home with my 4 personal dogs.

Foster destination Bluemont, VA...feeling cherished

on the farm, stunning in the sun

two peas in a pod

business in the front party in the back!

the whole crew

that's how its done folks.  in as little as 4 weeks a dog went from slated death to an adoptable (hopefully adopted) family pet.  altered, UTD on shots, housebroken, and happy!

best of luck my collie boy.

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