Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Turning away work?

"This is a mandatory event for all, because we will be voting on some basic laws for our tribe. There will only be four laws I am presenting for vote, but anyone is welcome to present laws to the group to accept or dismiss. This is why attendance is so important. I already cancelled plans this day that included making some decent cash for the farm with private fiddle lessons."

Interesting concept.


  1. She's at it again. Rip-off artist:

    "...we need to all be in the same place for Tribal voting, collecting money for group projects (like the hives that we will brew mead and reap honey from)... Besides voting on the laws below, we will be collecting money (cash) towards purchasing our Bee Hive (hives). The suggested donation amount is $40."

    Right. And the beehive will reside at, guess where? CAF, I'm sure. For her to skim the honey off for her own use.

  2. And the smart ones:

    "If the following laws are something you do not feel able to abide, or think the group is becoming too much of a commitment, this is the time to say farewell. A few already have, simply because they feel the commitment is too much."

    Haha. Looks like some of the heathens saw through her charging for meetings, hives, etc., etc.

  3. Hail! For the mandatory Winter Thing you must blot with many twenty dollar bills, we will leave the offerings in the woods for the god poles to contemplate. Later, after you also leave bee hives, bourbon, TP and other offerings I will gather it all together and give it to the orphanage in town. they will know it comes from us so that our reputation on Reddit can grow and grow. If you cannot contribute let me know and I will put you on an installment plan and garnish your wages, as you know what I want for Yule - the goat horn mug, so let's vote me the Grand PuBa of TGH and make Corbie the queen of the club, bleech!

    1. Welcome back. I love your posts!

  4. Meredith girl, you're going to have to go cold turkey from cold antler. It's an illness.

    Just close your eyes and think of helping the Ayrshire pigs. I would like to hear more about them.

    1. Are you a Scientologist, I think the master needs a logo sold, Dianetics Chapter 5

  5. It just floors me that she cries and whines about being "on the edge", riddled with anxiety to the point of not being able to think straight or sleep and a short while later she's turning away work. Although, I'm guessing she was already paid for the lessons. When has she ever worked without being paid in advance?

    Hasn't Jenna killed her bees off numerous times? They might want to consider adding something to their bylaws-- you kill the kindred's bees, you're outta here.

    Also, there was something kind of off putting about the way she decked the goat out in jingle bells and they spent the day watching him frolic "But the real fun was watching this guy run and jump and jingle about for a while!"....when she's casting about on reddit for tips on how to turn his horns into drinking horns when she has him slaughtered in a few weeks.

  6. Private fiddle lessons = some sucker who cut one of those bad deals "Pay now, come later" during one of the begathons. She can just re-schedule that poor soul for another time. Its all about laying on the heathen guilt nice and thick, Soylent Green people, just eat it. Meanwhile, in a strange miracle of the Yule she has not asked for money directly. Things are looking good, job at Orvis, tribe paying tribute and Momma W's special krinkle kake kookies have arrived, good times at CAF until the temp drops

  7. Meredith girl, you're going to have to go cold turkey from cold antler. It's an illness.

    Just close your eyes and think of helping the Ayrshire pigs. I would like to hear more about them.

  8. I would find it incredibly obnoxious that she just decrees a day for the "Thing" without checking with anyone, and then demands that they all be there. What the hell?

  9. She's a

    I wanted to stop in real quick and wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! I am busy baking and will attempt to bake up a bread shaped santa

    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you do :)


  10. She knows how to lay on the guilt! After all the whining about late mortgages and having to steal Equal from the gas station, she uses turning away work to guilt them into showing up.

    Why didn't she have this event on a different day? Maybe the following weekend? Why not poll her group to find out what day is best for them?

    I wonder how the person who wanted fiddle lessons feels about getting cancelled on?

  11. And then there were 9...looks like her demanding a$$hole mandatory "Thing" event post made a few members say F that noise and quit! Hahaha
    Then she has the "sorry if I came across as a harda$$ but it's just because it's so IMPORTANT" post. Oh brother!

    Anyway! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a wonderful day!

  12. In addition to paying to just attend these heathen meetings, now she wants $40 apiece from members for bee hives. With 13 members, that's $520. (Of course I didn't include JW kicking in any money... that's what her heathens are for).

    My question is, doesn't she already have all the bee equipment necessary? She's raised them in the past. So what exactly is the money for? Mortgage payment is my guess.

    1. Sounds like her heathens are a new income stream as well as free labor.

  13. Here we go again. Maybe buying a truck for less than $3k is not such a good idea? She knows it's been having trouble starting because she's been asking for jumps on FB periodically. So, the chick who teaches workshops on preparedness doesn't have even a few days of feed on hand for her animals. Hmmmm.

    Jenna Woginrich this sucks. no way to afford a repair. no way to leave the farm for feed or hay. we're fine for tonight but i'm really, really, stressed out.

    1. Her electricity is about to be shut off and she turned away work? Either she's full of shit or she's mentally incompetent.

      Jenna Woginrich Truck was jummped and won't start. Starter is crapped, they said. I can't even begin to get it towed and repaired until I pay my electric bill because it is due for disconnection. Well, I have all the animals meals figured out for today and tomorrow. I need to start figuring out Thursday.

    2. I've never heard of only keeping enough feed for 24 hours on hand.


    On Monday (MONDAY--YESTERDAY), she blogged that she picked up hay and feed. And stacked it in the bed.

    Now, she's saying she only has enough feed and hay to last until Thursday.

    So...let me get this straight..she gets 3-4 days worth of feed and hay at a time. I get it. It sucks to pony up several hundred dollars up front to lay in a supply of hay and feed. But...I can't IMAGINE the anxiety and constant sense of incompleteness I would have if I felt like my animals were constantly running out of necessities. No wonder she can't sleep at night. Buying hay and feed is a monthly or bi-monthly chore, and whenever I'm coming close to running out, I start to feel anxious. To feel that way constantly would definitely suck. And she's bringing it on herself. Poor planning. Poor financial management. Or she's just pulling legs for sympathy $$$.

  15. First of all, she said she wasn't going to bring up her finances again. I knew that wouldn't last because it would shut off the flow of donations.

    Secondly, she has the Orvis job. That should be bringing in a steady income at least while it lasts.

    Third of all, if she didn't live so close to the freaking edge all the time, repairs, utilities or feed bills would not be a problem. She brings this on herself.

    And last of all, she said her next logo sale would go towards that stupid goat horn thermos. Who in their right mind would buy that mug when their electricity might get shut off?

    I'm thinking she's trying to get donations for her electric bill, truck repair and for someone to send her that stupid thermos. The manipulation continues.

  16. How soon before people are paying her electric bill, truck repair and feed bill?

  17. As soon as the temperature dropped the SHTF, this will not be pretty but I will say that JW will get through this again because she ALWAYS DOES.
    These insane enablers will drive 50 miles to give her a lift (will she pay for gar, are you serious?)
    They will bring batteries, hay and money like the 3 wise men and the angels will sing, Glory to Jenna in the highest, and on farm, more logos on earth! Meanwhile Mrs. W is freakin out in Punxsutawney cause her little baby now has 2 broken toy trucks and now she needs the effin Hess truck! Well time to re FB friend mommy dearest and hope the money card is down at the PO.
    Meanwhile, Anna Kendrick that lazy ass hawk only good for photo ops might need to finally fly away and find some food cause when it comes to who eats first on this farm, she knows the deal. Merlin is prepared to sleep in the snow storm and Birchthorn, we hardly knew ya!
    Yo poodles, the wood pile is stacked BTW but I'm scared, really scared....

  18. Maybe the heathen hive donations will pay the electric bill.

  19. Any minute now, one of her supporters will appear here and say how we are kicking her when she is down.

    So I have a question for this supporter in advance. Will you bail her out of this crisis of the week? My guess is no, because I believe you know the truth. Her lifestyle is unsustainable, and has been, maybe even before she quit her job, since she said she didn't make enough even then to support her lifestyle.

    Even some of her most ardent followers have seen the writing on the wall and suggested reducing stock, going back to work, and even selling the house.

  20. So here's the question. Instead of turning away work, why didn't she just schedule her mandatory heathen meeting on a different day? Wouldn't that have been prudent?

    1. It doesn't make sense. She didn't have to work around anyone's schedule but her own...and she "can't" do that.

      My guess. She didn't have any plans that day. She made it up to guilt them into coming by making it look like she made a sacrifice herself to attend.

  21. "Kathy Ann May: I assume your critics are once again proving that they have no life? Seriously. They should send you a thank you note. If not for living through you they would have no life at all."

    My eyes are rolling out of my head right now...

    1. Kathy Ann May - Jenna needs help. Send her money. Lots and lots of your hard earned money.

  22. I thought that things were turning around. A paying job, albeit temporary, I was ready to think Jenna had finally faced reality. Then starts the crisis mode again. I just hope the animals truly are taken care of. Oh a much more pleasant note.. Meredith I wish you the very best New Year. I can't wait to see how the Yak training goes. What a unique opportunity to work with such animals.

    1. I think begging has become a habit for her since she's always been about quick, easy cash.


  23. So here is the FB post Kathy Ann May was commenting on:

    "Excuse me but I'm very critical of how you did something that I never had the initiative, commitment or drive to accomplish myself" - Jackson Crawford

    She either doesn't understand or doesn't want to admit that no one is critical of how she lives her life. But people are very critical of how she takes money from people and doesn't deliver, or manipulates them with her sob stories into sending her money. Which she then proceeds to spend foolishly.

    1. Amen. Let's take the wool CSA as an example. I've never had a wool CSA, but I know she didn't do any research or planning, she didn't put much effort into it, and she didn't make an effort to be fair to her customers. She has not had the initiatve, commitment or drive to accomplish anything, unless you count begging.

  24. The key part of that phrase: " accomplish myself." I cannot think of one thing she has accomplished herself; other than get better at ripping people off???

  25. Ugh.

    Woginrich: "I spent today feeding pigs and goats.
    Then working from my home office for an international company
    Then got tweeted to by Marc Maron about a record
    Then heated my home by a fire in the corner.
    I love 2016."

    Her saying "I spent today feeding pigs and goats" is like saying "I spent today taking a shower" or "I spent today making lunch." 'Cause I can't believe it takes her more than a few minutes to throw some food at them. She makes it sound like she has a 1000-goat operation that she has to tend. Does she even have any pigs? Where's the photographic evidence?

    Someone should tell her that the person taking her order at McDonald's is also working for an international company. If she was slaving for Angus Pudwinkle's Hand-Crafted Fishing Apparatus she would be crowing about working for an authentic local artisan instead.

    Everything about her has to be wonderful and unique and the best. Her work is so much more important. Her tweets are so much more famous. Her fire is so much toastier.

    1. Maybe she's feeling content because someone paid her electric bill, truck repair and sent her feed for the animals.

  26. I thought she swore off yapping about her finances? Shameless.

    "I know my bank account has double digits in it. I know that soon the foreclosure notices will appear again."

  27. Dear Jenna,

    For the love of DOG, please stop saying, "US falconers, us farmers", etc. It is WE falconers, we farmers, we women, etc. A writer should KNOW THIS. WE, not us.

    1. And for the love of dog, at least acknowledge all the people who have bailed her out. She keeps saying that somehow she has managed to stay on her 'farm'. Yes, she has managed because of the kindness or stupidity of others. Acknowledge them, dammit!

  28. Poor Jenna. The Heathens on reddit wanna know why she's running her kindred as a for profit with hefty mark ups on stickers and hoodies!

    "Cafepress base price for a car magnet: $3.49. Tyr's Good Hand car magnet: $14.99. 11.50 mark-up. Men's organic fitted tee: $24.99. Tyr's Good Hand men's organic tee: $38.99. $14.00 mark-up.
    I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I can sure tell when someone is trying to make a profit. Keep in mind that the shop owner sets the price above the base price.
    If your not selling items through your website than why even have a "merch" link? And, yes, the merch link promotes the cafepress store through it's very existence. The store has also been promoted on your meetup page, if I remember correctly?"
