Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Still paralyzedish

Mr Wonky leg

That's singular though!

Only one leg down.

That's workable.


  1. That's really good. As long as he's happy, that's what counts. Every time I see Littles, I get a little bit of chihuahua fever but alas it's not to be. I have a heeler that is simply unruly with a jealous streak that would land him in jail were he human.

  2. Hope that his leg gets better a little bit at a time. And hope his bladder is functional, as that gives him a lot more normalcy -- and you too, in terms of being able to have in indoors without necessarily being right there all the time.

  3. I'm so happy he is on the mend! I know how scared you were for him. :)


  4. What a happy little smile!
