Friday, October 30, 2015

Merlin for Sale?!

Merlin for sale in 3...2...1

Or 1 2 3 emotionally manipulated by me!

Which one is it?

Mayne she should write Cold Barn Antler Heart? 

Interesting response when someone asked how Jasper was. She couldn't give 2 shits.

I HOPE Merlin is sold...and soon.

That would be wonderful.


  1. It's just the harness. Someone will buy it and let her store it.

    1. Check out her comment.

      Think she will take payments?

      I can pull a Jenna and make one payment and keep the horse and never respond to an email asking where the rest of the payments are.

    2. Yeah, I imagine there's boatloads of her NYC blog readers that need a harness. ;-)

  2. The threat of having to put Merlin up for sale is probably going to be a major cash cow for Jenna. This is the second near heart attack she's induced in recent memory. If she'd rather sell Merlin than get a regular paying job then she doesn't deserve him.

    Let's not forget she was looking for a second horse this she can barely hang on to this one. WTF is going on?

    1. Oh my god that's right ---thankfully she wasn't able to find another horse. And hopefully she will sell Merlin soon.

  3. I hope she does sell him to someone with the proper facilities and that can care for him.

    1. I think 17 or 19? He's due for a nice quiet home, with good shelter and feed. He's been her muse long enough.

  4. She'd rather sell Merlin than get a job? What a master manipulator she has turned out to be.

    And why does she have to sell a book? Get a job like everyone else for crying out loud!

  5. Exactly. Come on Jenna, just grow up. If you get a job you can actually live your own life. It's all your choice.

  6. The part that pissed me the %*&@ off was when the person suggested she sell Birchthorn on Amazon as an ebook when it's finished. And she dismissed that because she's working on selling logos and workshops, not finishing the book. I PAID FOR THAT BOOK! Deliver what people already paid for, don't keep trying to sell non-existent "future" work!

    1. Contact Kickstarter! She's reneged on her end of the deal. You'll be pleased to know she spent the morning flying her hawk rather than finishing that book like many other days spent pursuing her recreational activities.

    2. She was also writing a book on how Merlin 'saved' her when she should have been working on Birchthorn.

    3. Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?

      Yes. Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill. (This is what creators see before they launch.) We crafted these terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill.

  7. Really? Didn't she do a kickstarter last year for the book?

  8. She could certainly sell the sheep....they are just hay burners. But that threat wouldn't bring in the cash like selling Merlin.
    I also wonder if she can't find a job. I'm thinking one of her mom's comments suggested that.

  9. Between Birchthorn funders and truck loan funders, I wonder how many people are willing to give up their $$$ esp with the holidays coming up. I know I'm cutting corners just to have a little extra for xmas...

  10. She's not working on selling logos n' workshops, she's waiting for Jack Mattke to get home from work and paypal her a little "as usual".

    Nobody wants a goddamned logo already -- TWO YEAR season pass PLUS LOGO is now being hawked for $275. No one wants a workshop either. Genius marketing: sell what no one needs or even wants!

    She CAN get a job. Not necessarily white collar, graphic designer work but she can get a job. Stewart's is always hiring. Working part-time could bring in the cash needed to keep Merlin. She can run a register at Rite Aid. She could work on another farm (!) there are many in the area. Although, seriously, I wouldn't hire her knowing what I know about her. She's too good to work.

    I think she indicated Merlin only cost hay and farrier visits. She said he ate less than a bale of hay a day at $3/bale. Hmm, why not sell the spare Dakota she doesn't need for whatever it's worth to get him through winter? It's her usual manipulations.

    She's soooooo disgusting.

    1. Probably the Dakota got repossessed. She still owed on it, I think.

      I would encourage all of you to funded the Birchthorn kickstarter to legally file suit and get your money back.

    2. Merlin is an aging horse. It won't be long before he needs way more $$$ in vet care, especially the way she "takes care of him."

    3. I felt as though she had alluded to the Dakota getting repo'd. She never came right out and said it, but it seemed that way from her post a couple weeks back.

    4. Yeah, that is how it sounds... gone with the wind... It's why she needed new wheels so badly, something without a monthly payment. Her credit must look awful.

    5. The Dakota is behind her in the vlog she put up today about how to tell if a chicken is laying.

    6. Why doesn't she just sell it and default on the loan? Her credit sucks at this point anyway, she admits that she is close to ruin over and over. She could sell the thing and pocket the cash... oh, no, wait, she doesn't have a title, duh... the bank does. Okay, then she should just give it back, let it be repoed. Hmmm.... isn't that telling? The Dakota has not been repoed. That means she is making payments. Payments on two trucks, a farm, and feeding stuff and all that.

      Could it be that she actually doesn't need that much money but is stringing us all along???????

      OH MY GOSH... no!!! It can't be. Can it????

  11. I just can't believe this chick. Get a freaking part time job. Steady money for awhile. No one is going to diss you for it, in fact, I would bet that donations would come in ten fold... people would be so impressed at you doing what you had to do to make ends meet that they would hand over more to just say, atta girl Jenna.

    You know they would.

    Welcome to the REAL world, son.

    1. You know what? If she got a part time job- four or five hours a day for 4 or 5 days a week, I actually WOULD donate to her. Because in doing so, she would retain some vestige of the actually happy, non-desperate, excited-about-life Jenna that she used to be.

      She was such an inspiration for me. But now I'm genuinely sad for her and about her.

      I'm still rooting for her. Getting a part time job isn't "giving in" or "giving up." It's the exact opposite. It's fighting as hard as you can to keep the things you fought for in the first place.

      I can think of nothing scrappier than clawing your way back to the top by sucking it up and doing something you don't really want to do--just for awhile--so that you can keep doing the things that really get your motor going.

      Seriously. I would cry happy tears.

    2. Anon 6:19...please explain why you would still donate to her? Even with a job she would continue to be a fraud and her animals would continue to suffer. I can't comprehend ever handing her a penny. Beers on Jenna tonight is what donations translate to.
      It's fighting as hard as you can to keep the things you fought for in the first place. "

      Her house was crowd funded...she was even begging for people to send her nails and tools for the "people's" Farm at some point.

    3. She's an awful human being. She's a shallow, vapid impostor who views other people only as resources.

  12. I haven't sold a book either and my bills are getting paid. My secret is called 'employment'.

    She can waitress or bartend. That is what my college educated niece is doing to help pay off her student loans. She works a full time job during the day and the part time job on weekends. She is working her butt off, but she is young and is working hard to pay down her loans.

    Now THAT is scrappy!

  13. I'd be happy if she would get that horse's hair out of it's face so the poor creature can SEE.

  14. She's a superhero and superheros don't work. Can you imagine Superman having a job?

    Oh, wait. Wasn't Superman also Clark Kent? And didn't Clark Kent have a day job?

    Yes, even superheros have to pay their bills.

  15. There is a wonderful book entitled, "How to survive without a salary". This does not mean you don't work. It just means you can get by without a full time job.

    The author suggests a combination of frugality and seasonal, temporary or part time work.

    I would suggest it to JFW, but it would fall on deaf ears. However, maybe someone here will find it useful.

    1. I read that book long ago. The idea of self-employment was a goal of mine, and I attained it by being frugal and working hard at my new (two years ago) at-home job. I still work hard, but am very glad to be home. JW has a black belt. I also have a black belt... in frugality.

  16. Someone on FB shared with w/ JW. I think the guy's a pretty good writer. Part of the article, take note Jenna.
    "The common complaint among a lot of these people is that they need to ‘find their passion.’

    I call bullshit...."
    "And even then, who says you need to make money doing what you love? Since when does everyone feel entitled to love every fucking second of their job? Really, what is so wrong with working an OK normal job with some cool people you like, and then pursuing your passion in your free time on the side? Has the world turned upside-down or is this not suddenly a novel idea to people?

    Look, here’s another slap in the face for you: every job sucks sometimes. There’s no such thing as some passionate activity that you will never get tired of, never get stressed over, never complain about. It doesn’t exist." Mark Manson

  17. There's just way too much going on:
    -biological clock is set to alarm, cue more lipstick, weight loss and vodka
    -farm is about to go under, threaten to sell Merlin and offer a lifetime pass to CAF, a logo, & some goat soap for 3 easy payments of 39.99
    -mom is getting under my skin again, invite them for Christmas and ask that they bring the money card or a gift card from Stewart's
    -creepy guy is driving back and forth 24/7, conduct archery practice and release the hawk on him
    -Patty needs more money for a lift for bailey, stop cutting into my business plan P!
    -Frost hit the garden, everything was dead anyway time for a ham sub at the farmstand
    -Gibson looks like he may be getting sick again, maybe he's jumping Annie's bones too much, need to see the vet, shit, can't pay
    -Full moon on the rise, Samhain and the dumb dinner, what do I make, kale salad, dad's whiskey cake, what, what!?!!
    -Wood pile is still green, do we burn violins this winter, maybe we use the dung brickets I made all summer - yes
    -I need ideas, I need ideas - wait - announce that I will make a vlog movie of Birchthorn, pay per view, sell tickets before production, delay production, pay mortgage
    -crap we need to read Sleepy Hollow again, how many damn times do we do this

    1. You people are assholes with your Jenna-get-a-job nonsense. She can make more as an independent graphic artist, even if that work has slowed for a week or two. Just a bunch of jealous haters here, dregs with no talent themselves. Move on with your lives...AND GET A JOB! That’s all you know, get a job, stop wasting time on this blog hating. Your lives are so empty, you have nothing to do but mock Jenna.

      And for the animal rights hypocrites, STOP KILLING AND EATING ANIMALS! That is the worst kind of animal abuse - KILLING AND EATING ANIMALS!!!! Go vegetarian. Go vegan.

    2. First,If she is such a talented graphic artist, why doesn't she make enough money to pay for her own expenses? Her artwork, if that is what you want to call it, is second rate at best. Very basic stuff, and usually crap.
      Second, why are you here? You sound like the angry, hateful person you claim we are.
      Third, I am a vegetarian, and if you think that letting Maude lay there for days suffering isn't animal abuse, then you are as nuts as she is. I know many people that ONLY eat animals that are raised and slaughtered in the most humane way possible. They would never dream of eating factory farmed meat. Take your uniformed opinions and get out of here if you don't like what is being said.

    3. It should have read "uninformed opinions".

    4. That is absolutely so funny. I don't know who you are, but I would love to meet you. Thanks for calling it like it is!

    5. Jenna is NOT making a living off of logos. The key to fixing something is seeing it's broken in the first place. Is that you Jenna?

    6. So I presume you have given Jenna the same advice? "Stop killing and eating animals? Go vegetarian???"

      Her "job" is bilking you people for money.

    7. Actually, I have a job. I just got promoted and make 110k now. It only takes about 5 mins if my day to mock Jenna. She makes it so easy.

    8. Jealous of what......? Please elaborate. I'd love to know what you think Jenna has that anyone would want.

      "independent graphic designer" is a job but it's clearly not bringing in enough or she wouldn't be trying to hustle dim bulbs such as yourself for money. How empty are the lives of her followers that they send her cash so that they might live through her? How much have you given her?

      If selling Merlin is preferable to picking up a few days work like an ordinary person would do then he really isn't all that important to her. She's supposedly writing a book about how Merlin changed her life......who believes that load of BS when you realize just how little she is willing to do to keep him?

      Jenna is loathsome and her shit show of a life is free entertainment.

    9. I do not mock Jenna, that would be lightweight and fun teasing. After watching this animal hoarder stand by while her animals suffer, and after watching her con well-meaning people out of their money and never deliver, and after the cascade of lies and emotional manipulation of her followers, I am not in a teasing mood. there is no mock, only a combination of condemning her behavior and really, really hoping that she gets the mental health that she needs because I feel bad for her and for her victims all at the same time.

  18. No vlog today! She lasted exactly 4 days before running out of ideas lol

    1. It's on youtube. She didn't announce it anywhere. Clever strategy to get people to watch, I guess.

    2. Aha thanks for letting me know!

    3. Inside the latest video about how to tell if your chicken is laying, inside the tortured and constipated words, and including the butthole multiple times (I don't care about the word but she said it like a thirteen year old on the playground) there is a scrap or two of information. Then a long riff about how she is too cool to use a recipe when cooking.....all in all an fairly excruciating experience. If she could only be crisp, straightforward, not so self-involved. ... I need to go shower now

    4. Someone please disable the slow-mo feature on her video editor.

  19. You know what I don't get? Why doesn't she sell Barnheart/Cold Antler Farm merch? So many people don't live close enough to do workshops and most people don't need logos. But I bet she would have a steady stream of sales of she had tshirts, bumper stickers, mugs, etc. It makes me think she is beyond lazy and doesn't want to deal with shipping on a regular basis. Or maybe it isn't as profitable as I think it would be and isn't worth the hassle.

    1. She does. The items apparently don't sell very well. The link is one of the buttons on the right, down near the bottom, above "friends and mentors" titled "Farm Store".

    2. That's interesting I only look at her blog on my phone and I don't see it but I can see it on my iPad. She should have that link at the top instead of having to scroll all the way down. Having good merch is what's needed. Who wants a shirt that says 'I give good bread'. Really? And the Barnheart is ugly--who wants to wear a shirt that says 'infected'? I get her point but man, come up with something that someone actually wants to wear. Just my opinion...

    3. I was wondering the same thing. She's a graphic designer-- why doesn't she come up with some awesome t-shirts. Not many people can make it to a workshop but plenty would shell out $20 for a t-shirt.

      I'm sure she'll be dusting off her store shortly after reading this!

    4. My idea for her has always been to sell answers to questions. Like $15 for answering a question directly. It's inexpensive enough a lot of people would do it without thinking to either 1) get a sense of holding her feet to the fire or 2) feel like she's their friend/have "personal" (email) interaction with her. I know I'd do .

    5. RE Anonymous at 10:54 AM

      Yes, JW should design better T-shirts, something people would want to wear. Agreed the 'infected' Barnheart logo is ugly, gross, and scary.

      Problem is her personality is too fringe to know what normal people want. She may have artistic talent, but she cannot overcome her weirdness, which she embraces.

      By her own admission she grew up alone and lonely, riding her bike to the end of town, and reading books alone under a tree. Since she left her corporate job, and is now without normal human contact, she is getting weirder by the day. She does not see this as a problem, but evidence of her greatness.

      There is also evidence of a mental disorder. How can she fail to make mortgage payments, while spending money on non-essentials, like a hawk, hawk school-license, hawk expenses, expensive new dog (Friday), the list goes on. No normal person would act this way.

      In my view JW needs an intervention. I hope she gets one soon.

    6. Agree with you, Anon 10:33

      The "infected" shirt/design has always seemed gross. "I give good bread"?? Where would I wear that? To bed? Not in public. It's pretty much an invitation for saucy comments.

      Good point also about "normal human contact". I've always thought this was a major drawback for her. She's surrounded herself with a group of mommy stand-ins that think Jenna is the most special little flower. She needs to spend a little more time with her peers, or anyone really, and less time in the echo chamber of narcissism.

  20. Most of us farmers have day jobs that pay the bills and then we come home and do our farm work. It's done by thousands, if not millions. Even Salatin had to go full bore to make his place work. It's WORK that Jenna avoids, and therefore she will never have anything.

  21. Real farmers are out there farming, not blogging.

  22. I think it's crazy how she said she needs another book deal soon when Birchthorn isn't done yet. First things first!!!!

  23. That 'Self Doubt' vlog??? Huh?
    I've heard more sense coming out of a delirious alcoholic.

  24. I still don't understand why she doesn't sell her goats milk soap more often. Every time she posted a pic of a bar people wanted it. She has a poo ton of hours in her day to bust that soap out,to sell her eggs either at a market or from her home..what about bees? she could sell the honey and other things..She just sucks. she plain sucks.

    She reminds me of my friend on facebook who basically posts non stop about how all of her friends suck because no one will buy her crochet items. She is fantastic at it. I will give her that but it turns my stomach when a person makes you feel like crap constantly for not buying into their own idea of themselves..her posts include not having enough money to buy food for her kids,she has even gotten donations from go fund me for's unreal and of course she can't work..because you know, she suffers from 500 different things at any given time which stops her from handing in an application,talking on the phone,or anything else that requires her to leave her home. She and Jenna are so horribly similar.

    If she honestly loved her life and animals then she would be doing any sort of job to bring the money in. She doesn't give a crap about any of them.

  25. Oh, please don't let her murder any more bees. She tried that once or twice already. I remember the one time she failed to release the queen out of the cardboard box she came in, and of course the queen and then the whole hive either flew away or died. Simply reading the instructions that came with her bee order would have fixed that. But of course, we all know Jenna does things Jenna's way, right or wrong (no matter that it costs animal injuries or lives). The other time I think a bear got into the hive. Either way, no more bees for JW, please.

    1. In a Tyrs Good Hand (her heathen group) update on reddit she discusses things the
      group is thinking of doing. One is volunteering. Another is starting a communal hive with details how it would be done. In the comments Jenna (as shieldmare) says she has kept bees since 2007. Some guy comments "You do it all don't you?) or words to that effect. Jenna answers something like: No sir, but I know/ or have done a lot of homesteading/farming. So she's lying about the bees, apparently?

    2. The way she phrases it implies she has kept them continuously, I think.

    3. I totally forget about her bee fiasco before posting that are more bees for her :/

  26. I'm looking back on the blog and I think she has bees now again, or did last year. The bear incident was in North Idaho. Anyone in N. Idaho that keeps bees has to put electric fencing around the hive. When she was first in the East is when the incident with ordering the queen and the bees, and not releasing the queen occurred.

  27. I have one dog and one cat. I volunteer at an animal shelter and there is a chihuahua there that I fell in love with...but I simply can't afford more than the two animals I have. It sucks and maybe in the future that will change, but I don't have strangers throwing money at me and I don't want to be strapped for cash if/when emergencies come up that require more than basic vet care. It makes me sad that Jenna has all of those animals but can barely care for them. Then for her to turn around and do workshops and vlogs about what a pro she is---it makes me angry. Ugh.

  28. Funny she never mentions her bees. A lot of people are really into apiculture. It would bring more people to her blog/vlog.

  29. She entertained bees for a season. They died. End of story.

  30. I'm announcing my new Kickstarter project, a children's book called "Jenna Gets a Job". It's about a little girl who loves playing with toys and video games, but when she grows up, she cannot give up her childhood pastimes. She creates a successful blog, but relies on her followers to become surrogate parents, supporting her so she can continue to play.

    Eventually the money runs out and Jenna must make the choice to assume personal responsibility.

    Send money now and the book will be in your mailboxes by Yuletide. (Although I am not specifying what year).

  31. Looks like one sensible person commented on her sneaking selling (not really selling! unless you donate...) Merlin post on Facebook:

    "Why don't you apply to a temp agency or pick up a temporary part-time job before trying to sell Merlin? Most self-employed people (myself included!) I know have done this when things get slow. People that aren't self-employed still get a paycheck when their companies are slow, but self-employed people don't have that luxury! Just know there are other options to consider before you try to sell your horse."

    Will Jenna listen? Or will she just reply with snark?

  32. Replies
    1. Guess she's just going to ignore it...too busy out playing with her hawk to be bothered with talk of part time jobs. We'll have the last laugh when she's back home living with mom and dad. Or living with Patty. I hope she knows that every year it's getting harder for her, not easier. If you compare this year to last, she's been posting desperate pleas at least every few weeks. It's getting pathetic. People aren't going to support her forever, and I think she knows that. Hence her effort into searching for a husband.

    2. Maybe the person who commented was someone Jenna knows, and she knows she can't bullshit them!

  33. Day 2 of no vlog, that sure was short lived.

    Did anyone really think she would make it? Not me!!!

    1. She is posting vlogs on her YouTube page.

    2. She only intends to do vlogs Mon-Fri just so you know.

  34. Anon 6:06 - You make a good point. Jenna shouldn't have to get a job. She's a talented graphic artist who is having a slow week. But you are wasting your time trying to talk sense into these people here. They will never stop with the get-a-job-nonsense.

    So if you really want to help and support Jenna, I suggest you give her lots and lots of your hard earned money during her down times.

  35. And the down times would be 365/24/7.

    1. More like a slow year. She hits the panic button every month when it's mortgage time-- if being a graphic designer were paying the bills rubes like Jack Mattke wouldn't be stockpiling his unwanted bric-a-brac in Jackson. Our Brand Is Crisis: The Jenna Woginrich Story.

  36. Yeah, the talented graphic artist that brought you "Pig Iwo Jima," and "Pomeroidian." She's not broke, she's conning people to send her money. The reason she did the Merlin thing again was because she accidentally stumbled on a money-making tear-jerker last time his picture was up on the same page as the word "sale."
    NEWS FLASH!!!! She hasn't had Merlin that long. She plans to use him and the stupid birds she captured as book material. AND, she seemed to have NO PROBLEM GETTING RID OF HER OTHER PONY THAT WAS THERE BEFORE MERLIN. Too bad, so sad, good ol' Jasper.
    Sorry for the caps, but it is maddening!
    And - What the heck does she keep sheep for? She gets nothing out of them. Their death rate on Cold Antler Farm is second only to the chickens. Maybe the cute lambs and cute death tales keep the money flowing in, but is it worth it?

  37. Someone who is unable to follow a recipe is not cut out for self-employment. Does anyone here really think she has the self-discipline and organizational skills to make a living at home doing graphic design? Might consider advertising her work to someone other than her Facebook followers every week. The potential for income is there, but that isn't Jenna's game plan.

  38. Replies
    1. Yes. Ugh. Seriously, who would wear that!

    2. She's so weirdly inappropriate and tone deaf.

  39. Her sales pitches sound more like guilt trips. Buy a seasons pass and logo or I go under and it's your fault.

    Anyway, that is how it sounds to me.

    1. EXACTLY. Not a good way to do business, in my opinion...but so far it's working for her. I stick around because surely it can't last forever and I want to see this shitshow go down.

    2. I don't think it's working for her, I think it's doing the brand she developed irreperable harm. Essentially she's telling people, 'hey, I know yesterday I was charging X for a workshop, but I'm desperate today and decided my workshop is only worth X amount of dollars'. She keeps cheapening herself. Eventually no one will think she's worth anything.

    3. She's been doing that for so long it's a wonder she sells anything. If you have read her blog for more than a few days you will learn that.

  40. If she just stacked ten pieces a day she'd be nearly done.

  41. Dumb tweet of the day:

    "When you make things for stragers, anything really, and read what people who make nothing say about it - you cringe. Critics are overrated."

    How does she know her critics don't make anything? It's not like Neil Gaiman would stoop to reading anything she's grunted out much less embarrass himself by publicly criticizing her.

    If the criticism is worthless so is the praise she greedily laps up.

    1. She says she doesn't come here but she must otherwise how would she know?

      And yes, she is not the only person in the world who makes things.

  42. She honestly believes that she is like the only person in the whole world that likes to hunt and has a horse and makes stuff and all that. It truly is amazing, her ego. When she makes these asinine statements, one wonders.. is she being dumb on purpose or is she really that shallow? It's really amazing.

    1. This is one of the things I find so fascinating about her. Was she raised in some Stepford-wife suburban hell hole where the only culture allowed in was network TV? She seems so sheltered and unworldly.

    2. And she tries to showcase herself as someone that is like the only fan girl, geek girl, nerd girl in the world with her quirky hobbies and such.

      My gosh, has she ever been to a game convention? How about a comic con? There are thousands and thousands into games and fandom. Make up? Shesh... Millions.... Fashion? Bazillions... Homesteading? Gosh everyone's doing it now. YouTube bloggers? It's thick with them.

      Don't get me going on heathens and pagans and all that jazz, another "unique" thing that tons of people are involved in. It's about as special as being gay.

      She rreminds me of some white bread little girl who wants desperately to be noticed for something different, unique, but then she picks stuff that are getting pretty common.

      About the only real thing she does that is not, is the hawking... But then because of that elite group she's not supposed to talk about it or anything. But I can see she's pushing the rules of that hobby as well. I've heard you are not allowed to profit or promote with a wild captured hawk. And yet she took her horn and blog with that article, probably got paid for the article as well. Oh.. Little miss wild rules breaker Jenna...

  43. The longer she is on social media, the harder it is to hide the crazy!

  44. Get out the extra large butterfly net, this sucka's goin down!

  45. Anyone see her latest vlog? The pile of unstacked wood is behind her. Why did she choose that as her background? She also lamenteed about HOW HARD it is to finish up her book...and then goes right into talking about playing with her hawk. I was looking at her twitter and it's interesting how most of the time she has less than 5 people tagging the post as a favorite. I think the writing is on the wall that this vlog thing is not going to get her any closer to being a STAH! haha

    1. Which book? The Merlin one or Birchthorn? I can't stand watching her vlogs.

    2. Birchthorn. She's going to have a pdf version to the funders by xmas supposedly. If I put $$ in I'd be really pissed to not have a hardcover book in my hands. Isn't that most of the appeal? To have an actual book? The pdf is such a freaking copout.

  46. You know, Jenna, its National Novel Writing Month (as it is every November) or NANOWRIMO -- all the cool girls write every day during this month, and some sell their novels produced or polished in this month. Like Water for Elephants for example. It would be a super-cool narrative, a hero's tale, if you blogged away about getting your writing quota done every day and released Birchthorn in December. 50K people do it. It would be a great meta story. And you would finish the novel with a lot of social support, and bring in new blog readers. Just saying.

  47. I saw on FB somewhere a poster of Albert Einstein with the caption:

    "Get a job. Do this and within 14 days you'll come into some money."


  48. How much did people pay for a hardcover of Birchthorn?

  49. Looks like $145 and up for hardcover. I counted 239 backers for the project.

    Details here:

    1. Has anyone noticed she's now referring to Birchthorn as a novella instead of a novel?

    2. Hahhaha-- yes, I did. She vlogged yesterday about how hard it is to write fiction--- no kidding. Someone who doesn't even write short stories is going to have a bit of a shock when they up and decide to write a novel like it's nothing. If I'm not mistaken, she's never taken any writing courses.

    3. Her writing style for fiction is rather like some fan girl writing out fan fiction stories where they write themselves into a favorite movie or anime show. Just really sort of ah, beginners stuff. I couldn't get through her offered stuff past the first chapter or two.

      God only knows why all those people gave her so much money to write a novella. There's a sucker born every minute, eh?

      She will hmm and hwww over those hard bound books. Like everything Jenna, she probably didn't do her homework and is now finding that custom editions in small quantities cost boo kooo bucks.

      Remember the yarn fiasco? No research. The webinars? The cloaks?


    4. I tried to read it when she was first doing it pay-as-you-go style. Got a migraine.

      The lack of imagination she must have --- "I will write a novel! Pay me 15k!" and not realize that it's hard, very hard to write anything worth reading.

  50. I called it back when the Kickstarter program started. I believed that once she had the money, she had no motivation to make it good or long. I figured she would write enough just to make it a thin book (novella) and she wouldn't put the time into making it a finely crafted work. And of course, she had other people writing it too, which is probably why she had the time to write the Merlin book while she should have been writing Birchthorn.

    Remember, she only had to complete it. It didn't have to be good. I feel badly for the people who spent $145 and up for a novella.

  51. I just can't believe she got over 15,500 DOLLARS for this mess.

    And that no one is upset or questioning or anything.

    What zombies she has for fans. I guess, good for her. They have no brains and don't remember anything from the past. Just now. Pay money, help Jenna, poor Jenna, paypal???

  52. I actually think she is smart to put off finishing Birchthorn as long as possible, because based on the first couple of chapters online it is absolute garbage. If people/funders aren't mad now, they sure will be when they have their PDF.

  53. I can't believe that people paid $145 for it. Good God, she's like a fakefarmevangelist....

  54. I dunno, I have gotten stuff from Kickstarter where I donated more than the thing was worth. I felt good about supporting someone who makes things and development costs are high. Ending up paying 80 bucks for a gizmo that is going to retail at 24.99 is fine with me, I get to be an early adopter and I get my money's worth in satisfaction in supporting a vision.

    Here's the trick though. I always get the thing, there is a lot of communication about it if the thing is late, and the thing has always been high quality. No one on Kickstarter has ever ripped me off.

    Jenna is the middle of a kickstarter scam, and it breaks my heart because there are so many good writers on Kickstarter looking for some support money while they write. She isn't just victimizing her marks, she poisoning the well for other writers. The notion of mutual care and community as part of a homesteading sustainability has escaped her. She didn't get the memo that when this comes out, not only will her poodles be angry but her rep as a ripoff artist will extend beyond the graphic arts community ( where she already has a bad rep) to the world of writers who may have once respected her.

    I am waiting for a novel to come to me now from Kickstarter (not Birchthorn) and there have been monthly updates, full accountability, queries as to donors thoughts on cover art, and only-you-get-them excerpts from the book mailings. The author is right on time and schedule for production of a hardback book. I've totally gotten my moneys worth in being able to see the process unfold (book design 101!) and if this author asks ever again for support, I will gladly do it.

    Jenna would kill for this kind of easy good will and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you delivered and made good on your promise. Her poodles will never donate again, the kickstarter scam will be a story oft-told like the fake webinars and the pretend wool csa. Other writers on Kickstarter will hate for making donors shy away from books. It is like a mashup between game of thrones and haiku. Winter is coming. The woods not in. Scammers choke on promises.

    1. That's a really good point, what Jenna has become feels like a betrayal even if you haven't contributed to her, because she claimed to be someone we expected would have ethics. I also agree that I would pay more for something than what it's worth if I just wanted to see the process, and if I trusted the artist. I like your phrase "I always get the thing." Such a basic idea. I wish Jenna got it.

  55. My guess is that she spent the $15,000 right away and was counting on future earnings to cover the cost of hardcover books. This is only my guess, but it is based on past performance. Anyone else feel this way?

  56. Someone here stated about a year ago, that Birchthorn was her chance to prove the 'naysayers' wrong, or something along those lines. But as we have seen, it is business as usual. Until her supporters start calling her out, she has no incentive to change her behavior.

  57. The Grandeur's of Delusion
    At this point Ms. W has already succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. She is a product of her generation, with the possibility of creating something from nothing within cyber and relating to the world via social media. Both of these avenues allow a person such as Ms. W to both believe that is hyper-connected to people and things that she believes in and also to eke out a semblance of financial support. For many people, her aversion to a "normal job" or "doing the right thing" is wrapped in complete bewilderment, but these elements are exactly the moral code by which she (and many of the nouveau riche children of the internet) lives. Her parents cannot understand, and many of you do not understand, that when she says she would rather live under a bridge than do anything against her WILL, that this is a foundational core element of her being. All her "success" is predicated upon the self, herself - and a feedback loop of obtaining animals, trucks, food, money and approval simply confirm that. She has no room for any of YOU, the naysayers because you DO NOT KNOW HER. Only those who support her delusion can be admitted in to the inner sanctum of her being. It is telling that she now requires a spouse, all signs (make up, music, clothing choices) are pointing to the need to acquire the pre-ultimate acquisition to her "farm", but this human being will only be needed for the ultimate addition - Baby Jenno or Jenna. But let us pause before we pass judgment because she is so transparent in so many way, and like so many large adolescents that tattoo and pierce themselves through life she has chosen a way that is at least on the surface, less disruptive to others. As the adults in the room, let us stand back and at a minimum call it for what it is.

  58. Here's the good news: there aren't any publishers interested in her Merlin book/future books. Based on Birchthorn being late and being downgraded from novel to novella and hardcover to PDF, I doubt she will be able to ride the Kickstarter train ever again. She is running out of options to con people, thank goodness.

  59. I really hope you're right Anon 10:01 but she gets new followers everyday who don't know about her background of scamming. They think she's living their dream and anyone who says otherwise is a "hater" and "jealous"

  60. I think she'll always have a small amount of people willing to give her $$, but I've noticed a huge dropoff of how many people are liking and commenting on her posts. The fans aren't as rabid as they used to be. Hoping this is a continuing trend. On a side note, she just posted an Anna Kendrick blog post zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  61. I am betting her next move will be to Patreon. I know a lot of writers that are already there. Basically you agree to deliver special content to anyone who will support you as a patron.

    I pledge a few $$ every month and the writer agrees to provide a certain amount of content every month. Sometimes it's short stories, sometimes it's a novel provided one chapter per month, serial style.

    I bet she sets it up and asks people to be her patrons for backstage looks and special vlogs for patrons. Like the clan blog. Or she'll resell Birchthorn through Patreon. Or the Merlin book. Or the hawking book.

    I write fiction. I can write a first draft in 4-6 weeks. But editing, redrafting, editing again, fact checking, editing, checking for continuity, editing, redrafting, and laying a book out for publication (self-publishing) takes time. It's not as simple as just throwing some words at a screen and calling it a day. Good fiction is HARD to write well.

    Which is why the Birchthorn funders will get ripped off. She'd never written fiction before, so she had no idea how much time it really takes. How much effort.

    She's lazy and she already has the money. Now she'll deliver a half-assed product late just to keep Kickstarter from coming after her.

    1. Agree agree agree!!

      She's calling it a novella now---- folks will be lucky to get a longish short story that may or may not be edited!

    2. You called it! A brief snippet from today's blog. "Artists need patrons, that is how it has always been. The people who write, photograph, paint, dance and act for you require your support to keep doing it."

  62. Saw the Anna blog post also and was...well bewildered. I'm not a follower of celebrities probably because I see them all too often in my area as just normal people. When you run into Jamie Foxx at a local coffee joint or stand in line behind Mitt Romney at the movie theater these people lose all their allure.

    Anyway, there was one glaring piece missing from JW's lengthy gushing over Anna and that is Anna never scammed, lied, cheated or stole from people to realize her dream. She did it through hard work and determination, sacrifice and delagence...words that certainly are NOT put into action by JW.

    JW may have a dream. She may have wants and desires, but unlike Anna JW is not working towards them, she is guilting people into funding them, and in my book that does not make them JW's dream. It's the dream of the people funding it. It's their living vicariously through JW for whatever reason.

    If Anna did endure all the JW speaks about then she is to be applauded for her dogged determination and singlemindedness in accomplishing her goals and getting herself to her current place. But, JW is no comparision...not by a long shot.

    And, if JW holds Anna up as some kind of junior high role model then she should stop fawning all over Anne and take action to emulate her. Maybe then CAF stands a chance of being the full dream that JW has. Unless, of course, JW's dream was of a shabby, run down, death ridden, excuse for a farm, in that case she's accomplished her spades. Congratulations!

  63. Wow, did you see the volumes of what she read about Anna K? Can you say stalker? Wanna be? Hanger on? THAT post makes me very nervous for Anna, and really shines the light on Jenna's pathology. She is as uncomfortable in her own skin/life, as she is comfortable with Anna.

    1. Jodie Foster is that you

    2. Funny I thought the exact same thing but for different reasons. I thought about the obsession John Hinckley Jr. had with Jodie Foster. He used to write these letters comparing himself to her and the things they both had in common etc. etc. Strange.

  64. People like Jenna are the reason people like Anna get restraining orders.

    Just saying.

    1. JW thinks people driving red SUVs are scary? Has she looked in the mirror lately?! And I am not referring to looks. She has turned into a creepy Twitter stalker with her rambling, nonsensical tweets.

    2. I was reminded of that classic scene "It puts the lotion in the basket".

  65. It's creepy, just creepy. If she was a teenager, not so much. But she's old enough to be someone's Mom and she's obsessing over a celebrity. Stalker like is right..

  66. So Jenna lost her wallet...another ploy for "quick...send money now!" even though it probably contained NO CASH! I am shocked that she posted she found it. Of course, she is blaming Friday for it being in the road covered in puppy bite marks. It could never be HER OWN fault for leaving it somewhere her untrained puppy could get a hold of it. Typical JW!

    1. I was kinda wondering also why she would care...there's probably nothing in it to hear her talk.

    2. Why was Friday in the road, with or without a wallet?

    3. I also wondered the same thing.

    4. Of course she lets Friday run in the road-- how else is she gonna get hit by a car and run up some vet bills so people send money?

  67. Her blog post made me uncomfortable in all sorts of ways, mainly because it came from her. If anyone else had written it I probably wouldn't feel so icky after reading it. She should be farming. She should be updating all her funders on Birchthorn. She should be doing blogs and vlogs about homesteading. She should be stacking wood and clearing out her kale bed. I am sure she isn't doing any of that or sharing it because well that would just make sense. I pray that those that read her books, funded her "farm" and stop to read her blog can see- the homesteader never existed. It was all one BIG FAT fake. A fake persona to reel in the $. The real JW is a swooning teenager who is caught up in a self-fulfilling fantasy world were people willingly and lovingly throw money at her for the current week's dream. First it's an imported pony, then it's a flown in puppy, then its another flown in puppy and thousands of dollars for a fiction book and on and on. She really should be given at least a tony award for all her performances. Don't you think? Absolute nonsense, look at all the people she convinced that she was a homesteader, a farmer?

    1. Where would she find the time? She must be following about 80+ hours worth of TV shows a week. I'm almost not kidding, how can she watch that much TV? Holy crap. I hope it's worth it to her-- that's a lot of time ie life down the toilet.

  68. "How many hundreds of thousands of people out there want things and can't (or won't) do the work to get them?"

    Does she even READ what she writes? She's nothing like Anna Kendrick (the person, not the stupid bird). She is lazy and can't even stack her own effing pile of wood. JW has only "made it" because kind-hearted suckers online DID IT FOR HER. NOTHING she has actually came from her own work.

    Let me repeat it. Everything you have came from OTHERS, Jenna.

    1. I thought this statement alone spoke volumes about un-self aware JW truly is. Just stunning coming from someone who can't seem to do anything by herself or better yet without an audience.

  69. JEffinW...YOU are NO AK!

    " We both fought for it, suffered through the hard times, and kept going. I am still here on this farm and I can hardly believe that. Anna has six movies coming out soon. Look at us go."

    REALLY??? You have what you have because you are a scammer and a beggar, not because you have worked hard for anything!

    " Us unreasonable women need to look after each other, and I need to know that luck and hard work can make the impossible real in this messy and awkward world."

    WHAT??? You know NOTHING about hard work! You fake it to make it! Too bad you don't actually live by your own words because if you did, people might admire your work ethics. And NO, JeffinW, I AM NOT JEALOUS, nor am I a hater! You are NO role model! I used to read your blog and enjoyed doing so. Then along came Jasper, a pony you did not need nor could you afford. Then Merlin and the begging became more and more common. YOU did NOT purchase Merlin -- your generous readers donated the down payment and also helped make payments on him. Your generous poodles and people who could ill afford to help you out have bailed you out repeatedly, yet you go on and on about how scrappy you are and how you have managed to pay your bills. What a JOKE! I hate scammers and beggars and I look forward to watching your life implode! Karma is a beeaatch and she WILL bite you in the ass!!!

  70. The fact that she considered her obsession with and comparison to Anna Kendrik good blog material is flat out laughable.

  71. I sometime wonder if this courting of celebraties is some kind of tagging on coat tails trying to get noticed for some potential Hollywood gig.

    Does she really think that Miley or Anna are going to acknowledge her for her promotion of them? Or,call her up and invite for a drink?

    It's just soooo bazzar and creepy and juvenile and stakerish. If someone talked about JW like this she would be freaking out all over this blog and FB.

  72. Weirdest Statement, please vote:
    1) I depend on magic. A lot.
    2) I need to believe Fairy Tales come true.
    3) Look at us go.
    Please get some HELP!

  73. I depend on magic= paypal account magically growing because cult like followers just magically fall for the latest con.

    I need to believe fairy tales come true= I don't have to work, I don't have to pay my bills, I don't have to be a responsible owner of pets or animals because special people like me should be able to exist just to have fun, play with my toys everyday and write to movie stars.

    Look at us go= me and my pretend friend

    I vote for 1) I depend on magic, because alas that is all she ever seems to do. Her time is spent on the internet all day every day waving her magic wand...

  74. She tweeted a link to her Cinderella piece to Anna Kendrick and now she's deleted it.

    1. AK deleted it? She was probably creeped out and sent it to her body guard.

    2. I don't know how it works. It was on twitter an hour ago or so. Tweeted to AK47 with some crap about how much she means to her etc gone.

  75. "How many people give up on their farm dreams because they didn’t feel they were wealthy enough, smart enough, brave enough, ruthless enough, sacrificing enough? A lot. Be it farming or acting - all of us are swimming in the company of failures."
    I cannot think of a bigger failure at homesteading and animal care, and life in general, than JW.

    "I don’t keep up with other farm and lifestyle bloggers..."
    That speaks VOLUMES that JW isn't the least interested in farming/homesteading. All just a prop.

    On the one hand: "I’ll take Anna’s potty mouth tweeting about MasterChef any day over a mommy blogger sharing her canning recipes."

    Then her insincere comment that, why, of course she's not dissing anyone! Oh, nooooooo.
    "That is not a slight on mommy bloggers"
    Sure sounded like a slight to me.

    "We are both sharing the messes and doubt, confused and befuddled by our luck and force."
    How the HELL does she know if AK is 'confused and befuddled'. Gawd she's presumptive and OBSESSED.

    I could go on, as we all could, about just how WRONG the whole thing is.

    1. To read that piece you'd think she turned out as successful as AK. A strange creepy creepy love letter to herself, really. She wants it to look like she admires Anna Kendrick as she once again spouts off about what an amazing creature she is. She has such condescension for the rest of us mere mortals, the folks down the road who raise animals like her but can never BE like her. It was so deluded I wonder if a breakdown isn't around the corner. I do hope she gets the help she needs despite the fact that she's a massive asshole and animal abuser.

    2. True anon 11:42. Her narcissism is showing. Again

  76. Too much time on her hands. Way WAAAAAY too much time. Bad for the mental health.

  77. Gosh..after coming here first I am not even going to bother reading that article. I am actually embarrassed for her. It sounds like a girl who put her feelings into a letter for the person she has a crush on and then the whole world read it..and cringed and looked away.

    I've been reading hr blog for awhile and then stopped following her when she made an abrupt turn from what made me go there in the first place..homesteading and learning things. She hasn't actually taught anything valuable in years..if ever. I admit I read her first book which lead me to the path of chicken keeping..but I fully admit to learning everything else from people who know what they are talking about when it comes to chickens.

    That's the thing..she isn't an authority on anything. Oh she likes to pretend she is and I suppose if you want to be an authority of scamming and living in a dream world, well then she has that skill nailed. The sad part is..we all have things we could teach her..but she doesn't want to listen. I am constantly blown away by her erratic postings of weird celebrity things,binge watching tv shows and the dream world in which she lives in.

    Seriously..winter is coming on fast so where on the posts about getting ready? plenty about her needing funds to make it but what about posting about the animals,getting your home ready,getting your wood facebook is blown up with getting prepped for the winter and the top 10 this and that and don't forget to do this.

    She has zero. Instead people are treated to her odd love affair with AK..that she even compares herself to her is plain strange. Jenna is like that person you see drunk at a party or some guy who's telling a joke that no one else sit there and stare and kind of laugh but then shake your head as you walk off and thank your lucky stars that you aren't them. She is falling down at record speed now and it's just a matter of time before the big fall out happens.

    I don't know..I can't shake something when it comes to her. I don't know if she is mentally losing it or honestly believes all the crap she puts out into the world. She must believe it.

    In the meantime the animals will suffer another long cold miserable winter with her and she screams out into the world how she has this..while rocking back and forth in a corner crying her eyes out because AK didn't send her a christmas card.

    1. She doesn't want to read about Mommy blogger's canning recipe, and yet posts her Three Hen Quiche recipe. She once stated that she won't be talking too much about her hawk, yet it seems that every day or so, she blogs about her hawk. Hypocrite!

  78. Sane person, fan of Anna Kendrick: names pet Anna.

    Insane person, stalker of Anna Kendrick:names pet Anna Kendrick

    I would be so freaked out to know someone named their pet my full name.

    If any of this actually does reach the real Anna Kendrick, it wouldn't surprise me if her people tell Jenna to back off...maybe why the tweet was deleted?

    Girl needs HELP

    1. "I got a girl crush
      Hate to admit it but
      I got a heart rush
      Ain't slowing down
      I got it real bad
      Want everything she has
      That smile and that midnight laugh
      She's giving you now."

  79. Agreed. What a sad state of affairs to be a 30+ year old woman comparing herself to a successful actress. I'm in utter embarrassment FOR Jenna! How does she look at herself in the mirror after these years of scamming and play-acting.
    Doesn't anyone see through her in the real world???
    She must be quite charming to have so many friends in her town. Who knows - maybe they all gather to pay her bills once a month.

  80. 'Goose Goose' is on her blog seems a bit...delusional as well

    1. This is just my opinion but by targeting her poodles you just make them into martyrs. Goose goose is actually a victim of Jenna's scam as are many other people who believe the live like fiction scam.

      I think Jenna doesn't fully appreciate the degree to which other people believe her and quit their secure jobs and buy into her dream without realizing how much begging and lack of independence underlies it. Then they lose everything.

      So as cloying as some of her enablers are, try to see them more like fraud victims, they are marks in con job, and it is their inherent credulity and/or weakness that makes them marks and ultimately victims. I think we should leave the enablers alone. They will show up here eventually.

  81. The funny thing is that I think she's changing directions with her blog because she thinks she's run out of "homesteading" material. And in her own way, I guess she has, since she isn't really doing any homesteading. The thing is, she has a large, mostly wooded lot. If she was actively working to tame her property? INTERESTING. If she was actively managing her pasture? INTERESTING. If she was actively working to grow her own food, trying new varieties? INTERESTING.

    I love reading about other homesteaders. I love reading about their successes and their failures, when the failures are honest, so called because they worked hard to make it a success and it just didn't go.

    But Jenna realized that recycling the same old content about the same old routine and the same old animals wasn't bringing in the $$. So now she is casting about for a new direction.

    I suspect that she really doesn't enjoy "farm" life anymore. It was a dream, she acheived it. She realized how much work it is and she stopped enjoying it. But she's stuck.

    The ironic thing? If she was a true homesteader, expanding her usable property and trying all the things that I see other homesteaders trying? She'd probably have sold another book or two about her experiences. She can't sell another book because she has no experience worth reading about and the publishers know it.

  82. She just posted a vlog on how she earns her living. Besides the obvious omission of begging and cheating people out of their money, an interesting thing she said was she just paid the mortgage for August. I don't own a house so I don't know how much hot water she's in for being 3 months behind. What do you think?

    1. I think that's a whole lotta late fees and stress. I got my mortgage through an FHA loan. The interest rates aren't rock-bottom, but I've been paying every spare dime I have into that loan. I hate being in debt. Despise the thought of all those dollars I worked by butt of for going to pay interest to the bank. My plan is to have a 30-yr mortgage loan paid off in 10 years, by the end of 2016. But I suppose when you can just beg for more $$$ from your fandom, it doesn't really matter.

    2. She's paying a sh!tload in interest and fees. In the 30 years I had my mortgage, I was a day late once and that was because of a post office delay. The extra interest and fees were enough to make me never want to be late again. After that, I used online billpay to be sure the payment would arrive on time.

    3. August payment?????

      I know I'm down with a cold and my brain is a bit fuzzy, but isn't it November????

      WOW 3 months behind, no wonder she's freaked out at every person who drives by her house slowly. She's always thinking this is it.

  83. You can be behind on a mortgage (I haven't been, but know folks who have) and you do have some leeway. Your interest starts accumulating though, which isn't good. Actually I have no idea if she is mortgaged with a bank (I assume she is) -- I do know mortgage companies aren't so lenient. I do wonder if the person she claims drives by the house is for real or not. It may be someone checking that she is still living there, and the property hasn't been abandoned. Being self-employed myself, paying my own health insurance, having multiple (paying) skills, I feel offended at her acting as though she is doing something that somehow makes her a Super Woman. I cut and stack our firewood, have a garden, dry herbs (geez this makes me sound like a mommy blog, and I"m not even a mommy!), shovel the roof, and somehow also manage to live within my (meager) means without owing anyone anything. I hadn't realized how much she had raised on Kickstarter. I'm very curious how that comes around.

  84. She has a USDA loan through Chase bank.

  85. Did you all notice at the end of the day as she touted she'd rather be freaking out every day about how to pay bills than live a life she hates- that she had a realization that um, it SUCKS and she hates where she is (financially)? That was CLASSIC. Jenna, you do not make a living doing any of those things you mentioned. You make a living BEGGING. FIVE memoirs of your life? Do you not see how that is not sustainable? Chase Bank must be really getting tired of your crap by now..

    1. Here's a novel idea. Why does it have to be either/or? Who said she has to support herself by working 9-5 in an office? There are many, many other ways to bring in steady income. Temp jobs, seasonal jobs, part time jobs...She sounds like a spoiled child stomping her foot saying, 'I won't get a job, I won't, I won't'. She just feels so entitled to have money sent to her paypal account.

    2. Yup, Anon 3:30--- false dichotomy. And it's always the office job she lives in fear of! Hey, there's other jobs, part-time, too. It's not like she couldn't work and still fly her hawk, ride her horse etc. Are her falconer buddies independently wealthy or do they have jobs? Fancy that.

      I still maintain that she could have a really nice living doing graphic design from home if she were more pro-active about it. Choices.

  86. I would like to introduce my new play, "Trainwreck: a tragedy in 3 acts".

    The cast includes an insane farmer wannabe blogger, a host of enablers, a scary man in a red SUV, assorted animals, disgruntled parents, and of course, critics.

    The first act begins when said blogger has a dream of owning a farm. She writes a few successful books and begins to have an online following.

    In the second act she makes the tragic mistake of abandoning steady income and instead makes money through failed csa's, undelivered products and begging. The downward spiral has begun as foreclosure notices and repo men start appearing.

    I don't want to spoil the surprise ending in the third act. To find out, send $$$ today, and if there is anything left after I pay bills and buy myself a bunch of stuff, I will mail you a signed, hardbound copy.

    1. Sorry I gave all my money to JW this month, I'm getting an autographed bar of used soap!

    2. I am buying a heavily used wool hat and having her store it for me. I'm broke now.

  87. A comment she made in the comments section of her AK post:

    Jenna Woginrich said...
    I was sent a comment by a reader that I posted and then realized she wanted deleted, but basically she felt I was being snarky towards family life based on this comment. It pissed her off.

    "I can’t relate to setting up photoshoot of your perfect reclaimed barnboard kitchen table and gently sharing recipes, meditation tips, and yoga poses while your kids are at the Waldorf School and your husband builds a bookshelf in the background... "

    All I said was I can not relate to it, because I can't. A family, even a boyfriend, is foreign idea to me I can't relate with - that doesn't mean I am shitting on them. I just can't relate to them. I can relate to a 30-year-old woman who curses a lot who has never been married without kids because I am a 33-year-old woman who curses a lot who has never been married without kids. I have no qualms with married people, shelves, yoga, meditation, kids, husbands, or repairing things. I just can't relate. If that struck you as a dig because you do want or have those those, please know I simply can't relate to it. That isn't a validation or a dig, just a different life. The only reason I wrote it was to explain why I don't read other farm and lifestyle blogs but do know all this stuff about a different type of public person.

    November 5, 2015 at 6:35 AM

  88. In and of themselves probably not a dig. She simply can't relate to yoga, meditation, boyfriends, shelves or repairing things. A lot of the posters here and afar simply can't relate to someone being behind several months on a mortgage (if that is truly the case) or of someone JW's age making most of her living from begging on the internet.

    We just can't relate. But we're called haters and she's called someone who just can't relate?

    It's the way she says things that is offensive that is what most have a problem with. I know I do. Why does it have to be a perfect reclaimed barnboad? It sounds like she is jealous, mad or resentful. Why does she have to relate anyways? Yes I understand she doesn't know how it feels to make her own farm table but why bring the subject up and in a sense insult everyone who does? It's blog post after blog post of insulting people's skills, gender, jobs, insurance and retirement plans and so much more.

    FYI the world doesn't revolve around what you can or cannot relate to JW. It simply doesn't. Saying you didn't think what you said was wrong or snarky doesn't mean that it wasn't. Because we all know that it was. It just like insulting someone and then trying to deflect by saying "just kidding". No you're not.

  89. Yep. Just like the slight towards 'mommy bloggers.' "Oh, just kidding..."

  90. No wonder she's struggling to write fiction, if it's that difficult for her to relate to different life circumstances and perspectives. There will be a whole lot of one-dimensional characters -- they're either A Jenna or An Unknowable Other -- populating Birchthorn.

  91. Omg - I just looked up Anna Kendrick. She is starring in an upcoming movie called "Get a Job". Hope JFW sees it.

  92. Wait a second.....isn't the protagonist of Birchthorn named Anna? Hahahahahaha!

  93. She sold the cart again? She had it this summer......


    Rachell Skerlec:
    I passed a horse drawn carriage on my way down the road today. I was seriously jealous.

    Jenna Woginrich Me too! I don't have a cart anymore!
    Like · Reply · 3 hrs

  94. Lucas and Bryan - run towards the road, get in the red truck with creepy guy now!

  95. There's something so obnoxious about her "I can't relate" comment. She's able to relate to a Hollywood actress because she's 30, has no kids and swears? That's a pretty tenuous connection. Side note: Why has swearing become so central to her being lately? Why is it so significant?

    She paints a caricature of a Mommy Blogger: yoga, meditation, recipe sharing-- Jenna has engaged in all these things. Having husbands and kids renders the MBs foreigners to Jenna.....but aren't Jenna's besties all married ladies who have kids?

    Makes no sense. As usual.

  96. The very thing she preaches against-stereotyping, is the very thing she does the most. Every single day. A dig here and a dig there to justify what? What exactly bothers her the most? The fact she doesn't work? or the fact her fans support both her farm and her big purchases or that she's a fraud and she knows it. She spends so much energy trying to put everyone in their place according to her stereotypical views of them. Is she intentionally trying to act rude and obnoxious like a lot of celebrities do-it's how they make their living or what? exactly..

    1. She relies heavily on stereotypes......maybe a product of watching too much TV and a lack of real world experience? A disinterest in regarding others as individuals? It would seem to figure into the pathology of whatever it is that ails her.

  97. Dear Golden Goose
    I wouldn't buy your bunny for 18 cents
    Keep on enabling, and yeah, you look good in the mirror too
    Love Me

    1. This is just my opinion but by targeting her poodles you just make them into martyrs. Goose goose is actually a victim of Jenna's scam as are many other people who believe the live like fiction scam. I think Jenna doesn't fully appreciate the degree to which other people believe her and quit their secure jobs and buy into her dream without realizing how much begging and lack of independence underlies it. Then they lose everything.

      So as cloying as some of her enablers are, try to see them more like fraud victims, they are marks in con job, and have some sympathy. They'll show up here eventually....

    2. Actually, her victims are more akin to battered women.

    3. A lot of her fans/commenters/"friends" seem a little off. Like those people that strike up overly-involved conversations in the check out line you can never get away from.

  98. Yeah, but is t it interesting that even a most ardent fan as Goose Goose, she still has commentary for Queen Jenna... In show us another angle... Hahahahaha.... We are all tired of the talking head thing. It's the worse part of the vlog. She's talking about a wide variety of things and all we see is nothing behind her. No farm, just a couple turkeys now and then and her dog unsupervised. Boring.

    1. And now the talking head wants paid...if you are getting any value from them.

      If I pay for something I want something in return. Those vlogs give me nothing but a cringing sick feeling.

  99. And don't forget that woodpile that's still in the background.

  100. Sweet Jesus she's demanding. She doesn't just want your money, you gotta tell her how bee-yooo-tee-ful she is, too. Posting a pic with a self-deprecating comment to get people to disagree with you is the handiwork of pre-adolescent insecurity. She's got a Walter Matthau honker and the fans are trying to reassure her it's a Roman nose?? It looks like she's being face-fucked by the Pillsbury Dough Boy. Stop it, people.

    At least one fan is sensible:

    Timothy Mallon It's a nose. I've never once noticed anything odd until you brought it up and even now I fail to see anything wrong with it. I think we all occasionally stare at parts of ourselves too long and ponder it at length until we discover were displeased with it. There is a term for that, although it has escaped me. The best thing is to not stare too long in the mirror.

  101. Daaaaaaaaaaaang. Mama W isn't happy. Yet another passive aggressive post on Jenna's Facebook.

  102. I get that Jenna is leading a life her mom totally disapproves of...but if my mom were posting cloying, cliche poems on my Facebook page in a bid to win me over, i'd be pissed at her, too.

  103. Yeah, as I said before, they should not air their dirty laundry on social media. It's just tacky.

  104. Agreed. It's ridiculous.

  105. That maudlin poem alone is grounds for estrangement.

  106. Don't see it. Was it deleted?
