Sunday, October 18, 2015


My canines are beside my front teeth.


We are all unique!


  1. So, this leads me to wonder:

    Do you have 32 teeth or are you short two?

    Is this genetic?

    1. I'm actually short 4, I don't have my wisdom teeth either. Not because they were pulled but because I never had them.

      I had the baby teeth of the ones between the front and canines but not the adult ones. Braces pulled everything together. Oddly enough my last few dentists have suggested I pull the teeth away and get implants! Yeah right! No way!

      Its genetic from my dad's side.

    2. Hmmm I'll have to double check in the mirror but I think I only have 12 on top and 12 on bottom?!

    3. I don't have the wisdom teeth which brings me down to 28 and the 2 incisors makes it 26. I'm not aware of another set dentist has me mentioned anything else.

      I'm counting in the mirror tomorrow!

  2. At the age of 40 I have one baby tooth that never had an adult tooth on the bottom..I had another one that was also a baby tooth with no adult one under was right above it but that one came out but the bottom one is still there..hanging on for dear It's not discolored or anything..but the root system is barely there and I know at some point it's going to pop out.

    1. That would drive me crazy! I always have teeth falling out dreams. Do you?

    2. lol..I do! or if I eat something sticky I always this the time it's going to come out with that piece of candy? You can see it slowly working its way up out of the socket because of not having a root system..I'm just going to keep it in until I can pay for a fake one going in..but the list is long of things we need and if it's not bothering me then it's staying

    3. Tooth dreams, especially tooth falling out dreams, are accepted to be related to thoughts about pregnancy. Have you ever heard that?

    4. I haven't. Makes sense...I go from baby fever to how in the world would I manage a child almost daily!

    5. So interesting! I am feeling the same way. Dreams are fascinating to me. A month ago I had a dream about cutting sage feverishly. It was so vivid I woke up and researched. The consensus was that sage warns of the need to be frugal. I dismissed that as I'm careful with money and have a nice income. My seasonal lull in my business was a screeching halt this year and I was scrambling to maintain any income. Things picked back up but it certainly made me believe in dreams a lot more.

  3. I was born with 3 full sets of teeth. Baby, then another set that had to be pulled as the final 3rd set came in!!

    1. Were they all pulled at the same time?! Hello tooth fairy!

    2. Haha. Nah, a few every week on and off for years. I did clean up at dime a tooth then a quarter a tooth in my teen years.

  4. I never would have noticed.

  5. My eldest son has no wisdom teeth. The next had an extra vertebrae. Nothing surprises me.

  6. My eldest son has no wisdom teeth. The next had an extra vertebrae. Nothing surprises me.
