Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What the fuck!!!

I was told by a member of the Loudoun County Animal Services Animal Advisory Committee that I could speak for 4 minutes at their next meeting but that it wasn't the appropriate forum.

What better forum is there for My concerns about how Loudoun County Animal Services handled the investigation of Ayrshire Farm and the subsequent nonaction.

Are they fucking familiar with their own listed purpose?

I'm about to explode.

What is wrong with people?


  1. I see your point. If not there, where?

  2. Don't understand. Are they reneging on their offer to let you speak? Also, have they hired a new director of LCACC or who is the current acting director?

    1. No not reneging. How do they serve and work fulfilling their purpose with only 4 minutes of information?

    2. Acting director is Loudoun County Administrator Charles Yudd


  3. Why are you surprised? You already noted all they have done to cover this up due to their inappropriate connections.

    1. I get shell shocked every time I witness checks and balances used as a smoke screen for corruption and self serving political interests.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I guess I thought this advisory council would be a saving grace...rather than an extension of bullshit.

      Of course it's corrupt, if LCAS thought they would be held accountable they wouldn't conduct themselves in this fashion. They wouldn't allow animals to continue to suffer.

    4. I guess I thought this advisory council would be a saving grace...rather than an extension of bullshit.

      Of course it's corrupt, if LCAS thought they would be held accountable they wouldn't conduct themselves in this fashion. They wouldn't allow animals to continue to suffer.

  4. Do they really have the authority to prevent you from speaking? Doesn't seem right.....

  5. Corruption, corruption everywhere, and not a drop to drink...

    Take solace, my dear, and hoist a pint (or two or three). Find a mate, even for the night, nary you drink alone!

  6. What is wrong is this - they are trying to silence you. Plain and simple. Either someone is being paid off by Sandy Lerner or they are afraid to go up against her.

  7. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe just maybe there is no "cover-up" as is being said here by Meredith? I myself do not believe that this farm is being given a pass by so many different entities especially with all of the "screaming" Meredith is doing. If anything the farm would be looked at more and expected to stay at a higher level. Does no one here think it is possible that when the Animal Control visited that there really was not any abuse or neglect? Even Meredith has a lot of pictures of very healthy and happy pigs in this blog. The photographs she is now showing looks like animals in "sick groups", most likely receiving treatment, that is why animals are separated usually. Her repeated posts and behavior point more towards someone with a personal vendetta, angry at not having things done the way she wanted. Angry because she no longer has her "dream job". It shows when she gets news she does not like including this post with foul language she becomes more hostile. Things just don't add up for her accounts of the farm to be correct. The entire community around Ayrshire still backs them. It seems Meredith needs to start focusing on her own life, get a job, and move on to do something like have her own animals then she can care for them and do things her way. In life people have to move on sometimes.

    1. OMG, who ARE you? Listen, I've SEEN the detailed evidence that Meredith documented over months. Even the farm manager discussed with Sandy keeping Meredith at Ayrshire in charge of pigs and Adele Douglass of Certified Humane admitted in her own email there were "a zillion" noncompliances at Ayrshire. And Mark Stacks, Chief Officer of Loudoun Animal Control admitted to a third party that they had to euthanize pigs when they inspected. Yet, they closed the case with no further action. Tom Koenig, Director of Animal Control, quit his job and took the same kind of position in another state rather than confront the problem. The Assistant DA of Virginia AGREED to prosecute the case, then assigned a different lawyer, then abandoned (unlawfully) Meredith at the hearing. She won't give up BECAUSE it's not about her. It may have seemed like a dream job at first, but the reality was she had to face total disregard daily for those pigs by her supervisor and the other workers. Alot of weaker people would abandon that job thinking it wasn't worth the grief, but for Meredith it was about the pigs. People who really care about animals understand that. Yes, Loudoun Animal Control could be said to have "covered up" the abuse by closing the case and neglecting their civic duty to the residents of the county but
      most of these organizations and individuals have been pretty blatant in their actions--and just not doing their jobs. And the evidence is there in their own emails and actions, or inaction as the case may be. Sandy and Crystal themselves admitted to not paying attention to the pigs. When living , breathing creatures are involved, do you really think someone who has seen what Meredith witnessed for 9 months could abandon her cause. Do you know pigs have the intelligence of a 3-yr old (compared to dogs that are said to have the intelligence of a 2-yr old) This IS her life, her cause. Just because it's difficult is no reason to quit. There are so many issues at stake, including the accountability of organic and humane certifying orgs. To quote your own comment, "It seems" YOU "need to start focusing on" YOUR "own life". Oh, but maybe you are one of the people involved, and not just a detractor!!!!!!!! That would make sense because no one could or would bother to make up all the stuff Meredith has been reporting and to try to discredit her because you don't like her language or her response is just distracting from the real issue, which is the animals. Also, as you probably know, she did have a contract to purchase some pigs that she had nursed back to health and that contract was reneged on by Sandy Lerner. If that hadn't happened, Meredith would have had pigs to care for. PS If you don't like Meredith's language, don't read her blog!

    2. Do happy pigs negate neglected pigs? Not in my world.

    3. Anon 12:05---- I've been following this story here and on FB. If the sick pigs were being treated why didn't the Livestock Manager say so when she was on trial? How about a receipt for any medicine used? A vet bill? An organically certified farm would have to have meticulous records in the first place so there should be no difficulty producing documentation of some kind. I would be VERY surprised if there was not a treament book to refer to on a farm with that many animals. Furthermore, the condition of the piglets is (in my opinion) beyond the point of no return--- so why were they not euthanized already? When Crystal Ritenour had the opportunity to set the record straight but pleaded the fifth instead she spoke volumes without saying a word.

    4. From what I heard the livestock manager never had to talk because there was no need for the defense to present anything because the judge ruled there was not evidence of abuse or cruelty. People here are believing what Meredith has said, not necessarily what happened. The judge ruled before any evidence was shown from the defense. That meant that the defense never needed to question their witnesses, including the defendant and they did not need to provide documentation because the judge ruled they did not need to and dismissed the case. Why would an attorney continue a trial and question the defendant when the judge felt confident on ruling without the information from the defense? Oh well, I have read both sides and I decided what seemed more logical to me, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    5. Crystal Ritenour pled the 5th. The defence could not question her without the chance for me to cross examine. The defense had no evidence of treatment there was no vet. The judge did not deny the submission of evidence. Get the transcripts of the trial.

    6. Everyone can come to their own conclusion based on the evidence.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If I may make a suggestion. They may not allow for long public comments. This is a common tactic at public meetings. One way to get around it and hold people to account is to submit a letter to the board to be added to the meeting minutes. Carefully consider your wording, and don't make it too long. You can do this in advance and provide multiple copies so each board member has one.
    I find this works better because it's in print and can't be misunderstood.

  9. The previous comment brings out a point that there are 2 different entitites, this Loudoun County Animal Advisory Committee AND the Board of Supervisors. I can't remember if anything was said by Meredith regarding any interactions with the Board of Supervisors up until the present.

  10. This is totally normal for any public hearing so the meeting can't be hijacked by citizens with axes to grind (and there are a ton of them). It's not a personal slight, and it's not a conspiracy.

    1. This is not a BOS meeting. You really think the Animal Advisory Committes purpose can be fulfilled with only 4 minutes of information? They act as the liaison to the public and Loudoun Animal Services but only allow 4 minutes to outline issues?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm with the previous poster, Meredith. I'd submit it in writing. That way it is part of the record, and nothing can be misconstrued which often happens with verbal interchanges.

  11. It's animal services for a county, not the planning meeting of a major city (and even those they only set aside like 30 min. for public forum). So yeah, that sounds about right to me.

    1. It's a BOS appointed Committee. Not an elected board or commission. They aren't comparable to the BOS, Town Council, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Board of Architectural Review etc. I am curious where the 4 minutes came from. As long as this 4 minutes is consistent with historical allowance of time.

      It's more the whole attitude. If that's not the forum...what exactly is their purpose?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Limiting public comments is commonplace for Boards and Committees. But, to put your mind as ease check the website and previous meeting agendas to see if a time limit is noted. If it is longer than 4 minutes you definitely have discrimination and a complaint should be filed with the presiding board that appointed the committee.

      Our City Council mtgs only allow 3 minutes, so we have to take fast and make every word count. No time for the rambling bitchfest. Great idea to submit a written statement as well. One that includes a timeline of events and ask that it be included in the minutes.

      Just my thoughts.


  12. Haha, I find this whole blog so entertaining. All of the negativity and conspiracies and so on. Do the people reading this not have a life of their own to worry about? Everyone in everyone else's business. I know posting puts me in the same category but i just couldn't help it. Everyone hates Jenna and Cold Antler even though most have never met her. People blindly support Meredith though most have probably not met her or really know what type of person she is. (Anyone can write anything they want and behave much differently.) Meredith trying to create conspircy theories and get people on her side, even posting as anonymous people to look like she has more support than she does. The government conspiring against her to shut her up and support abuse, it is pretty ridiculous. HaHa.

    1. Shouldn't you be working to pay for jennas puppy's root canal?

      It's a shame you have not learned to think for yourself.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anon 4:14-- your assessment of this blog is not only full of conjecture, it serves no purpose because no one here gives the tiniest shit what you think.

      Now be sure to head back to the CAF blog and let them know how amusing you find it because "People blindly support" Jenna "though most have probably not met her or really know what type of person she is. (Anyone can write anything they want and behave much differently.) and also ask "Do the people reading this not have a life of their own to worry about?".

    4. Me too! I love reading this blog. It's like eavesdropping on the "mean girls" in high school.

  13. Meredith, you tend to be short, blunt, and to the point. Not a criticism; I'm the same way, and it's a quality I appreciate in others. I've found that with most people, you need to create a story that catches them in some way to get their attention, and therefore gets them to care about the situation. Throwing piles of facts at their feet goes nowhere. Not my strong suit, but maybe if you or someone you know can create a more empathetic story around your Ayrshire facts, it could help garner more support. Anon 1:13 looks like a good place to start.

    Addendum: "creating a story" does not mean lying. It's about garnering empathy & getting others to see your side. From my experience, most people seem to be more emotional than rational. And it is indeed sad that we as a species can rally around a good story, but not a dying animal.


    1. Ugh I just want the problems resolved and the abuse to stop...not interested in writing a romanticized version of this hell hole journey.

      If that's what it takes though.

      How detailed? Day by day?

      Time line and keep it brief?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I think the reason you haven't gotten the donations and public backing you want so far is because you are relying on logic/facts which maybe is how your brain works - but, I think most people are emotional and like descriptive narratives vs facts and logic. Maybe if you started from the beginning and told your story, it would help. Talk about yourself and who you are - how you grew up and how you got the values you have. Make people love you first and relate to you. Make them understand why you care so much. What makes you tick. Then talk about your excitement to work at that place...all your good experiences - the ideals and visions you had going in and then tell the narrative of how it all started to go wrong. Show us how those ideals and visions came crashing down and why - not by blaming anyone, but by sheer adjectives and descriptions. Make us feel like we were there with you experiencing that excitement and seeing all the "neat" things you saw and did (at first). Then draw us in so we feel like we are standing right next to you with those pigs for the good and the bad. Explain what you saw and what you FELT in descriptive, relatable language. Think "charlotte's web" in terms of drawing people in to a sweet story-line - then at the end recount all the acts and logic of the abuse. Just my 2 cents b/c people LOVE descriptive narratives.

    5. I'm sorry to say I agree. Also, I would tone down your personal anger in the posts. As a reader, I comes off as though you could be a former employee who got sacked and is bitter. It doesn't matter that SL is rich and you're not. Id say write posts in article style that have a flow and a point. So maybe start with an account of one of those sick baby pigs. What did you call him, where did he like to be scratched, what did he eat. How did he get sick? What did you do about it? How, specifically, was he denied help? Do not grandstand and say his treatment was denied because of a web of lies and corporate greed or whatever. Keep it on the pig. What did you see when you looked in his eyes when you knew he was going to die? I feel gross writing all this, but this is how this works. Trust me. Animal rights atrocities gain movement in the public when there is a combination of disgust, personal identification (as in sharing how similar dogs and pigs are-most people don't know that), outrage, and ego. Rightfully so, animal rights activists are very proud of their work and know that it makes them look like good people. People on social media will show off animal atrocities to drive home how much they love animals. But the photos are nothing without a compelling account. So far, your accounts have not been compelling. Just gross and easy to look the other way.
      I'm sure reading this will hurt your feelings, and for that I am really sorry. I'm not intending to be cruel. It's just that I think you need help connecting this. Like it or not, the success of this is 99% publicity and 1% cause.

    6. It's ridiculous. I disagree it is about money. Sandy Lerners abuse of her animals is her wealthy privilege.

      I guess I'll write 99% fluff for 1% purpose which make a me furious and is a complete waste of time unless it is a means to an end. Facts protect myself as going through each and every personal heartbreak is not emotionally healthy for me.

      It's obviously not about being terminated and if one ready the text messages and timeline of event I posted on the Truth Behind Ayrshire Facebook page it's clear. I feel the people who need a touchy feely story to see the abuse in action and corruption won't be helpful any way...but maybe I'm wrong.

      I'm very to the point. Basically you all are telling me I need to write like Jenna and that makes me ill

    7. It's ridiculous. I disagree it is about money. Sandy Lerners abuse of her animals is her wealthy privilege.

      I guess I'll write 99% fluff for 1% purpose which make a me furious and is a complete waste of time unless it is a means to an end. Facts protect myself as going through each and every personal heartbreak is not emotionally healthy for me.

      It's obviously not about being terminated and if one ready the text messages and timeline of event I posted on the Truth Behind Ayrshire Facebook page it's clear. I feel the people who need a touchy feely story to see the abuse in action and corruption won't be helpful any way...but maybe I'm wrong.

      I'm very to the point. Basically you all are telling me I need to write like Jenna and that makes me ill

    8. I'm the most recent anon. Saying something like "wealthy privilege" gets a major eye roll from me. youre upset that you're not raising funds and awareness. Do you know who is helpful in raising funds? People who have funds to spare. I thought this was about the pigs? Now it's about the power money buys? I think you're seeing this as a moral compromise, which means your personal philosophy is getting in the way of achieving your goal. Makes no difference to me what you do. I'm just trying to help you see this from the point of view you need to give this wheels. But out of respect for the fact that this is your blog and your cause, I'll stay out of it from here.

    9. No you read it wrong or perhaps I responded wrong. The owner of the farm is Sandy Lerner, founder of Cisco and Urban Decay makeup, net worth hundreds of millions. There is a money trail to EVERY supporter. From vets who have never seen a pig at Ayrshire but whose full time employment depends on grants to Sandy Lerner to local rescues where she has donated limitless funds. She is affluent and influences.

      I'd prefer people write emails than donate. Get big players to help so funds aren't needed. I did NOT mean wealthy privilege in the content of donating but in how she is able to skirt charges.

    10. No you read it wrong or perhaps I responded wrong. The owner of the farm is Sandy Lerner, founder of Cisco and Urban Decay makeup, net worth hundreds of millions. There is a money trail to EVERY supporter. From vets who have never seen a pig at Ayrshire but whose full time employment depends on grants to Sandy Lerner to local rescues where she has donated limitless funds. She is affluent and influences.

      I'd prefer people write emails than donate. Get big players to help so funds aren't needed. I did NOT mean wealthy privilege in the content of donating but in how she is able to skirt charges.

  14. Maybe someone has already said this - haven't read all the comments. I agree that they're trying to silence you. However, my advice is to make it the best four minutes you can manage. Write down what you want to say, edit it down to the essence and focus on persuasive, dynamic language. Then rehearse giving your speech in front of other people and time it.

  15. I've thought about it and I'm sticking to the facts. People in positions to make a difference don't have time to sort through fluff. They need facts.

    Do I come across as angry? Good. I am. Knowing pigs are suffering and enduring physical abuse and neglect at Ayrshire Farm with no intervention infuriates me. I am livid.

  16. I've thought about it and I'm sticking to the facts. People in positions to make a difference don't have time to sort through fluff. They need facts.

    Do I come across as angry? Good. I am. Knowing pigs are suffering and enduring physical abuse and neglect at Ayrshire Farm with no intervention infuriates me. I am livid.

  17. I've thought about it and I'm sticking to the facts. People in positions to make a difference don't have time to sort through fluff. They need facts.

    Do I come across as angry? Good. I am. Knowing pigs are suffering and enduring physical abuse and neglect at Ayrshire Farm with no intervention infuriates me. I am livid.

  18. I know it's probably not the feedback you were hoping for, but I think that Anon-12:44 AM is right.

    Americans are bombarded every day with overwhelming tragedy. Churches blown up. Starving children. Atrocities committed in the name of religion, race, and so on. Animal lab testing. Farm animal cruelty. I think many people have developed a way of blocking it out, and becoming numb, otherwise they would drown in the endless sea of horror.

    In spite of this, there are still instances of exceptional kindness and generosity, and justice. Think of the dog that was found with its muzzle taped shut.... I don't know if it was all over your newsfeed, but it certainly blew up mine. Last I heard, that dog is going to be a cover model on a calendar.

    There are times when the *story* is what draws attention, whether that is right or wrong. And the media follows.

    I support what you're doing - it takes a lot of grit. But I do think that perhaps a humanizing narrative will bring more people to stand behind you, and increase the public outcry.

    Just my humble opinion, nothing more.


  19. You can be angry. You can be factual. If you can get those facts to the people who are able to make a difference (do you even know who those people are?), great. Or are you trying to get your case as much exposure as possible?

    You will never draw much attention to your case until you can connect some segment of the population to the issue. Take a look at some successful non-profit organizations. An enormous amount of time and energy is spent in marketing. This is done to get their cause out in front of people who may either donate time, money, or energy. The marketing may be distasteful to you, but is necessary.

    Screenshots of starving pigs/legal communications/socialite invitations accompanied by terse 3-word explanations do not connect people to your cause. As "A" mentioned above, the story draws people's attention, the media follows the story, the people follow the media. You may not like that. I don't like that. But that's the way the world works.

    And it certainly does not mean having to write "fluff," or like JW.


  20. Why is a descriptive narrative and the facts mutually exclusive? THEY AREN'T. We aren't saying you need to write BS silliness. We are just saying you need to tell your story in a different way if you want to garner the support you are lacking right now. Think of news shows like 20/20 and 60 minutes, etc. They tell descriptive, factual narratives that draw people in and get their attention. That is what all these people mean. Why are you so resistant to that?

  21. Ironically you are not wanting to write/be anything like JW and yet something seems familiar....someone being given polite advice on something the readership knows more about than the blogger (marketing issues) (and truly wanting/trying to help the blogger) and yet the blogger refuses to listen claiming their way (which clearly isn't working) is the best and only way Hmmm. Yeah, keep doing your way. What do all these people know anyway

    1. Nice attitude. Get a grip. See the whole picture. What I am doing is not garning massive public support but at this point I am targeting authorities and organizations and posting that information publically. I have CFS and have limited physical mental and emotional energy, if facts dont appeal to citizens I accept that.

    2. Nice attitude. Get a grip. See the whole picture. What I am doing is not garning massive public support but at this point I am targeting authorities and organizations and posting that information publically. I have CFS and have limited physical mental and emotional energy, if facts dont appeal to citizens I accept that.

  22. I'm anon 1:52. I just thought of a good example. What do you think would garner more change 1) a list of facts/figured of why polar bears will be extinct soon and why we must act to save them or 2) a story of one polar bear's struggle to find ice in the summer to mate and why the ice is the smallest its ever been in human history and what it means for the polar bear you just heard all about and fell in love with?????

    1. I can't understand or grasp that mentality. Personally I don't have to watch free Willy to reel me into an issue. If a problem exists lets fully focus on fixing it. Its playing political wrapping it in a package to garner support. Obviously politics aren't my strong suit.

  23. One question, how many people suggesting I make it a novel have read everything I have already written on the facebook page?

    I don't think anyone understands the severity of the issue. Also people in the position to make changes specifically do not want those details and already ask me to exclude what not absolutely necessary details are provided for example before forwarding to their legal team tor review.

    Maybe donations will come from a more descriptive narrative but I need to stick to the who what where when why and how as this is a timely issue with upcoming trial dates.

    I am absolutely allowed to disagree with you and have my own opinions on this, if I had all the time in the world I would do both, at this point I don't and I am doing my best.

    It is disgusting to me a picture even need a 3 words let alone a novel to garner support of injustice. At this point I'm not going to pull teeth to convince, the information already available on Facebook should be enough. I'm absolutely open to,others interviewing me and writing a piece.

    It took one picture of a cat with an arrow through to create a national movement. Remember?

    1. In my opinion, the cat shot by the vet became a national movement *after* the elderly neighbor came forward and said their orange tabby named Tiger was missing. It became a humanitarian story. The cat had a name. He had a home. He had grieving owners.

      Subsequent headlines and groups sprang up - "Justice for Tiger".

      It's less likely that the general public would have founded Facebook groups and had signs made, crying: "Justice for Nameless Orange Male Feral Cat".

      That observation may sound ridiculous or stupid, but it is what it is, I'm afraid.

      ~ A

  24. People view dogs and cats differently than livestock. It is far easier to garner support for companion animals who have been abused. I don't know that making a narrative will be any different from what you are doing now. There are no easy answers.

    1. Also a mindset I can't comprehend.

      How can people selectively let animals suffer by species? Scientifically the cognitive abilities of a pig far surpass that of any "pet". Even so, no animal pet or livestock should be abused or neglected.

    2. Also a mindset I can't comprehend.

      How can people selectively let animals suffer by species? Scientifically the cognitive abilities of a pig far surpass that of any "pet". Even so, no animal pet or livestock should be abused or neglected.

    3. I already know its a mindset you can't grasp! That was my point. Your brain does not work like others and vice versa. I was just trying to help you get more support for this b/c you asked why you hadn't gotten many donations.

    4. Honestly, I can't grasp any type of animal abuse either and my brain works very well. I also can't grasp how humans can abuse children, the elderly, and mentally challenged people. I'm thankful there are people like Meredith in this world. It helps me to realize I am not alone.

      As for not donating, maybe it is a money situation. I know I can't donate at this time due to not being paid a decent salary for the cost of living in the area where I live. I don't have any extra funds available at this time.

  25. I'm the wealthy privilege anon. I understood what you were saying, but I don't think you got what I was saying. You isolate anyone who is, or is perceived as being, wealthy with a sentiment like that. A term like that suggests an Occupy Wall Street type mentality on your part. Evil rich people vs angelic poor people. If only it were that simple. i believe you're fighting this from a place of love for the animals. but as a reader, I can tell you it's being lost in translation. I can see that you're mad and feeling attacked and you're getting defensive. As any of us would when defending a cause of our own. So I won't pile on any more than that. If you decide you'd like input on garnering support, just post about it and I'll chime in with alternative ideas. I routinely raise thousands of dollars for the (100% $ to cause-no overhead) charities I support.

    1. Basically I need help through action. This is not a cause one person can carry or fund alone and I am doing my best. I'm not making a blanket statement but stating Sandy Lerners wealth makes her powerful and influential which is a shame because she is a statistical evil person.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sadistic...ha. When I read what I write on my pay as you go phone I cringe!

  26. Some people have confused "giving advice" with "making a decree". If you can't give advice graciously, which is to say without the expectation that it will be followed, save yourself the aggrevation and don't give it at all.

    1. On the other hand, if you are going to ask for advice (which you did, Meredith), receive it graciously, or don't ask for it at all. Good luck and goodbye.


    2. Anne the beauty of this blog is you are always free to.give advice and I am always free to.not take it.

  27. Something for you all to consider. Ayrshire Far. Is a cluster fuck.of a mess. Crystal Ritenour is a complete idiot. I do not want to follow or highlight the life of a single pig as They will correct or falsify records based on what I write.

    1. Sorry if it seemed target at the blog audience it was intended for the masses on Facebook. This is a worthy cause you know!

      I really can't afford to donate to my own cause :(

      Last night I had some great advances and am headed in the right pro bono direction!
