Things wrong with this area: 1) everybody seems to be a black belt 2) too much scappy begging going on, how many farm blogs in the same hamlet is the world supposed to support 3) semi-feud between JW and JK, one is self proclaimed enlighted guru of animal knowledge, sorry, both are - too many buddhas 4) can't decide if they are in NY or VT, hence the asinine Veryork 5) everybody supported by blind enablers who fawn over every kitten picture as if we never saw a photo of a weed up close before 6) area crawling with ticks, mice and hipsters 7) the pizza sucks
Thanks, its a hike but I guess if you have to have some good pizza, Saratoga works. There are some excellent food things up there - Ice Cream Man in Greenewich
Its a chasm of weirdness. If you don't fit in anywhere else, go there? But then, I also met some nice normal people too, so I don't think my theory fits. There are weirdo people everywhere. I am a weirdo in my own way, so who am I to say?? (tho I work for a livin' and don't beg off the internet, so I got that goin' for me) Didn't JK and JW used to be buddies? I know he helped her get a book deal at one point or another. What happened to cause trouble in NYermont??
I think JW is on a slow downward spiral with a really hard landing at the bottom. At least JK had the ability to sense he was losing control. JW is far too delusional to realize how far gone she is.
I find Katz way more annoying than JW but mainly because he is pompous, and quite the bully online, always has been.Constantly gets his facts wrong on the simplest of things, gets politly corrected, and BOOM! They get the Katz hammer. I've heard he is not well liked in town, but I guess that's hear-say, I don't live there. In our house we refer to him as The Emperor Without Clothes. If he says he 's not a farmer one more time, and then tries to write about farm things [please God, don't let him have any more lambs], I'll throw up.
Amen. Heaven help you if you post or say something he doesn't agree with or if you don't bow down low enough when meeting him. He truly is a horse's ass.
Jenna may find it harder than she thinks to breath life into her blog if she neglects it much longer. The blog ties all her revenue streams together and without it selling books and workshops will be nearly impossible (to say nothing of squeezing people for donations).
She may find she is a 'one hit wonder'. Jon Katz has written about how he made a fortune and lost it.
The most striking example is Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of the runaway best seller, Simple Abundance. It was on the NYT best seller list for almost a year. Sold millions of copies worldwide. She became an overnight sensation and a multi-millionaire.
In her book, Peace and Plenty, she wrote about how she lost it all. Didn't really lose it, but spent it all, like Jon Katz. She thought she would be a success forever.
JW appeared to be a rising star, but now seems to be fading.Only time will tell how this will play out.
I think she's fading, too. I'm sure how she (or anyone in a similar situation) could imagine their success would go on while attempting to sell the same story over and over again. There's only so much you can write about your attempts at farming, or your transition from 9-5er to owning/operating a working farm (writing in idealist terms, here...I know she's none of those things). But then at some point, you've got to turn that corner and start making money from what you truly set out to do. So if she was successful, she would have had her few book deals, and then began making money to sustain her life from what should be her life's work - her farm. A best case scenario someone would have in the same situation would be to make money off of their produce, and meat and products created from the farm. Have gleaned enough wisdom from their own experience and others to hold workshops that actually mean something and transfer information to other beginners, etc. Clearly, she missed something in there and I don't think people want to listen to her sign the same old tune any longer. I really enjoyed Barnhart (this was before I knew her real character and reputation)...but then by the time I read her CAF book, I was thoroughly unimpressed. Listed it back on Amazon the day I finished reading it.
Her star is on the wane, not the rise. A few years ago, when "Made From Scratch" was becoming popular, Mother Earth News slated her to speak at their Fair, and she was publishing numerous magazine articles, she became pretty well known online and in the actual homesteading community. She lined up a second book deal with no problem and her story was an enjoyable one about a YOUNG adult discovering the homesteading lifestyle. (many of her mistakes were excused back then due to her youth and inexperience).But almost all of her followers from back then are no longer with her. Many stuck around for a year or two after her blog became at least half-filled with advertisements for workshops, stuff she wanted to sell, and less and less subtle pleas to just SEND MONEY, but moved on eventually. There seems to be a high turnover in her readership -- never a good sign. And you can only write so many biographies about yourself and your homestead before you end up repeating yourself. Good writers DO get their day in the sun, but if you never go more than 50 miles from your property and have the same routine all the time, unless you are Henry David Thoreau you will not keep your audience for very long. Also, the story of a getting-towards-middle aged single woman who has been living on her property,scraping by alone for several years just is not as exciting or appealing, unless you have a variety of other characters -- like family, a partner, roommates, etc. It may be a great life, but it makes for a boring read (all about ONE person), and in her case, a manic, tragic one with all her frivolous purchases and numerous preventable animal deaths, despite being almost house-bound and therefore able to watch them.
I would like to add to my original post, that to their credit, Jon Katz and Sarah Ban Breathnach gave a lot of money away. I may be wrong but somehow I can't imagine JW parting with a dime.
That's not entirely correct; I remember when she was raising money for something or other, her local NPR station announced her on-air as a donator, and a reader who had donated to HER got upset that she was giving money away when she clearly needed it for herself. Which I kind of have to agree with -- if you have to beg for money online you probably should not be giving those donations away elsewhere. Unless of course, your begging is a ruse and you actually do not have "wolves at the door."
Sarah Ban Breathnach has been trying to make a comeback, but her material is just recycled from Simple Abundance and not selling well. Not sure how JW can continue to recycle her material, unless she goes in a different direction with her newfound pagan beliefs.
I think JW really thought she could crank out a book a year and make a living. Those days are gone, and even when they were here it was a different world. Yea, I'm older and cn say that, JW. I agree with D's assessment above, as someone in the publishing/freelance [and farm] world [me that is], JW hasn't honed any skills-she doesn't have anything new to offer a publisher, and her track record is crummy. Homesteading books are on the wane after being a darling for publishers [because they sold] . I think she modeled herself at Katz [lord help her]. Katz's arrogance has always led him- in his bad behavior online back to his Slash days and even now if you read his blog enough, you see the arrogance over and over. He too, now that he is on FB hasn't figured one thing out- too much of you is too much, even for those who currently follow you. Not sure if that makes sense. but it's like if you see a writer you like, and you sign up for their blog, and every day there are 4-5 posts, some very long winded and written without editing, and many sound a lot like last weeks-you grow tired of it. Quantity isn't always quality. But he is manic, so maybe it helps him. That is the thing, FB is a new technology for a guy like Katz, and while he thinks he invented it [jokingly I say that, but so arrogant he is, I do think he thinks he is the first guy to have a platform!], he is going to overload himself. Just an opinion from a promotion stand point. His books don't sell like they did. While I don't like his ego driven style, he is way better writer than JW and has been at it longer. I don't see anything in JW that says she will be around, working hard on her trade [writing, if that is the trade of the day]. I am pretty sure Storey tried to help her encouraging her to buckle down and evolve and grow, but she blew it, and went to Roost.
Here's what I think: Like most trends, there was a small, dedicated group of people who had been doing it for a long time, who were/are the core of the homesteading/back-to-the-land movement, with a few newbies joining up here and there. So everything is stable from the 1970's to the early 2000's. Then there were the e-coli scares in everything from industrially-produced Jack-In--The-Box burgers to spinach, followed just a few years later by what's come to be known as The Great Recession. And suddenly the general public became aware that growing your own food is not just economically wise, but also gives you much safer food. All the other homesteading ideas also saw the light of day once again -- making your own soap, preserving, etc. But just like with any new trendy movement, the interest does not last indefinitely. Eventually the hipsters and trendy folks go back to eating in restaurants, buying their artisanal soaps and with the explosion of the organic foods market, people feel more comfortable about their store-bought food once again. But the core people who have always done homesteading will still be there once it's no longer fashionable. It just won't be the mass market it was five years ago, I don't think. Hence the shrinking sales numbers on everything from homesteading books to seeds.
Hotflash - Thank you for your thoughtful insight. My husband and I looked into homesteading for a long time, but with the number of organic farms and food stores near us, it was more cost effective for us to buy our products there.
We also discovered growing your own food is not easy nor necessarily inexpensive. We have a small garden and it's always a battle against nature, bugs and rodents. We have put a lot of money into protecting the garden (i.e. fencing, hoop tunnels,etc) as well as sweat equity. Even then, we still experience 'crop failure'.
It's a good picture of what happens on a large scale. We just lost some 'crops' to hail damage and rodents. We were not depending on these crops for income or to sustain ourselves. But if we were, it would have been a disaster.
Hi Meredith - Here is my Jenna story. I read Barnheart and I liked it so I went to the CAF site and got sucked in. I honestly believed her tale of woes. Then I got in really deep. Remember when Gibson had the first vet bill when he cut his foot. I bit....sent the $75. Then just before she started the Clan site I sent a $100. Yes, foolish. Then she asked for $65 to join the Clan and I sent an email saying I just sent $$ can I join. Yes, and here is where I learned about Meredith. How "terrible" Jenna was being treated etc. I came here and started reading. Oh my. Eyes opened. I only got to read 3 Clan posts cause somehow I lost access. Those were about family, this blog, and how she had gotten turned down for an Italics/Merlin book deal. Anyway, I was a sucker, learned a valuable lesson and will probably never donate on line again. Rephrase that unless I have some sort of verification that this is "real" need. There are the Jenna imitators out there. I read a blog a few months ago where an individual was asking for help to get running water in her home. Sounded legit then when I scrolled down, there it was a link to CAF. Ha. My charity will stay closer to home.
Wow. Sorry for your experience. You almost sent to Jenna the same amount my whole fundraiser has raised to get help with the Ayrshire Farm abuse trials. What am I doing wrong?
That was dumb of her to discuss this blog on that one.
I feel like I'm not presenting it well or people don't care. Jenna has people sending her money for nothing and I can't raise money for legal council for a major nationally relevant issue with severe ethical consequences.
Reminds of when my father was dying of cancer, we were going through his stuff to pay bills and prepare for the end and found that he had "donated" to some young man in need. We found many letters whereby this person had corresponded and filled a void in our father's soul. Of course, I saw it as exploitation and was angered. There are many reasons people are gullible and send strangers money. God will figure it all out some day, but woe to them that do this and are only stealing, but as we know this is the world we live in and we all need to learn lessons
I find it interesting that JW's clan has discussed this blog, yet there haven't been any fans over here defending her in quite a while. Could it be they also got an eye opener like Anon 10:25?
Have you all noticed that Jon Katz has his open houses regularly, and that he does not charge for them and now seems to be offering educational aspects to them? Um, sounds like a better way to go than to spend how much? for Jenna's mish mash. Not saying I could stomach going to his place either, but free is better than hundreds of dollars.
I think one of the foundational cornerstones of the homesteading community is the idea of providing FREE, friendly expertise to new learners, neighbors and community members. It is also, I should note, a foundation of the YouTube phenomenon, and probably the best thing about that site. I cannot imagine seeking to profit from teaching basic skills to someone. It's like charging someone to teach them how to shop in a supermarket or read a bus schedule. The knowledge is free and out there for anyone who wants's not something you should be spending $100 or more to learn.
I don't understand why people would pay for her workshops...she fails at Everything she does. There are so many other ways to get good information. It's like I go out and sit in the woods with a gun and want you to pay me to teach you to hunt.
I don't think there's anything wrong with charging for classes to teach people things. However, if you are going to charge for sharing your knowledge, you better actually have knowledge. If you're going to charge, you better be successfully doing whatever it is you're teaching. Don't pretend to be an expert and make people pay if you yourself aren't actually GOOD at what it is you're teaching.
In Jenna's most recent post, she mentions how she need a root canal(again), and has more plumbing issues (again). Soon the donations will come rolling in. I wonder what THAT money would go to? A $2k antique shepherds crook?
Wow! Just read her latest post. That's a lot of playing going on. No wonder she can't fit any work in!
And there was also the lament about plumbing, root canal and truck repairs. Welcome to adulthood. I also have dental work, home and car repairs coming up, but I have an actual job to pay for them.
Last of all, it seems she's trying to pitch another memoir. What about Birchthorn? She is behind on that. Maybe her donors are writing it for her while she writes about her favorite subject - herself.
The begging is a little more subtle this time. She knows most people don't want/need a logo or are able to travel there for a workshop. But if she puts these on 'sale' because she needs a root canal, truck repair, plumbing work or vet bills (heartworm test is negative, but Gibson has a cough,you know), people will feel sorry for her and just send money.
All I have to say about Jenna at this point is "uggggggghhhhhh." As a working adult who also has two dogs to care for, a vehicle that just needed repairs, pays home expenses, etc., her chirping about how hard all those things are just gets a giant eye roll from me. Welcome to life, sweetie. Time to grow the eff up. You don't get to have fun until you can afford it. Until then, start busting your ass like the rest of us. Then you can earn what you have and be proud you worked for it.
I have a farm, a house, a 10-year-old truck, a kid in college and I just got invited to South Africa on vacay.
Anyone want to send me money so I can take care of all that and go PPPLLLAAAYYY!!!!!????
I'll even throw in a half-assed written blog post about it all when I get back. I might even make it private, just to make you all feel special. But, it's not til August so you will have forgotten about it all by then.
I thought that post was interesting from the point that she does her design work at night. Why not start your day with work and end it with the fun stuff you like to do like fishing.
Or...better yet finish the designs, even if it is on a Sunday and treat yourself to a trip to fish.
I wonder if that post could possibly be the result of JW gaining a little self-awareness and reality setting in? Is she capable of such introspective thinking, given how arrogant and condescending people who have interacted with her in real life say she behaves? Perhaps JW is becoming aware of the negative things she's doing for herself in her community. She may have friends, but if nobody in her town/region with do business with her because she's sketchy and never pays her bills and has a reputation of begging, that's a problem.
Hmm... I did not originally see that post, but another one by her mom. Where did you get that one? Did JW remove it? This is the one I saw by mom: The lucky ones are the ones who have family who love them. The lucky ones nurture that relationship. The lucky ones don't measure their worth in what they have but in who they are and how they treat the people who truly love them.
If she does not have the money for a root canal, truck repairs and plumbing repairs, why doesn't she get a job? It's BIZARRE to think that her readers should send her money. She could work and still do all of her hobbies in her off hours. She obviously knows nothing about time management.
Oh but she does work! She teaches one whole class a week at her Tae Kwon Do studio now that she's a black belt! *eye roll* it probably not even be for money...just trade for free classes.
She doesn't care abut time management. She wants a passive flow of income so she can spend her day playing farmer, Braveheart, etc...
As for luck, there is a saying, "the harder I work, the luckier I get".
She reminds me of a relative who was work averse. He complained constantly of not being "lucky", but he would do nothing to change his luck. His mother told him that if he would spend as much energy on working that he did on dodging work, he would be a success.
Of course he thought that anyone's financial success was due to luck. (Never hard work).
He did have a brief period of success. Like someone we all know, he was a narcissist, and narcissists can be very charming. He started a small business and made a lot of money in a short time. But he had no self discipline and spent the money faster than it came in. He thought his success would last forever. It did not. The business failed, he ran out of enablers and his life became a trainwreck.
From Jenna's blog (about bringing her puppy into stores/offices): "I bring her in and don’t bother asking if it’s okay to carry a puppy in my arms. If you ask permission you risk giving someone else the power to tell you what to do."
That's her whole problem. She might as well say, "I am more important than anyone else in this world, so if I want to bring MY puppy into YOUR business, I will just do it. I don't care what you think, *I* want to do it." She never matured past the toddler stage.
What an idiot. She says that like she considers it a great profundity---- the store owner has the power to tell her what to do whether she asks or not. I'm sure Jenna considers herself sovereign on her own property so she should afford others the same consideration.
Somehow I doubt she would think the same way if someone just showed up at her place wandering around snapping photos. Like they didn't have to ask, just do it! because you can't tell me what to do.
Reminds me of my daughters favorite saying when she was a toddler..."you are not the boss of me"!!!!!!
So, she hires someone to mow her lawn? SERIOUSLY Jenna? REALLY Jenna? You are some massive sort of lazy. Having your lawn mowed once a month? I live down the road from you and I see your place. Do you realize that your place reduces the value of neighbor's properties? Well, it does. On another note, how on EARTH have you let your puppy not have any shots by 12 weeks of age? How did Mill Iron S ranch sell you the pup with no shots? I wonder if you are just lying again.
Yes, in fact, another lie. Vets do NOT give Rabies to ANY puppy under the age of 4 months of age. Jenna my dear, she is 12 weeks. That is 4 weeks short of 4 months. It's Distemper and Parvo that she should have gotten. What kind of vet are you going to?
NYS law mandates rabies by 4 months of age - 3 months in NYC. The rabies vaccine is not reliable in puppies less than 3 months of age. The "first round" though should have been at 8 weeks.
Another point - I do believe most areas have some option for low cost clinics. Sometimes it's done through the region's animal control office, or an SPCA, some animal rescue organizations coordinate low-cost vaccines, even Tractor Supply recently sent out an email about it at some of their stores. If she's claiming she's paying out loads of money on vet care, she's doing it wrong (shocker). And often times you can have a tech do the vaccines without getting charged the veterinarian's office visit/exam fee.
I got my dogs vaccinated for $10 each at a local pet store. All different kinds of vaccines were available. I just got rabies boosters. They brought in a vet to do them.
As someone who aspires to have a homestead in a few years, I am seeking advice about what to consider in lawn/pasture selection and maintenance. Are thistles and burdock edible to most livestock? Any issues with getting tangled in wool/manes/fur? Are there other weeds that need to be managed?
I would contact your county Extension Service, usually a county office, or the county Farm Bureau to find out what weeds you have that are toxic to the livestock you want to raise.
Better to take care of the problems, weeds before the livestock arrive.
In my experience, sheep are a bit more picky about their forage, they will not touch thistle in our area. Goats will eat most thistle (and anything else for that matter) but of course are more challenging to keep, as they're smarter and better at escaping and damaging things. But both will keep a lawn mowed down fairly well. Horses are tough on landscape because they tend to pull grass up by the roots, so if you want to keep your landscape, keep the horses off it. But I agree with the poster above and make sure you have nothing poisonous before buying your livestock. Then you can kill anything you don't want before it becomes an issue. We have jimsonweed here and have had to do that in our pasture, as we plan on getting livestock this fall. Good luck!
No, neither are, you would do best to dig out any that you see while they are still small. Burdock will destroy a fleece. As for weeds that need to be managed, it will depend on where you live. There are some that are toxic, and some that livestock will like to eat and are okay to eat. Where are you located?
Thank you for thoughtful responses about the weeds. I'm planning to relocate to western Mass/southern Vermont area. I'm a big believer in "ounce of prevention". My thinking is to start with chickens, then maybe add goats or sheep, and build from there....basically one animal type at a time and trying to achieve some mastery over each one before adding the next type. I've got a bit of experience, but it's been a while.
You would have pretty much what I have, so Thistle, Burdock, Multi floral rose, Wild Blackberry, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle etc. Sheep love everything but the Thistle and Burdock. Best thing I can say, is have a good coop for chickens and bring them in at night- they are like fast food for myriad of predators. Sheep are easier to keep fenced than Goats, and handle the cold winters better. Try and pick a breed known for it's heartiness.
So she needs money for her truck, her mortgage, her root canal, Gibson's cough, but she pays someone to mow her lawn? WTF? I thought she was a do-it-yourself person who looks down on people who shop at supermarkets, but she can't even mow her own lawn?
What's next? A lawn mowing workshop where everyone gets a turn? Or a pagan lawnmowing meetup?
It's funny that she won't ask permission but has no problem asking for money.
And if I recall, not too long ago she was squawking about someone taking pictures of her property. I guess it was ok for them to do it without asking permission because if they had, it would have taken away their power.
JW "I really am trying to get this place in order but dammit if riding horses isn’t more important than organizing drawers. May the man I someday marry care a little more than I do about order, or this place might just compost itself into the ground."
Yes, playing is much more important than taking care of business. She's got everyone else doing things for her, paying for the majority of her lifestyle, and now she wants her (future) man to do the housework for her? I must say, at least she's consistent!
Sooooo...if you're a single gal and just a little behind on the mortgage you congratulate yourself???? What????
I'm single too and have NEVER been behind on my mortgage. It just never happens. The difference is I make it my top priority, before I pay other bills, before I go shopping, and definitely before I PLAY.
Decluttering one's life and home is so freeing. It makes you feel lighter in a lot of ways. If I had a rainy day like JW I could have made a big dent in my whole house. As it is, it only took me one Saturday and two evenings after work to finish the job. And, I've already made $185 on stuff I haven't used in years with more set aside for a yard sale later this month.
Oh, and what to do with the extra $$? Not to buy coffee, a horse cart or even ham sandwich, but will stock up on a few supplies I will use this winter.
LOL. Me too. I missed ONE mortgage 2 days. Not because I didn't have the money, but because I wasn't paying attention and the date fell on a weekend. Paid the teeny-weeny penalty and made sure it never happened again. The roof over my head was ALWAYS priority one. In the end, I paid off the house 5 years early.
JW had more important things to spend the mortgage money on: new Heathen flag to fly at the meetups, refreshments for her new Heathen friends, ice cream, TKD classes, Black Belts, a puppy, possibly a new horse... And yes, JW is actively looking for another horse per her Reddit posts.
Some ideas for the title of JW's next book: How to Get Bloodles (Blind Sheep Poodles) to Fund Your Lifestyle; I am Heathen, Hear Me Roar; My Life is a Scam; Kickstarter: Laughing All The Way To The Bank; How to Spend Other Peoples' Money; Merlin The Wonder Horse (As in I wonder if I can scam people into buying me another horse); How To Play All Day; and the best title of all: How to Lose It All Without Even Trying.
Has anyone else wonder why JW never writes about Jasper? If I had sold a beloved pony, I would want to know how he is being treated and updates on him. I know people who have told others that their animal went "to live on a farm" when in reality they put the animal down. We all know JW is a master manipulator and a liar. I can't help but wonder what really happened to Jasper.
I've often wondered how her pet goat, Finn, fared once she got rid of him. Being able to bring him home was actually a pretty big reason she made the big push to get the farm when she did, and it was part of her appeal for funds. But once she got the farm, she decided she did not want him anymore and left him with the gal who had offered to foster him until Jenna found a new home where he would be allowed. He was very attached to Jenna, and I felt quite sorry for him and thought it was a bit of a betrayal, although I'm very attached to my animals and am probably seeing things from that vantage point. I just always wondered what happened to him, because he was a pack goat and seemed a great companion animal.
Jasper and Finn were assholes. Is that the explanation? And what about that wonderful friend who rode Jasper for her and got him going well enough to be sold? I pay people when they work for me.
Does anyone think JW announcing that she is a heathen will affect her income stream from her current Amen Charlies? There is a reason people say never to discuss politics or religion. Although, she has found herself some new "Atta Girls" on Reddit.
Whether they are close minded or not, a lot of individuals have been raised to have certain beliefs and they are not going to be too tolerant of her promoting her heathen views. I am not saying she is right or wrong, or that they are right or wrong, nor am I judging anyone. My point is simply that she may have bitten the hand that (literally) feeds her. Time will tell I guess.
I'm sure there are no less than 1.27 billion covers of that video. Why pick on her for that? Props to her for being brave enough to sing and post it on her blog.
Are you kidding? Brave enough to post it on her blog? Have you read what she posts on her blog? This one took no bravery, not compared to all the um, fodder she puts on there. She is a internet personality. The fact that she has absolutely nothing original and resorts to copying others, shows her material is drying up.
Things wrong with this area:
ReplyDelete1) everybody seems to be a black belt
2) too much scappy begging going on, how many farm blogs in the same hamlet is the world supposed to support
3) semi-feud between JW and JK, one is self proclaimed enlighted guru of animal knowledge, sorry, both are - too many buddhas
4) can't decide if they are in NY or VT, hence the asinine Veryork
5) everybody supported by blind enablers who fawn over every kitten picture as if we never saw a photo of a weed up close before
6) area crawling with ticks, mice and hipsters
7) the pizza sucks
Pizza doesn't suck! Popes is awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks, its a hike but I guess if you have to have some good pizza, Saratoga works. There are some excellent food things up there - Ice Cream Man in Greenewich
DeleteI like to think the abundance of good soft serve is Washington County's attempt at a peace offering for harboring those two buffoons.
DeleteIts a chasm of weirdness. If you don't fit in anywhere else, go there? But then, I also met some nice normal people too, so I don't think my theory fits. There are weirdo people everywhere. I am a weirdo in my own way, so who am I to say?? (tho I work for a livin' and don't beg off the internet, so I got that goin' for me) Didn't JK and JW used to be buddies? I know he helped her get a book deal at one point or another. What happened to cause trouble in NYermont??
ReplyDeleteand why are we fascinated by these idiots?
ReplyDeleteIts a social that I can't wrap my head around.
DeleteIts a social that I can't wrap my head around.
DeleteIts a social that I can't wrap my head around.
DeleteAt least Katz says he's a writer who lives on a farm, not a farmer.
ReplyDeleteI think JW is on a slow downward spiral with a really hard landing at the bottom. At least JK had the ability to sense he was losing control. JW is far too delusional to realize how far gone she is.
ReplyDeleteI find Katz way more annoying than JW but mainly because he is pompous, and quite the bully online, always has been.Constantly gets his facts wrong on the simplest of things, gets politly corrected, and BOOM! They get the Katz hammer. I've heard he is not well liked in town, but I guess that's hear-say, I don't live there. In our house we refer to him as The Emperor Without Clothes. If he says he 's not a farmer one more time, and then tries to write about farm things [please God, don't let him have any more lambs], I'll throw up.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Heaven help you if you post or say something he doesn't agree with or if you don't bow down low enough when meeting him. He truly is a horse's ass.
DeleteJenna may find it harder than she thinks to breath life into her blog if she neglects it much longer. The blog ties all her revenue streams together and without it selling books and workshops will be nearly impossible (to say nothing of squeezing people for donations).
ReplyDeleteShe may find she is a 'one hit wonder'. Jon Katz has written about how he made a fortune and lost it.
ReplyDeleteThe most striking example is Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of the runaway best seller, Simple Abundance. It was on the NYT best seller list for almost a year. Sold millions of copies worldwide. She became an overnight sensation and a multi-millionaire.
In her book, Peace and Plenty, she wrote about how she lost it all. Didn't really lose it, but spent it all, like Jon Katz. She thought she would be a success forever.
JW appeared to be a rising star, but now seems to be fading.Only time will tell how this will play out.
I think she's fading, too. I'm sure how she (or anyone in a similar situation) could imagine their success would go on while attempting to sell the same story over and over again. There's only so much you can write about your attempts at farming, or your transition from 9-5er to owning/operating a working farm (writing in idealist terms, here...I know she's none of those things). But then at some point, you've got to turn that corner and start making money from what you truly set out to do. So if she was successful, she would have had her few book deals, and then began making money to sustain her life from what should be her life's work - her farm. A best case scenario someone would have in the same situation would be to make money off of their produce, and meat and products created from the farm. Have gleaned enough wisdom from their own experience and others to hold workshops that actually mean something and transfer information to other beginners, etc. Clearly, she missed something in there and I don't think people want to listen to her sign the same old tune any longer. I really enjoyed Barnhart (this was before I knew her real character and reputation)...but then by the time I read her CAF book, I was thoroughly unimpressed. Listed it back on Amazon the day I finished reading it.
Delete*I'm not sure how
DeleteHer star is on the wane, not the rise. A few years ago, when "Made From Scratch" was becoming popular, Mother Earth News slated her to speak at their Fair, and she was publishing numerous magazine articles, she became pretty well known online and in the actual homesteading community. She lined up a second book deal with no problem and her story was an enjoyable one about a YOUNG adult discovering the homesteading lifestyle. (many of her mistakes were excused back then due to her youth and inexperience).But almost all of her followers from back then are no longer with her. Many stuck around for a year or two after her blog became at least half-filled with advertisements for workshops, stuff she wanted to sell, and less and less subtle pleas to just SEND MONEY, but moved on eventually. There seems to be a high turnover in her readership -- never a good sign. And you can only write so many biographies about yourself and your homestead before you end up repeating yourself. Good writers DO get their day in the sun, but if you never go more than 50 miles from your property and have the same routine all the time, unless you are Henry David Thoreau you will not keep your audience for very long. Also, the story of a getting-towards-middle aged single woman who has been living on her property,scraping by alone for several years just is not as exciting or appealing, unless you have a variety of other characters -- like family, a partner, roommates, etc. It may be a great life, but it makes for a boring read (all about ONE person), and in her case, a manic, tragic one with all her frivolous purchases and numerous preventable animal deaths, despite being almost house-bound and therefore able to watch them.
I would like to add to my original post, that to their credit, Jon Katz and Sarah Ban Breathnach gave a lot of money away. I may be wrong but somehow I can't imagine JW parting with a dime.
DeleteThat's not entirely correct; I remember when she was raising money for something or other, her local NPR station announced her on-air as a donator, and a reader who had donated to HER got upset that she was giving money away when she clearly needed it for herself. Which I kind of have to agree with -- if you have to beg for money online you probably should not be giving those donations away elsewhere. Unless of course, your begging is a ruse and you actually do not have "wolves at the door."
Thank you D. for the clarification.
DeleteShe also did that when her Kickstarter thing was going on....she donated to some guy designing a board game or something.
DeleteSarah Ban Breathnach has been trying to make a comeback, but her material is just recycled from Simple Abundance and not selling well. Not sure how JW can continue to recycle her material, unless she goes in a different direction with her newfound pagan beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI think JW really thought she could crank out a book a year and make a living. Those days are gone, and even when they were here it was a different world. Yea, I'm older and cn say that, JW. I agree with D's assessment above, as someone in the publishing/freelance [and farm] world [me that is], JW hasn't honed any skills-she doesn't have anything new to offer a publisher, and her track record is crummy. Homesteading books are on the wane after being a darling for publishers [because they sold] . I think she modeled herself at Katz [lord help her]. Katz's arrogance has always led him- in his bad behavior online back to his Slash days and even now if you read his blog enough, you see the arrogance over and over. He too, now that he is on FB hasn't figured one thing out- too much of you is too much, even for those who currently follow you. Not sure if that makes sense. but it's like if you see a writer you like, and you sign up for their blog, and every day there are 4-5 posts, some very long winded and written without editing, and many sound a lot like last weeks-you grow tired of it. Quantity isn't always quality. But he is manic, so maybe it helps him. That is the thing, FB is a new technology for a guy like Katz, and while he thinks he invented it [jokingly I say that, but so arrogant he is, I do think he thinks he is the first guy to have a platform!], he is going to overload himself. Just an opinion from a promotion stand point. His books don't sell like they did. While I don't like his ego driven style, he is way better writer than JW and has been at it longer. I don't see anything in JW that says she will be around, working hard on her trade [writing, if that is the trade of the day]. I am pretty sure Storey tried to help her encouraging her to buckle down and evolve and grow, but she blew it, and went to Roost.
ReplyDeleteInteresting to hear that homesteading books are on the wane. Anyone know the reason?
ReplyDeleteHere's what I think: Like most trends, there was a small, dedicated group of people who had been doing it for a long time, who were/are the core of the homesteading/back-to-the-land movement, with a few newbies joining up here and there. So everything is stable from the 1970's to the early 2000's. Then there were the e-coli scares in everything from industrially-produced Jack-In--The-Box burgers to spinach, followed just a few years later by what's come to be known as The Great Recession. And suddenly the general public became aware that growing your own food is not just economically wise, but also gives you much safer food. All the other homesteading ideas also saw the light of day once again -- making your own soap, preserving, etc. But just like with any new trendy movement, the interest does not last indefinitely. Eventually the hipsters and trendy folks go back to eating in restaurants, buying their artisanal soaps and with the explosion of the organic foods market, people feel more comfortable about their store-bought food once again. But the core people who have always done homesteading will still be there once it's no longer fashionable. It just won't be the mass market it was five years ago, I don't think. Hence the shrinking sales numbers on everything from homesteading books to seeds.
DeleteHotflash - Thank you for your thoughtful insight. My husband and I looked into homesteading for a long time, but with the number of organic farms and food stores near us, it was more cost effective for us to buy our products there.
DeleteWe also discovered growing your own food is not easy nor necessarily inexpensive. We have a small garden and it's always a battle against nature, bugs and rodents. We have put a lot of money into protecting the garden (i.e. fencing, hoop tunnels,etc) as well as sweat equity. Even then, we still experience 'crop failure'.
It's a good picture of what happens on a large scale. We just lost some 'crops' to hail damage and rodents. We were not depending on these crops for income or to sustain ourselves. But if we were, it would have been a disaster.
Hi Meredith - Here is my Jenna story. I read Barnheart and I liked it so I went to the CAF site and got sucked in. I honestly believed her tale of woes. Then I got in really deep. Remember when Gibson had the first vet bill when he cut his foot. I bit....sent the $75. Then just before she started the Clan site I sent a $100. Yes, foolish. Then she asked for $65 to join the Clan and I sent an email saying I just sent $$ can I join. Yes, and here is where I learned about Meredith. How "terrible" Jenna was being treated etc. I came here and started reading. Oh my. Eyes opened. I only got to read 3 Clan posts cause somehow I lost access. Those were about family, this blog, and how she had gotten turned down for an Italics/Merlin book deal.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I was a sucker, learned a valuable lesson and will probably never donate on line again. Rephrase that unless I have some sort of verification that this is "real" need. There are the Jenna imitators out there. I read a blog a few months ago where an individual was asking for help to get running water in her home. Sounded legit then when I scrolled down, there it was a link to CAF. Ha. My charity will stay closer to home.
I would much rather help a neighbor than someone online. I knew someone who was having a hard time at Christmas, and I bought them $100 of groceries.
DeleteWow. Sorry for your experience. You almost sent to Jenna the same amount my whole fundraiser has raised to get help with the Ayrshire Farm abuse trials. What am I doing wrong?
DeleteThat was dumb of her to discuss this blog on that one.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou are not skilled enough in wrenching the money off of people, you should be proud of that.
DeleteI feel like I'm not presenting it well or people don't care. Jenna has people sending her money for nothing and I can't raise money for legal council for a major nationally relevant issue with severe ethical consequences.
DeleteConsider your audience Meredith, and then consider Jenna's.
DeleteAnon 10:25 - Can you post a link to that blog where the writer was asking for money for running water?
DeleteAlso, did you ask Jenna why you couldn't get access? I wonder what her response was.
Reminds of when my father was dying of cancer, we were going through his stuff to pay bills and prepare for the end and found that he had "donated" to some young man in need. We found many letters whereby this person had corresponded and filled a void in our father's soul. Of course, I saw it as exploitation and was angered. There are many reasons people are gullible and send strangers money. God will figure it all out some day, but woe to them that do this and are only stealing, but as we know this is the world we live in and we all need to learn lessons
ReplyDeleteWhat forum are we talking about?
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that JW's clan has discussed this blog, yet there haven't been any fans over here defending her in quite a while. Could it be they also got an eye opener like Anon 10:25?
ReplyDeleteHave you all noticed that Jon Katz has his open houses regularly, and that he does not charge for them and now seems to be offering educational aspects to them? Um, sounds like a better way to go than to spend how much? for Jenna's mish mash. Not saying I could stomach going to his place either, but free is better than hundreds of dollars.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the foundational cornerstones of the homesteading community is the idea of providing FREE, friendly expertise to new learners, neighbors and community members. It is also, I should note, a foundation of the YouTube phenomenon, and probably the best thing about that site. I cannot imagine seeking to profit from teaching basic skills to someone. It's like charging someone to teach them how to shop in a supermarket or read a bus schedule. The knowledge is free and out there for anyone who wants's not something you should be spending $100 or more to learn.
DeleteI agree HFH :)
DeleteI don't understand why people would pay for her workshops...she fails at Everything she does. There are so many other ways to get good information. It's like I go out and sit in the woods with a gun and want you to pay me to teach you to hunt.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's anything wrong with charging for classes to teach people things. However, if you are going to charge for sharing your knowledge, you better actually have knowledge. If you're going to charge, you better be successfully doing whatever it is you're teaching. Don't pretend to be an expert and make people pay if you yourself aren't actually GOOD at what it is you're teaching.
ReplyDeleteIn Jenna's most recent post, she mentions how she need a root canal(again), and has more plumbing issues (again). Soon the donations will come rolling in. I wonder what THAT money would go to? A $2k antique shepherds crook?
Wow! Just read her latest post. That's a lot of playing going on. No wonder she can't fit any work in!
ReplyDeleteAnd there was also the lament about plumbing, root canal and truck repairs. Welcome to adulthood. I also have dental work, home and car repairs coming up, but I have an actual job to pay for them.
Last of all, it seems she's trying to pitch another memoir. What about Birchthorn? She is behind on that. Maybe her donors are writing it for her while she writes about her favorite subject - herself.
Her most recent post is like that of a retired person - sounds fun if you can afford it.
ReplyDeleteThe begging is a little more subtle this time. She knows most people don't want/need a logo or are able to travel there for a workshop. But if she puts these on 'sale' because she needs a root canal, truck repair, plumbing work or vet bills (heartworm test is negative, but Gibson has a cough,you know), people will feel sorry for her and just send money.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say about Jenna at this point is "uggggggghhhhhh." As a working adult who also has two dogs to care for, a vehicle that just needed repairs, pays home expenses, etc., her chirping about how hard all those things are just gets a giant eye roll from me. Welcome to life, sweetie. Time to grow the eff up. You don't get to have fun until you can afford it. Until then, start busting your ass like the rest of us. Then you can earn what you have and be proud you worked for it.
ReplyDeleteI have a farm, a house, a 10-year-old truck, a kid in college and I just got invited to South Africa on vacay.
ReplyDeleteAnyone want to send me money so I can take care of all that and go PPPLLLAAAYYY!!!!!????
I'll even throw in a half-assed written blog post about it all when I get back. I might even make it private, just to make you all feel special. But, it's not til August so you will have forgotten about it all by then.
She's going to shed light on why she's been neglecting her blog lately--- what do you want to bet she's going to implicate her haters?
ReplyDeleteI thought that post was interesting from the point that she does her design work at night. Why not start your day with work and end it with the fun stuff you like to do like fishing.
DeleteOr...better yet finish the designs, even if it is on a Sunday and treat yourself to a trip to fish.
Daaaaaang, did you see her moms comment on her Facebook "luck" post? Ouch.
DeleteMama Woginrich has more wisdom in her baby finger than all of Jenna's fatuous Heathen cronies combined......
Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich I care what people I value think of me and I don't discard them when it becomes challenging and inconvenient.
DeleteWhat did her mother say??
DeleteI wonder if that post could possibly be the result of JW gaining a little self-awareness and reality setting in? Is she capable of such introspective thinking, given how arrogant and condescending people who have interacted with her in real life say she behaves? Perhaps JW is becoming aware of the negative things she's doing for herself in her community. She may have friends, but if nobody in her town/region with do business with her because she's sketchy and never pays her bills and has a reputation of begging, that's a problem.
DeleteWow, I feel so bad for her.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I did not originally see that post, but another one by her mom. Where did you get that one? Did JW remove it? This is the one I saw by mom: The lucky ones are the ones who have family who love them. The lucky ones nurture that relationship. The lucky ones don't measure their worth in what they have but in who they are and how they treat the people who truly love them.
ReplyDeleteVery wise words.
DeleteScroll up in that convo and click to see more replies. Jenna's sister makes a comment--- click more replies there.
ReplyDeleteShe has a sister???
ReplyDeleteA sister and a brother,I believe
ReplyDeleteIf she does not have the money for a root canal, truck repairs and plumbing repairs, why doesn't she get a job? It's BIZARRE to think that her readers should send her money. She could work and still do all of her hobbies in her off hours. She obviously knows nothing about time management.
ReplyDeleteOh but she does work! She teaches one whole class a week at her Tae Kwon Do studio now that she's a black belt! *eye roll* it probably not even be for money...just trade for free classes.
DeleteShe doesn't care abut time management. She wants a passive flow of income so she can spend her day playing farmer, Braveheart, etc...
ReplyDeleteAs for luck, there is a saying, "the harder I work, the luckier I get".
She reminds me of a relative who was work averse. He complained constantly of not being "lucky", but he would do nothing to change his luck. His mother told him that if he would spend as much energy on working that he did on dodging work, he would be a success.
Of course he thought that anyone's financial success was due to luck. (Never hard work).
He did have a brief period of success. Like someone we all know, he was a narcissist, and narcissists can be very charming. He started a small business and made a lot of money in a short time. But he had no self discipline and spent the money faster than it came in. He thought his success would last forever. It did not. The business failed, he ran out of enablers and his life became a trainwreck.
She still hasn't posted the vlog she said she was going to.....on top of all the other posts she was going to write but didn't........
ReplyDeleteFrom Jenna's blog (about bringing her puppy into stores/offices): "I bring her in and don’t bother asking if it’s okay to carry a puppy in my arms. If you ask permission you risk giving someone else the power to tell you what to do."
ReplyDeleteThat's her whole problem. She might as well say, "I am more important than anyone else in this world, so if I want to bring MY puppy into YOUR business, I will just do it. I don't care what you think, *I* want to do it." She never matured past the toddler stage.
What an idiot. She says that like she considers it a great profundity---- the store owner has the power to tell her what to do whether she asks or not. I'm sure Jenna considers herself sovereign on her own property so she should afford others the same consideration.
DeleteSomehow I doubt she would think the same way if someone just showed up at her place wandering around snapping photos. Like they didn't have to ask, just do it! because you can't tell me what to do.
DeleteReminds me of my daughters favorite saying when she was a toddler..."you are not the boss of me"!!!!!!
JW is such an infant.
Just when I think she can't get any more self centered, she becomes even more self centered.
DeleteSo, she hires someone to mow her lawn? SERIOUSLY Jenna? REALLY Jenna? You are some massive sort of lazy. Having your lawn mowed once a month? I live down the road from you and I see your place. Do you realize that your place reduces the value of neighbor's properties? Well, it does. On another note, how on EARTH have you let your puppy not have any shots by 12 weeks of age? How did Mill Iron S ranch sell you the pup with no shots? I wonder if you are just lying again.
ReplyDeleteMill Iron sold her a puppy so infected with worms it had blood in it's stool and Jenna took her to the vet for it......
DeleteOf course she doesn't mow her own lawn-- she's a member of the upper middle class AND a published author!
DeleteEspecially curious considering she claimed the chickens were eating it off so well it didn't have to be mowed.
Yes, in fact, another lie. Vets do NOT give Rabies to ANY puppy under the age of 4 months of age. Jenna my dear, she is 12 weeks. That is 4 weeks short of 4 months. It's Distemper and Parvo that she should have gotten. What kind of vet are you going to?
ReplyDeleteNot defending Jenna at all, but she never said anything about rabies on that blog post, it just said round 1 of her shots. I think you read it wrong.
DeleteShe mentioned it on her vlog--- rabies and lyme shots today.
DeleteNYS law mandates rabies by 4 months of age - 3 months in NYC. The rabies vaccine is not reliable in puppies less than 3 months of age. The "first round" though should have been at 8 weeks.
DeleteFriday also should have been wormed at 4, 6 and 8 weeks.
DeleteI still don't believe anything Jenna says, ever.
DeleteAnother point - I do believe most areas have some option for low cost clinics. Sometimes it's done through the region's animal control office, or an SPCA, some animal rescue organizations coordinate low-cost vaccines, even Tractor Supply recently sent out an email about it at some of their stores. If she's claiming she's paying out loads of money on vet care, she's doing it wrong (shocker). And often times you can have a tech do the vaccines without getting charged the veterinarian's office visit/exam fee.
DeleteI got my dogs vaccinated for $10 each at a local pet store. All different kinds of vaccines were available. I just got rabies boosters. They brought in a vet to do them.
As someone who aspires to have a homestead in a few years, I am seeking advice about what to consider in lawn/pasture selection and maintenance. Are thistles and burdock edible to most livestock? Any issues with getting tangled in wool/manes/fur? Are there other weeds that need to be managed?
ReplyDeleteI would contact your county Extension Service, usually a county office, or the county Farm Bureau to find out what weeds you have that are toxic to the livestock you want to raise.
DeleteBetter to take care of the problems, weeds before the livestock arrive.
In my experience, sheep are a bit more picky about their forage, they will not touch thistle in our area. Goats will eat most thistle (and anything else for that matter) but of course are more challenging to keep, as they're smarter and better at escaping and damaging things. But both will keep a lawn mowed down fairly well. Horses are tough on landscape because they tend to pull grass up by the roots, so if you want to keep your landscape, keep the horses off it. But I agree with the poster above and make sure you have nothing poisonous before buying your livestock. Then you can kill anything you don't want before it becomes an issue. We have jimsonweed here and have had to do that in our pasture, as we plan on getting livestock this fall. Good luck!
DeleteNo, neither are, you would do best to dig out any that you see while they are still small. Burdock will destroy a fleece. As for weeds that need to be managed, it will depend on where you live. There are some that are toxic, and some that livestock will like to eat and are okay to eat. Where are you located?
ReplyDeleteThank you for thoughtful responses about the weeds. I'm planning to relocate to western Mass/southern Vermont area. I'm a big believer in "ounce of prevention". My thinking is to start with chickens, then maybe add goats or sheep, and build from there....basically one animal type at a time and trying to achieve some mastery over each one before adding the next type. I've got a bit of experience, but it's been a while.
ReplyDeleteYou would have pretty much what I have, so Thistle, Burdock, Multi floral rose, Wild Blackberry, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle etc. Sheep love everything but the Thistle and Burdock. Best thing I can say, is have a good coop for chickens and bring them in at night- they are like fast food for myriad of predators. Sheep are easier to keep fenced than Goats, and handle the cold winters better. Try and pick a breed known for it's heartiness.
ReplyDeleteSo she needs money for her truck, her mortgage, her root canal, Gibson's cough, but she pays someone to mow her lawn? WTF? I thought she was a do-it-yourself person who looks down on people who shop at supermarkets, but she can't even mow her own lawn?
ReplyDeleteWhat's next? A lawn mowing workshop where everyone gets a turn? Or a pagan lawnmowing meetup?
DeleteIt's funny that she won't ask permission but has no problem asking for money.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I recall, not too long ago she was squawking about someone taking pictures of her property. I guess it was ok for them to do it without asking permission because if they had, it would have taken away their power.
JW "I really am trying to get this place in order but dammit if riding horses isn’t more important than organizing drawers. May the man I someday marry care a little more than I do about order, or this place might just compost itself into the ground."
ReplyDeleteYes, playing is much more important than taking care of business. She's got everyone else doing things for her, paying for the majority of her lifestyle, and now she wants her (future) man to do the housework for her? I must say, at least she's consistent!
Sooooo...if you're a single gal and just a little behind on the mortgage you congratulate yourself???? What????
ReplyDeleteI'm single too and have NEVER been behind on my mortgage. It just never happens. The difference is I make it my top priority, before I pay other bills, before I go shopping, and definitely before I PLAY.
Decluttering one's life and home is so freeing. It makes you feel lighter in a lot of ways. If I had a rainy day like JW I could have made a big dent in my whole house. As it is, it only took me one Saturday and two evenings after work to finish the job. And, I've already made $185 on stuff I haven't used in years with more set aside for a yard sale later this month.
Oh, and what to do with the extra $$? Not to buy coffee, a horse cart or even ham sandwich, but will stock up on a few supplies I will use this winter.
LOL. Me too. I missed ONE mortgage 2 days. Not because I didn't have the money, but because I wasn't paying attention and the date fell on a weekend. Paid the teeny-weeny penalty and made sure it never happened again. The roof over my head was ALWAYS priority one. In the end, I paid off the house 5 years early.
DeleteJW had more important things to spend the mortgage money on: new Heathen flag to fly at the meetups, refreshments for her new Heathen friends, ice cream, TKD classes, Black Belts, a puppy, possibly a new horse... And yes, JW is actively looking for another horse per her Reddit posts.
ReplyDeleteSome ideas for the title of JW's next book: How to Get Bloodles (Blind Sheep Poodles) to Fund Your Lifestyle; I am Heathen, Hear Me Roar; My Life is a Scam; Kickstarter: Laughing All The Way To The Bank; How to Spend Other Peoples' Money; Merlin The Wonder Horse (As in I wonder if I can scam people into buying me another horse); How To Play All Day; and the best title of all: How to Lose It All Without Even Trying.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome, seriously, can you do a vlog with this material? This is great. You have her pegged!
DeleteAlso, "Pleasure before Business".
DeleteHas anyone else wonder why JW never writes about Jasper? If I had sold a beloved pony, I would want to know how he is being treated and updates on him. I know people who have told others that their animal went "to live on a farm" when in reality they put the animal down. We all know JW is a master manipulator and a liar. I can't help but wonder what really happened to Jasper.
ReplyDeleteOut of sight, out of mind.
DeleteI've often wondered how her pet goat, Finn, fared once she got rid of him. Being able to bring him home was actually a pretty big reason she made the big push to get the farm when she did, and it was part of her appeal for funds. But once she got the farm, she decided she did not want him anymore and left him with the gal who had offered to foster him until Jenna found a new home where he would be allowed. He was very attached to Jenna, and I felt quite sorry for him and thought it was a bit of a betrayal, although I'm very attached to my animals and am probably seeing things from that vantage point. I just always wondered what happened to him, because he was a pack goat and seemed a great companion animal.
DeleteJasper and Finn were assholes. Is that the explanation? And what about that wonderful friend who rode Jasper for her and got him going well enough to be sold? I pay people when they work for me.
DeleteDoes anyone think JW announcing that she is a heathen will affect her income stream from her current Amen Charlies? There is a reason people say never to discuss politics or religion. Although, she has found herself some new "Atta Girls" on Reddit.
ReplyDeleteSomeone defriended her on FB the other day for changing her profile pic to rainbow-- so yeah, there's plenty of closed minds out there to offend.
DeleteWhether they are close minded or not, a lot of individuals have been raised to have certain beliefs and they are not going to be too tolerant of her promoting her heathen views. I am not saying she is right or wrong, or that they are right or wrong, nor am I judging anyone. My point is simply that she may have bitten the hand that (literally) feeds her. Time will tell I guess.
ReplyDeleteUm, Jenna, you are now copying videos? Really? I knew I had seen that schtick some where. The link above is way better.....
I'm sure there are no less than 1.27 billion covers of that video. Why pick on her for that? Props to her for being brave enough to sing and post it on her blog.
DeleteAre you kidding? Brave enough to post it on her blog? Have you read what she posts on her blog? This one took no bravery, not compared to all the um, fodder she puts on there. She is a internet personality. The fact that she has absolutely nothing original and resorts to copying others, shows her material is drying up.
DeleteI never met Bernie Madoff but that doesn't mean I don't think he's a crook.
ReplyDeleteLOL. According to Jenna, in order to be a "real farm" it has to produce something. What has she produced aside from a few books and a blog ? Nothing!
ReplyDeleteWould that make Jenna's "farm", a setting for her Braveheart LARP?