Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ayrshire Farm Abuse

This is the abuse neglect and torture Loudoun County Animal Services allows...Ayrshire Farm's owner Sandy Lerner is a wealthy "animal advocate" and the Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour is a vet tech yet willful neglect is what these pigs experience.

Ayrshire Farm promotes illness and prevents wellness through horrific Animal husbandry practices.

Look at those pigs 

That's a "certified humane" " certified organic" farm for you.

Please like, share, and post. Spread the word.

Loudoun County Animal Services has seen these pictures and condones this neglect. They refuse to bring charges against Ayrshire Farm. They are not uniformly enforcing the VA State animal welfare code.

Over 5,000 people have signed a petition for Loudoun County Animal Services to hold Ayrshire Farm accountable for the neglect and abuse of their animals. With Loudoun County Animal Services defending and protecting this farm the welfare of the animals is of the utmost concern.


I'm taking Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner is court through a criminal complaint of Animal cruelty.The commonwealth of VA abandoned the prosecution of Commonwealth v Ritenour, Crystal minutes before trial leaving me to prosecute a criminal case against a private defense attorney. 

I need help helping these pigs.

Loudoun County Animal Services is wined and dined at crystal and silver plated lunchoens numerous times a year at Ayrshire Farm's mansion. I and many others believe this relationship is why Ayrshire Farm is being except from complying with the states animal welfare standards. They are operating outside the law with the help of their friends at Loudoun County Animal Services. Here is a picture of pigs with ZERO veterinary attention or treatment. LCAS excuses this behavior and allows it to continue.


  1. This is what happens when organic ideology is put before animal welfare. They should put this pic on the label of every package of pork they sell if they are so proud of their level of care, ideals etc.....

  2. I think the reason you haven't gotten the donations and public backing you want so far is because you are relying on logic/facts which maybe is how your brain works - but, I think most people are emotional and like descriptive narratives vs facts and logic. Maybe if you started from the beginning and told your story, it would help. Talk about yourself and who you are - how you grew up and how you got the values you have. Make people love you first and relate to you. Make them understand why you care so much. What makes you tick. Then talk about your excitement to work at that place...all your good experiences - the ideals and visions you had going in and then tell the narrative of how it all started to go wrong. Show us how those ideals and visions came crashing down and why - not by blaming anyone, but by sheer adjectives and descriptions. Make us feel like we were there with you experiencing that excitement and seeing all the "neat" things you saw and did (at first). Then draw us in so we feel like we are standing right next to you with those pigs for the good and the bad. Explain what you saw and what you FELT in descriptive, relatable language. Think "charlotte's web" in terms of drawing people in to a sweet story-line - then at the end recount all the acts and logic of the abuse. Just my 2 cents b/c people LOVE descriptive narratives.
