Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What the fuck!!!

I was told by a member of the Loudoun County Animal Services Animal Advisory Committee that I could speak for 4 minutes at their next meeting but that it wasn't the appropriate forum.

What better forum is there for My concerns about how Loudoun County Animal Services handled the investigation of Ayrshire Farm and the subsequent nonaction.

Are they fucking familiar with their own listed purpose?

I'm about to explode.

What is wrong with people?

Ayrshire Farm Abuse

This is the abuse neglect and torture Loudoun County Animal Services allows...Ayrshire Farm's owner Sandy Lerner is a wealthy "animal advocate" and the Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour is a vet tech yet willful neglect is what these pigs experience.

Ayrshire Farm promotes illness and prevents wellness through horrific Animal husbandry practices.

Look at those pigs 

That's a "certified humane" " certified organic" farm for you.

Please like, share, and post. Spread the word.

Loudoun County Animal Services has seen these pictures and condones this neglect. They refuse to bring charges against Ayrshire Farm. They are not uniformly enforcing the VA State animal welfare code.

Over 5,000 people have signed a petition for Loudoun County Animal Services to hold Ayrshire Farm accountable for the neglect and abuse of their animals. With Loudoun County Animal Services defending and protecting this farm the welfare of the animals is of the utmost concern.


I'm taking Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner is court through a criminal complaint of Animal cruelty.The commonwealth of VA abandoned the prosecution of Commonwealth v Ritenour, Crystal minutes before trial leaving me to prosecute a criminal case against a private defense attorney. 

I need help helping these pigs.

Loudoun County Animal Services is wined and dined at crystal and silver plated lunchoens numerous times a year at Ayrshire Farm's mansion. I and many others believe this relationship is why Ayrshire Farm is being except from complying with the states animal welfare standards. They are operating outside the law with the help of their friends at Loudoun County Animal Services. Here is a picture of pigs with ZERO veterinary attention or treatment. LCAS excuses this behavior and allows it to continue.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Katz in the cradle


Here's a forum.

What's with that area?

Those 2 are ruining its reputation.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Little liars!

First wedding.

They are like puppies...too cute to be mad at.

I just feel fooled.


So my brother who got married in May just posted on Facebook celebrating his first year wedding anniversary....

Say what?

Turns out they eloped while she was visiting him in Europe a year ago and kept it a secret before during and after their wedding until now.

My family thinks its great. What a fun twist...what a surprise.

I feel lied to and betrayed.

It makes me uncomfortable they were comfortable deceiving friends and family.

It rubs me the wrong way

Am I over reacting?

I think part of it is this was the first time I met her...and I was being lied to.

...and it took a ton of effort to get to the wedding. Borrowing money to board the dogs (that I'm now treating for tapeworm I think they got from the crappy kennel), a 16+ hour trip one way to AL...it was really hard for me to arrange to attend, just to be lied to about the "wedding".

I'm not at all offended they eloped or that they didn't say anything immediately. For me it's that they didn't at least tell immediate family before the wedding that this wasn't actually what we assumed it was.

I'm I off base?


If any of you have reached out on the pigs at Ayrshires behalf I THANK YOU.

I am in talks with some important folks and am hopeful for progress in the near future.

At the very least the situation is under further review and on some important radars.

Please share the page


Mr. Rogers and Mr Yudd,

I would like to draw your attention to a petition I started to allow people to sign their name to let Loudoun County know the people believe Ayrshire Farm needs to be held accountable for their various violations of Virginia State Welfare Codes.

At this time the petition has 5,222 signatures and counting.

The petition calls for Loudoun County Animal Services to:

"Hold Ayrshire Farm responsible for animal cruelty. Owner Sandy Lerner allows a cycle of abuse, cruelty, and neglect through Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour and staff. You have been provided evidence that shows they routinely violate state code."


After a thorough review of FOIA documents, speaking with legal council, investigative reporters, Loudoun citizens as well as citizens of Virginia and even nationally, there is a growing concern about the relationship between Loudoun Animal Services and the role it is playing in preventing Virginia State Code to be enforced without exception to the individual or species of animal involved. Looking through cases in Loudoun Animal Services past they have pressed charges for animal cruelty for a fraction of what I have shown them evidence of which occurs at Ayrshire Farm.

I was told in a meeting between Loudoun Animal Services and the Commonwealth Attorneys Office they do not deny abuse occurred but trust Ayrshire Farm has made the appropriate changes to prevent it from occurring in the future. I was specifically asked why I too didn't trust Ayrshire Farm to make and adhere to these changes.

I worked on at Ayshire Farm for 9 months and saw willful neglect, animal abuse, and a variety of inhumane treatment of the pigs at this farm. I did my best diligently to make changes while I was at the farm but the Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour and her staff, as well as the farm owner Sandy Lerner do not make animal welfare a priority. It is not even an after thought.

Humane Farm Animal Care inspected the farm before Loudoun Animal Services did and found a "zillion" major and minor nonconformances citing Crystal Ritenour as the problem. It was not acts of God that created these issues, but human neglect. Ayrshire Farm had to immediately euthanize and or medicate various animals in order to stay Certified Humane. Then Loudoun Animal Services inspected. At that time Ayrshire Farm has been forced to euthanize suffering animals and it is quite likely there was now treatment started (forced in order to remain Certified Humane). I showed Loudoun County Animal Services pictures and videos of just how bad these pigs got before HFAC intervened and required treatment...and indeed that would be considered neglecting to provide medical treatment. The document emailed to Loudoun County Animal Services from Ayshire Farm on 7/31/2014 is full of statements that are false and displace blame of why the animals were sick. It was not due to older sows or colostrum transmission but neglect. I can prove through litter sheets that the claims Crystal Ritenour makes are incorrect. During the 9 months I was on the farm not one Veterinarian so much as looked at a pig at Ayrshire Farm.

In a public statement on their Facebook page Ayrshire Farm admits to having to humanely euthanize several animals last summer. These deaths were avoidable and indeed are a result willful neglect. I provided Jason Faw written documentation from a Veterinarian outlining how Ayrshire Farm has failed to meet State Code. As far as I know I am the only one who has had a veterinarian review evidence and documentation from the Ayrshire Farm. Loudoun Animal Services failed to involve the Virginia Department of Agricultural and Consumer Affairs. They denied resources available to them to have state Veterinarians physically look at pigs at the farm or review my evidence.

The fact Ayrshire Farm as received a behind the scenes slap on the wrist and was essentially forgiven and defended through the County "trusting" they have made the appropriate changes is unacceptable. Furthermore, nothing has been done to verify these changes are ongoing. Loudoun Animal Services Mark Stacks said unless another complaint is made they will not check on the welfare of the animals. This coming from the same individual who earlier this year told me there were no limiting factors to evidence being used to take them to court for animal cruelty, who told me when they were ready to blow this up they would.

I and 5,222 people and counting are requesting Loudoun Animal Services to reopen the criminal case against Ayrshire Farm and press criminal charges. We are requesting State Veterinarians review evidence. We are requesting Ayrshire Farms claims for treatment are verified. We are requesting an open line of communication between themselves and myself to help with any questions they may have that would limit charges going forward.

Loudoun County Virginia is an area known for its wildlife, equestrian activities, and in the western parts its smaller farms. For the most part these farmers take great pride in their work and take excellent care of their animals. This is not the case at Ayrshire Farm. It is the duty of Loudoun County to make sure these farmers adhere to State Code and when violations occur to bring charges against them, not blindly trust that changes have been made. I will certainly not stop working towards justice for these pigs and more will be accomplished working together than working against each other. At this time the same management and staff continue to work with the pigs. This is a serious issue and it needs to be addressed through Loudoun County Animal Services intervention. Virginias animals all deserve to be treated within the standards that the State Code outlines for welfare, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the farm owner or the personal relationship between Loudoun Animal Services and the owner of these animals.

I and many others find it highly suspect the farm where Animal Control Officers, Community Relations Staff, and various other employees of Loudoun Animal Services are wined and dined at crystal and silver plated luncheons is given a pass of criminal animal abuse and is simply trusted to make the appropriate changes. This is not the precedence Loudoun County should be setting.

Again, I and over 5,000 other people request you reopen the criminal case against Ayrshire Farm and bring the evidence to the Commonwealth Attorney for prosecution.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to respond.

Thank you,


Loudoun County Animal Services Director Tom Koenig: Hold Ayrshire Farm responsible for animal...

Ayrshire Farm located in Loudoun County in Upperville, VA. has an operation of +/-350 pigs at any given time. The farm is owned and operated by Sandy Lerner and severely mismanaged by Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour and the ethical consequences are undeniable. There is seemingly no animal h…



Please contact Adele Douglas the founder and director of Humane Farm Animal Care at the email or phone number below and request Ayrshire Farm have their Certified Humane certification removed. Evidence is provided below from Adele Douglas and her lawyer acknowledging major and minor nonconformances, zillions of changes needing to be made, and repeated failed inspections.

Ayrshire Farm does not meet Certified Humane standards and this was proved when inspected by Humane Farm Animal Control.

"Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading non-profit certification organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals in food production from birth through slaughter. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of farm animals by driving consumer demand for kinder and more responsible farm animal practices. When you see the Certified Humane Raised and Handled® label on a product you can be assured that the food products have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment."

Allowing Ayrshire Farm to remain Humane Certified is not in line with their claims of care and compromises the integrity and credibility of the label.

If Humane Farm Animal Care allows this type of treatment abuse and neglect at Ayrshire Farm what is happening on other farms?

Founder Adele Douglas

Humane Farm Animal Care
PO Box 727
Herndon, VA 20172
(703) 435-3883

Capes vs kilts?

What's the difference?

Capes v kilt?

Wand v weapon?

Elder v expert?

Festival v field?

Living with parents v begging off others parents?

Its all the same thing! I have never seen someone with so much disdain or mockery for others with different interests or view points.

Someone who claims to live life as fiction must realize there are different generas.

Why diminish Harry Potter just because you're more interested in The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings of D&D of World of whatever.

Its all the same thing!

Line up your teddies and play care bears ...dress up your equines and pretend to live in a my little pony fantasy. Dress like a freaking smurf and have tea parties!

Life is a religious experience and knocking how people experience life (as long as they aren't hurting others...or scamming them for that matter) why does it matter how it's expressed?

Personally if I were to live like fiction I would go the way of David the Gnome.

Respect for nature.

Kin with animals.

A fox named swift!

Now you're talking!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Where's Cali?

Can't go incognito in a field with a helium balloon clipped to your collar!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cold Antler Assholes

When you end up calling every animal on your property an asahole perhaps it's time to look in the mirror.

The horse is aging, has a dark coat, and likely trying to not only cool down but get away from the gnats and flies. My Guess is fly masks are for poodles not fells (cue Merlin fly mask photo).


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


So we have an "anon 2:58"

I've enjoyed being able to keep track of who's opinions belong to who.

Please continue to post as you see fit..anon or not, but consider signing with a handle..,like anon1 or some thing more creative.

Catching cali.1

Catching cali

Poor man's float

Milk + coke

Catching Cali

Monday, June 15, 2015

Ayrshire Farm and Oregon Tilth

Sandy Lerner September 2012

"My cattle certainly did not look like they had been any where near a Humane Farm Animal Care inspector. In fact, there were days, standing out looking at my cattle, that I was tempted to report myself."

"Of 117 animals (approximately one-fourth of our herd) tested for internal parasites (trichostrongylus, nematodiris, trichuris, and/or coccidia were identified in the samples): nine (7%...) had heavy infestations (those with moderate or severe worm loads invariably were infested with multiple species of parasite); 28 (24%) had either combination infestations or moderate or heavy single-species infestations, 53 (45%) had light infestations, and only 27 (23%) were clear. The bottom line? Three-fourths of my cattle were battling worms, and 41%, nearly half, of those were clearly losing the battle."

Not so hard to believe this could happen to the pigs when in happened to cattle on the very same farm.


pony torturing sheep?


on what farm is that considered funny yet alone encouraged or allowed?

its no wonder this led to the death of at least one sheep at Jenna Woginrich's property.

chasing sheep is no laughing matter.

generally this behavior is seen in a donkey or mule (I was on a farm where a mule seriously injured a sheep) but indeed here it is in a pony.

stomping deaths are no laughing matter.

My sights

Are on Ayrshire Farm


Jenna woginrich is an after thought bathroom read.

How to spell pig

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ayrshire Farm...too pathetic to be true?

Seriously Ayrshire Farm?

They reference the prosecution presenting for over 3 hours and are quite proud of their success.

No mention I, the complainant, was the sole prosecution against a defense attorney with no advanced warning.

Also misleading the public with the term dismissed. The case was not dismissed. Crystal Ritenour was found not guilty due to how I presented the evidence. Not lack of evidence.

It was like taking candy from a baby. Either way it's stealing.

No comment on Crystal Ritenour pleading the 5th either?!

If anyone else finds themselves cringing at the amount of bs this farm is spewing and STILL defending their neglect and abuse go over to their page and leave some comments.

What major noncompliances were found when Humane Farm Animal Care gave them 30 days to take corrective action before revoking their certified humane certificate?

Are they on probation with Oregon Tilth?

What vet examined the pigs from 9/13 to 6/14?

Why did Crystal Ritenour plead the 5th?

Sandy Lerner, Crystal Ritenour and Ayrshire Farm continue to make themselves out to look more and more pathetic as time passes.

They also don't know what they are about to be in for.

Bacon seeds

I believe this term is used in an effort to "deanimalize" the life in Jenna Woginrich's care.

Pig not peg.
Piglet not bacon seed.

Or even the playing field.

Its not a black belt it's simply dark fabric. No biggie.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Code of VA

Wonder if multi millionaire "animal advocate" "pillar of humane farming" Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner will plead the 5th too?

Commonwealth of VA and Ayrshire Farm

Please call James Plowman the Commonwealth Attorney @ (703) 777-0242 or email oca@loudoun.gov and ask why the state abandoned their role as prosecutors in the case of COMMONWEALTH v. Ritenour, Crystal with no previous notice to the complainant or even the Judge (Deborah Welsh).

The Commonwealth of Virginia (James Plowman and Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Eric Pohlner) notified me minutes before the trail that they would no longer be prosecuting the criminal case against Crystal Ritenour. I was told I "looked prepared" and was left to prosecute a criminal case myself.

I was led to believe even before filing the criminal complaint that the Commonwealth would prosecute the case if Crystal Ritenour retained an attorney. It was recommended to me by Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Jason Faw during a meeting in Leesburg that that was one course of action I could take in light of Loudoun Animal Services apparently closing the investigation.

I filed a criminal animal cruelty complaint against Ayrshire Farms Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour immediately (March 3, 2015) The court case was pushed pack at the request of the defense and finally scheduled for May 20, 2015 . On May 13, 2015 Jason Faw ( Assistant Commonwealth Attorney who originally was to prosecute the case) told me he had a court conflict and Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Eric Pohlner would be the new prosecutor. I was told he was highly qualified and was informed on the specifics of the case. Minutes before trial on May 20, 2015 Eric Pohlner introduced himself and I was told the State was no longer prosecuting the case ..but that I "looked prepared". 

Please call or email James Plowman. Let your friends and neighbors know he abandoned the prosecution of a criminal animal cruelty case on the day of trial. I had to prosecute the criminal case on behalf of the commonwealth! This is what he allows when it's a rich and famous woman's farm the animals are being neglected at.

I did not have an opportunity to get a private prosecutor, I was even told by Eric Pohlner when I spoke to him after the trial that they were not allowed in the state of VA when in fact they are.

There is something seriously wrong and unethical with how this situation is playing out.

This is bigger than the pigs. There is something someone is desperately trying to hide and doing anything and everything to avoid opening a can of worms. 

Please call or email the named prosecuting attorney James Plowman and ask why the Commonwealth decided NOT TO prosecute Commonwealth v. Ritenour, Crystal and why the complainant was not notified until minutes before trial.

Do not stop until you have been given an answer.

The criminal complaint was brought by Meredith Amonson against Ayrshire Farm Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour for severe animal abuse to the pigs at Ayrshire Farm. This includes and is not limited to the willful neglect of pigs, withholding medical care, allowing staff to physically abuse pigs, not preventing illness...then not treating it in an effort to keep the pigs organic. The worst animal practices possible in organic pasture based systems is found at "Certified Humane" "Certified Organic" Ayrshire Farm. Every agency and organization from Humane Farm Animal Care to Loudoun Animal Services is aware of the neglect and abuse that occurs on this farm but due to Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner's influence and notoriety the farm has only received behind the scenes slaps on the wrist for. Loudoun Animal Services routinely finds individuals guilty of criminal animal abuse for a fraction of what can be found at Ayrshire Farm. Their thoughts on Sandy Lerner's abuses? "We don't deny abuse occurred, but we think they have made the necessary changes to prevent them from happening again in the future." Same owner, same management, same staff. The abuse will certainly continue to occur into the future. All the while Ayrshire Farm publically maintains they have done no wrong. That they go above and beyond the "Certified Humane" standards, when in fact they were given 30 days notice to correct major and minor nonconformances before their Certified Humane certificate would be revoked. When reinspected by Humane Farm Animal Care noncompliances were STILL FOUND yet their certification remains.

Sandy Lerner might have Humane Farm Animal Care in her pocket and she might be able to push Loudoun Animal Services around to do her bidding and protect her, but she will NEVER silence the TRUTH. This page will continue to publicize the atrocities that happen at Ayrshire Farm. The severe neglect. The abuse. The horrific animal husbandry practices.

I will continue to fight for those pigs who are at the mercy of sadistic people who could not care less about their welfare. My voice will only get louder. 
It is election year. 

Spread the word about this situation. As far As I know the stunt they pulled in this case is unprecedented in Loudouns history. Throwing the complainant under the bus who is trying to stop animal abuse minutes before trial and leaving them to prosecute on behalf of the commonwealth?! Its crazy! And Loudoun citizens are paying him to do it!. Plowman need a to answer for this decision and he need a not be re-elected. He needs to go and this is a very timely example of what he is willing to do for the "rich and famous" while ignoring severe animal abuse and neglect. Who is he serving? Who is he protecting?

Jim Plowman isn't serving the citizens of Loudoun County VA, he is serving himself and he's not protecting the abused he is protecting the abusers. This needs to stop. Preventing animal abuse and holding abusers accountable should be a top priority in Loudoun County. Not only should we lead by example because it is the right thing to do, but as the richest county in the United States all eyes are on us and we need to set the standard nationally that animal abuse will not be excused (regardless of race, socio-economic standing, or species of animal involved). The pictures in this page look like they were taken in a 3rd world country where lack of resources prevent proper animal husbandry or medical care. In reality these pigs are located in The wealthiest county in America on a farm owned by one of Loudouns wealthiest citizens. All the resources are available for the appropriate care of these pigs (time, resources, infrastructure) Unfortunately the owner, management, and staff do not use these resources to provide for the pigs and The result is willful neglect and abuse. This is not acceptable and there is no excuse.

Let me be clear. Look at the photo. My voluntary presence was requested at this criminal court case of the Commonwealth v. Ritenour, Crystal and I ended up having to prosecute a criminal case with minutes notice, no law experience, against a private attorney who went to law school...passed the bar to practice in VA and has decades of experience. Jim Plowman is covering for Sandy Lerner of Ayrshire Farm (where Crystal Ritenour is employed as Large Livestock Manager) and Loudoun Animal Services who turned a blind eye on the abuse but "trusts" it won't continue.

I obviously lost the case against a private attorney as I tried to navigate the rules of law. This was not due to lack of evidence but lack of law school. By the way ..Crystal Ritenour asserted her 5th amendment right to remain silent as to not incriminate herself.

You can't make this up.


Cold Antler Idiot



Old Annie is doing amazingly well and nearly 16 years old! I can't believe it, the 4-year old I adopted in Tennessee is still running and jumping on the daybed and enjoying daily walks and still kills the occasional chicken that gets in her path. She loves it."

Jenna either can't figure out how to prevent her dogs from killing chickens or she simply does not value the welfare of her animals (or the investment).

What he have here is a cold antler idiot.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Internship Opportunity


Jenna should intern there.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Belmont - racetrack of death


This is also an issue I take with horse racing. 

When money is involved it seems to not matter If horses drop like flies.

I've been told to appreciate the win for what it is. It's nothing when you're blinded by the reality of the industry.

Horses are a means to an end...the end being money.


 "According to the Jockey Club Equine Injury Database, at least 583 thoroughbreds suffered fatalities within 72 hours of their races in 2014. And those are the deaths that are reported, Dane emphasizes. These numbers do not include fatalities endured during training, or non-thoroughbred horses. Nor do all tracks voluntarily participate in the database system."

Ferdinand's story

In fact, this was the fate of Ferdinand, winner of the 1986 Kentucky Derby and one of the most famous racing horses in history.

"As a racehorse, Ferdinand won eight of 29 starts and earned $3,777,978, retiring as what was then the fifth leading money winner of all time," reported one article. Ferdinand was also hailed as one of the top 10 Kentucky Derby performances of all time by the Sporting News).

But shockingly, after all his glory, his presumed fate was at a Japanese slaughterhouse in 2002. "


Sunday, June 7, 2015


My youngest brother


Date of Birth - Day of Betrayal

To me slaughtering, harvesting, killing or what have you is the action.

It is all an act if betrayal.

That is how to the very core in terms of animals used for meat.

To exist, livestock they must be betrayed.

Except for the small percentage of breeding animals and the even smaller percentage of breeding animals retired and kept as pets all these animals are betrayed.

I think that mindset is key for compassionate care and conscientious animal husbandry.

No pig, chicken, calf, lamb, etc deserves to die.

Most humans make the choice to get various proteins and nutrients from animal products and the result of that decision is death.

Recognizing this betrayal of the animals will and desire to live is important.

How we treat the animal during life and through death is key.

This is my passion.

My niche is raising pigs but there is internal conflict...to live they must die an unnatural premature death. Many animals are slaughtered before sexual maturity.

Because the death is unnatural it must be humane.

More on "humane" labels later...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Triple crown and tallow candles

Everyone's posting about the triple crown and here I was reading and sharing a DIY on tallow candles (I have pig fat to render and would like to use the lard for candles).

I intended to watch but forgot.

Not that torn up over it...I take issue with the race horse industry.

Did you watch?

Are you a fan of the racing industry?

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Zone (diet)

On a journey to drop 35lbs.

Doing "The Zone" diet which is fun and works for me. Great resource that uses "blocks" of carbs, protein, and fat.  They have a sheet with foods listed by category (carb, protein, fat) In the quantity of one block.  You just build your meal.

Also working out with my Aunt. I'm almost 5 down already!

In this 3 block meal:

Carb - 3 blocks of carbs
1/2 cup green beans (1 cup is one block but I split in half so I could have twice as much kidney beans)
1/2 cup kidney beans
Romaine lettuce

Protein - 3 blocks
2 ounces chicken
1 ounce cheese

Fat - olive oil in dressing (splash of lemon and some pepper)

Mustard isn't listed and I didn't count it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tyr's Good Hand - Asatru & Heathen Study Group

Jennas meet up group...

The best part? Interview only!

"If you join you will be interviewed and then either removed from the group or welcomed to join in."

I didn't realize meetups could be by interview only.  I also didn't realize you had to pay to be part of a group.

That's one way to weed them out...don't let them in!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Homestead Story

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "3 2 1 puppy":

This is way off topic, but I wanted to share my own little suburban homestead story this morning. I have a Black Australorp hen that went broody on a bunch of duck eggs about a month ago. I decided to let her set them, but it had been so long I was afraid the eggs were duds.

This morning I went out to do coop chores (I have 10 hens and 7 ducks) and lo and behold, there were three little black puffballs under that hen! They are either purebred Khaki or Khaki/Cayuga crosses. I'm thinking a cross because they are really dark. I don't think my Khakis were that dark when they were ducklings.

I set up a chick waterer and nonmedicated feed for them, and showed them how to drink and eat. Mama was calm and clucking quietly while I was handling them, but very attentive to them so I think instead of pulling them out and into a brooder I'll let her raise them.

Today I'll be busy setting up a separation panel in the coop so they'll have a separate space from all the other adults. I bet mama will freak out the first time her "chicks" go swimming! LOL Thanks for reading, and thanks for hosting this blog Meredith. 

Anon, thank you for sharing!  what a sweet surprise.

my email is meredithamonson@gmail.com

feel free to send a picture for me to post on the blog..hint hint.

Monday, June 1, 2015

3 2 1 puppy

Wolves at the door?

Nah...puppy in the lab.

Fooled the fold yet again!

Good job Jenna.