Saturday, April 6, 2013


2012 Jenna Woginrich
'I don't ask for donations.'

2013 Jenna Woginrich
'I have decided that every so often I will make a post in honor of reader contributions. Kinda like an NPR fund drive. This is a way for the readership to put a value on the last 2 months of words and photos, and if they are willing, make a small donation to the farm through the link below. This form of reader contribution is really, really important. It helps keep me and this place going'

Reader response:

Ginger Britt March 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM
Gosh...I just think it's wrong to ask for donations to support the way you've chosen to live. Maybe you should get a part-time job.

Jenna March 16, 2013 at 7:29 PM
Ginger, I do not depend on blog donations to run this farm. They are not how I make a living.

...donations are really really important and helps keep the place going...but she doesn't depend (or need?) donations to make a living?

So why actively ask?

Opportunistic living, taking advantage one reader at a time.

Blogging is interesting. This new wave farming/homesteading is interesting. The mix of the two has become frightening.  We have jenna here who hosts prepper workshops one weekend and request donations for animal feed the next. Hmmm...she doesn't need donations to run the farm but makes a point to let readers know it goes towards the bare necessities.

Jenna: 'We all have different morals. Me, for instance: I have no problem accepting a twenty dollar donation and using it to buy feed for pigs I write about online.'

How in the world does one need assistance purchasing hay getting paid as well as she does?

6 hour rabbit workshop - 15 attendants @ $125 per person = $312 a hour/$1,875 a day! Not bad, not bad at all. Add freelance, book royalties, donations, sponsors, paid ads etc and there should be no excuse to ask for money to feed livestock. Don't buy what you can't feed.

I fear the true farmer is an endangered species. The man or woman who comes over to help in a pinch, who wont charge for advise.

With her income and property why oh why are dairy goats kept in a small pen with zero grazing? Why oh why are pigs raised in a stall with no opportunity to break soil with their snouts? Why oh why are rabbits in dog crates.

Invest in some fencing and start raising animals proper.

1 comment:

  1. Rabbits are raised in tiny, meant to be temporary cages. The reason she keeps these animals in these tiny pens is because she does not have the means to support them with grass, and because she's LAZY
