Monday, July 25, 2016


Let the dog eating begin.


  1. Look up the Yulia dog meat festival before you say such a thing.

    1. Yulin, darned auto correct

    2. I'm sure they'd fall under USDA jurisdiction in the US.

    3. I'm sure they'd fall under USDA jurisdiction in the US.

  2. What a silly comment. The USDA is fine with factory farming. You'll never gain support with the approach you're taking. If you really care about the animals that suffer, why don't you get involved with people who are trying to do something about it, instead of making absurd statements about causing even more suffering to another species. What would you propose.? Massive puppy mills? Yeah let's have more of them. What kind of slaughter house would you design? You think Temple Grandin would help you with it?

    1. Bingo. The USDA is fine with a lot of things. If it's not appropriate for dogs it's certainly not appropriate for pigs.


      I personally think people willing to eat commercially produced pork have no argument against bringing commercially produced dog meat to the table.

    2. You won't address what i've said. You have an agenda against one farm, which might have neglected a few dozen animals, so you're unwilling to address the cruelty against millions. Have you become a member of PETA?

    3. ? See the link below. Sums it up perfectly.

      I have no control how another country conducts their agricultural practices but was once a donating supporter to the soi foundation to stop the abuse of the dogs in those country's where they are eaten.

      Might have neglected a few dozen animals? Hundreds of animals were neglected just in the 9 months I was there.

      The USDA, Oregon Tilth, Certified Humane, Food Alliances, etc are all departments or organizations that actively support criminal animal cruelty and deceive and manipulate the public. Ayrshire is not a unique situation. This happens on a large scale every day.

    4. You'll never get support for your cause by going after dog lovers. I don't need to read your link. I'm sure it's written by crazy people.

    5. This post was sarcastic, but in all reality people are hypocrites. Eating pigs not dogs, cows not horses, rabbits not cats.

      There is no cause. There are facts. People don't care about facts.

