Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Beekman Boys Facebook page

Here's the link:

Emails were ignored. I think the public and every other farm in the contest needs to be aware the #1 voted farm does not meet submission requirements.

If you run a contest, play by the rules you set.  Can you imagine running an essay contest for a college scholarship and awarding it to a person who isn't a student, hasn't applied to schools, and has no intention of going to college...and awarding it after you've been made aware from several sources?

Its not right.  That contest is for working farms. Cold Antler Farm is not a working farm and never will be.  To enter a contest intended to help farmers so you can pay the mortgage of your private residence Is disturbing.  To run a contest intended to help farmers and not disqualify such an entry is disturbing.


  1. I went to their facebook page and didn't see anything about the mortgage lifter winner announcement. I just read a recent CAF blog post that said she will be all caught up on the mortgage by August. Must be nice to have people dump money in your lap to pay your bills. That is NOT earning a living. Amazing she can be OK with that. I have absolutely no problem with her not having an off farm job--doesn't bother me at all. What does bother me and many others is the constant panicky begging. It's one thing to make an occasional general ask for contributions to your blog--people do it all the time. But to run around crying poverty all the time and begging to be bailed out is just not right. If the Beekman Boys did give her that money, I wonder about something--could they be friends with her and just did the contest to find a way to give her some publicity and some money--kind of like it was rigged from the start. Odd how they would give money to a farm that really isn't a money making farm, especially when that is pointed out to them as you did.

    1. I should have said her house and not have called it a farm.

      In her submission it mentions crops, what crops has she sold?

  2. She's never sold crops that I am aware of..she can barely grow things as is. She is a crap planter and grower..all that land and she has,what? kale and that's it? sometimes potatoes but she can't be bothered since she's a runner now

  3. I've just found your blog after finding Coldantlershamtoo - because I started to see a pattern with her, too. And I freaking voted for her in this beekman contest; had no idea of all of this. I've quoted on her blog and I don't care if she sees it here or anywhere else. How do you sleep at night, Jenna Woginrich?
