Saturday, July 2, 2016

Social Security

We know you don't get social security. You aren't 62.

Funny she says she doesn't borrow money from family or friends, of course not, she steals and swindles it from good hearted strangers.

Stranger Security is what she's on.

She says she's worked for every penny she has? What?

Jenna Woginrich, since the creation of Cold Antler Farm how much in donations have you received? This only includes monies given with the understanding nothing will be provided in return, so dont include money taken for undelivered products.


  1. Stranger Security LOL!! Would it be possible to post again on the other website? It's taking a long time to download the comnents. New CAF victims to the site might not want to take the time to get through all of the comments and may miss out on a point that could sway them away from giving that thief any more financial assistance. Who needs the government, friends or family when you followers with blinders on, right?
    Great site, thank you for creating it!

  2. Meredith, where did she post something about Social Security? I'm a bit lost. Maybe FB, which I can't see.

    Maybe she'll decide to apply for disability if her patrons don't shell out enough for the new glasses she needs - or she fails to be awarded the Beekman Prize for the most goofing off "single gal" who fails at running her "farm" on her own.

  3. In the comments of her mailbox post on her blog.

  4. She's confusing social security with welfare and Medicaid.

    Just like she confuses mange with sunburn and dirt.

  5. She's confusing social security with welfare and Medicaid.

    Just like she confuses mange with sunburn and dirt.

  6. She also keeps running the "Come in and Chat" from 2011 to boost her so called visits.......what a lazy cheat! It's the third time in little over a month!!! She is trying to scam another $3500 on a crowd sourcing site crying poor and nearly foreclosed on! Where is Birchthorn? almost 2 years since she scammed that $15K. Then she got a crowd sourced truck that isn't getting paid either. When you think of the people in prisons for a lot less...What a loser! I think most people are fed up and have left for good. Same old same old............

  7. "But don't you dare shame me and make it sound like I am begging for help when I am asking to be hired at home in a way that best supports this job."

    Then why set up a campaign featuring postcards at an astounding $35 apiece? What a joke, $5 gets you her "thanks", she won't even lift a finger for less than $35! Seems like Etsy would be a more fitting marketplace if you're actually trying to sell art and not play on people's sympathy. Just look at the text of her update from five days ago:

    All of this money goes towards catching up with the mortgage. This is the amount I am behind and by catching up I can exhale and focus on current bills and work without fear of losing my home. If you think this is just a postcard, or just a piece of animal artwork, understand the importance of being able to "sell" you something back for your kindness and support. I see from the comments some of you don't want artwork in return but it would be lovely to drop one of these cards in the mail to thank you.

    Please do share and help spread the word of this little fundraiser. I am hoping it is what helps to relieve a lot of stress, bring forth a lot of luck, and keep Cold Antler moving towards Autumn and winter without fear.

    ^^^^^^^^that is absolutely begging! She's guilt-tripping people when she talks about stress and being fearful of losing her home. If she were just peddling art she'd do it on her on Facebook, blog or Etsy sans the pointed reminders of her precarious financial state. That's not how business works. She's no different than the folks that wash car windows at stoplights. No one wanted their windows washed but decent people usually pay up anyway.

  8. And she knows that on Etsy she would quickly rack up enough negative reviews that she wouldn't be able to sell on there for long anyway. She wants to avoid communication between her "clients" at all costs. Reviews are not her friend.
    There's a new desperation to her latest comments on her post. She is starting to realize that something she thought would never happen, people actually seeing through her sham, is beginning to happen.
    The post on Cold Antler Sham has close to 400 comments. Just like the Wizard of Oz, people are starting to see what's behind the curtain- a scam artist.

  9. Then Jenna's boasting that she "cut off all “extras” in the forms of a cell phone, cable tv, AC, central heat, washer and dryer, dishwasher, etc."

    Cut the dishwasher out? Did she even have a dishwasher? Bold move for a person living solo with an addiction to disposable roasting pans.

    No to cable? Yes to Hulo, Amazon Prime, Netflix and more. On demand for the win.

    AC? You live in Upstate NY, Jenna, not stinking hot central Florida. You're not an emphysemic 90 year old with a heart murmur fer chrissake.

    Central heat. Why have the oil man come by when you can putter to Stewart's for your overpriced bundles of campfire wood? What a hero, huddling by your little stove burning wood you either paid too much for or nothing at all.

    Washer and dryer. Because it makes much more sense to lug everything to the laundromat and pay top dollar. Way to put a nice spin on not being able to afford to repair your appliances.

    She claims she cut "all" extras....where does an eight thousand dollar Fell Pony fit into this? We're supposed to be impressed that she has no AC but she's feeding a half-ton shit biscuit factory to the tune of $75/month. And there's nothing quite so "extra" as a second Border Collie that will never work.

  10. Did anyone else notice that her Going Postal fundraiser appears to have gone backwards? Maybe someone pulled their donation. Yesterday, she posted that it was at 75% yet as of right now it's at 74%.

    May the light bulbs continue to turn on for folks!

  11. I swear she mailed that application to herself..some of those letters look just like her own handwriting..

    None of those animals actually do anything for her..why the sheep? never understood that. The pigs she raises for meat but only because she can get others to buy it..same with the meat birds..but why the sheep?

    Everybody wanted her goats milk soap but she only made a few bars and then stopped selling that..What ever happened to that odd group she started where they all come to her house and do work? lol is that thing even running still?

    She is so scatterbrained..running from one new idea to the next and never finishing anything and gathering nothing but unpaid customers in one form or another..but who is the smart one? she has a truck and is making more money off of them as she begs for her mortgage to be paid? She knows if she sticks with the constant tummy ache posts that someone is going to kick in the money

  12. She has changed her Facebook page as well..she no longer has it

  13. Anonymous 6:17, I just saw that! Someone posted on comments on the Cold Antler Sham blog that she posted on FB in August 2015 about purchasing 2 new pairs of glasses. Of course in her recent post she claimed it had been four years since she bought glasses. Now you can't see her previous FB posts.
    She is circling the drain....

  14. She has 3000 people drooling over her on FB and a bunch of cult clones slobbering over her blog. Do the math, she only needs to convince a handful and WHAM 3K in the bank. Easy money and she can get it, no problemo. I think the way she continues her offense is by good defense. She was able with Katzy's little tantrum to throw shade on the Sham site - they're all a bunch of trolls who for no reason but hate pick on CAF, no reason at all! So then her rat packs start chewing the wires and POOF - WHATEVER. Let's face it, people will do whateverthefuck they want with their money, she's got her hand out as do countless other charities and criminals - BUYER BEWARE. I am glad that Meredith has kept this site also as a repository so that others can at least find solace after they too lose their money and good will
