Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Either or

Either Hillary knew what she was doing or she doesn't understand the purpose of a top secret security clearance.

That's not promising.


  1. I'm so disgusted that people voted for her, particularly when there was a damn good alternative. Clinton politics are neo con bullshit and reason enough not to vote for her.

  2. Please. Republicans are trying any dirty trick in the book to get her out of the election. There has been millions of dollars wasted on multiple investigations and STILL nothing has been found on her. Give it up, repubs. Republicans have done the same thing she has done (private email server) and where's the outrage on that? They're grasping because they know they're screwed with old Trump.

    1. Oh, geez, nothing like the old "Republicans did it to!" defense. Guess what? You can be a pretty shitty candidate and still be better than the Republicans.

    2. They didn't charge her because they don't believe she intended to break the law.

      She knew she was at a level of zero accountability and was negligent and sloppy with our national security, and still denies any wrong doing.

      She and Sandy Lerner are 2 peas in a pod.

    3. Btw I'm not a republican. I don't align myself with any of those fools.

    4. Btw I'm not a republican. I don't align myself with any of those fools.
