Sunday, December 18, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Yes you are a crazy person
Wildlife outside bad?
Livestock outside good?
She reminds me of this one crazy lady at Ayrshire who was "in charge" of the cats. She requested another employee and I try to catch the goose and put it in a stall because it was...
Wait for it...
Fired for facts
Feel good story
What a sweet smart loyal boy.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Holy root canal(s)!
I'm about to fundraise for a few puppies and use them on root canals.
How the hell do people afford dental work? Medicaid doesn't covet dental and even the best plans on the exchange barely cover cavities or root canals and if they do its after a waiting period.
My anxiety comes through as night terrors and extreme teeth grinding. Apparently I ground an existing filling to pieces and have a roaring infection and exposed nerves or roots...I couldn't keep up.
The dentist started to fill the cavity in another tooth...which actually needs a root canal as well. So I have a nice partially drilled tooth on standby.
His endodontist is out until January.
All I want for Christmas is 2 root canals.
I was told ibuprofen and Tylenol mixed will stop the pain. I have my doubts. Next step while waiting for q root canal is draining the abscess I'm on antibiotics for. Disgusting!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Falconry regulations
(ii) You may not use falconry raptors for commercial entertainment; for advertisements; as a representation of any business, company, corporation, or other organization; or for promotion or endorsement of any products, merchandise, goods, services, meetings, or fairs, with the following exceptions:
Friday, November 4, 2016
I have a thing for pumpkins. They rate up there with feathers and acorns. If Sadie had been alive there wouldn't have been room for a pumpkin at my side. I think she would approve of her stand in.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Pay it forward opportunity!
A woman on an Appalachian Facebook group posted asking how to wring clothes with one hand and how to get the mildew smell out of clothing.
Apparently she broke her wrist a few years back and without health insurance did not go to the doctor. She washes her clothes by hand and has a difficult time wringing them out sufficiently to avoid the clothes smelling like mildew when dry.
Someone posted this washer/dryer and she commented she couldn't afford it now but at tax time.
She hasn't asked for money just suggestions and has replied to each with gratitude. Suggestions have included using rolling pins, getting a wring out mop bucket (I think that would create way too many wrinkles), or to take clothes to the laundry mat. I believe she's going to try the mop bucket route as she can't afford a trip to the laundry mat. I understand that, my mom recently got me a refillable card for the local laundry mat with $25 on it. When living frugally (not by choice) that's a huge gift!
I'd love to raise funds to get send this woman either a card to her local laundry mat or something similar to what it pictured below.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Heading to Massachusetts
The dogs and I are road tripping to Massachusetts on Tuesday for Cali to be measured for a front wheel cart.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Gentle Harvest?!
When a farm found responsible for neglect of livestock by a judge during the criminal animal cruelty trial of the owner, a farm that failed multiple "certified humane" inspections with major and minor nonconformances, has adverse action taken by Oregon Tilth for failing to meet standards rebrands itself under the business name "Gentle Harvest".
Its disturbing how marketing will make a success out of rebranding animal abuse and neglect.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
The Invention of Nature
The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World
Has anyone read it?
I don't recall being taught about Humboldt in school! I have some catching up to do.
Friday, August 19, 2016
What would your dog win the gold medal in?
Sweat rags
I start my day wearing a "wife beater" men's tank top over a cami (lined spaghetti strap top - I strictly wear strapless bras so the "lined" aspect is important). In the summer months it doubles as a sweat rag, folded in half and stuffed in the front of my jeans or homemade jean shorts within minutes of working.
Just like I can't imagine working outside in the winter without a scarf, I can't imagine working in the summer without a sweat rag.
Humidity and labor equals sweat. Actually, over 70 and I'm looking to wipe my face.
A few weeks ago Hank (guy I've been working with for the past year) and I dismantled a greenhouse...from the inside out. Talk about sweat.
Due to various circumstances we haven't focused on firewood yet. I'm thankful we are running behind schedule. Upcoming cooler temps and scouting acorns are 2 benefits to starting late in the game.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Payments and lies
"It was another rural person who opted out of the payments, GPS navigation screens, buttons, possibly working AC and heat, and enforced emission laws. We choose to ride in an older truck and keep it going."
Delusional @coldantlerfarm
Renegade gourds
I'm fairly certain of all the plants in the garden the best producer is the one we can't eat...the gourd plant that volunteered from a random seed in the middle of it all.
We cut it back as it was taking over the beans, tomatoes, beets, and carrots and there must have been at least 2 dozen beautiful gourds if not more. A small slice of fall!
I love them.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Dear Jenna @coldantlerfarm
"Like anything in homesteading, you need to always understand that doing the uncomfortable in the present has rich rewards in the future. It isn't fun for me to work the hive, weed gardens, trim hooves, muck stalls... "
Working hives isn't uncomfortable weeding gardens isn't uncomfortable, trimming hooves isn't uncomfortable, mucking stalls isn't uncomfortable.
Working hives is magic, weeding a garden is therapeutic, trimming hooves is rewarding, and "picking stalls"* is insta accomplishment.
What is uncomfortable for you is a pleasure for me and many others.
If you want a future of mead, vegetables, goats (milk?), and piglets (pork), leave it to the people who find it a JOY to provide it.
As for livestock, you can't truly raise healthy happy animals in a resentful "self sacrificing" environment. You can recognize a mile away who doesn't enjoy working with or amongst the livestock. They wear ear buds or headphones to drown out the animals. They don't pay attention to their surroundings, they aren't focused on animal behavior, they don't do a good job....they are trying to distract or otherwise entertain themselves. They joke about having to latch the livestock out of the house rather than lock them safely in a securely fenced field. Fencing is work. Latching a screen house door is not.
If you feel like working with animals is a sacrifice or burden you will overlook their needs, too busy fussing with self interests. Animals aren't stupid and pigs especially can't be fooled. I guarantee you the demeanor of pigs greatly depends on the demeanor of the person who handles them.
I honestly can't relate to this post at all.
Today i drove roughly 30 minutes one way to work on and weed the garden at my boss's moms house. I had two elder care clients tonight and it was torture pulling myself away. Gardening fills my soul. Interestingly enough, harvesting and eating comes secondary to planting and weeding. Tending a garden Is a natural high.
Two of my greatest joys in life are gardening and pigs.
Jenna, you want to consume mead, vegetables, milk, and pork. Let us, those who LOVE the work it takes provide if for you.
This word you toss around...luck. it's offensive to every hard worker that earned a reason to be proud. Luck occurs in the game of chance, in the way a card hand is dealt or how the dice rolls. Farming, homesteading, or just raising a few animals or planting a few plants of whatever species or variety doesn't take luck, it takes effort.
You call yourself lucky because you feel lucky. You never know who will send you money, is it a yes is it a no?
I stood in the garden today and didn't feel lucky, I felt involved. I felt fortunate. I felt the carrots needed more water, the beets should have been more appropriately spaced and thinned, I felt the sunflowers had obviously been overlooked...apparent by the morning glory climbing up their stalks, and I felt amazed. Its amazing that when soil, seed, and water combine a plant grows. Its not luck. Its an equation that works.
Raising animals isn't different. You do what works. Its not luck, it's animal husbandry.
You write about leaving your job for a life you love, but you bitch and moan more now than ever. With every work, weed, trim, and muck you complain.
Don't you understand, I (and countless others) love to work, weed, trim, and muck. We look forward to it.
I'm a natural with pigs and it makes me happy.
What are you naturally good at? What makes you happy?
Produce what makes you happy and consume the products of others happiness.
My heart yearns for agricultural work and truly it mourns when apart from those "uncomfortable" tasks.
Why are you filling your life with uncomfortable tasks you don't find fun? It sounds like outside agricultural type work is no more appealing to you than cubicle desk work.
*Mucking stalls is not in the vocabulary of people who regularly (daily) clean stalls. To muck? Who wants their animals to live in or be exposed to muck?
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Attention and validation continued
Per Jennas own theory (see previous post) let's hope her own attention and validation seeking behaviors are limited to ridiculous reddit posts.
Why oh why do people seek attention and validation from strangers? How fulfilling can that be? It seems so empty.
Investing time and energy in the pursuit of happiness as defined by strangers, usernames, likes, and such must be miserable.
Odd she seeks positive reinforcement from strangers but refuses to acknowledge anything else from strangers.
Praise me anonymously but everything else must come from a user connected to an in-depth profile with a blog.
Quite strange.
Validation and attention
So dramatic.
Attention and validation...the root of recent mass murders according to JW.
I believe she is referencing the Colorado theater shooting and the Orlando nightclub shooting?
How wonderful those comedians have figured out a more constructive way to gain attention and validation...awesome theory Jenna.
To use terrorism as a starting point to applaud comedians is dramatic, bizzare, and not factual.
Has she even researched the Colorado shooter? Definitely not as simple as an individual seeking attention and validation.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Last night I found myself saying, "I uninstalled my flashlight?!" After realizing I deleted the app to create more storage space on my phone.
Never delete your flashlight.
Rookie move Meredith, rookie move.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
The truth is in the celebration
How does one celebrate halting the foreclose process? Pouring large bottles of liquor on the ground.
That's exactly how people living "bill to bill" throwing money away.
So tired of the paycheck to paycheck foreclose song and dance routine.
She pretends to be poor.
She pretends to be a farmer.
She is neither.
Proud of....?
The work she did to get it and keep it?
Isn't her loan funded through a government assist the purchase of rural properties?
What does Merlin power?
Based on the blog he powers once a year as an exhibition when her buddy comes to town.
If you have $150 in your budget for a single pair of shoes...there aren't damn wolves at your damn door.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Neck to neck
Always good to have your supporters cheating the system with multiple emails in a neck to neck competition.
It was very clear you were to vote once a day.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Ayrshire Farm neglect
This is an example of what Ayrshire Farm won't show you on a tour. Pigs without wallows showing signs of severe stress from the heat. Pigs don't sweat and require wallows to regulate their body temperature. In this video you also see emaciated pigs dying as a result of untreated parasites.
It's heartbreaking.
boar panting - no wallow - 6/16/2014:
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Beekman Boys Facebook page
Here's the link:
Emails were ignored. I think the public and every other farm in the contest needs to be aware the #1 voted farm does not meet submission requirements.
If you run a contest, play by the rules you set. Can you imagine running an essay contest for a college scholarship and awarding it to a person who isn't a student, hasn't applied to schools, and has no intention of going to college...and awarding it after you've been made aware from several sources?
Its not right. That contest is for working farms. Cold Antler Farm is not a working farm and never will be. To enter a contest intended to help farmers so you can pay the mortgage of your private residence Is disturbing. To run a contest intended to help farmers and not disqualify such an entry is disturbing.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Merlin question
How much did Jenna buy Merlin for?
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Freaking horse bug
From age 10 to 20 I lived and breathed horses. I rode just about everyday. Starting with lessons and progressing to a working student. When I moved to VA from NJ I discovered large public equestrian facilities weren't as prevalent. In Loudoun County (generally) anyone that rides had their own farm/barn/horses.
Wanda, the town gossip and counter help at the local Philomont General Store heard there was a new girl in town looking to ride. She spread the word and I immediately picked up barn work with horses on several local farms. When I got my license I started working on these farms daily, in addition to farm sitting.
I started riding with one of my brothers friends all over the country side and had a blast. Such a contrast to the ring work in NJ. I missed my farm friends in NJ but was thrilled to still be in the horse world.
I eventually started leasing a horse from one of the barns I worked at. He was extremely difficult and dangerous at times. Soon after he was sold I went to collage and took a horse break (and filled the void with Cali and Sadie).
I've worked with horses since college but nothing clicked. It wasn't fulfilling. I hated having to work with the horses at Ayrshire, it meant time away from the pigs.
Recently I've been finding myself looking at horses for sale.
This mare is located in my neck of the woods.
Obviously I can't afford to purchase, board, or maintain a horse. I asked them about leasing, they'd prefer to sell. I asked about schooling her or hacking around until she sells...we shall see!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Either or
Either Hillary knew what she was doing or she doesn't understand the purpose of a top secret security clearance.
That's not promising.
Cat update
Update from the rescue who took the cat now named Zorro.
Following is a link about what we think possibly happened to cause his neurological issues:
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
On a mission.
I'm on a mission to purchase the transcripts from Commonwealth v. Lerner, Sandy.
I won't let myself do it until I've paid off my debt/loans.
I have an deer antler chandelier made of 11 large antlers. I believe it's authentic, not a reproduction. Real deal antler chandeliers are very expensive.
I gave it to my aunt as a housewarming gift years ago. She and her husband are now moving cross country and slimming down on include giving me back the chandelier. I didn't originally purchase it so I'm not sure what it's worth.
Where could I get it appraised? What professional could I get to write a letter of authenticity or at least confirm they are real. I want to ask big bucks for it.
Scammed Update
Last week Jenna told the client who purchased the logo in March it would be done on Tuesday, as in yesterday.
I asked the customer if it was delivered and this is her response:
"No. The pisser is that I run my own small business and ALWAYS invoice via PayPal, even for my $1 coloring pages. That eats into my profits, but protects the buyer and seller. I sell craft items locally and never take full payment up front, but only a deposit. I also run buys for large lots of charms and beads within my craft groups and have never gotten shafted before on any local or online transaction. I haven't even had a scammer say they haven't received what was paid for (thanks to always charging for tracking). Of course, PayPal invoices give some level of security to myself and the person parting with their hard earned cash
I should have known better and now I have no recourse since I "donated" it using her PayPal link. Even if I had paid via invoice, it is past the 90 days for PayPal.
Kind of makes me angry because I am attempting to run a legit part time business so that I can continue to bring in income when I go to nursing school next year. Fortunately, I have a second part time job and a husband to cover it, but the extra money would have made it less of a sacrifice."
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Shock and Awe revised
In this case its going to be Aw and Shock. Aw them first, Shock them after.
Seeking business partner!
I'm looking for someone with web site, programming, and/or app development experience.
Please contact me at if interested and for more information.
Pokeberry Dye
Has anyone made and used Pokeberry dye? Definitely on my list this summer!
It can also be used as an ink or watercolor.
Cat update
Update on the cat:
"He is doing pretty good. He really likes the canned food and found his water bowl today. His Fiv/felv/hw test was negative, he was vaccinated and dewormed, claws clipped. Although he appears blind his pupils are responding to light. His paw was not turning under today but he is still circling to the right.
I talked with our visiting vet last night. She does not think he was hit with a car if there is no hair loss or wounds. Possible toxoplasmosis or some other infectious bacteria or virus possible. His temperature was in the normal range. I hope to get him to our vet in Boiling Springs this week for some blood work and to schedule his neuter.
We moved him to the larger, lower cage after testing him today so he has a larger litter box and more space to circle. I'll keep you posted."
Apparently they think he is blind or partially blind which sheds light on his unwillingness to move, unusual stumbles, my initial thought of mobility issues.
They immediately realized he should be much more engaged and watching movements. I thought he just wasn't interested in me. I did the finger test to see if he followed them and I thought he did...but he wasn't very reactive time their preliminary tests.
So glad I picked him up!
Can you imagine being blind on the side of the road frozen in fear and confusion? Bless his heart for not hissing or swiping at me.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Social Security
We know you don't get social security. You aren't 62.
Funny she says she doesn't borrow money from family or friends, of course not, she steals and swindles it from good hearted strangers.
Stranger Security is what she's on.
She says she's worked for every penny she has? What?
Jenna Woginrich, since the creation of Cold Antler Farm how much in donations have you received? This only includes monies given with the understanding nothing will be provided in return, so dont include money taken for undelivered products.
Friday, July 1, 2016
One month later Jennas client asks where she is with producing the logo she paid for.
Working on it Jenna says.
Client generously donates Jenna money.
Where is the logo?
It's July and there's no delivery of the product her client paid $250 for.
Can't even come through for a person who hires and donates.
Credible businesses have websites.
Credible businesses have business email accounts.
No business website.
Dogsinourpark email?
This woman is a career con artist.
Would it kill her to say thank you?!
She acts like a complete bitch to Patti who sent her money.
What is wrong with her readers supporting such an ungrateful manipulative brat. the way Jenna is blind and "needs" glasses.
She probably just put tape on a new pair claiming they are broken.
She's trying to say she only gets $20 worth of blog subscriptions a month?
I don't know about you but none of my doctors has ever called me "girl".
Thursday, June 30, 2016
What to do?
No rescues will take this cat and the municipality where I found the cat doesn't contract with the county SPCA (York).
I can't afford to vet it.
I couldn't leave it to die on the side of the road.
If it was healthy I would alter/rabies etc through a program for $25 and release it on farm or try and find it a home.
I've already spent $20 in supplies and that's a huge hit to my budget.
If needs vetted first due to issues with its front right wrist.
Nesting in a grill?!
Eating on my aunts patio before heading to the alpaca farm I noticed a very small naked body on the ground...followed by another and another. Baby chicks.
No nest in sight, until we started looking in the frequently used grill. Tucked up in grill just inches from the grate was the nest!
I pulled it out and used the material to make a nest in an unused pot full of soil. I set it next to the grill and watched for mom. No mom after 10 minutes.
Hope she tends to them.
A closer look
This is textbook mange. A severe advanced case at that.
Its absolutely appalling to defend the condition of this animal.
I'm thrilled it hasn't been removed from Mariams website.
Makes you wonder who has the better (or worse really) life.
A factory farmed disease free pig or an outdoor pig covered in external parasites rubbing itself raw?
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
High Desert Gardener blog
I tend to check out the "named" posters who comment on this and the sham blog.
Through the rabbit hole I found this blog and a post about all the tasty ways to use zucchini.
I didn't even plant it this year?! Different types of squash yes, but zucchini was forgotten.
I'm absolutely craving curry chicken zucchini noodles...recipe found in the blog below.
Have to admit, I miss having a man in my life for several reasons but one of the top 5 is not being able to enjoy someone enjoying cooking for me.
Cats and yaks
Some days you get kicked by a yak and find a black cat laying on the side of the road that's now camped out in a crate in your kitchen and some days you don't.
I'm not a cat person and not comfortable handling them...especially strange potentially injured feral cats. Not sure how he came to be unable to move on the side of the road or how long he was there but he hasn't hissed, scratched, or growled at me. Absolutely tolerant albeit very lethargic.
Not a scratch on him and he had a good appetite today. He can't walk quite right and lays most the time but nothing appears to be broken and he's not exhibiting any symptoms of pain.
I'm tempted to name him.
Cold Antler Mange
These are VERY sick pigs.
They are covered in mange.
The one in the back is itching against the apple container.
I'm shocked how ignorant Jenna is about livestock health to let the mange progress untreated AND to proudly display it?