Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jenna Woginrich and Donald Trump

I think their supporters are cut from the same cloth.

They gravitate to talking (or blogging) doesn't matter what they are spewing these people support it.

I have little tolerance for weak people. Sympathy yes. Tolerance not so much.

Jenna Woginrich you are weak, cowardly, and manipulative.

You prey on those who are weaker. It doesn't make you brave it makes you opportunistic.


  1. I'm surprised her readership isn't suffering from compassion fatigue as often as Jenna snivels about hateful comments and being broke and single with nothing to drive but an unreliable old jalopy. But no, she admits to using Rogaine and is lauded as a hero. There are people in this world that have real hardship and face real obstacles, Jenna Woginrich is not one of them. Her fans have been duped. The Talented Miss Woginrich strikes again.

  2. Yes, there are people with real problems they can't control such as dead husbands, immediate family member in the same home going thru cancer..watching chemo almost kill friend's 4 yr old with cancer...the fact that she is poor because she won't get a steady job and give up some of her "nice to haves" is insane. All of her problems are within her direct control. Others cannot say the same.

  3. Sometimes - as in this swift assemblage of around 50 all-out stroking fans - I suspect there's a good chance that JW continually creates fictional commenters to glow their goodwill and love upon her. Some comments are weirdly similar and even sound like her. Tres weird, the everlasting, adoring fandom.

    They really do swarm when she does her victim, poor abused me thing. I guess will ever be a mystery that so many still think she's amazing, an utterly admirable and likable heroine of her own brave, scrappy farmer's life. I'm hard-pressed to believe they are all unique, read commenters.

    She'd never disable comments for long, or write privately, since surely she thrives on the negative feedback (not that she wants anyone to actually see it, so swiftly deletes); her anger and perceived bullying fuels her carrying on and she puts criticism to good use to gather accolades - and funds - from fans - far more than just either admirers or diffident readers can ever provide.

    And I was briefly imagining that, since it's been a mild winter, she had a part-time gig, and such a busy social/heathen life, that we might, this year, actually escape the usual 1st quarter dramatic, woe is me, please prop me up, postings we've come to expect.

    If she were an admirable, responsible, slightly humble, thankful to people, sympathetic character I could feel some empathy, since life is hard for people often. Can't go there with or for her....AT ALL. She only now ever manages to fuel my contempt.

  4. Laying out bloody pig hearts on her paid-for-by-fans farm girl truck is nothing if not brash, obnoxious, and provocative. Gotta love it, paired with yet another reminder of how many yrs she was a - surely high and mighty, very special - vegetarian.

    Now she's a way cooler, edgy, seriously special carnivore! She raised that slaughtered, apple-drunk pig on her own 'farm', faces her choices unlike the rest of the hypocrites who buy meat sandwiches at Stewart's. She is too cool by half. Too bad she's gonna drown it in bottled BBQ sauce (likely w/high fructose corn syrup), honey, and apples - sweeten the living, or dead, daylights out it - just like she did when they roamed the 'farm' in happier days.

    What a gal. Too bad about the tailpipe. Thanks for letting everyone know about such a tragic new issue you scrappily worked to repair yourself. Nothing if not a make do, self-sufficient homesteader. Be sure to let us know when that baling wire fails so we can send funds. Or maybe we'll all have to scrape up funds for a better vehicle so you can get around the county and Veryork to pick up hay and feed. What went down earlier with it not starting was tragic - and winter is not over yet.

    1. Oh, yeah, she's a badass -- it's all giggles and smiles while the pigs are butchered.

      "There was a time when I couldn't imagine laughing and enjoying hot coffee while sorting body parts."

      Remember when she wrote she wanted to put the "laughter" back in "slaughter"?

      What is wrong with this girl?

  5. Is she totally helpless? Surely, her trusty border collies could help her catch the ewe. Oh, wait they aren't actually trained? She should really stop crowing about being a One Woman Farm if she has to call in back up just to treat a ewe for a simple cut.

    "If bad things come in threes I'm up to 5 already....
    Just called farm friends to help me tackle, clean up, and medicate a ewe with a tear on her lip. Just saw it now during afternoon farm clean up. Probably from a fence or the briars in the back pasture. So grateful to have friends on their way soon as they heard the cry. I would do the same for them."

    1. Meredith, this post is nuts. Jenna Woginrich and Donald Trump? Poor Jenna, and billionaire Trump? Are you kidding? Merdith: "I think their supporters are cut from the same cloth." What are you talking about? You do not know their supporters. Your post suggests you may have a medical condition underlying your confusion. Women are susceptible to UTI, urinary tract infection, which symptoms include confusion. Get checked out, Meredith.

    2. It's ok. We can have different opinions. I can't comment but you can diagnose a medical condition? Thank you so much for your concern about my urinary track!


    3. I can see Meredith's point, and I agree. Trump and JW both spew statements and their fans go wild, while others with common sense say, WTF. Maybe you are confused 9:40, because I am woman, I am not confused, and I do not have a UTI.

    4. Ditto Anon 11:40

    5. re Meredith @ 9:45 PM

      No diagnose of a medical condition. I wrote "Get checked out, Meredith." Let me clarify: Get checked out by a medical doctor, a urologist, or gynecologist.

      Meredith A wrote on February 3, 2016 at 5:16 PM

      "No one is saying pig shit doesn't smell. All poop smells. Are we rating poop from least smelly to smelliest now?
      My shit takes that cake. I have the worst smelling poop, much worse than pigs!"

      If your poop is in fact, "the worst smelling poop, much worse than pigs!", that shows something is not right. Human poop should not smell that bad.

      Poop exits the human body through the anus. By way of anatomy, the human anus is adjacent to the female urethra, putting women at risk of UTI. Because the male urethra is longer, and protected somewhat from the anus by the penis and testis, UTI is less of a risk for men.

      Female Urinary System

      I’m not a doctor, so I can’t diagnose a medical condition.

      That said, I’m willing to take a look...

    6. re 11:40 PM and 12:30 AM "Ditto Anon 11:40"

      FYI, when any political person spews statements, their fans go wild. That’s why they are called fans - short for fanatics.

    7. How familiar are you with the smell of pig poop? Most farmers would gladly walk through livestock feces before human feces...I'd argue every farmer.

      Would you rather rest your head on a dirty diaper or a pillow? Know how you can tell if someone has soiled themselves? It smells. Want to shake shit covered hands? Why not?! According to you human poop shouldn't smell that bad.

      Gladly take a look?

      Crazy and creepy.

    8. re 7:14 am...DUH. and I am 11:40pm from above.

      I know what a "fan" is, and not that my education matters at this point, but I did go to school for 22 years straight. My response to 9:40pm stands. But thank you for educating me on what a fan is...

    9. Smelly poop = uti

      My dogs poop smelled bad this morning...should I take the 2 girls in?

    10. Your responses continue to show confusion. My friend and I have cared for family members, and have spent may days in the doctor’s office with this issue and our loved ones. UTI is most often the diagnosis. So there you have it. You can lead a horse to water...

      Meredith, you are always right, never wrong, and humorless. ‘willing to take a look’ is humor. But why bother to take a look; seen one, seen ‘em all.

      FYI, even if Lerner gets convicted, she will not have a criminal record. As a first-time offender, Lerner will qualify for ARD - Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, or whatever they call it in Virginia. ARD is a special pre-trial intervention program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA for non-violent offenders with no prior or limited record. Every state has a similar program.

      But Lerner won’t get convicted. Her lawyers will make a deal, if needed, to plead in exchange for adjudication withheld.

      For once Meredith, try to achieve your own success. Stop tearing down other people whom you never met, and whom you know nothing about, other than through the misinformed projections you cherish.

      Then you will find happiness.

    11. Doesn't get more miserable than you does it.

      Gynecologist. Mindreader, and source of zero beneficial information.

      Maybe I should switch gears to banish all animal cruelty laws. What's the point!

    12. On what planet is offering to inspect a stranger's genitals considered humorous? You're not funny, you're creepy and weird.

    13. On this planet, jackass. No one is offering to inspect anything, its a fucking saying off a t-shirt, you humorless count.

      Don't you have to get back to Jenna-hating, asshole?

    14. Geez, I can practically see the Cheeto crumbs spewing from your mouth as you pound the keyboard in a misogynistic rage. I think you'll find if you use t-shirt slogans as a guideline for acceptable conduct you'll get mixed results, at best. But good luck with that.....

    15. "I think you'll find if you use t-shirt slogans as a guideline for acceptable conduct you'll get mixed results, at best."

      You don't think, that's the problem.

      Don't you have to post some Jenna-hate comments today, and pound your keyboard in a misogynistic rage against Jenna?

  6. Jenna just posted on FB that Orvis reduced her hours to 4 hours a week. FOUR.
    I don't know of any company that would bother to keep an employee for only 4 hours a week. Sounds to me like the gig ended or she got fired and she can't be honest about it.

    1. They know she'll be the first to collect unemployment. But the thing is in that job that work will pick back up in a few months getting all the Christmas catalogs and in store graphics and web design ready.

  7. Jenna this, Jenna that, so glad Jenna is back, thought I was gonna die...without Jenna!

    1. No need to get crabby just because Meredith wasn't interested in your services as an amateur gynecologist. Do you dabble in veterinary medicine as well? My dogs anal sacs really need to be expressed.

    2. Yes, Jenna's back with her tales of woe. And Anon 11:27, she needs your help, pronto! Her truck is broke, her dog got sick and she is behind on her bills AGAIN! Can you imagine anyone with such bad luck? Who else has a truck that breaks, and who else has dogs that get sick? And who else has bills? Apparently only her.

      So dig deep and bail this girl out already. And be prepared to do it again, and again and again .....

  8. Anon 11:27 - You're wasting your time here. Nothing is going to change. If you really want to support JW, send her money. Lot's of it. She's had like 5 bad things happen to her in one day. She needs your help. Talk is cheap. Send money.

  9. Anon 11:46...hilarious and perfect!
    Anon 7:29...brilliant and perfect!

  10. @ Anon 11:27 - "You're wasting your time here. Nothing is going to change."

    Yes, I agree, nothing will change here, or on CAF. Jenna and Meredith are each others meme.

    At least Jenna has generous fans. And a farm of her own. That makes Meredith jealous, and makes Meredith blog against Jenna. Meredith has stingy fans, and no farm. So open your pockets, and donate to Meredith. So she can get what Jenna has. Then all will be equal, and peace will return to the farm girl blogs.

    1. Ridiculous.

      And I wonder where you think YOU fit into the dynamic?

      Why be jealous of a narcissistic sociopath with a pretend farm when there's someone like The Pioneer Woman? That woman's got a farm and a shit ton of money. Really. You couldn't find a person less likely to incite jealousy than Jenna.

    2. @Ridiculous. No, spot on.

      @"And I wonder where you think YOU fit into the dynamic?" Nowhere, thank god.

      @"Why be jealous of a narcissistic sociopath". Has Jenna been diagnosed by a licensed doctor as a "narcissistic sociopath?" If so, provide evidence.

      @"with a pretend farm". Oh, its a real farm, it may be dilapidated and non-productive, but it is a real farm. But even a "pretend" farm is better than "no farm".

      @"The Pioneer Woman" You mean Farmer Peg, or some other person?

      @"That woman's got a farm and a shit ton of money." Sandy Lerner?

      @"shit ton of money" = guessing what money a person may have, but no actual knowledge of the amount of money.

      @"You couldn't find a person less likely to incite jealousy than Jenna." Ridiculous, that's why Meredith spends all her time hating on Jenna, or Trump, or Farmer Peg, or SANDY LERNER.

      re annon @1:39, donate large to Meredith, so she can get what Jenna has. Then all will be equal, and peace will return to the farm girl blogs.

    3. Congratulations, 3:34 am, you're tedious as fuck. Did you alight on this blog at random in your search for stimulation or did you actually have some interest in the content? Stop trolling.....

    4. I found this blog through Jenna's disgruntled former followers. Yes, I am interested in farming. But here I find another interest, sociology. Here one can observe the lynch-mob mentality, and goose-steppers in all their glory, foaming at the mouth for Jenna.

  11. Anon Feb. 7 10:40 - What did you mean by this statement?
    " but I did go to school for 22 years straight"

    It took you 22 years to finish high school? College? GED? 22 years is nothing if you're taking one class at a time. Even well educated people can lack common sense. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.

    1. "I know what a "fan" is, and not that my education matters at this point, but I did go to school for 22 years straight." I am the author of that statement, and I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak of my hard earned education.

      I began going to school at the age of four, graduated high school, and went to college for eight years full time earning a Liberal Arts degree while working 20+ hours a week. It took me eight years, because I changed majors and switched schools, and I am proud to say I graduated with 238 credits to my name. I have worked my ass off after college and paid back all of my student loans, and I did have some fun along the way, but I budgeted it into my plans. My parents didn't give me a penny toward my education, because I was raised to work hard and pay my own way. I have more knowledge and wisdom than most people I come into contact each day.

      My earlier response was a simple response to a blog post that was overly snarky. So thanks again for allowing me to explain my education to you and everyone else who reads this post.

  12. Anon 11:27 we call thy name legion, Mark 5:9
    But to get back to your dissection of who has what, is it a farm or is it just an internet scam of crowd funding pig share killed chicken kale rotting malfeasance masquerading as a superbowl Knotts berry farm, the answer frankly is hell knows. But one thing I do know, is that girl's truck is cold and rusting and not gonna do it, them critters are mighty cold today as JW drinks her mornin Joe and plans to post up the 458th logo sale, Patty has turned off the hot tub today and Anna Kendrick is sick of eating pig heart. Its all so pathetic that normal folks who once "found her" and "supported her" can only cry, mourn and grieve in these here blogs awaiting the proverbial "train wreck". Oh you farm girls, always one manicure away from a cattle fight. GROW TFU!

  13. When you put your life and choices out there in the public arena and live off the money of your dupes oh, I mean supporters, then be prepared to get comments that cover the spectrum. Jenna invites response knowingly because she chooses to live a public and dependent life.

    To Jenna and her supporters who come here to attack, you are ridiculous and petty. If you really stand by Jenna, then you would ignore us. But we evidently hit a nerve - you know the truth about Jenna and her fantasy world. That is what drives your anger.

    You don't have to be a Dr. to diagnose her problems of which she has a plenty. Understand: Jenna is the architect of all her problems, of her pitiful life and the damage she causes to the animals who have no choice but to be living as her props.

    I'll say it again: when you make your life a public affair and live off the donations (begged and manipulated for) of those who read what you willingly put out in the public arena, you must accept all comments. To cry foul is disingenuous at best and manipulative at worst.

    Do not for one second think that Jenna is ever truly hurt by those who disagree with her; if so she would not scam and steal from people if she had a heart. Where is Birchthorn - you know......the one she was given $15K for and promised publicly last August? Are people who lent her money for her junk truck being paid on time like she publicly promised? I bet not. There is a long list of people still waiting for their wool, meat, etc. who will never get what they paid for. Don't cry for Jenna. If she's talking, she's manipulating and lying. The Wizard of Oz couldn't even give her a heart - or a conscience! Bottom line.

    So again, when you come here angry, you are showing that you truly know the real story. That's why you are so angry. You wanted so badly to believe in her fairy tale but deep down you know you too have been duped. Move on...

    1. And Birchthorn backers are still waiting for the finished product. Unfortunately, their scammed money has been spent long ago on hair extensions, recreational activities, weird wolf contact lenses, expensive designer jeans, and an endless supply of wasted wine.

  14. She supposedly took photos of her animals this morning but no photo of Brick, the wounded sheep? Just like Gib's hurt foot, so on and so on. How about the springs and tailpipe of the truck? Interesting!!

  15. Anon 9:20 - My guess is most people here are well educated, as well as Meredith and Jenna. Common sense is called for.

    So I have a question for you. By her own admission, JW said she could not support her lifestyle working her full time job. She has also admitted that she cannot support herself with her many part time jobs. Thus, the obvious and not so obvious pleas for donations.

    So what good, common sense advice would you give her so she is not constantly living in crisis mode?

    1. You are funny. Jenna doesn't like common sense.


    1. A.N, you're speaking truth and it breaks my heart. Katz wrote about the good people of Washington County who will give when asked, Jenna will take them all for a ride before going back home to PA to work for a design team

    2. Something must be deeply disturbed within an individual to prey upon their own fan base.This is worse than opportunism, it is predation.

      We must remember, she isn't just preying on her "fans"; amorphous entities as far as we are concerned. Jenna Woginrich is preying upon her customers, her fellow farmers, her readers, who are in turn someone's father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, grandparents, husband or wife. Like the female mosquito, she lands and anesthetizes the area of the heart. Upon the submission of the prey item, she inserts the proboscis of her projected need into the chest where she feeds her dream on the very life's blood of another's desire.

    3. I just read your last few sentences with Richard Attenborough's voice.

    4. AN King, that was awesome, what a visual!

      Anon-- hilarious!

    5. AN, I wish you allowed anon comments on your blog.

    6. You've succinctly summed it up:

      "We did not create a seasonal cycle of fabricated farm disasters to garner sympathy and beg money from fans who extended their compassion and trust.

      Cold Antler Farm: A lie wrapped in a pretty bow."

  17. I don't understand people who think we have a lynch mob mentality. I put my 2 cents in here and leave Jenna alone. I don't know how that amounts to anything other than venting and free speech in a separate platform than Jenna's Facebook, twitter and blog.

    1. Oh, don't worry about it-- the dissenter trying to stir up shit on this thread seems to be a very off-kilter individual. Ignore them.

  18. Jenna posted that she got a notice from the bank that she has to give them two mortgage payments by Friday to keep her house.
    Is this the girl who cried wolf (again!)... Or is this the real deal?

  19. Oh, not to worry. Some of her suckers... I mean fans, bailed her out again. (And again... and again...)

  20. Update to Lambing season...........You don't crutch your ewes? (shave around their birthing area to prevent infection and make it easier to see how the ewe is fairing. You don't set up Jugs (small pens inside a warm safe barn to protect the lambs from freezing outside) but you seem to revel in having to run around to try to find your ewes and describe in painful detail how the newly born lambs have ice on their tender little bodies? Jenna, you're sick. But I guess it gives you the drama you seek and exploit to pay your bills and defend your lack of getting promised things done. A classic Jenna 101 and the animals pay the price.
