Friday, January 8, 2016


Are you playing?

What would you do with the winnings?


  1. We don't play regularly, but yes, we bought tickets for this one. If I won, the first and only thing I'd be concerned with doing is quitting my job. My job itself isn't terrible, but I can't stand a majority of my coworkers.

  2. Am I playing? Maybe, if I remember to.

    What would I do with the winnings? I would take some time to consider my options. Highly likely that I would divide it among my immediate family members. Beyond that, I don't know specifically. Wouldn't quit my job. A modest house would be welcome as well as being able to afford more expensive brands of dog food.

    What would you do, Meredith?

    1. ^^^Adding that I would have a housekeeper/cleaning person.

      Land preservation would be of interest, philanthropically speaking.

  3. I'd buy myself a horse, buy new cars for each of my family members, and take my friends and close family on a really fun vacation!

  4. What I would do is a secret!

    I'd also invest and invest some more. Start a business and news station. Philanthropy of course.

    Purchase a farm and turn it into an educational center for all ages.

  5. What I would do is a secret!

    I'd also invest and invest some more. Start a business and news station. Philanthropy of course.

    Purchase a farm and turn it into an educational center for all ages.

  6. You can't win if you don't play. I've got three tickets with carefully selected numbers. If I win, I'd pay off the family debt. Donate a big chunk to my son's school, buy some land and build a family compound (with enough space to keep us all sane). Definitely get some animals domestic and farm and plant one heck of a garden. I would quit my current job, but would most likely volunteer. I would travel and spend time that I currently never have to create art and do the crafty things I love. A dream would also be to have a farm/farmstand that employed people with autism (like my son)... though I'm not really sure how to go about it.

    1. Awesome. I used to work for a school district working with kids with autism, too. Sounds great, Double G.

  7. Double G - that's a coincidence. I work in the autism education field, and would love to start some sort of employment opportunities that were farm-related. Or farm supply related.

  8. I would get some of the money in new bills, boxes of new bills, throw the new money on the floor in my home, and on my bed, and roll around naked in the money, feeling it against my skin, smelling the money, that would be very fun. Throwing the money in the air, putting the fan on the money, and watch it blow around the house.

    Next day I'd put the money in boxes, store it safely in my home, and look for a new friend on back page. Yes, you can buy happiness!

    oh, and donate to this fine blog, a small amount of money.

  9. I hope all of you picked the same numbers and win together! If I played I would definitely enjoy quitting my job and then keeping my fortune a secret as I did philanthropy, Travel would be nice but may raise suspicions, say what, she's in Monte Carlo?

  10. @Anon 6:03 I think it's a fantastic idea. I know my son enjoys helping in our garden and learning about gardening and where food comes from (as well as eating all the goodies we grow... he loves picking his own green beans and putting them in his lunch box). He also loves animals, we've not had much occasion to be around farm animals but I think he'd really enjoy them. I find that animals just have an inherent calming effect on my son, I'd like to bring that to other kids/adults. Most of all though I'd like my son to find his place in the world, and be able to have that feeling of worth that rewarding work can bring you. I know that hands in the dirt is like therapy to me.. it must be for other too I'd imagine.

  11. Property and more property. I envision a summer place in a cool state and a nice place here in CA to snowbird in. And probably a luxury RV I'd hire someone to drive to bring all the livestock from place to place, twice a year...once I have that much money, why not?

  12. The small county my husband is from has horrible schools and little opportunity for the children. My dream would be to fund programs to help get these children in a place to succeed in school. Then have scholarships available for either college or viable trade schools. For myself, a very modest new house and like HotFlash, some land.

  13. I haven't looked at a lottery for months. Maybe I'll have to buy a couple tickets this time.

    I, too, would have a couple houses. One in my beloved San Francisco, and another up north. I like winter. Of course, there would be room for many animals.

    I'd travel, especially to the lands of my ancestors to see how they lived/what it's like. I might even have to get a place in Sweden, too.

    Philanthropy-wise, I'd like to donate both time and money to strapped animal shelters and rescues.

    A girl can dream.


  14. Yes, the Clan is playing but we are mostly pragmatic humans with a dash of dreaming and a good work ethic. We don't expect any thing to come from it but it is fun to dream aloud what we might do with the winnings. As to what I would do?

    -Get corrective surgery for my left knee
    -Purchase the homestead
    - Replace the Clan's current vehicles
