Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teeth out tongue out


  1. poor little dog, hope he is feeling better.

  2. Jenna has a new beg-a-thon in the works.

    $300 for openers; spilled a 1/3 of a cup of seltzer water on laptop. It shut down and it didn't start back up.

    A filling cracked in half. Boy Howdy, did that hurt. I was sitting by a fountain outside a Ten Thousand Villages store and eating a piece of beef jerky (Like the lady) and BAM!

    Tonight, my truck stopped working. It won't start. It has to do with the starter...

    So, Jenna discovers water and laptops don’t mix, dental fillings crack, and 27 year-old pickup trucks break down. Okay antlers, give until it hurts!
