Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Duckmammas Ducklings!

A sweet reader knows I enjoy her just hatched pictures.

She sent a few photos with this description...

First tiptoe through the tulips (errr, dandelions) today, two days old. 


  1. Duckmama, if I remember from last year you have a broody duck? Do you know what caused her to set again and can she come give a pep talk to my ducks?

  2. LOL! I don't know for certain, but it might be sort of an inherited characteristic. Last year I had a broody chicken actually hatch the duck eggs.

    My original broody duck unfortunately died last year, but this little mama duck is her daughter. The mom was extremely broody, and now this daughter is broody.

    So I don't think it's anything I did...

    I'd try putting a pile of duck eggs in a corner/nest box and see what happens? Good luck! I have some spare ducks here if you'd like a few... LOL
