Thursday, September 24, 2015

Graphic designer?

I'm in need of some pro bono graphic design work for the #piglivesmatter campaign.

I'd like a "pig tail" swirl to extend off the r in matter with the color to include pink, black, or white.

Perhaps the p in pig to have a pig snout somehow?

...any other ideas are welcome.


  1. I know about someone who works really cheap.

    1. Hopefully ms Griggs can assist.

      I spent what I made this week on printing photos ($.50 per color copy at staples ugh), visual aids such as poster boards, double sided tape, and gas. I'm attending my second meeting in VA tonight. Its a 4 hour round trip each time. I'm financially skating on thin ice and the logo is a luxury. Thanks for thinking of me but I can't spend a dime on it.

    2. Work was cancelled Monday and Tuesday this week :(

  2. She should donate a logo to you for driving so much traffic to her site

  3. Hi -- I've been reading here for a while, but never posted... I do design work and would be willing to play around with this? Let me know :-)

    1. I would be so appreciative! Simple with a slight pig flare is what I'm going for.

  4. Wait, are you seriously using a reference to Black Lives Matter?

    1. ?

      All lives matter.

      My campaign concerns pigs, hence pig lives matter.

    2. Lot's of people and organizations have jumped on the "lives matter" bandwagon for all manner of human or animal issues. Meredith is not the first. Yes, all lives matter, and the issue here for Meredith is pigs. It is entirely appropriate.

    3. Wildly inappropriate. Black Lives Matter originated the phrase, and utilizing it for non-humans, at the very least, shows disrespect to Black people. I'd strongly advise you to find another catch phrase. You're going to anger a lot of people who might otherwise support you by using this.

    4. Absolutely disagree. Appreciate your thoughts though.

    5. What about #humanebacon

    6. I don't want to affiliate myself in any way with "certified humane" which is a fraudulent label that allows severe animal abuse. I fear people will make the jump from one to the other.

      #piglivesmatter is not just educating or encouraging people to make a choice it is highlighting corruption that impacts a specific group...I'm this case pigs.

      I'm also not entirely sure pork can be humane in a commercial setting.

      Nothing about the "one" bad day even the best treated animal will have is humane.

      If you eat meat that was processed commercially and not dispatched unaware at its home you essentially can be guaranteed the animal was stressed and scared...if even for a moment in order to be slaughtered for consumption.

    7. #happypigs?

      Associating happy pigs with Ayrshire Farm is counter productive. What about what I am saying has to do with happy pigs? People will think I'm worked up because the pigs aren't happy. I'm on a mission because criminal animal abuse is occurring and the authorities are unequally enforcing state code by not bringing criminal charges against Ayrshire Farm et al


      No one has a copyright on "____ lives matter".

      That sentence/hashtag will be historically used to highlight corruption and injustice. Its use is not offensive to anyone or disrespecting anything.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Is #nopigleftbehind disrespectful to children?

      Is #propig disrespectful to unborn babies?

    10. I like it, but #pigsmatter would be the same?

    11. Anything with "noun + matter" Is going to offend someone if they are that easily offended.

      I,think,it's insane to suggest a REAL supporter against animal cruelty would turn their backs on the cause if #piglivesmatter is used.

      I'm definitely using #piglivesmatter

    12. Then you are making a very ignorant, disrespectful choice. #blacklivesmatter originated very recently, for a very specific movement, in response to particular circumstances.

      Anyone who has since appropriated that hashtag is not only being deliberately cruel, they are also shifting focus from the movement who came up with the phrase to serve their own needs.

      If you want a meaningful hashtag come up with something on your own.

    13. I think it's offensive to appropriate the well recognized slogan of a social movement for racial equality for use for pigs. Agreeing with the OP on this one. You'll do what you want but I would anticipate other people feeling the same and saying so. Best of luck with the campaign in either case, but I'd seriously reconsider the hashtag.

  5. Meredith - Don't watch the latest vlog is about pigs and will NOT make you happy...

    1. I can't stomach any of her videos.

      What's does it entail?

    2. Being irresponsible with her pigs. Letting them eat many pounds of fermented apples which made them sick for days. THEN making light of it saying she got her pig drunk and laughing about it.

    3. She is in the same category as Sandy Lerner and Crystal Ritenour of Ayrshire Farm. These women, Jenna Woginrich included, are sadistic animal abusers.

      To laugh at the suffering of another?

      It's disgusting and disturbing.

      I'm so glad she's foolish and narcissistic enough to post it.

      What a pathetic piece of shit she is.

      It infuriates me.

  6. Haven't watched her vlog, but I noticed this:

    Indie Days!
    These are personal workshops, private and full of one-on-one skill teaching time in everything from setting up a sheep fence to learning the fiddle. They are twice the price of a normal workshop but ten times the focus and attention."

    I about busted a gut laughing! Setting up a sheep fence???? SERIOUSLY?????!!!!!! Her sheep escape on a regular basis


    1. I saw that too.

      Its like taking Spanish lessons from someone that doesn't know Spanish.

  7. Pigs eat fermented apples, BFD

  8. She's got some great photos of her fence handiwork. A 10 month old baby with a blindfold could do a better job.

    1. No kidding. The photo with the 2's horrific. That not called fencing. It'd putting animals behind a pile of wire.

  9. I can barely stand to watch the videos, all the smirking and mugging for the camera makes my skin crawl. The whole thing feels rehearsed and scripted and unnatural, I can't imagine who would derive any enjoyment from them let alone learn anything. She's tittering away about getting her pig bombed but it's just another incidence of her having a sick animal and not doing anything concrete to help it besides squirt some pedialyte at it. She didn't know at the time that it was only drunk, she had no idea what was wrong with it.

    Also, check out this Twitter conversation. Who is she kidding? The kinder side of farming is not in effect at CAF.

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 1h1 hour ago
    @RobSchrab Yes, of course. But there are plenty of ways to raise stock without being a dick. Peta doesn't show the kinder side of farming.

  10. That pig was not drunk, it was sick from gorging on over-ripe fruit. Regardless of anecdotal stories of bears/moose/etc getting drunk and ending in strange situations, it would be nearly impossible to get an animal of that size drunk off eating fallen apples. In even the most perfect fermentation conditions possible (in a lab where a stable population of yeast was encouraged to eat and not simply reproduce itself to the point of self-destruction), it would be unlikely to reach even one half of one percent ABV rate in the fruit.

    1. Good to know. I didn't even stop to consider the plausibility of the apples leading to drunkenness. It must be an old wives tale...

  11. Pigs can get drunk, but she described the apples as firm with a few bad spots. That does NOT cause one to get drunk. Humans could eat those apples and not get drunk, and pigs are just about identical to humans as far as digestive systems go.

    She should know not to change up animals' diets like that. One huge glut of anything abnormal could make an animal sick.

    And I agree on the #piglivesmatter thing. It's as disrepsectful as is Jenna's logo with the animals raising the flag. Come up with your own slogan, because that one is certainly playing off the #blacklivesmatter one.

    1. I've seen this debate stem from #animallivesmatter graphics and do not find it offensive or in poor taste.

  12. I think if you keep the hashtag then you will alienate a lot of people who think it's in poor taste. The kind of intelligent, thoughtful people who would be useful to have on your side. Of course pigs' lives matter, but by appropriating a hashtag used to try and bring awareness to the social injustice and racism that black people face in the US every day is very insulting. I hope you will reconsider.

    1. A hashtag isn't going to alienate a single thoughtful person.

      Are you a person of color voicing an opinion?

      I'm going to ask various black people and get their opinion.

  13. I've heard "________ matter," before. It's not unique. Many things have mattered over decades before someone laid claim to it. I don't think anyone's going to be confused, and if they're insulted, well, I guess I don't understand why, it doesn't detract from their cause.
