Friday, March 20, 2015

West Wind Acres


This man should have had animal cruelty charges brought against him in 2012 over Joy...the horse he was starving to death.  That picture is of a clearly emaciated horse.

The pony in the video with "elf" hooves is neglect plain and simple...trimming the ponies hooves would have prevented that condition.

My heart breaks for the 30 pigs with frost bite. It saddens me they were not confiscated as well.

The two pictures I saw include neglect of hooves and gross neglect in feeding that mare.

Thankfully authorities are handling this situation appropriately.  To defend this man is foolish. To defend the condition of those animals shown in the video is idiotic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Take a look at the picture of this place. Yeah, I get that it's early spring (aka mud season), but still...makes me wonder. Hard to believe there's a big beautiful barn just outside the shot, ya know?

    1. It's a picture of a muddy field. What, it's not pretty enough for you? A barn/farm doesn't have to be big and beautiful to take care of its animals. If you want to criticize, pick something that actually matters or else you just look petty and ignorant.

  3. Joy's page on the Peaceful Acres website:

  4. I cannot open the video.

  5. Extract from her post on releasing Italics "... I am happy to be releasing this healthy, strong, adult bird back into the local breeding population here in New York. He's one of the lucky ones, to make it this far. ..." She is right about one thing -- that bird is LUCKY to be alive considering who was supposed to be caring for him! Jenna tried to make him into a pet, did not provide adequate housing for him, and ILLEGALLY trapped him in the first place! NY Falconry law states that she was only allowed to trap a hawk under the DIRECT supervision of her sponsor, yet per her own blog post he was at home when she was out trapping! I seriously question whether this bird is healthy and strong. She never had a vet, qualified or not, check him over and we all know how well Jenna takes care of her animals. I pray that the hawk can survive in the wild, but I have real concerns. Had it been raised by a knowledgeable falconer, it would probably be fine, but it was "raised" by Jenna who flies by the seat of her pants and is an expert at nothing! There is a little voice in the back of my head screaming at me that the hawk is probably dead and she is just posting that he is being released so that people don't jump all over her. Of course, the only reason she is mentioning his release is to get the hail-marys and you-go-girls to pat her on the back. As for that baby goat, IF it did manage to get out of the pen and spend the night in a snowbank waiting for her, chances are it would have been dead in the morning. JW, you totally made that story up just so you could get attention for caring for the poor baby lamb. I cannot wait for Karma to catch up with JW 'cause it's not gonna be pretty!

  6. Yep, thought the same thing...If there is no video of her letting it go, which there won't be, how does anyone know she did let it go, in other words, where was he all these weeks, perhaps he wasn't there...because you know, he was....dead.

  7. I was curious, so I looked at the photo from the post about releasing Italics--y'all were right that it is not a current photo. The image name contains the information that it is a screenshot from this past December (12/16/14, to be exact). And since it's a screenshot (meaning it's not the original image file, but rather a snapshot of a computer or phone screen, with the UI cropped out), it's possible that the original photo was from a much earlier date. So yeah, definitely does not constitute proof of life.

  8. Just wondering...have you read the Rockwood's side of the story? I've been to the farm, those animals are treated very, very well. You may want to read this before you make and conclusions.

  9. So how do you explain that emaciated horse from years ago?? It has been my experience that it takes animal control QUITE a bit to actually go out and do something like this. I feel like there must be more to the story than we are seeing through JW, Katz, etc.

  10. He took the horse on in that condition-that story will come out. Some of you inc. Meridith have been spouting stuff they don't know the facts on.

    1. Please enlighten us. How long had he had the horse, when had it been trimmed, when was its next trim? What about the emaciated horse he surrendered in the past?

    2. Please enlighten us. How long had he had the horse, when had it been trimmed, when was its next trim? What about the emaciated horse he surrendered in the past?
