Saturday, March 28, 2015

She fell asleep...

...wishing she had a husband and children.

Increasingly jealous of the women who do.

That much is obvious.

Admit it.

There's nothing wrong with longing for a family.

I do.


I have 3 dogs and don't give 2 shits about x files.

I fall asleep missing my 2 favorite voices.

I fall asleep longing for the morning I will wake up as a part of a team.

What relief and joy that will be.


  1. I thought it was sad. I don't see the insult in the comment, especially if she admits that has been her dream, and probably still is.

  2. I see sadness in the words...trying to deny or fool herself. She thinks of those women because she is one of them. I applaud her being grateful for the things she has...even though it reads like she is convincing herself,

    I dont understand why someone would be ashamed to admit that's what they dream..or the point in comparing them.

    Longings are personal...why belittle those of others or assume what they are?

    Not wanting things doesn't make you special, wanting things doesn't make you normal.

    These Jenna vs women comments are so tiresome.

    I want to dream of Eddie, I want to dream of Faris....I want my life to include meeting, living, and growing with a man I have yet to meet.

    There's no shame in companionship be it man or woman etc.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But she does dream of a husband. I can remember a few wistful posts of hers. In one she was talking about two hearts beating as one. In another, she said she would sing in Gaelic to her husband while making his breakfast. In another, she described the wedding she wished for, after attending one which was held, I believe in a barn.

    Does anyone else remember these, or posts like this? I have been reading her blog for a long time, so it may have been several years ago.

    1. The dream post was very typical - she will proclaim other people believe "X", but she believes "Y". But longtime readers know that she too, really believes "X". In this post, "X" equals husband and children.

      I found the dream post rather sad. I also remember those posts where she has described a future that includes a husband and child. She's 32 now and her biological clock has got to be ticking louder. Proclaiming she's not like other women who dream of husbands and children came across to me like she trying to deny her real feelings. In fairness, it's her life and if that is what she wants to believe, it's not for me to say otherwise, even if her past posts do. Going to sleep dreaming of old TV shows seems lonely and empty. But again, it's her life, and it will play out according to the decisions she makes.

  5. That post is a sad glimpse into JW mind and her life seems so lonely. Anon 8:31 I do remember those posts as well. She posts all the time that she loves her life and singleness but it sounds like she's trying to convince herself, not readers. Its easy to forget she's in her 30's. Blog reads like a young 20-something's diary.

    1. I'm just about to the point of removing her from facebook and my rss feeds... i read enough other blogs that she is more or less background noise, but lately the passive-aggressive condescending comments have really gotten to me. The constant looking down on others (poodles, women, etc), the blanket statements like all cats are assholes and people who like them are (effectively) fools, and on and on. I don't know if she's doing it just to create strife and therefore spur people to comment and make it feel like there is a community surrounding her, or if she's just that ignorant and closed-minded. But I'm pretty sick of it... in fact, I think I'll go delete her now. ;)

  6. Even sadder is that if things do not change, soon she will be a middle-aged woman, past childbearing years, living this extremely eccentric life, with no significant other or family to speak of nearby, no steady job, no health insurance and no career security...which puts her where at 50, or 60. Does she realize she will not qualify for Social Security if she doesn't do something to pay into it? And I doubt she has retirement savings. How does she think she will survive in the second half of her life, when she can't do even as much as she does now? She seems to be heading for that homeless spot under the bridge headlong with absolutely no intention of trying to do otherwise. I just don't get it.


    1. I'm sure she has paid into social security from other jobs as well as the self employed pay into it with their taxes. So she will surely qualify for something... but yeah, time is slipping away! But she's a wolf, not a poodle! Poodles do those normal things. (gg) I guess she just wants to be a lone wolf. Kinda sad.

    2. In order to qualify for Social Security, you need 40 "credits" (10 years of work) to get retirement benefits so it's doubtful that she worked long enough to qualify. Whether she's still paying in depends on how much she's really making off her crowd-funded life, and how honest she is in reporting it all. People with self-employment income pay both the employer's and employee's halves on their earnings. How much she'd get in a monthly SS check depends on her average earnings over her working years.

  7. Jenna Woginrich's life is a mystery to me. One day she's quitting karate, the next day she's teaching a class and preparing for black belt. One day she's asking readers to set her up on dates (anyone remember that???), the next she's happy with her dog.

    Her life is sad and depressing to read about. I keep waiting for those exciting blog posts that made me feel good about life but they never come. Instead there's panicky and insulting posts about everyone who lives differently from her. I feel sorry for her and this journey has got to be sad for her family to watch.

    If you had told me I'd feel this way about her after reading 'Made From Scratch' I'd slap you silly! I was so charmed by that book. Now watching the trainwreck that is Cold Antler Farm is sad and depressing!

    1. You know, if you'd told me this was how it would end up it would have surprised me too. I think being out of the workforce and society in general changed her, and not for the better. She no longer works with diverse groups of people, doesn't meet new ones regularly and it, sadly, has narrowed her worldview and made her less open to other lifestyles, although she gives them scant lip service so as not to offend her donors. As far as Social Security earnings go, I doubt she has enough credits to qualify at this time. She went part time at her job after just a few years of full-time work and then only did that for awhile before quitting outright, as I recall from reading her blog. Hopefully she is making those SSI contributions herself; I am guessing she's not contributing anything meaningful to IRAs or 401Ks. When the "wolves are at the door" the last thing you think about is saving for retirement. But someone like her may have no problem eventually just becoming a burden of the state and taking everything free that's offered once she's too old to homestead anymore. And then we'll all be paying for her lifestyle, whether we want to or not.

    2. The problem is, she's trying to tack 30 years onto her retirement without funding any of it.

  8. Every women wishes to have a husband and children.

    1. I have one but don't want the other. Everyone has different wishes and dreams - it's the fact that JW puts down people who have dreams that are different from hers. (i.e.: poodles) that grates at me.

    2. I'm on the fence about having kids in this society and haven't met the guy for me that would also be a good father to my children.

    3. I'm on the fence about having kids in this society and haven't met the guy for me that would also be a good father to my children.

    4. I am a woman and do not wish for a husband and children. Making a blanket statement like that is no better than JW's poodle proclamations.

    5. No, not every woman dreams of this, just like not every man does.

    6. This is THE most offensive thing I've read on any blog recently. Who the hell do you think you are, speaking for EVERY woman on the planet?

  9. I'm hoping you are being facetious, right??? 8-)

  10. Gibson is sick and she is taking him to the vet, but also asking readers to help diagnose. I am waiting to see if this will turn into some type of gofundme to pay his vet bills.

    It may seem she's had a run of bad luck with her tooth, truck and now dog. But these are normal. Even with good preventive care, teeth will need work, cars will need repairs and dogs will need vet care.

    How many readers here have experienced car repairs, dental bills or vet bills in the past six months? I have experienced all of the above.

    1. That kind of shit happens to me at least monthly, if not weekly. Maybe not the EXACT same stuff every week, but that kind of crap is normal everyday life. I don't even blink about it. My mom dying of stage 4 lung cancer - not THAT is a problem. Not teeth issues, vet bills and car repairs. I would love it if those were my biggest worries. She is a child.

  11. There are people who live the Voluntary Simplicity lifestyle, earn very little, and rely on gardening/foraging. But they don't rely on others to fund their problems/mistakes. There are homesteaders who do the same. But they aren't running blogs that complain and beg for money. It is sad that she has changed her focus. She had a good following with Made from Scratch publication. It appears that along the way she decided that ANYTHING she wrote would be applauded and appreciated. Not the case as evidenced from the loss of readers. And it irritates me to see the 'put-downs' of others's life choices that she engages in.

  12. Ok, just as I thought. She is posting items to sell to help cover his vet bills, which is code word for 'please send donations'. I'm sure a lot of people don't want the items she is selling, and will just send money.

  13. I am pissed, plain and simple. She is using the dog's illness to BEG for more money. I know the vet she went to, and I know what that visit and meds cost. Now, all the world is falling down around her, so please donate. Oh, and your little crack about the libel dear Jenna. EVERYTHING posted by others is IN RESPONSE to your OWN submissions on your OWN blog.

  14. ...and I see she has donated $20 on someone's gofundme page. When she had her Kickstarter thing she donated money to someone on there who was creating a board game or something.

    1. So she maybe donated about $40 total? Compared to the thousands and thousands of dollars she has squeezed from other people?

      If she has money to donate, she has money to pay back people she owes for product she never delivered. There are people still waiting.

  15. Wonder what happened with the gal down the street who was the vet, and would come over to treat the animals? Did that relationship sour for some reason?

    1. I think that's who she went to.

  16. If you can't afford vet bills, you can't afford your pet.

    1. Thank you. Exactly. im a little extreme but I have a separate "dog" account that is only for dog expenses. I keep X amount in there as a baseline and let me tell you rushing your dog to the vet (as we all have to do a few times in their lives, though not annually like JW) is a hell of a lot easier when you know at least there's money for it. Her defense would be that poor Gibson is a farm dog and things are different on a farm. Bullshit. A dog that sleeps in bed with you and rides in the car is a pet. A luxury. And should be entered into and cared for as such. She is shameless and she sinks lower and lower. Wonder how long before she's selling a sickly Italics stuffed on a branch. $10000 for this rare and magical bird of prey-you too can live like fiction!

  17. Yep - she's got the Amen Charlie's sending in donations "Jenna how do I get in touch with you - I'd love to help" Bleh. Sickening.

    How do her ad sponsors not see thru her BS? I wouldn't want my business anywhere near her 'brand'.

    I don't understand her way of thinking either - a long time ago an employer told me 20's-30's were your 'money making years' where you set the ground work for your life's work and career. Will Jenna Woginrich be scamming people like this when she's 40, 50, 60?

    Every one of us has unexpected problems and events. Get a savings account --- oh, and a JOB --- and take care of yourself like a normal adult.

    If I was asking donations to pay my mortgage, my toothache, my car, I'd be so EMBARRASSED! Wouldn't you?? What person outside of a teenager thinks this is the correct way to live??

    1. See, in her mind, she's not scamming. She has a "business" and is trying to sell some junk to "earn" the money. It cracked me up the stuff she listed! Who in the world would want it....she knew exactly what she was doing. Look so pitiful by listing junk (read...that's all I have)...and the money comes pouring in.

      You're absolutely right. I would be so embarrassed and if I was a legitimate business I would steer clear of this mess!

    2. I can figure on one finger the number of times that I had to ask my parents for help with an emergency. Our furnace crapped out in the middle of a brutal January and we were about $600 short for the repairs. And had two little children in the house... I repaid it within a month and felt horrible afterwards. Never again.

      Everyone breathing on this planet has unexpected costs. And nearly everyone deals with it in an adult manner. They have a stash, or they have a credit card, or they sell stuff (of value) or they have a friend in a pinch (that hopefully they return the favor to) or they go and borrow money from a bank, etc etc. The manner in which she is CONSTANTLY financing her emergencies with beggng and donation cries and poor me parties, it sickens me. It really does. It also embarasses me, as a homesteader myself, to see her "represent" us at big events like Mother Earth News events and through her hack books. I enjoyed Made from Scratch and even the chicken book. But the rest??? My gosh, just regurgitated drivel. How can a 30 something write (and have accepted by real publishers) so many memoirs when she pretty much fails at most things she writes about? DOn't these editors do ANY checking into things???

      Man, that gives me hope for my book... shesh...

      I'm sorry that Gibson is ailing. Poor pooch. Of course, her uber concern for him and then the lack of concern for other living creatures on her place (letting Maude linger and die over days and days or that lamb in the shed for a month????) that just makes me want to cringe.

      Such hypocrisy. Why is his welfare SO much higher than any other animal on her place? And if an animal is not worth much and suffering, why can't she put it out of it's misery. She's good enough at killing rabbits and fox and whatever else she wants to.

      Oh, goodness. This child needs a spanking and some wisdom poured down her throat, not bourbon and praise.

    3. Gibson gets so much value because he is her stand in for a boyfriend.

  18. Wow, vet bills must be cheap in that area because I wouldn't give her more then $20 for all that junk. I can't believe she thinks that mish mash of weird stuff would garner much funds.

    Oh what! Jenna owned them! That makes them a zillion times more valuable!!! I forgot.

  19. When Jenna wants to appear that she is in fact selling her worldly belongings, instead of outright begging, she ALWAYS offers crap! Antiques? My a$$! I remember her previously selling a crocheted or knitted item some Jennafan made for her complete with Jenna's initials sewn in, along with that ratty looking bobcat. GROW UP JENNA! My dog had a grand mal seizure the other night and was rushed to the emergency vet at 1 a.m. and stayed for almost 24 hours. Thankfully, she came through it and appears to be okay, although she was diagnosed as diabetic and is getting insulin injections every 12 hours. Am I begging for money to cover the $1,000 plus vet bill? ABSOLUTELY NOT! MY dog is MY responsibility! I bet her vet bill wasn't even $200. She herself said she wrote a check and that it was reasonable, so why is she begging for money to pay for it when she already did?! Oh, that's right -- because that's what she does best! She needs someone to finance her chosen lifestyle because she is too lazy to do it herself! I cannot believe the blind sheep that swoon at the chance to donate money to such an incredibly narcissistic individual. Jennafans appear to be too stupid to realize how she is playing them and ridiculing them at the same time. I have not watched any of her vlogs as I cannot stomach having that extra large head staring at me. It is soooooo creepy!

  20. Yep, she knew exactly what she was doing when she put her junk up for sale. She knew donations would pour in, even after she said the bill was reasonable and she paid it. Don't her fans even get this?

  21. Does anyone who lives near her know if she really released the hawk? I still can't believe there were no photos or breathless post describing the emotional release. I see she is getting rid of one of her "stuffed" animals. I sure hope it's not to make room for another one.

    Anyone know if there is a way to fact check this?

    1. It is so odd that she hasn't written about whether he tried to follow her home, or flew off into the sunset or showed up at her door. No details. Nothing.

      For someone so verbose, the silence is puzzling.

    2. Face it. He's dead. Right Jenna?

    3. Someone on her blog has asked twice now what happened and did she release Italics. Still no reply. Hmmmm....interesting....

  22. I find the whole operation pretty sickening at this point, but the one thing I've learned over the years is that karma does come a-calling -- but sometimes it's later rather than sooner. You can only pretend to be honorable, hard-working, independent and ethical for so long when you are not, and then one day the stars seem to align against you and the universe gives you reality check. I've seen it time and again. God gives lots of second (and third, fourth, etc.) chances, but when it finally comes through that you will not change your ways -- or even try to -- things come home to roost. Can't say how or when, just that the scales always seem to balance out in the end.

  23. The Last Will and Testament of Italics W
    I Italics, a bird of sound mind and feather do hereby declare that should my release not be videoed as anticipated that I never be forgotten because I am, frankly and forever, dead.
    Furthermore, let my remains be buried at CAF, not in practice taxidermy but in the earth or slow cooker if it so be.
    But my friends, I leave you this promise, when you see the hawk of morning know that it is not me, for I have been eternally released, forgotten and forever. Ye know not for whom the duck, turkey, horse or dog crows, it crows for me!

    1. Anon 7:53 - Whoever you are, keep writing. Love the comic relief. Your posts make my day!

  24. And yet?...she could buy a new fence charger. The wolf must no longer be at the door.

    1. With the money she has pissed away on that stupid electric fence she could have bought all the fencing she needs and not worry about escapes. I would have done that rather than buy the meadowbrook, but then Im more practical

    2. She probably bought it with the "Gibson vet donations"

  25. Someone posted on another thread that the "release" of Italics came just before her workshop. In other words, when people came to her house, it would explain the empty mews.

  26. Here is another terrific article about not quitting your day job after you buy your homestead - humorous, sensible - a great read. Thanks again to the Anon who turned me on to this web site!'tQuitYourDayJob.htm

    1. That article is brilliant and full of common sense. I have many neighbors in this situation. On the bad side, it's difficult to live two lives, on the good side, their mortgage is paid and they have emergency savings, because if there's one thing guaranteed in rural life, it's emergencies lol.

    2. Just read the article and it is good, common horse-sense. A no brainer really.Someone ought to send JW the link.

      Although for now, she seems to be able to get enough donations every time a "crisis" (read: things that happen to everyone) arises. Until the money supply is cut off, she has no motivation to look for work.

  27. I don't think I would have as many sheep escaping as JW does, even if I left the gate wide open!!

  28. Does anyone remember the Game of Life? At the end was 'the day of reckoning'.

    I am in my 60's now and the day of reckoning is coming close for me and my friends. The friends who worked, saved and spent wisely are enjoying a comfortable retirement. I have a few friends who lived by the seat of their pants, and let me tell you, things are not going well for them. No home ownership, no equity, no savings. But they do have failing health and debt. Not much time to catch up. Jobs are hard to come by at that age.

    Your peak earning years are the time to build a solid foundation for your future. That does not mean you can't enjoy today. It's called balance. No matter how much or little you make, a wise person can always find that balance.

    1. Great points, Anon. 3:07. If our 20's are when we really get started in our careers, our 30's and 40's are when we are really hitting our full stride, and when much of our earnings happen and our careers become established. It's also when the bulk of our retirement gets put away -- the funds that will earn the greatest amount of interest in a 401K or IRA, since they will be in there the longest. If you don't put much in during those years, it is extremely hard, if not impossible to catch up later on when, as you say, jobs are harder to come by. And then the "day of reckoning" is not pretty. But who knows, JW may know she's coming into a sizable inheritance or something and does not have to worry, or she's putting away a lot and just not talking about it. Time will tell. I hope she's not living as hand-to-mouth as she seems to be, because that will mean a very impoverished and deprived senior life, which could go on 30 or 40 years.

    2. Great points Hotflash. I work for a human services agecy and we see all spectrums. 20's who think they are entitled, 30's & 40's who tried to keep up with the jone's and lost, and retired seniors who never thought this day would come.

      With only 25% of baby boomers prepared to retire life is going to get very ugly for a lot of people.

      My sis has a friend who is 57 and just now putting money away. He thinks it's fine because at his age his IRA max is $7500 a year. Boy is he in for a rude awakening.

    3. Anon 1:20 - You make great points too. I don't think JW realizes it, but she is trying to keep up with the Joneses as well, except her Joneses have farms, horses and tractors. She wants their lifestyle without having to put in the work to attain it.

      She also has an attitude of entitlement. She wants this life and she wants it now and is going to have it no matter who ends up paying for it.

  29. What did she call Merlin? If you have to do groundwork on a 20+ yr old horse, you aren't much of a horsewoman.

  30. Yes, she is not a horse trainer, or even competent rider. She has had that horse how long? And still can't get him to go where she wants him to? Also, Jenna, do you *ever* groom that horse? have you *ever* pulled his mane or forelock? Do you *ever* wonder if maybe he is not happy going places because he can't see? I am sure you never *even* thought of it. Why do you constantly blather about your farm, but *never* show the animals? Are you hiding something? Just your big old face taking up the entire screen the *entire* time. Where are you getting all these tractors for these chickens? Wait…. I know!! You are having a Chicken Tractor workshop!!!

  31. But, but, but...if she trims Merlin's forelock or even braids it so he can SEE, he won't look as cool and won't fit the image of "feral mountain pony".

    Drives me crazy. Brush your hair over your eyes and see how fun it is to "gallop" around.

    1. Plus, it's just uncomfortable for the horse when you have all that hair on it's head and you put a halter or bridle on it without even brushing it. It can change the fit of the bridle, and where the bit sits in the mouth. Horses are extremely sensitive. The way she said he acted sounds like he might have a problem with his mouth, but then again, I've seen how she uses her hands, so it could be that too. You know how she hates to be bothered with details. Yes, I know all the Jennafans like to jump on us about being picky, but the difference between success and failure with horses is in the details.

  32. Why would she call her beloved horse names? With dogs and horses, if things aren't going as you would like them to, it's usually a training issue or handler error. There's a saying, "if your dog doesn't do what you want, roll up a newspaper and whack yourself on the forehead". Then fix your training.

    Sorry, but if anyone is acting like a dick, it's her.

    1. I should add, I also agree it could be a hair or mouth issue.

  33. Pictures just posted of Italic's release, very interesting...

  34. I could cry tears of joy for him. I hope she never gets another one.

    1. She said in her post that she was planning on getting another one in September? I think, I hope that by then her interest has subsided, we all know how she goes from one thing to another so quickly...

  35. Did you all notice that she was looking at the camera? For our benefit I bet ;) It makes no sense for her to get another, since most true Falconers take time to get to know a bird (for more than less than 2 years) and build a relationship. Jenna, do the world a favor, and leave the animals be.

  36. I'm glad to hear that rumors of Italics' demise have been greatly exaggerated. I just hope he is able to survive in the wild on his own. May he live long and prosper!

  37. Is it me or is the lineup for Antlerstock about the same every year? Why on earth would a person want to pay that much money to go see the same thing over and over? Kinda puzzled...

  38. In her post today she seems to think she got where she is by herself. She did not give credit to the many people who donated money for the down payment on her home, her horse and many other things. Also, she does not own the house - the bank does. She is deeply in debt and relies on the kindness of strangers to bail her out time and time again. She has taken money from people for product that she never delivered. It is not anything I would be proud of.

  39. My guess is she is doing her happy dance because she got a large influx of money. Possibly from the sale of her junk plus donations due to Gibson's injury. Anyone who has read her blog long enough has seen the pattern - crisis, beg, euphoria, repeat.

  40. Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain! I AM the great and powerful Oz of Farm!
    Just try and stay out of my way. Just try! I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!

  41. Really grossed out by her post today. I take care of about 30 times as many animals as she does and I shower at least once a day. I would hate to go to bed muddy and stinking. Do you think it is a ploy to beg for soap? Oh, wait, no, she does that goat milk soap workshop. Sign up for it so she can take more showers.

  42. She is gross. She is trying to make it sound kitchy, to be farmer who is sooo busy, she stinks. PLEASE. First, she is not farming. Feeding a few animals every day does not make her a farmer. Secondly, real farmers, who actually DO farm, make sure they are presentable before they go out in the morning, because they have pride for themselves. How do I know this? Because I am one. Every day I shower, because actual work makes one sweat, and stinky (not feeding a few animals every day). And when I go out I have on clean jeans and a clean shirt. It is not really a difficult concept to grasp. If you are proud of yourself, you do not allow yourself to stink. Good God. Furthermore Jenna, you are not self employed, you are on the dole. Once you wrap your head around the truth, maybe you can stop writing blog posts on your body odor.

  43. Can you just imagine what the people she was in there with thought, with her weird and stinky costume? My family used to farm and we never smelled or looked bad unless we were in the barn working with the hogs. But we would have never dreamed of going to bed and getting up and putting on the same clothes. GROSS! Of course, we had a washing machine and hung the stuff on the line.....sometimes in freezing might be board stiff but it always made it smell good!

  44. I think this was another one of those attention getting posts. Like "look, I'm so cool, I'm not like everyone else. I don't shower or wash my clothes and go into public like that".

    I sure bet she got attention in that store, and not in a good way.

  45. She must be really desperate for attention. First, to go into a store smelling bad to attract attention. Then, for those of us who cannot smell her, to write about it so we will all know.

    What is wrong with this girl?

    1. She thinks it authenticates her as sooo rural. I know a lot of real farmers and people who spend their time in the country and they don't smell! The real farmers I know have too much dignity and pride in themselves. You know, from actually fucking working.

  46. Gee, can't imagine why she can't find a boyfriend. Hmmm.

    1. I thought a while back she was dating the Brett (or Brent) guy -- or was he just a friend? Not that her dating life is much of the public's concern - BUT - she did put up a post a while back asking the readers to spread her blog around to available men. It's sort of sad to see how lonely she is thru the 'my life is grand' posts. :-/ Like she's trying to convince herself.

  47. Slob! Gross. It's one thing to be so dirty and smelly after a full day's work, but waking up that dirty? Gross. I can't imagine her bed. And what could she possibly be doing to get that dirty unless it has been DAYS since her last shower? She hardly has any animals!

  48. And don't forget she sleeps nude. With her dog. That bed must be filthy!

    1. Oh, wish I didn't know that.....ewwww.... :-p

    2. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  49. She forgot to mention something in her sheep post. Besides sheep being good for meat and wool, they are also good for starting a wool CSA, collecting money from loyal fans, then not delivering product or providing refunds.

    1. Yes but you don't really need living sheep for that.

  50. I'm amused that the woman who couldn't have a bad tooth pulled because "I'm a public figure" is apparently OK - even boastful - of the fact that she goes out and about in public filthy and stinking.

    1. Good point. Well, on the positive side, at least she isn't crowd funding soap and shampoo....yet..........

  51. Found another good article on - the author lists the equipment a new homesteader will need. The lists are really comprehensive - everything from outdoor equipment for clearing land for your house and garden, to the inside items like wash tubs, wash boards and wash broilers.
    The comment he made that stood out was: "Just because you are Homesteading doesn't mean you have to live like a barbarian."

  52. When we moved to the country, I had a friend who told me that you could tell the difference between city folk and country folk by when they took showers: City folk take theirs in the morning, so they'll be fresh for the office, and country folk take theirs in the evening, to clean off the day's farm grime and crap, so they get into bed clean. (which still leaves you pretty clean and fresh-smelling first thing in the morning as you start your farm chores or go into town on errands).

  53. HFH, this full-time-working-and-farming girl takes sometimes 2 showers a to be fresh for work, and the other before bed to wash off all the work I did at home after working away from home all day. :-)

  54. Ditto. I usually take 2 showers a day. One at night to get the mud and grime off, one in the morning so I go to work clean.
