Thursday, February 26, 2015

Have Facebook?

Please share the page I have created to highlight the abuse at Ayrshire Farm. I will create summaries of historical issues with supporting evidence, provide updates, and let you know how you can help.

Please like the page if you feel comfortable doing so. Every like is encouragement.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ball dropping 2015

Loudoun county animal care and control has proven useless.  They were useless back in July 2014 when They first got involved and still useless today.

They have a long friendly history with Ayrshire.

This is an email from the assistant commonwealth's attorney Jason Faw.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Criminal Minds

One of my pleasures while staying somewhere with cable TV is Criminal Minds.

The quotes in the episode "Alchemy" resonated with me after a dream I had this past week about Eddie.

He was sitting across from me at a table and we were sharing a meal. I thanked him for coming to me in my dream.  He told me whenever I eat we are sharing a meal. So sweet. Something Eddie would say...something he did say.

I truly believe in dreams.

Rossi: Spencer, if you want to feel better, you can't control the process. You have to let yourself grieve.
Reid: I'm not sleeping because when I do I dream of Maeve. When I see her I feel the sweetest relief imaginable.

 Permalink: Spencer, if you want to feel better, you can't control the proce... Added: May 01, 2013

Alchemy turns common metals into precious ones. Dreams work the same way, turning something awful into something better.

Rossi Permalink: Alchemy turns common metals into precious ones. Dreams work the ... Added: May 01, 2013

Friday, February 20, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Under the covers

Missing cali...but she is happy out on the couch.  Until I find a new place I'm sharing a bed with my ex and space is limited.

I best be getting out on my own again in her lifetime, I need cali snuggles!

I'm hitting up dime a dozen retail jobs this weekend. Waiting around for and after interviews is for the birds.  I need some pt gig in between.

Would love a farm job but it's a hard time of year to get farm work.

Haven't heard back from last weeks interview yet.

I live close to a horse racing track and might try to get work just doing stalls there..though it's through the individual horse owners so I need to make some calls in the racing community.

Not sure I'm up for exposing myself to more ethical conflicts which I'm sure will be present in the care and treatment of the horses...but what the hay!

In what world?

In what world in wining and dining down to a plated lunch with crystal and silver not a conflict of interest?

These are emails between loudoun county animal care and control and Ayrshire Farm.

Think the one can be wined and dined and remain unbiased?

Just the tip of the FOIA iceberg. It doesn't stop.

There's no room in animal abuse/animal rights for politics.


My new term

You're either sustainABLE

Or SustainaBULLshit

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What bothers me

Comments on CAF like this

"I love, and long for that life full time ( not having to go to work for 10 hours a day, and then come home to only live the life in the evenings, and Weekends (I will be there someday :) ) ! So, I know where you are coming from...I am sure you have worked a lot harder and thus are maybe a little prouder, but I completely understand the feeling!!"

She has not worked harder than someone working 10 hour days away from their home.

Jenna has begged her way into a early proud she must be.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Urgent reader question

I live in southeastern NC, where I can't ever recall winter temps dropping below about 15 degrees. Forecast is calling for temps as low as 0 to -5 (not accounting for wind chills) later this week.

I keep my flock on fenced-in pasture, with a coop that's made out of a 10x10 steel dog kennel (can be moved w/ 2 strong people), covered with tarps over the roof & 2 sides. In the winter we cover all 4 sides, including the door, which gets shut tight overnight. I may sound like a southern wimp compared to some of you, but this is record-breaking cold for us. I've stuffed the coop with extra straw, wrapped the roost bars in foam padding so their feet don't freeze, and triple-checked the tarps for tears or drafts. 

What do you all think? Is this going to be enough for them on a zero-degree night? I've kept chickens for a long time, but don't have experience w/ this kind of cold.

Fire away; I don't upset easily; just looking for any useful information/suggestions. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

In the works

There are many things in the works...behind the scenes by those in positions of authority and enforcement.

I'm so impatient.

About to start snowing here on Valentine's day. I can't help but think of the Ayrshire pigs and try to convince my powerless self that they are ok.

How are you spending your Valentine's Day?

I carted cali around and currently am watching the Julia child's movie with 2 dogs in my lap and a crown royal drink.  My now roommate got crown and dog food for valentines day. I'm not complaining.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

How cute

Loewe ist los VERFeb 12:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cali cart

It's gotten to that point.

My 10+ year old 3 legged dog needs her own cart.

The 2 little ones fit in the back...bonus!

I'm currently living in the mountains and pushing these dogs around is going to kick my arse into.shape quick!

I was weighed at the doctors last week and have gained 40lbs since June. Eek! Not working full time on the farm and emotional eating has done a number on me!

Hour of stroller time a day will help.

Who's who?


Who is who?!

Post what you feel comfortable sharing.

Meredith/early 30s
Pigs are my passion
Seeking the simple life and longing for a partner in crime.
Interviewed today for a really neat job opportunity!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chicken chat

Which is preferable for a flock of laying hens, free range or the use of a mobile tractor? 

Reader question #2

Is it you?!

Post a comment and I will post the question.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Today I met with an enforcement officer with the Virginia Department of Agricultural and Consumer Affairs to discuss fraud.

Very interesting.

Did you know each selling point needs paperwork confirmation to determine validity?!

Local, free range, the works.

You claim it you better be able to confirm it.

Münchausen syndrome by proxy


I wonder if that rooster had a name before the post or if there was anything wrong with him at all?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reader question #1

what is a good type of quiet laying hen for a first time chicken farmer? I want 2-3 - small and quiet - but good eggs. I want to make a coop and an outdoor run, then free range when I am home. 

...and go!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Must have missed it...

Raising 8-10 pigs a year?

"I started raising pigs a few years ago, with just one in the barn. Now I raise 8-10 a year and have a professional butcher come to the farm and dispatch and prepare the meat for me and the folks who co-own the pigs. "

Either I've missed HUGE parts of her blogging history, She raises pigs that she has never mentioned, or she shook her magic 8 ball to fill in the number of pigs raised per year.


If I was a betting woman if bet Merlin stands by the fence close to the house because it's the only place Jenna throws hay....the closest and most convenient place for her.  Too and she doesn't turn her goats out with him, for company and get the goats out of a lifetime in a stall.

I'd Like to see a pig picture.

Monday, February 2, 2015

They are everywhere

From Scratch Magazine

Evidently this publication has awarded Jenna Woginrich with some honor as a homestead blogger and will do a piece on her in their next publication.

I sent From Scratch the following and suggest you do the same.  Stories of her fraudulent practices continue to come in and the last thing this world needs is to honor a crook.

From Scratch,

Please reconsider Jenna woginrich from cold antler farm as an.award winner who you will highlight in a magazine. Jenna Woginrich has a long history of defrauding individuals of their money through her CSA programs, her Cold Antler Clan subscription, and her Webinar subscriptions.  She takes money and does not follow through with products.  Many have contacted the Attorney General and pursuing justice and compensation in small claims court.  As a farmer I would also like to comment on her poor animal husbandry practices leading to ethic consequences for the animals on her farm.  The mortality rate on her farm due to accidents and untreated illnesses are quite high and there are also.incidences of not providing urgent humane urbanization when necessary.

Here is a blog dedicated to the individuals Jenna has defrauded and their quest for justice.

The integrity and credibility of your publication is at risk by supporting Jenna Woginrich and Cold Antler Farm.

Thank you,
