Monday, January 27, 2014



Much more my style

Who was 392?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Working and warm

Getting through these low temps (ranging from daily lows of below 0 with wind chill to highs in the teens) in rejuvenated spirits!

Hope all is well on each and every home front.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Too cute

This is displayed in the maintenance shop of all places!

Wood, wire, a flap of leather and a bit of paint.

I am in desperate need of a craft day.

Paint and just about any material inspire me.

What fun projects are you longing to craft up?

Since my coworkers departed earlier this evening I broke the (returned 1/2 broken) 125 gallon easy for one person to use in the bed of a truck water tank, left the work truck with a dead battery infront of 2 parking spaces (able to get around but obnoxious none the less) filled with hay in preparation for a 5 degree night possible piglet check, and somehow unattached a wire connecting an electric fence to its power source...that I'm not comfortable or knowledgeable enough to consider fixing.

Hmmm, clearly tonight is not my night off to craft!

Though I'm thinking an extra early morning rather than an extra late night is in order.

Figuring out water for hundreds of pigs in weather that causes troughs to ice over almost immediately has been challenging! Not sure what works the best but am sure learning what doesn't. Raising pigs of this scale outdoors is extremely labor intensive.

My go to coworker in broken English sent me a text this morning saying despite the snow he thought his car would make it that he meant he didn't think his car would make it in.  When a follow up text clued me in that he may not be here panic struck! Thankfully he did show up, only to tell me I looked 'sad' or stressed. Ha, he has no clue!  Farming is a team effort.

In the fall I savored his days off and looked forward to working myself. In the winter, the thought of working alone almost had me in tears.  Other staff from various departments pitch in when they can, and its both a blessing and somewhat of a cursed lesson in patience.  Yes, I realize this might not be the most efficient way, that's because there isnt one in these temps.  Pick which version of inefficient you work with the best.  Personally I'd rather fill buckets from a frost free hydrant than deal with draining and keeping a hose thawed. I'm not sure how it works time wise, but of course I'm (probably/possibly not) right.

I look at my coworker draining a hose thinking with buckets I'd be done by now. They look at me filling buckets thinking they'd be done by now with a hose.

Either way its not summer vacation...tasks are more difficult, often unpredictable, and one just can't be prepared for everything!  But if I'm prepared for a and you're prepared for b and c is a phone call away somehow things get done.  You spend the day working your ass off and if you're lucky, able to help save someone else's.

I'm not comfortable (yet) driving the truck and trailer around this farm of narrow bridges, tight turns, and questionable field conditions but I know that when it reaches its destination there will be a functioning water trough, hay filled hut (wish it were straw but it has to be organic and organic hay we have), and food.

Sure, great minds think alike, but great successes stem from minds working together to  compliment each others individual greatness and strengths.

I have been bitch slapped by winter for the past 2 days...wake up call accomplished.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I relate to the 2

...on the left!

Need to get with the program today, much to get done.

I generally don't take lunch...fore its a momentum killer.

I did today and wish I hadn't!

Winter equals more work on this farm.

Frozen water and the constant need for fresh bedding

On your mark get set go

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Knitting needles make a better shoe horn

than a shoe horn makes knitting needles.

What does a shoe horn make better...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jen Ponton

Was just clued in on the fact a girl I went to grade school with is one seriously successful actress!

You go girl.

Came across this post of hers:

I was thinking earlier I need to write one Christmas thank you note a this is my public commitment to do so!

Please help hold me accountable.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Well bill?


Donations vs Product

Willy is on stall rest, recovering from a recent surgery.

Because he can not yet physically work, his owner has been keeping him stimulated and training him mentally through tricks.

Here he is painting.


She says 'take' and he holds the brush (pre dipped in paint) and like a pro makes brush strokes on the the canvas.

He even smiles on cue with his painting.

Too cool!

(expect now I have to train a pig to paint...though let a pig paint may be more like it)

I think she should sell them.

Simply framed, framed as requested, on actual canvas, or just on paper.

When asked what colors I would like him to use, I chose orange, yellow, and red.  She did not have orange paint to what orange you see is created through the combination of yellow and red strokes.

Pick your paints!

Would this be something you or anyone you know would consider purchasing?

I am encouraging her to give the public an opportunity to own one.

A painting actually made by Willy the horse..100% horse painted art!

What would you pay?

I'm curious as I'm a fan of as well as director of my own farm art. (FarmART...or fART for short).

Also curious, I never imagined many people donated to Jenna Woginrich at Cold Antler Farm.   I'am surprised at the amount of comments from those who have donated, some multiple times.

How much have you donated to the Jenna Show over the years?

...for those who regret doing to or feel cheated, don't. You were scammed. Theres a reason the word conartist exists.


Welcome to organiconstock 2014 folks(son)(darling)!

Sorry for the fuzzy pictures. It's been a high humidity muddy evening on the farm...and I use my phones camera as visual memory. Not smart really. I dropped it between my bibs and pants aiming for a pocket. Ergh. Need to be more careful.

Friday, January 10, 2014

August 1 2013 Cold Antler Farm Pigs

These are this year's pigs. 

At the very least, in a CAFO the animals are generally in temperature appropriate environments, draft free, and dry.

It's a toss up...

That shelter does not provide a dry draft free environment. That winter meat chicken bale hut would have provided better shelter.

...but poor poor Jenna, the most uncomfortable animal on the farm.

Pig puzzled?

In a recent post on Jenna Woginrichs blog Cold Antler Farm, she writes that her experience raising 4 pigs will soon come to a close.

Attached is a picture of 2 young pigs.

This picture is misleading as neither of those 2 pigs are at her farm. Why not post a current picture of the pigs mentioned in the post?

Id be proud of my accomplishment raising the 4 pigs and you'd be damn sure to see a picture of THEM in my post about THEM.


The photos below were taken last night. Such peaceful sleepers.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

In the barn elevator

I love it!

Be responsible for your choices.

...or ask others to fund those choices for you.

9 days old

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hmmmm hmmmm

I believe this might be worth looking into...

Do I dare?

Tuesday January 7th 2014

12:47 am

5 degrees F

Bundled up in layers:

1.  Strapless VS bra, purchased with a gift card given to me after my September 21st 2012 house fire.  I was asked by a coworker what would really help me, help achieve normalcy.  my response surprised me as it was truly the 'bare minimum' of comforts...bra and underwear.  In the blink of an eye I received a card from and in it a $100 gift certificate to Victoria's Secret. I purchased 2 strapless bras.  My previous strapless staples were partially burnt or melted beyond use.  I use 'use' loosely as my bust hardly demands *cue Otto Titsling* the need to be kept high and dry. Said bras mold to my body and because I always layer my beyond modest chest can enjoy bras of the strapless variety.  The wires in the bra poked through the fabric, stabbing me in the chest.  the left wire has been exhiled and completely removed, the right cup wire is about to meet the same fate.

2. Yoga VS bralette (That's a real thing right? My phone didn't recognize it). I pair this with above strapless bra to create my perfect breast coverage concoction. Ta da!

3. XL undies (tmi - thong if you must know. Jeans = works for me). XL you ask? Yes. I'm 5'6" and weigh 145lbs.  I HATE feeling cinched in my own clothes. If there's an indentation on my skin, whatever it is...its too tight. So, XL it is. I have no idea what adult woman can squeeze (ok, fit) into smalls or mediums.  Oh your generous 'genes'! Jk, all our genes are generous, from S to XL to XXXL.  We are woman! Rocking our jeans!

4. Men's sleeveless undershirt. Aka wifebeaters...hate that term. For over a decade, Jan-Dec, these undershirts have been second skin.

5. Converse jeans from Target. Purchased years ago and frivolously put on the back burner for not being perfect.  Now, post fire, they're perfect enough, except for the fact I'm allergic to the button and metal studs on the pockets. I thought maybe I had ringworm until I realized the correlation.

6. One pair of socks

7.  boots (will write a Columbia boot update soon - dissatisfied though)

8. Grey GAP sweater I found when sorting through prefire wardrobe. (rolling eyes at previous purchases)

9. Random pink light zipper jacket (broken center zipper and right pocket zipper, zippers...always the first to go)

10. American Eagle vest, purchased my junior year of high school...circa 2002?

11. Jacket from previous job (ZED - Zoning Evaluation Division) for a nearby county government.

12. Berne jacket. Christmas present from a lifetime ago.

13. Black Carhartt hand me down bibs

14. Fingerless gloves locally made from Alpaca/llama fiber and purchased at the Bluemont Fair fall of 2012. Best gloves ever.

15. Random scarf turned head wrap scarf combo. Need to find my go to hat!


On your mark, get set....GO (check on piglets)!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Even those with perfect lives on the outside suffer on the inside.

I'm going on day 2 of no medication for my CFS.

I have a Dr appointment tomorrow at 9:45 for a med check and hopefully a prescription refill.

In the past 48 hours I have been awake for only a handful of them. Those hours have and are being spent exhausted, feeling like I'm drowning in tired, guilty I am not helping my coworkers in such trying weather that makes our jobs more demanding and difficult, guilty my dogs are more idle than they should be expected to tolerate, and in tears. Dizzy, confused, sorry for myself and those I'm failing around me.

I'd give anything to earn exhaustion.

Tired of being tired.

I don't know how to cope.

I'm scared I'm viewed as lazy.

There's no fuel in my fire.

Space alien?

I beg to differ.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hut stuffing

6 degrees tonight


40lb 5 gallon bucket?

I haven't weighed a bucket full of feed myself, b75ut having asked twice in the past week how many lbs of feed that is I was told 25-30lbs.

I'm very curious what Jenna is feeding to fill a 5 gallon bucket with 40lbs of food. 

Believe me...if I was filling, lifting into the truck, and carrying 75ish (varies depending on how many are sent to market and age of piglets) 40lb buckets in a day I would certainly be stronger than I am. Mind you I generally work with someone so the load is split but on his days off its all me darlings/son!

Oh those foolish misguided nonbucket lifters. How stupid and pointless their must be. Not that mine is better than there's. It's not. It's simply just more meaningful and marvelous.

Now announcing bucket shop 2014!

Sign up for my bucket shop and receive a lesson on filling buckets, walking with your bucket, how to dump a bucket, bucket storage, and bucket care.  Come join the rest of us buckets as we fill 5 gallon buckets with cement, walk up a hill after running around in circles and all for the low price of $75! This is a steal can't beat this price. And get this, sign up within the next 2 days and receive a complimentary bucket! The perfect gift for yourself or a fellow bucket lover in your life.

If you have ever dreamt of holding, carrying, or looking at a a bucket don't delay...sign up now!

Today is the day to grab your bucket by the handle.

Btw, did she really make this comment....

'I don't have the time, ability, tools or money to cut or purchase a full year in advance right now. When I can or am able, I will. I spend the whole summer collecting and cutting up just enough to get through to spring.'

Does she know spring has not yet arrived which means she should be full up?

...and yes carrying 20 huge logs and balancing a coffee? Id love to see that.

Didn't she buy her truck new? I imagine she took a hammer to the heat to become martyr. Welcome to the real world Jenna...where at some time or another the majority of us have not had functioning heat or ac in our vehicles.

Boohoo, remember the child soldiers? shut the f up about your heatless truck. You are the biggest whiny fragile delicate fake farmer Ive ever had the pleasure of not meeting.  Life must be so difficult for you sitting in your truck judging the lives of women you know nothing about.

Perhaps that fancy beautiful woman with her children were in a borrowed vehicle after selling theirs to pay for a childs medical treatment. Perhaps it was purchased with life insurance money from her deceased husband, the father her children will grow up without. A fancy SUV she would gladly trade for one more moment with her best friend.

Give it a rest.  You are blessed beyond belief and should be a helping hand, not begging for help with your hands out.


Long day

12 hour day ending in a beautifully snow cover farm.

Tuesday visitors

My moms twin sister and her animal science previous (once a farmer always a farmer) farmer husband.

We had a blast!

Tuesday visitors pt 2

My youngest brother!

He's a helicopter flying Army Officer.

Heading overseas in February.

Can't wait to have him back home in the states and he hasn't even left yet.

I need to gear up on care package plans.

So proud.

Prim and polished

For Christmas my mom got me a pair of Columbia boots. My feet have been dry since Tuesday...they're still in shock.

I felt super weird being photographed so clean...out of the dryer 'overhauls' and new boots.


I took a picture of my bottom (better...jk) half at the end of my work day and sent it to her. Needed to redeem myself and give her a visual of just how much those boots were appreciated. Wet, muddy, and dirty on the outside...but clean, warm, and DRY on the inside.

Unbelievable she was able to pick out boots that I really do love and fit like a glove.

Now that the snow has cleaned them off and I can actually see what they look like Ill try and figure out what model boot they are. They are super light weight which is important and while i couldnt stand in the shallow end of a pool and stay dry they keep day to day moisture out.

Thank you mom!

Sadie is doing better after taking a few steps back. Monday night she was active and interested in food but Tuesday was back to sad eyes and no interest in food.

She's currently on day 2 of treatment for coccidia which I'm fairly certain she has. I've fostered enough dogs to identify it in a blind sniff test..Jk jk.

Today she ate a small meal, played with a squeak toy, and didn't shit in the house!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Muddy boots and new sick ward

Belly and me

My mother came for a quick visit this week.

A few photos...

(can only post 2 at a time from my phone)

Pt 1

Belly, the pig I'm petting below, has somewhat turned himself into the farms pig production mascot. I'm not really sure what my coworkers think of him...or me, but it will be an especially sad day when his time comes.

My presence on this farm has influenced many of my coworkers perceptions when it comes to the pigs.  No longer are they merely labor intensive animals that require an extensive amount of work. Descriptions have become names and pigs have become friends.

Pigs are opportunistic in many ways, my favorite being their affection seeking nature. They are unlike any animal. While curious most are initially indifferent to physical interaction with humans. How quickly that changes after a little one on one time. A few pets pats rubs and  scratches later and you'd think we've been lifetime friends. Once that connection has been made, man oh man are you in trouble! Not only do I represent food, water, bedding...but massages and belly rubs!

Life is good for person and pig.

It has been special to watch some of those I work with start to slow down a bit and