Thursday, May 28, 2015


I don't know how many unique views the blog gets.


  1. Yes your blog will just continue to grow as The cult of Jenna followers convert to al out disbelief in their idol

  2. I think it's heartening that a watchdog blog such as yours gets such good stats. Totally well-deserved, Meredith.

  3. What's the point when no changes are ever made. I'm so disheartened over this Ayrshire Farm pig abuse ordeal and NOTHING has been done to help the pigs. All it has done is show the farm what nonprofits, the county, and state are willing to allow. its makes me sick.

  4. Please don't get discouraged. When people who read your blog start spreading the word to family and friends, and telling stores why they as a customer will never buy meat from THAT farm, things can happen. Look how Food Babe was able to help make necessary changes to the way some restaurants handle things. Pressure from her readers made a difference but, it didn't happen overnight. Don't give up now...small, steady steps make a difference.


    1. Valerie, Food Babe is an uneducated pseudo-science practitioner. She has successfully used social media and it's inane followers to garner attention for silliness, at least in the beef realm which is what I monitor. She cannot be taken seriously....kind of like a fundamentalist homeschooler trying to teach a class evolutionary biology.

    2. Anonymous 9:28, why would you find it necessary to make a comment like that? All I was trying to do was give Meredith a little bit of encouragement - which I thought she needed. Were you trying to make anyone who reads Food Babe feel stupid? What about homeschoolers? People who don't believe in your definition of evolution? Was it all directed at me? Or were you just trying to stir the pot and get things going?

      I really am sorry if I offended you that much by mentioning Food Babe. Funny thing - I don't follow her. I just know she has made an impact, whether you agree with her or not, and people take notice of what she has to say. She started out with slow steps and didn't stop. Maybe you can come up with a better example without offending someone in the process?

      I don't want to see Meredith get so discouraged. What she is doing is a good thing.


    3. I agree with what Meredith is doing. She is basing her actions on logic and morality. Your example of Food Babe is exactly as I described it. The fundie homeschooling analogy is right on track too. You didn't offend me; I just get sick of the "squeaky wheel getting the grease". It seems if people say something enough times, other people start to believe it. I'm a beef farmer and I have to call out people who mislead.

    4. Geez- be nice. You could have easily educated or disagreed with Valerie without being such a jerk. Is being right really worth making someone else feel like crap?

  5. I agree. Watchdog groups, blogs, etc. exist to let the public know there is a problem. Then it's up to consumers to vote with their wallets and not fund unethical places. As Valierie pointed out, it's small steady steps over time. Nothing, even very bad things, change overnight.

  6. Meredith, this seems to be a real David and Goliath situation. You didn't get justice through the legal system but you still stood up for what is right. Your documentation remains as a testiment to the truth.

  7. Meredith - Don't get discouraged. You are probably making a difference in ways you can't imagine. I just heard a saying that when the light goes on, the roaches run away. The people at Ayreshire know they are being watched. I'm sure there are changes being implemented for the better.

    And with the spotlight on CAF, you may have prevented other people from losing money.

    1. ^^^^^^^X2----- They know they're being watched and if that brings change then that's a win.

  8. There is no statute of limitations on the truth. Those who want the "problem" and the bad publicity to go away (including those who sought to run away or pay others to speak for them) are not off the hook
    You are not alone although it is hard for you
    because you were there for so long and had to deal
    with it every day and keep voicing your concerns to
    no avail as you continue to do. This issue isn't done
    with yet- I believe you know it. You are dealing with moral cowards and money can't protect them forever from accountability.

    1. Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement. This especially touched my heart and I have read it several times. I know what those people are capable of and it haunts me every moment of every day. They are evil.

  9. As others have said, you may not have the outcome you'd like, but you have made a difference. You're efforts have certainly made people more self-aware of how they should be treating their animals. I'm sure Ayrshire has not enjoyed this process and wouldn't like to repeat it. At the same time, their peers have been watching and have likely taken note. You've given it your all.
    As I've mentioned before, now is probably the time to begin your journey to having your own animals (baby steps) to setting the standards for care and be an example to others. You've done well.

  10. Meredith, You can't always control or change the actions of others - especially not easily. You can use your beliefs to have your own pig farm and educate others through that so that more farms like the one you are fighting don't crop up. That doesn't seem to be enough for you, which I understand, but it is a real and concrete step that YOU can control.

  11. I won't stop or back down until I know those pigs aren't at constant risk of abuse or neglect.

  12. I won't stop or back down until I know those pigs aren't at constant risk of abuse or neglect.
