Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sadie and littles


  1. Adorable!! Not sure how to interpret the body language though. Littles dissing Sadie, feigning (or real) indifference to having his pic taken, showing off his profile, or just attention elsewhere. And there is a world of feelings and experience in Sadie eyes. Not on twitter but #love dog !!

  2. Littles needs a bit of exercise. Make him earn his dinner.

    1. He has wonky rear legs which makes exercise tough (attempted water therapy in a trough while holding him...terrible idea!). Littles is chunky and that's ok. Sometimes I have him run for kibbles but often he and I are ok with him being a chunky lap dog.

    2. He has wonky rear legs which makes exercise tough (attempted water therapy in a trough while holding him...terrible idea!). Littles is chunky and that's ok. Sometimes I have him run for kibbles but often he and I are ok with him being a chunky lap dog.

    3. All the more reason for him to be skinny. Hope you can find a way for him to get in shape without hurting himself.
