Saturday, March 28, 2015

She fell asleep...

...wishing she had a husband and children.

Increasingly jealous of the women who do.

That much is obvious.

Admit it.

There's nothing wrong with longing for a family.

I do.


I have 3 dogs and don't give 2 shits about x files.

I fall asleep missing my 2 favorite voices.

I fall asleep longing for the morning I will wake up as a part of a team.

What relief and joy that will be.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Faris Nassar My Friend

You were a beautiful man.

I cherish (almost) each memory of you.

Only you know what you meant to me.

I never thought we would run out of time.

Strong, courageous, loyal, witty, funny, compassionate, forgiving, focused, handsome.

You had it all.

I'm sorry I wasn't there.

Thick and thin friend.

Friday, March 20, 2015

West Wind Acres


This man should have had animal cruelty charges brought against him in 2012 over Joy...the horse he was starving to death.  That picture is of a clearly emaciated horse.

The pony in the video with "elf" hooves is neglect plain and simple...trimming the ponies hooves would have prevented that condition.

My heart breaks for the 30 pigs with frost bite. It saddens me they were not confiscated as well.

The two pictures I saw include neglect of hooves and gross neglect in feeding that mare.

Thankfully authorities are handling this situation appropriately.  To defend this man is foolish. To defend the condition of those animals shown in the video is idiotic.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Real farms?

From Cold Antler Farms recent post...

" Go to it and expect healthy animals, scrappy conditions, and a family starting a business of good food in a culture where reputation and community ends all."

Not all beginner farms or farmers are scrappy. Many have business plans, many take pride in themselves and their property and you realize immediately when you drive up, many have loans for proper fencing and shelter for their animals...and if not, they don't have excess animals.

"Real farms have more going on than just a half dozen show hogs in the barn or a handful of hens in a heated, painted, coop. Real farms care about things like body condition, hydration, infections, and consistent care."

Didn't she once post a "real farmer" is what's in your heart or something similar?

Yes Jenna, on real farms there is consistent care...not gates frozen shut, infections should be prevented and/or's that ewe by the way? Consistent care...I won't even begin.

"We are the ones outside driving tractors to make ice breaks in streams and carrying buckets to animals when pipes freeze. WE are the ones making sure that there isn't a sign of discomfort or pain in the animals we care for."

Really? Considering the source this is why you shouldn't believe everything you read.

"Because Josh, like many of us raising animals up here, are students of farms such as Polyface, which welcomes guests to visit and see the farm for themselves."

Students of Polyface? I can't think of one similarity between Polyfaces teachings and Cold Antler Farm. 

Posts like this are why it is imperative to dig deeper.  Claims, good marketing, a nice website, and pretty pictures does not a farmer make.

A lesson in roosters

Cali learned a good lesson today...and it was taught by that black rooster.

Don't mess with roosters.

The best kind of lesson is self taught and the rooster did just that. He quickly let cali know not to mess with him!

I don't trust her with the hens but only the boys are free ranging today and cali hasn't shown interest at all since their encounter. She tucked tail and ran to the door.

Thank you rooster!

Never thought my dogs would coexist with cats let alone 3 or cali could not lunge wildly at roosters.

All it takes is the cat that won't run and a proactive rooster.

This obviously wouldn't be the case with all dogs but it is with mine.

Friday, March 13, 2015


The stove hadn't been touched or fussed with since midnight.  I stirred what little coals there were and put some pieces of kindling from a log I broke down yesterday.  This wood isn't even seasoned and boom...with the door open and air flowing I've got a fire.

Silly product names

If I were to sell goats milk soap I'd call it "soats goap".

You have any funky silly or plain stupid product names?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sunsets and saddles

This group has a too few many roosters and as a result of frequent mating the hens have bald patches on their backs.

Chicken saddles prevent the wear and tear.  Less roosters and/or more hens prevents the problem.

All of these chickens were raised from from chicks and the family is having a hard time determining which roosters to sell or give for now chicken saddles it is.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


It feels like daffodils

I love you people!

That is all.

The things you do for my sanity you will never know.

I.just read the comments on the lamb post and don't think.I've ever closed a browser that fast.

I'm not saying anything because it's not nice....actually I take that back.


I'd call them uneducated and misled but think of how they would blindly support Jenna and...well....


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jennas lambs

You all need a place to vent so here it is

I.have so much.on my plate but this portion of a comment resonated with me. How does someone prioritize neglect?

 "Many of us are farmers and livestock owners ourselves, and would NEVER dream of neglecting our animals that way, even if they aren't prize-winners. 

She is lazy and neglectful and making excuses. Anyone who supports this behavior is totally and utterly clueless. "

She needs to get rid of all those animals.

Does she not know horses can be ridden, groomed, and exercised in the winter? When it's cold? Snowy?

I can't imagine being ok with not having access to an.animal.  how does she do.water? Lift buckets over fencing?  That woven wire she has is not taunt and wouldn't hold weight.

Monday, March 9, 2015

I need YOUR support

As this campaign for accountability and abuse ending continues please check out the Facebook page The Truth Behind Ayrshire Farm.  I don't believe you have to be a Facebook user to look at it.

Also consider signing the petition to reopen the closed criminal animal cruelty  investigation of Ayrshire Farm.

I have a criminal complaint in the works but due to the statute of limitations reopening the criminal animal abuse case would include all the abuses.

Finally, consider donating to my efforts to fundraise a witness that would be flown in (3rd party inspector)

Thanks all.

For more information and how you can help the abused, neglected, and inhumanely treated pigs at Certified Organic and Certified Humane Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA please follow, like, and share the link below. Ayrshire Farm is owned and operated by nationally recognized animal rights advocate Sandy Lerner and Large Livestock Manager/Licensed Vet Tech is Crystal Ritenour.

Hearing Date!

I have a hearing date for my criminal animal cruelty complaint against Crystal Ritenour.

Better late than never but wish in had initiated this in July.

Due to the statute of limitations there is so much that will not be addressed.

Mastitis is pigs

Ayrshire Farm and Cold Antler Farm have more in common than I thought.

Pictured: untreated mastitis @ Ayrshire Farm

Catijoe Farm

Cold Antler Farm meets Ayrshire Farm

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jenna isn't freaking poor!

Jenna is poor...

- p
+ f
- r
+ l

What is the quote...a fool and their money soon part?

I wrote this in a reply but think it warrants a post of its own.

In response to the screenshot:

"I make the money I need to cover my bills, and it is when a lot of horrible things happen at once I fall behind. "

Case in point. She makes the money to cover her bills yet has never not been behind. She spends her mortgage and on playing and toys.

a lot of horrible things happen at once = I spend all my time and money on toys and playing

So let's revisit that statement

I make the money I need to cover my bills, and it is when I spend all my time and money on toys and playing  I fall behind.

That is more like it...

What Jenna says is not true.

This post is using her as an example as there are con artists and manipulative people everywhere.

Charity and helping those in need is absolutely necessary for those in positions that require it.  I've given and received and it is a lifesaving cycle. 

Please do not let yourselves be fooled by fools.

Does that mean you may doubt a genuine situation? Perhaps...but due diligence will confirm their need.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tear jerking

From mustang to a partner that is a mustang

Extreme Mustang Makeover: They Won!!!:

Monday, March 2, 2015

Nightly reading haha

Nanny Meredith

Love that the kids I watch have chickens and a wood stove.

It grounds me.

Out of the woods and back to the cow filled valley.

Sunday, March 1, 2015






I'd be excited over $8.50 donation...spammy jerks.

DIY blog request

"Can anyone recommend a good homesteading blog with DIY stuff?"


For more information and how you can help the abused, neglected, and inhumanely treated pigs at Certified Organic and Certified Humane Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA please follow, like, and share the link below. Ayrshire Farm is owned and operated by nationally recognized animal rights advocate Sandy Lerner and Large Livestock Manager/Licensed Vet Tech is Crystal Ritenour.

If the link does not work please Facebook search "The Truth Behind Ayrshire Farm"

If you would like to donate to help the aid in the court case see here

Here we go!

Taking matters in my own hands.

Should have done this in July of 2014.