Thursday, November 6, 2014

Geography "son"!

Interview yesterday...GIS desk job.

Not ideal but need to dig myself out of 5 months not working.


  1. Good for you! I hope it works out.

  2. Good luck! I work with a GIS program and it's not that bad. :-)

  3. Good luck! Hope it works out for the best!

  4. Congrats on your job! I'm not familiar with GIS - could you explain what you do? Thx!

  5. Make sure you exercise, sitting = death

    1. I know :( thankfully there is some field work acting as a liaison between the county and rural land owners concerning land stewardship/easements. I do dread the idleness but hope getting my GIS skills back up and running and I steady REAL paycheck will work to my advantage over time. Agriculture, even hobby farms, could greatly benefit from the plethora of GIS tools. Working on farms won't ever financially pay off to the point I could afford to own a farm. Pasture pig positions are almost nonexistent and any that do pop up only include pigs as a small portion of the farms production...and is basically slave labor disguised as an internship or apprenticeship with little or no stipend. I'm 30 and have serious skills I should be compensated for. I am moving away from the "educational" opportunities in farming to busting butt for awhile to create and learn through my own farming venture at some point in the hopefully near future. Also, livestock production is very personal and my animal husbandry practices are at a higher level than most. I mentally and emotionally can not work alongside or for individuals who exploit or abuse their animals (even those in the organic/humane circles) for a buck.

    2. Good on you. Good luck, and I hope you get the gig!

  6. Nothing wrong with a desk job. It's good honest work and it pays the bills.

  7. Just don't turn into a poodle.

    1. As a child my first dog love were poodles. My dad would call them circus beasts to get me all worked up. I had a white stuffed poodle named fiffi and my token Christmas ornament around age 6 was a little white poodle. Not into them so much anymore but to each their own! Most people wouldn't be into owning a 3 legged pit bull mix, a Chihuahua, or a feisty little Sadie terrier mix but that's my little crew!

    2. Every time I remember those comments about poodles, I think of the poodles sent into the trenches during WWII. They were fearless and courageous. I'll be proud if anyone ever calls me a poodle. Smart and tougher than they look.

    3. I've known some pretty badass poodles.

      That being said, Poodles are not only beautiful, but highly intelligent. HotFlash, you are certainly a poodle!

    4. Why thank you, Anon. 9:42!! I'll wear my poodle-hood with pride!

  8. I don't understand why JW loudly proclaims herself a "dog person" and "doesn't get" people who aren't, yet regularly shits on any breed that's not a border collie--in the infamous poodle post, of course, but just this week she was ragging on pugs on facebook.

  9. I was, of course, being facetious about poodles. I saw her question about pugs too and wondered what was wrong with her. I've known quite a few pugs, and whatever you think about them, they have a way of winning you over with their absolute cuteness.

  10. What was she saying about pugs?

    And what's wrong with "to each his own"? That's why there are so many different breeds. A breed to suit every personality type.

    1. On FB she said she didn't "get" pugs and asked if anyone could explain them.

  11. Meredith - Is this a government job? If so, it'll be a good gig. They usually pay well and have good benefits.

    From your description, it sounds like it'll be a good fit for you.

  12. I took a state government job for awhile. It was one of the most miserable jobs I've ever held, but combined with some seriously frugal living, was able to put a down payment on my current farm after three years. Ten years later, and much more seriously frugal living + many hours' hard labor farming, & the mortgage is @ 75% paid off.

    It can be done, so long as you don't harbor any ridiculous romantic ideas of "living like fiction."

    1. Now that's what I call plucky determination!

    2. Wow, and without taking donations from the public or raising kickstarter funds to pay your bills! Now that IS something to be proud of.

  13. Kudos to you and your decision to stick with it. You can be proud that your hard work and frugality is paying off.

    I had a government job too, and between that and frugal living, I was able to retire early,debt free. There are no wolves at my door - only my dogs who want to be let in after a romp in my paid for backyard.

    1. Forgot to add, this is in response to Anon 3:12

  14. Thanks to frugal living and finally paying off the house, I'll be leaving my government job next June. Can't wait to work my side business on a full-time basis!

    1. Anon 8:37 - Congratulations on your success. The amazing thing about hard work and frugal living is that it works!

      I'm not seeing any haters on this blog. Just a lot of smart, savvy, hard-working women who may get a little crotchety at some of the nonsense on the other blog.

      When I was working, I had savings automatically deducted from my paycheck. I always thought of it as sending it ahead - sort of like a gift from my younger self to my older self. I sure appreciate that gift today.

      When you work hard and live frugally, you build a good foundation. Then when the big, bad wolf comes around, he won't be able to blow down your house.

      Meredith, I hope this job comes through for you. Sending good thoughts your way.

  15. Have you started the new job, or found out anything yet?

  16. Nothing yet, should know by the end of the week. 44 applications and I was one of six interviewed.

    We shall.see!
