Thursday, January 29, 2015

Skinny being a big bad BOAR

Skinny is the boar on the left of the fence.  He is in with 3 gilts.  338A, 339A, and 332G.  All of these pigs would have died without my intervention at Ayrshire Farm.  I was contracted to purchase the group but after being inspected the contract was reneged on by Crystal Ritenour and Ayrshire Farm after their inspection by Humane Farm Animal Care.

Skinny got BIG didn't he?

Across the fence is 3 barrows and 1 gilt.  He wants the girl and wants those boys out of the picture!

Thankful for electric to keep all pigs safe. 

You certainly wouldn't want to mix these two groups.  There's no point to mix the 4 market pigs on the right with the 4 breeding pigs on the left.

I had segregated the 4 on the left as they were unthrifty and falling behind and needed a little supplemental care and less stress.  Even putting them in areas with less pigs can immediately help the stress level go down, and the health of the animals go up. 

Because Ayrshire Farm could not even tell me what happened to not organic pigs, I thought it might be worth breeding the not organic females to see if we could raise and slaughter their organic piglets.  This would turn a loss into a profit!  Skinny as always on the farm because he was "mine".  I never had him weighed (how we sell them) because I was to be there through September 2014 and didn't want to stress him by weighing him the summer.  I was offered a price per pig (regardless of weight) and had scheduled a date to purchase and pick up these 4 pigs and was totally screwed over by the sadistic individuals at Ayrshire Farm after they were inspected.

For now, enjoy this video of a HEALTHY Skinny.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Sadie camo


I miss him more than I could ever describe.


He was being starved at Ayrshire Farm when I began my internship.  Here are some videos of him soon after I won over his trust. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Traditional Anniversary Gifts

Anyone ever given and/or received?

Do tell!

I just love them!

Speaking of I'm single!

this means another move, probably not in this are because of the high cost of living. I'm not sure what I'm going to do or where I'll go...

So tired of instability.

Before I had the house fire I spent most of my extra money on fostering and rescuing dogs and on infrastructure where I rented so I could have the garden, chickens, and pigs. 

After the fire I realized I Did not have a supportive family when it came to alternative living arrangements, even temporary...and I've been scrambling since.  The farm job wasn't smart financially only getting a small stipend.

The next few months are going very trying and difficult.

Please send good wishes my way as I try and rebuild, starting from scratch.

I'm just exhausted with everything. Always on the move.  Being loyal to my convictions and dogs has brought me to a place I didn't imagine I would be.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Little scarf!

Working on this scarf.

Started brown, realized I was running low and switched to red, and will finish it with brown.

Add some fringe and maybe sell?

What are you all working on?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

TLC Pig Specialists?

How do I link? The URL is like a generic FB simple thing.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

TLC Pig Specialists

I started a Facebook group for everything related to humanely raising pigs

I hope to get enough farmers involved to eventually build an interactive map for people to locate the closest farm to support and purchase ethically raised pork products.

Please join and contribute or enjoy discussion or pictures.

The group is in it's infancy so be patient as it grows.

Feel free to share with any interested or potentially interested individuals.

Outreach and education will help local farms and hurt factory farms bottom line.

Search FB for the group: TLC Pig Specialists

Saturday, January 10, 2015

I love her shadow

Lazy much America?

No need to break.


Personality Type?

Meyers Briggs revisit.

Many moons ago I was an INFJ.

Today? Still an INFJ.

This is one of the most rare personality types...and likely why I often feel alone in my thinking and feeling.

INFJ = protector

Meredith = guardian of the sea, the chief

Also a Gemini.

Do you ever sometimes feel like being yourself is exhausting?

What personality type are you?

I'm curious what crowd this blog draws.

That's me...

Portrait of an INFJ - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
(Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling)

The Protector

Google Meyers Briggs and take the test and report back!

Yesterday was Calis 10th birthday.  Its hard to believe we have spent a 1/3 of my life together!  My side kick that one!

She is young at heart and seemingly fit as a fiddle.

I'm thankful for Cali and all she has taught me.  My path certainly would have been different if not for her, but I wouldn't change a thing or trade the difficulties for 10 years of smooth sailing.

This picture was taken today. I had to pause when moving furniture for a classic couch on the front porch in West Virginia shot.  She loved it.  Sofa and Sun!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Interview this week.

VERY down my ally

Full time but variable hours, not strict 9-5.

physical outdoors at times working with animals working with the public making a difference challenging rewarding

I was requested to submit my resume for the position that has been "open until filled" for quite some time

So excited!

This isn't even one of the 2 things in the works.  It's a bonus 3!

If this comes to fruition I will truly have a change of heart from disgruntled and frustrated to disgruntled and hopeful.

Things have to turn around at some point and I firmly believe someone finally noticed all I am and have to offer.  They see a spark that includes experience passion and potential.

Here goes nothing! 

Remind me if this doesn't pan out there will be other opportunities.

I think I can I think I can...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Debts unpaid

Debts before ponies and kittens please

Jennas busted

Homesmutting at it's finest.

Don't get enough attention with the dark rimmed glasses Harry potter look?

Ditch it.

Don't get enough attention in the kilt clan look?

Ditch it.

Don't get enough attention pulling the dwarf hobbit card?

Ditch it.


Prey on men's visually sexual nature by pouring her tits out for all to see...and commenting on her bust in the event someone might have glossed over.

I can just picture this photo op...hold on...let me pull my shirt down further and lean over a bit more.

What's next? A nip slip?

An oops I leaked a sex tape vlog?

How desperate for attention can one be?

The comments are disgusting and she totally asked for them.

I'm tempted to delete anything Jenna on this blog. This cry for attention is just too much.

I mean...this is really too far.

If one is this desperate and deranged I fear she might be suicidal.  Its obvious she hates her life, is not accepted in any circles, and feels like she lives on the fringe of society.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Duck duck dead

Yet I got hit by a car and died?

Can't stomach watching her videos.

Was he found on her property?

The 6 acres she spends all day doing chores and hunting on?

If there was a dead cat on 6 lost cat I'd know...or at the very least my dogs would alert me to it...or the vultures.

If only poodle people walked everywhere the cat wouldn't have gotten hit.

The same poodles that she depends on to drive over to fix her truck for free.  The poodles that pick her up to but feed and hay.  She doesn't get small amounts at a time because she doesn't have money but because she has the time to waste doing it every few days.  Real farmers buy hay in bulk only a few times a year not a month. What farmer has time for that?  Its like an accountant buying one pencil at a time or a chef buying one tomatoes a day.

How many cats of hers have died since she started blogging?  Seemingly young never mentioned to have any sicknesses died?

1. Female kitten from feed store
2. Main coon female
3. Main coon male
4. Yeti

Who am I missing?

Does she still have one cat? B..something or did he die or go.missing too?

Friday, January 2, 2015


Sounds like torture.

Is it suggested to keep a wild bird in a home?

Must be sweltering for an animal that is used to and intended to be outside through the winter.

So sad.

All this for what?

I thought the hawk was going to provide for her.  In true fashion she tool on something else she needs to provide for.  This one netted and captured from the wild.  Disgusting.  She might as well have a monkey dressed up riding a bike (hey put it in a kilt and give it a bow and arrow and she would be all for it)...for a wild hawk forced into captivity and held captive in the "towers" is the same thing.

I can't imagine.

I'm the girl that contacts wildlife rescues for squirrels to vultures and even a great horned owl.  For some the pleasure in in releasing animals back to the wild...for others it is trapping them and removing them from the become a tolken of grandeur on the mantle.