Monday, December 23, 2013

Dark at 3:45 pm?

Not a chance.


  1. Well, that comment of hers makes as much sense as any of her others. ;) Unexaggerated truth isn't her strong suit.

  2. That post was all over the place! Good's like she was trying to cover a year's worth of topics in one zigzagging blog post.

  3. Yep...according to Google, sunset in Jackson, NY is at 4:22 p.m., so I'm fairly certain pitch darkness wasn't a problem.

  4. What a rambling incoherent post. We have a saying amongst those of us who write for a living..."verbal vomit". Just spewing out whatever pops into your head.

  5. Pure fantasy. I couldn't even read it.

  6. Commenting has been disabled on that post, and moderation has been enabled on the others. Nothing like sifting through the commentary to skew her public image. Definitely not dark at 3:45, not even in a blizzard. That's the way liars work, they start to believe their own line of crap and can no longer tell the difference between reality and their own fantasy. What's next, unicorn sightings?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That was quite possible the worst "creative" writing I have ever seen. I could not follow it.. at all.

  9. Did anyone notice that the gates were frozen- this is after we hit 50 degrees for two days? Frozen since when? The 17th when it was last horribly cold? This of course means she has not opened any gates since um, at least the 17th.. which means she has not laid hands on any of her animals-- that you need to enter gates to get through. Um, I had to move snow to open my gates, but it was slush and easy enough to do. Sorry Merlin, Jasper, sheep, you are now officially at the bottom of the roster.. Hope you don't get sick.

  10. There was a lot of hay piled against one of them in a recent photo. I would think with hay being such a scarce commodity at CAF that she would put the hay in a rack of some sort, not on the ground to be wasted. Oh, wait, it's not her money that's buying the hay.

  11. I took the above picture at 4:25 on Sunday!

  12. Wow... no checking on the sheep at close range, no cleaning the ice and mud out of the horses feet, nor checking them over. Just... wow.

  13. I didn't understand the gate comment, but I guess it makes sense if a gate is nothing more than a fence rather than used for its intended hinged purpose of swinging open and closed. the photo of Merlin and Casper eating hay tossed over the gate verifies it is not readily used. what person, specifically an 'experienced farmer' feeds on the ground of the most heavily traveled paths? They don't. its like directly throwing feed (and money) in the compost.

    1. Jasper rather...though Casper may be more appropriate. he's basically invisible and the blog certainly never sees or hears of him.

    2. he he...word play. Your post made me check the picture, and its clear the hay was tossed over the gate. The trail in the snow is in the middle, the hay is spread arm's width, and the ends have clearly not been moved. Plus, I think it may not be secured on the right side, just kind of tilted against the post, like you'd do with a chair to block a door. BTW, I wonder how that hawk likes living indoors these days. With all the chicks she's lost to indoor predation (you know, being torn to death, graphic, but true), could you imagine losing a bunch of chicks to a hawk indoors? Now that would be really trailblazing!

    3. Or losing a hawk to a Husky?

  14. The hay is tossed over the gate for all the animals. She does not go in with any of them- ever- unless she absolutely must. Go look at the vids of her "garden" and see the monumental pile of hay compost in the sheep pen. She must be competing to build the largest rotted hay pile in the north east.

    1. Seriously? She doesn't go in and check on her animals? If that's the case, it explains why she has such a high loss rate on her livestock.

    2. Based on her hawk walk video she spent hours walking with her was a 'slow' day. priorities?

  15. ummmm....

    In her most recent video on the blog, she has the hawk flying from the dining room chair to her hand...and what do I spy in the background?? That is NOT a woodstove burning, but one of those ventless gas (or possibly even electric) fireplaces. Those things kick out a LOT of heat...and are really sort of the antithesis of self sufficiency. I have one, myself because I can't afford to repair my chimney at the moment. BUT REALLY?? Ms Chop Wood-Carry Water-55 Degrees is Too Hot-I ONLY HEAT WITH WOOD ONLY EVER EVER EVER has a gas/electric "Fire" place??

    Be still my heart.
