Wednesday, May 30, 2012

are farmers stupid?

i was speaking to the director at work today and mentioned pig farming was my calling.  he said, "oh, are might too bright for that."

what does that mean?

are farmers supid?

while pig farming might not be as intellectually challenging as other occupations, it would be difficult.  farming is an endless road of education marked with success, failures and lessons learned.  the emotional and physical rewards as well as the learning process would make it more than worth it to me.

some people aren't cut out or intended to work in offices.  i'm one of them.

i admire those who can, in part because they mean i don't have to.  this world would not turn without those willing to sit at a desk infront of a computer all day.  their norm is torture to me.

i love mundane.  weeding, stalls, mulching.  mindless work under the sun, stars, or even rain or snow is greatly rewarding to me.

i don't want to learn visual basic, oracle, or python script.

give me a black snake to move, a barn to sweep, and a garden to keep.


  1. Couldn't agree more. I long for the day when I no longer have to be chained to a desk and a computer or depend on someone else for a paycheck. Still trying to figure out how to make a living at this small farming business.

    1. You could put a donation button on your site- write about how lazy you are with your animals and how "sad" you are when they die and I bet within a few weeks you will be rolling in money.
