Friday, November 29, 2013

Bird blood in those veins?

After trapping and releasing 2 hawks handling these birds has become as familiar as brushing teeth. Wish I caught on that fast!

"Though I have trapped two now, they were released. It is funny that a year ago holding a hawk in my arms felt like something from a storybook. Now handling wild adult hawks feels as normal as picking up chickens. There isn't fear, nor is there a lack of awe, just comfort. These birds just feel a part of me now."

Jenna Strong

I just might have some bracelets made.

Sell them for $15 to support...myself (just kidding).

For $60...that's less than the cost of 4 bracelets 'folks' (or 48 essays, permission to look around a property, AND the ability to comment for 1 year) do the following:

Purchase a Flock of Hope from!

A Flock of Hope may include chicks, ducks or goslings, depending on the cultural, climate and dietary conditions of the region. Families will also receive training on the birds’ care. Your Flock of Hope donation:

Egg production begins almost immediately, which means malnourished children will now have something to eat. Eggs and poultry can also be taken to market and sold, raising much-needed funds for medicine, clothing and more. A Flock of Hope is a remarkable gift that can lift a family from hunger and poverty and ensure their future.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Holy hawk...

Cool your jets girl!

Birds of prey aren't as easily fooled as people.

(interestingly enough the word raptor comes from a Latin word which means to rape/steal).

Nature doesn't believe in immediate gratification.

The season to 'trap' continues for about 8 weeks!

From the NY State DEC website:

Current Licensed Falconers Capturing a Raptor

When attempting to trap a wild raptor for falconry purposes an individual must have their New York State Falconry License and USFWS (Federal) Falconry Permit. Falconers must follow the limits specified on their individual licenses for the species, age and quantity of raptors that can be captured.

Raptors may only be taken from the wild during the following authorized seasons:

Eyas (nestling): May 1 - July 15 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only. Passage (first year raptors): September 1 - January 25.

CAFaux Son!

My heart aches for the lamb Jenna Woginrich from Cold Antler Farm 'lost'.

Found immobile on 11/2 and brought inside a warm home for 2 days...after no vet care and slow recovery (if any?) put back outside with the flock. If no recovery was seen, why put a down animal back where it was pulled from for being down?

"I have a weak little ram lamb that has been down since Saturday morning when I found him near the water trough. He was brought inside to be inspected, medicated, and observed constantly - so I made him a lay-lined bed in the dog crate right in the living room. He spent two days inside and showed slow recovery, if any. It was confusing because when most sheep go down like this they either die or are back on their feet in under 36 hours. Not this little guy. ProPen and electrolytes weren't helping, but his body seemed unable to walk and stiff. I decided it was most likely White Muscle and gave him a shot of selenium. He was also drenched for worms... I'll check on him in a bit, as I hope that will do the trick. I can not call the vet, as its simply too expensive right now to even consider for the cost of the lamb. So I am trusting my own experience and care, time, and a little prayer."

3 weeks later, on 11/20 he is still immobile and not able to walk, Jenna worries about his fate.

"The lamb is still unable to walk, but eating and drinking well. He seems mentally sound, just as if his spin stopped working. I'm talking it over with some small livestock neighbors, friends and farmers but I may have to put him down. I won't until I talk with a veterinarian and several friends, but I worry about it."

On Monday November 25th she found him dead.  Based on her post of having to bring the body down a hill it appears he was put back out with the flock.

I don't know her property layout personally, but I believe that means he was in a run in shed...immobile for over 3 weeks.  Letting him in a warm house to be put back outside, not able to move to a sun spot or get in close proximity to other sheep, I imagine he experienced a long slow cold death never even being seen by a vet.

From the 2nd to 23rd time, money, and energy was spent on hunting deer (how often does she even target shoot for practice?), hunting hawks (endless hours and GAS...doesn't she drive a V8?), night!

"Every day, for hours, I am outside in my truck with hawk traps, scanning the countryside for a juvenile redtail."

It truly is hard to believe the neglect.

Sorry for your loss little lamb, you were born onto the wrong farm.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's official

A man invented internet horoscopes...

. ." Don't get so caught up in the intellectual aspect of things that you forget about the sensuous side of life."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013


It clearly states one must get a federal permit.

Is she blind?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.

People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician.

In laypeople terms, someone with this disorder may be described simply as a “narcissist” or as someone with “narcissism.” Both of these terms generally refer to someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

La la...connect the dots....

"Jenna. When I met you, just three years ago, you were… farmCurious. You had three sheep, a few chickens, and that's it. Now you have mastered this place."

Brett isn't one to hand out compliments. I didn't believe him, but he had my attention. Master? Are you kidding me? Yet that strong a word has a lot of weight and it made me pause, think, and reevaluate what I had all around me.

I thought about how the day before I had taken two live roosters and turned them into food. How I taught this skill to a friend and together we butchered seven birds. I thought about my demonstration bird and the perfect kill stroke of the hatchet. I thought about the dozens and dozens of birds it took to get to such a point of confidence in teaching such a slaughter to others. The woman just a few years earlier was a vegetarian who thought fox hunting was along the same lines as vehicular manslaughter. That growth is something.

I thought about the sheep I just sold him, four large and healthy animals we loaded into the back of his truck with our own hands and my dog. Gibson and I are not sheepdog trial stars, nor are we anything special. But we did work as a team, him reading me and I reading him and communicated the work of gathering sheep and at the end of the day he had certainly helped to do the work he was bred for. That doesn't just happen. It was three years of working and living side-by-side, on this little farm. That relationship is something.

I thought about that hill side I am so ashamed of. And how even if it is a disaster, it is MY disaster. That this is land I own, bought myself, and raise food on. That I had a whole plan on paper for re-seeding and healing my mistakes and that is something. Even though it was a sloppy first-three years it was also impermanent. This wasn't a jail-sentence, but an interim. And a mistake that one summer of proper seeding and nature's blessing could return to grass, and eventually, livestock. The video is showing you dirty underwear, but you can do laundry. It's never too late to wash those drawers. That realization is something.

And yes, my body isn't something you'll find molded out of plastic at the GAP modeling a sweater. But you know what, it's my body. It is alive in every sense, and only getting better with every year. It's got curves and it knows what to do with them. It can buck hay, carry full-grown goats, ride a draft horse up a hill, and hit a bullseye with a good arrow. It can run, swim, smile, and shine. It has loved men, climbed mountains, and smote epic summer jogs. Plastic people can not do these things. They do not even try.

So from a few dead chickens, a dirt hill, and four sold sheep I got a little perspective, thanks to Brett McLeod. All it took was letting myself choose to see the positive instead of my haunting negatives. I am all those things I said in the beginning of this post, but I am more than that, too. I am a woman (not a girl) who has fought and won the life she desperately wanted. I have gone from half-hour rides on dressage horses at lesson barns to traveling miles by horse cart from my own front lawn. I have learned to spin wool, chop firewood, heat my home, milk goats, breed critters, and sell pigs. I am a hopeless romantic, morally secure, spiritually wealthy, and a powerhouse of hope and force. I have grown so much, more than anything else on this farm that was ever so planted and it truly floors me when I think about it. You can go back to the beginning of this blog and read a life from a total beginner who had no idea what was happening, just the passion to try. Now there's a lot more frustration and fear, yes. And a lot of healing of mind and land to happen, but I am certainly equipped to pull both off. I needed a lumberjack to tell me that. I needed a witness.

I am not a failure. Cold Antler is not a failure. It's just a beginning.

And that's some serious perspective.

I'm fairly certain Jenna pulled off meeting not just 5 but all symptoms of NPD in the above post alone.

I have been reading the Cold Antler Farm blog for sometime now, and almost immediately I noticed an overwhelming if not overpowering trend of self congratulating superiority.  Blogs and books are written with the driving force of a woman obsessed with being unique.

It's a me vs them mentality...

I assure you Jenna, western saddle vs dressage/english, horse vs pony, riding vs driving, kilt vs skirt, falconry vs volunteering at a wildlife rescue, a large border collie vs small border collie, curves or not, hot tubbing and drinking vs tubing and drinking (ugh, stupid frat kids) goes on and on.

So you take hobbies or skills enjoyed or known by many and try to spin it as something out of the realm of possibility and if that's not enough belittle those who don't participate or do so in a different manner.

'It's got curves and it knows what to do with them. It can buck hay, carry full-grown goats, ride a draft horse up a hill, and hit a bullseye with a good arrow. It can run, swim, smile, and shine. It has loved men, climbed mountains, and smote epic summer jogs. Plastic people can not do these things. They do not even try.'

Is it possible by curves you mean fat and by plastic you mean fit?

I assure you, it doesn't take curves of nonplastic to carry livestock or ride a horse, to love or be loved, or to simply be active...or just be.

Being special isn't being better or superior, its being your own special self.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

CAF Indie Day observations

Jennas perspective

Comments from participant

"Jenna had two immediate concerns on our arrival: 2 of her sheep were limping because they kept trying to jump the fence and getting their legs caught. She keeps a careful eye if this happens to make sure the injuries are not serious and heal properly. Jenna is also becoming a falconer and today was the day that State authorities were arriving to scrutinize the facility she had built for her hopeful hawk. If they approved (which they did) they would sign the paperwork she would submit in advance of receiving a license to trap a hawk of her own which she would then train and use for hunting. Jenna just received a book advance to write about falconry and was really hoping her license arrived before winter after which it would be too late to get a hawk of her own before spring. This was all new to me and although I don’t have a personal interest in this subject, I thought it neat that she never seems to run out of new adventures to embark on that are at the same time interesting and practical."

It is beyond my ability to reason why a 'shepherd' continues to allow her sheep to injure themselves on half ass fencing.

Wonder if the pigs ever got their forest field or if they're still in the preliminary pen.

Miss Jenna needs some serious learning when it comes to proper animal husbandry.

It's unfathomable people pay to be taught skills the instructor herself still needs to learn.

Fencing I'd farming 101.

Sure, farming is a career and lifestyle of constant lessons...but you'd think one would eventually use those lessons to learn a thing or two...or 22.