Thursday, September 29, 2011

when I can't remember

the last time I found a feather worth keeping I know I haven't been exploring our natural word enough.  heading to the woods.

savor it girls

it will be cold soon enough

Trappe Road

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

this "folks" is how its done'x

I've become increasingly exhausted of individuals who raise their own meat and claim to be in it for the welfare of the animal but in actuality are as callous as can be towards the deaths and welfare of the livestock on their properties. 

The link above had me grinning ear to ear. 

A few favorite quotes:

"I grab the knife with my right hand and swipe off his head. While he bleeds out, I dry my eyes. That’s how a chicken lover has to do it."

"Of the two females in my first flock, one was a nervous wreck who was convinced from day one that I planned to kill her. The other one used to peck at my foot until I sat down on the grass, then she would sit in my lap. If there had been any future for her, I would have kept her alive. But not only would my layers pick on her without a mother hen’s protection, her white feathers would have made her an easy-to-spot meal for predators. I still think about her."

"Strangely, it’s only because I have life-long affection for chickens that I can kill them at all."

Now that is how its done.  A refreshing  well written and informative article, one that fuels my desire to expand my level of self sufficiency.  I can not relate to the writings of those who are indifferent to killing their animals or come home to killed livestocked without blinking an eye let alone shedding a tear. 

If Ms. Roland can do it, perhaps I can too?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Flocking for Melons.

from seed to stomach this cantaloupe traveled less than 50 ft. 

no listeria here my friends.

...and the smell, sweet enough to bottle.

The culprit

Till tracks

Artwork as far as I'm concerned!

A Soiled Garden