Thursday, February 16, 2012

Scratch that

I spy a grey bay and chestnut!


Someone named 3 pigs and stole a grey, bay, and chestnut...ill have to do thorough dog and chicken count upon my return home.

A Chef night? It's possible.  Better go slop the dogs, walk the pigs, ride the chickens, and check the coop for horse eggs.

Swooning over every hair on his chinny chin chin.

Pretty in Pink

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Strix varia and vulpes vulpes

Tonight the calls of barred owls rivaled the screams of the red fox . Love ballads between a male and his partner.

This communication between pairs is part of each species mating ritual, and signifies mid February in Bluemont, VA.

Each night I turn off the lights, grab a bottle of pinot, and sit outside to enjoy the symphony. Nothing on itunes or the radio can compete. While most of my neighbors are on the computer, in front of the tv, or tucking the kids in...I listen.

These calls, come early spring, will result in owlets and kits. Predation will be on the rise as will the chance to catch a glimpse of the young. 

As cute as fox young are, baby owls have got them beat.

The men of the last frontier

Used books

I don't know chuck or vera but I hope to enjoy this read as much  chucks did.


iowas pork industry is NOT anything the US should be proud of.

Expired bread anyone?

The warmest spot

4 spots

I love his markings.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heart warming

There's nothing like walking into your bedroom to see a man you adore embraced by a dog you adore. Cali has a special place for john in her sweet little pit bull heart.


He is

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Educational Snow

I want to plant flowers in front of this building come spring, based on the snow remaining I now know not to use anything which requires full sun.

Take notes now (better yet pictures) and you'll have a handy planting guide to reference.

Birds eye view

Picture of the pen from atop the barn. Including their run (almost 1,000 sq ft) the 3 pigs have a 10x12 (need to actually measure) sq ft stall.

Based on my farming methods and ethics this space is good for at most 3 pigs. I occasionaly let them out in the bigger field and would more often if the ground was frozen. Three snouts make quick work turning soil and I don't want this field turning into an extension of the pig pen.

I need to shadow a 4-Her to learn techniques on walking pigs using a cane. On my next batch of pigs (probably just a pair) ill work with them individually on walking. This way I can spot till my property while giving them exercise, access to grass, and the general pleasure of rooting.

Too friendly

On his way for some super scratching.

Hog tied

The smaller male (with the 4 dots on his neck) got himself caught in a vine.  It was funny in cruel kind of way.

A pit and her pigs

Sliver of sun